- #3850 Last fixes to individual bundle dependencies (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3847 Fix dependencies of individual bundles (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3844 Fix deps in most of bundles (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3838 Fix .travis.yml and composer.json for individual bundles and components (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3835 [Composer] Using semantic versioning for PHP (@pamil)
- #3833 [Travis] [Core] Improved showing exceptions in test environment (@pamil)
- #3834 [Core] Dropped support for Doctrine ORM 2.5 (@pamil)
- #3825 [AttributeBundle] Fix bug with the attribute value form subscriber (@pjedrzejewski, @Zales0123)
- #14 [Attribute] Final fixes in attribute scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #3828 fix unused and undefined classes (@bendavies)
- #3827 [Travis] Improved error reporting on Travis (@pamil)
- #3732 Fix some deprecations (@bendavies)
- #3826 Update version of sensio/distribution-bundle to 3.0 (@MblKiTA)
- #3821 [Cart] remove deprecated isFresh() method from CartEvent (@flajos)
- #3756 [Archetype] Browse products via archetypes (@starspire)
- #3818 Update composer to support jms/serializer-bundle 1.0+ (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3807 [Attribute] Update *AttributeByName => *AttributeByCode inline with updated model (@peteward)
- #3730 [Rbac][RbacBundle] Introduce code for Rbac (@tuka217)
- #3809 Add configurable object_manager for all Doctrine drivers (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3812 Mark some services as lazy to prevent db connection (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3342 [Product] Implement Toggleable interface on Product (@TheMadeleine)
- #3746 [Variation] Introduce code to OptionValue and Option (@tuka217)
- #3734 [API] Add customer show api path (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #3803 [Shipping] [WIP] Remove configuration form validation groups (@TheMadeleine)
- #3804 Update UPGRADE.md and CHANGELOG.md files with instructions and formatting (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3802 [Report] Fixed year-change issue with reports (@Zales0123)
- #3801 Update licenses (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3769 workaround to fix DefaultFormFactory with ODM (@tonicospinelli)
- #3399 [Translation] Fixed bug while editing taxon permalink (@Zales0123)
- #3755 [Product] added availableTo parameter (@starspire)
- #3480 [Taxonomy] [RFC] Constructor for the Taxonomy model (@TheMadeleine)
- #3744 [Product] ProductFactory with variant setting in createNew() (@TheMadeleine)
- #3796 [Product] Fix invalid migration classname (@okwinza)
- #3783 [Product] added original price (@starspire)
- #3776 Implement routing generator for Sylius resources (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3791 [WebBundle][Admin] - correct permissions checks for backend menu (@nakashu)
- #3792 [RFC] [API] Rename response files (@lchrusciel)
- #3608 [Attribute] Attribute types system modification (@Zales0123)
- #3790 [API] ShippingCategory DELETE test + refactoring (@lchrusciel)
- #3788 Fixes #3787. (@ufik)
- #3701 [API] Initial API tests (@lchrusciel)
- #3779 [Shipment] Fix join on ShipmentRepository for Shipment Admin page (@peteward)
- #3765 [Taxonomy] Cast Taxon::__toString() to string to prevent Monolog exception (@aramalipoor)
- #3772 Deleted aligning in PHPSpec configuration file (@pamil)
- #3768 fix incorrect import (@bendavies)
- #3764 Created phpspec.yml.dist, improved .gitignore (@pamil)
- #3763 [User] Correct exception message on logout action (@pamil)
- #3754 [SettingsBundle] Settings namespaces permissions (@gperdomor)
- #3705 Missing menu translations and alphabetized (@peteward)
- #3736 replace FQCNs with class constants (@bendavies)
- #3749 [ResourceBundle] check translations are possible before configuration them (@bendavies)
- #3743 using ContainerAwareTrait (@gabiudrescu)
- #3731 Remove configuration form validation groups (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3740 Remove web installer and clean up InstallerBundle (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3741 Zone Fixtures - Fix US being added to Rest of World zone (@peteward)
- #3739 Remove useless default templates (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3723 [Taxonomy] Introduce code for Taxon (@tuka217)
- #3735 [PaymentBundle] Fix file permission (@artursvonda)
- #3721 Rework SyliusResourceBundle drivers (@pjedrzejewski, @TheMadeleine)
- #3733 TestKernel restores default values on services' properties (@pamil)
- #3709 Permit access to app_dev.php through system environment variable (@peteward)
- #3726 Support for Doctrine ORM >=2.5 (@pamil)
- #3724 [Permissions] Fixed permission for emails back-end menu item (@starspire)
- #3719 Update TestKernel.php (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #3725 Updated .gitignore - removed deploy related ones, updated build directory (@pamil)
- #2804 2.7 Defintion deprecation fix (@rvanlaak)
- #3722 [CMF Integration] StaticContent/show template can be used with both ContentController and ResourceController (@pamil)
- #3714 [BugFix][PHPCR] Fix criteria "name" for DocumentRepository (@steffenbrem)
- #3718 Avoid flushing only a single resource when not required (@peteward)
- #3716 [Behat] Renamed build path (@pamil)
- #3269 [Settings] Missing parameters issues in twig templates and settings loading (@aramalipoor)
- #3427 ShippingMethodChoiceType is not channel aware (@umpirsky)
- #3461 [Flow] Use AbstractContainerAwareStep in README.md (@fbourigault)
- #2926 [FixturesBundle]: Make some properties and methods protected for easier override (@aramalipoor)
- #3648 [DB] Allow orders to be deleted directly through DB with correct onDelete=CASCADEs (@peteward)
- #3711 [Travis] Etc directory + bunch of fixes (@pamil, @adamelso)
- #3706 [Registry] Update README.md (@afurculita)
- #3692 [Promotion] Introduce code for Promotion (@tuka217)
- #3704 CoreBundle: checker for promotion coupons added (@PWalkow)
- #3702 [Archetype] Introduce code for archetype (@tuka217)
- #3666 [Payment][PaymentBundle] Add immutable code to Payment entities (@tuka217)
- #3700 [Channel] Introduce code for channel (@tuka217)
- #3699 [Mailer] Introduce code to Mailer (@tuka217)
- #3667 [Taxation][TaxationBundle] Add immutable code to Taxation entities (@tuka217)
- #3675 [Currency] Introduce immutable code for Currency (@tuka217)
- #3678 [Report] Introduce immutable code for Report (@tuka217)
- #3694 [Composer] Using stable doctrine/phpcr-odm (@pamil)
- #3681 #3671 add defaultLocale and defaultCurrency to Channel model (@axelvnk)
- #3690 Responses generated by ProcessValidators now get processed. (@fred-jan)
- #3691 Updated PHPDoc to allow ProcessValidatorInterface instances to be passed (@fred-jan)
- #3673 [Promotion] Allow to set required amount of items when using "contains product" rule (@stloyd)
- #3686 Fix password reset forms (@inssein)
- #3684 [Channel] Revert Doctrine ORM 2.5 dependency to 2.4 (@axelvnk)
- #3677 Update action refreshes the resource when updated (@aleherse)
- #3674 [WIP][Locale]Add immutable code (@tuka217)
- #3639 [Shipping][ShippingBundle] Add immutable code to Shipping entities (@tuka217)
- #3669 [Travis] Improved waiting for port while executing JS scenarios (@pamil)
- #3617 [Resource] Created InMemoryRepository and implemented ResourceInterface (@NeverResponse)
- #3664 [WebBundle] Fixed showing static content by route sylius_static_content_show (@pamil)
- #3660 [Composer] Added explicit dependency symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (@pamil)
- #3659 [Translation] Fixed how TranslationSlugHandler works, if slug is set on mapped superclass (@pamil)
- #3653 [Travis] [Composer] Set PHP7 as required to pass, removed @rc from phpspec/phpspec (@pamil)
- #3651 [Cart] Fixed and polished CartProviderSpec on PHP7 (@pamil)
- #3637 Stateless cart provider (@PWalkow)
- #3594 Add usage of Symfony Polyfill components (@stloyd)
- #3643 [Travis] Javascript suites on every PHP version, lazy cache:warmup (@pamil)
- #3640 Fix filter form cancel route for backend payment (@diimpp)
- #3631 Remove deployment configurations from Sylius/Sylius (@tuka217)
- #3634 [Travis] OPCache optimizations (@pamil)
- #3638 [Security] Fix remaining ROLE_SYLIUS_ADMIN (@psyray)
- #3635 [FlowBundle] Fix version so we can use this bundle with Symfony 2.8 too (@tristanbes)
- #3633 [Product] Remove ProductBuilder class (@HerbMat)
- #3622 [WIP][Shipping] Change the Shipping calculator interface (@tuka217)
- #3625 [Behat] Drastically reduced memory usage (@pamil)
- #3628 [Product] Fixed ProductBuilderSpec on PHP7 (@pamil)
- #3630 [Promotion] Made scenarios for product promotions more specific (@pamil)
- #3626 Made sure every defined spec gets checked (@NeverResponse)
- #3627 [Resource] Fixed issue with mapping inheritance and mapped superclass (Gedmo) (@pamil)
- #3613 Introduce Factory for all resources (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3619 Bumping symfony/symfony to 2.7.7 due to security issues (@pamil)
- #3615 Group Taxons by Taxonomy for sylius_taxon_choice form (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3614 Throwing correct exception if step is unknown (@tenitski)
- #3610 [Payum] Renamed payment_config configuration key to gateway_config (@pamil)
- #3609 [Composer] Updated phpspec requirement from 2.4@alpha to 2.4@rc (@pamil)
- #3607 [Report] Replace private variable declarations with protected ones (@pamil)
- #3606 [Core] Removed unused file and parameter defined in it (@pamil)
- #3605 [Behat] Missing security suite added, ordered alphabetically (@pamil)
- #3604 [Behat] [Travis] Investigating failing JS builds (@pamil)
- #3602 Added CMF role allowing to preview unpublished content in frontend (@cdaguerre)
- #3601 Removed ROLE_SYLIUS_ADMIN (@cdaguerre)
- #3585 [Shipping] Rework the Shipping component to use ServiceRegistry (@tuka217)
- #3600 [Core] Fixed user switch role (@cdaguerre)
- #3599 [Core] Removed duplicate block permission definitions (@cdaguerre)
- #3596 [Travis] Composer-related performance optimzations (@pamil)
- #3592 [Product] Quick fix for duplicated product slugs after #3576 (@pamil)
- #3402 Removed oauthAccounts since it is already defined in user bundle (@umpirsky)
- #3589 Fix issue when promotion couldn't be "restored" (@stloyd)
- #3584 Change payment method description field to text doctrine type (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3588 Fix SyliusFlowBundle readme bug with completing step (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3586 [Shipping] Remove class Claculator, all calculators implement CalculatorInterface (@tuka217)
- #3576 [Behat] [Travis] ~5 times faster tests suites (@pamil)
- #3580 [Core][Channel] Make hard coded channel resolver class a configurable parameter (@cdaguerre)
- #3518 Fix filter form (@rpg600)
- #3556 Tweak serialization configs for all image aware resources (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3541 [SearchBundle] OrmIndexer minor patch (@kkarski82)
- #3583 WebBundle: using form variables that are available, not extra params (@PWalkow)
- #3577 [PayumBundle] Added payment total to Paypal Express Checkout request (@GSadee)
- #3581 [Resource] Bundle resources can not be translated if they were not intended to (@cdaguerre)
- #3582 [Core] Removed FOS UserBundle dependency (@NeverResponse)
- #3572 Cleaned up Sylius dependencies (@NeverResponse)
- #3574 [WebBundle] Form theming fix for when no label is explicitly specified (@peteward)
- #3466 Introduce mainTaxon field to Product entity (@tuka217)
- #3449 Symfony update to 2.7.5 (@TheMadeleine)
- #3568 [Payment] Updated composer dependencies (@NeverResponse)
- #3517 [Channel] Updated composer dependencies (@NeverResponse)
- #3559 [API] Allow for updating order item (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3563 [FixturesBundle] Fixed problem with not existing payment method (@GSadee)
- #3558 fixed puppet manifest (@Ma27)
- #3548 [ResourceBundle] Search id or slug in request query strings (@SebLours)
- #3555 Fix for sylius-cs-fixer (@PWalkow)
- #3560 [FixturesBundle] Reverted loading fakers with the available locales (@GSadee)
- #3561 [CoreBundle] Set proper cascade behaviour on one-to-many product references (@Infernosquad)
- #3380 Payum 1.0 upgrade (@makasim)
- #3554 Updated PhpSpec to 2.4@alpha, native PHP7 support (@pamil)
- #3552 Allow for filtering the order items (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3551 [API] Fix order items endpoint (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3542 AppVeyor CI - build status badge (@mhujer)
- #3550 configure header comment fixer for phpcs (@Ma27)
- #3536 [Order,Core,Web] Rename of label on adjustment to type (@PWalkow)
- #3540 [SearchBundle] ElasticsearchIndexer is portable (@mhujer)
- #3501 CI AppVeyor (@mhujer)
- #3516 Fix translation for backend product undelete btn, take 2 (@diimpp)
- #3527 [Shipping] Updated composer dependencies (@tuka217)
- #3531 [Fixtures] Load fakers with the available locales (@skigun)
- #3534 [SearchBundle] Behat/SearchContext is portable (@mhujer)
- #3525 Add required PHP extensions to composer.json (@mhujer)
- #3529 [Flow] Allow ProcessValidator to access ProcessContext (@umpirsky)
- #3528 [Resource] EntityHiddenType fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3519 [Product][Core] Moved ProductAccessor from Product to Core (@NeverResponse)
- #3521 Form theming fix for sublabels on expanded compound widgets (@peteward)
- #3279 [Core] Promotion item based flag removal (@PWalkow)
- #3510 Fix translation for backend product undelete btn (@diimpp)
- #3511 [UserBundle] Fix customer gender layout on backend admin form (@peteward)
- #3509 [RbacBundle] CacheListener throws exception #3505 (@partikus)
- #3507 [Addressing] Country fixes (@peteward)
- #3504 [User] Decoupled password encoders and updaters from UserInterface (@pamil)
- #3508 fix typo test (@ProPheT777)
- #3502 Configure adjustments api and permissions (@pjedrzejewski)
- #3503 [Taxonomy] Sort taxonomies index list on backend by name (@peteward)
- #3229 [Shipping Method] Implement toggleable interface on shipping methods. (@gperdomor)
- #3498 [Product] Improve products serialization (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3499 Remove unused mathiasverraes/money dependency in composer.json (@ticketdirectory)
- #3496 [USER] Reset password request fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #3495 [Resource] Fix DoctrineORMPaginator instantiation to set OutputWalker to false (@peteward)
- #3493 Prevented from creating a new cart in CartBlamerInterface (@pamil)
- #3481 Made ChannelContext-related computations lazy-loaded (@pamil)
- #3491 Fixed waitFor function (@pamil)
- #3488 Remove unused mathiasverraes/money dependency in composer.json (@ticketdirectory)
- #3484 [User] Added missing unique indexes on customer.email and emailCanonical (@peteward)
- #3386 [User] Add user:create and user:delete commands (@aramalipoor)
- #3489 [USER] Typo fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3471 [USER] Change password validation (@lchrusciel)
- #3237 [LocaleBundle] Fixed sylius_locale() function (@cdaguerre)
- #3472 Fixed user creation validation group (@rpg600)
- #3340 [Core] Add missing spec for ContainsProductRuleChecker (@PWalkow)
- #3079 [TRANSLATION]Payment method translation (@paullla)
- #3227 [Currency] Implement toggleable interface on currencies. (@gperdomor)
- #3465 Fix taxonomy bundle configuration constraint (@diimpp)
- #3320 [Core] Uncomment CheckoutController adressingAction for empty order (@HerbMat)
- #3460 [ReportBundle] Remove wrong translation (@psyray)
- #3462 Remove unused dependency in RbacHelperSpec.php (@scohan)
- #3401 [Installer] Check cache permissions to avoid exception (@Zales0123)
- #3381 [Archetype] Parent archetype choices list should not contain current archetype (@TheMadeleine)
- #3347 Remove old closures compatibility code (@stloyd)
- #3406 [Resource] Fix ObjectToIdentifierTransformer bad implementation (@Zales0123)
- #3433 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #3457 [Taxonomy] sylius/translation added to require in composer.json (@TheMadeleine)
- #3450 [UserBundle] Fix flash messages on UserController (@gperdomor)
- #3409 [Core] Fixed improper ChannelBasedCalculator implementation (@Zales0123)
- #3417 [Variation] sylius/translation added to require in composer.json (@TheMadeleine)
- #3442 Fix payment method error by generating migrations for Fee calculator (@psyray)
- #3420 Fix small typo on method name (@samura)
- #3421 [Attribute] Updated composer dependencies (@NeverResponse)
- #3430 Fixed body padding when having the sticky toolbar (@rpg600)
- #3423 [WebBundle] Fixed generating url to reset password in email (@GSadee)
- #3410 [Search] Removed ucfirst From OrmFinder Facets Comparison (@fulopattila122)
- #3408 Remove unused
lines (@stloyd) - #3412 [Core] Fix problem authenticating with facebook (@samura)
- #3411 [Archetype] sylius/translation added to require in composer.json (@TheMadeleine)
- #3405 [Registry] more info for invalid interface given (@PWalkow)
- #3403 [Payment] Missing payment state added (@lchrusciel)
- #3364 Changed setDefaultOptions to configureOptions (@pamil, @1XWP)
- #3385 [InstallerBundle] - fixed recommended version of php lower then required (@nakashu)
- #3391 [Shipping] Allow prepare transition from backordered state to ready state (@aramalipoor)
- #3384 [Sylius] - register DebugBundle by default in appKernel dev/test (@nakashu)
- #3376 [Installer] Added new administrator password confirmation (@Zales0123)
- #3377 [Order] OrderListener exception message fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3382 [UserBundle] Fix mistype in registration route (@diimpp)
- #3383 [FixturesBundle] - added missing taxonomies associations for channels sample data (@nakashu)
- #3387 [Installer] Fixed permissions checking during installation (@Zales0123)
- #3397 Remove unnessary softdeleteable in CoreBundle User mappings (@diimpp)
- #3398 Replace twig code with labe_state macro at backend customer show template (@diimpp)
- #3396 Fix translation keys for backend customer macro (@diimpp)
- #3388 Deleted duplicated Stripe publishable key parameter (@Zales0123)
- #3371 Fixed checkout api route (@lchrusciel)
- #3367 [CrowdIn] Auto-updated translations (@SyliusBot)
- #3344 [Behat] [Travis] Made Behat waiting for resources to appear (@pamil)
- #3369 Fix session config (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3370 [WebBundle] Remove some duplicated form error messages (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3314 [Web][Form] - fixed unclickable upload buttons issue 3263 (@nakashu)
- #3358 [Order] [RBAC] Order item permission fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3348 [PaymentBundle] Fixed fee calculator validation (@NeverResponse)
- #3357 Add "akeneo/phpspec-skip-example-extension" dependency & fix broken specs (@stloyd)
- #3338 Api order type fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3337 [Travis] Running PhpSpec on PHP 7 (@pamil)
- #3309 [Order] Remove fluent interfaces (@HerbMat)
- #3352 [OrderBundle] Fixed controller config (@NeverResponse)
- #3335 [VariationBundle] CS fixes (@TheMadeleine)
- #3336 [Web] Fix frontend side menu translation (@Arminek)
- #3333 [SettingsBundle] Remove all fluent interfaces (@tuka217)
- #3311 [Variation] Remove fluent interfaces (@TheMadeleine)
- #3310 [Payment] Remove fluent interfaces (@HerbMat)
- #3341 Added behat scenario for logging in after changing password (@NeverResponse)
- #3286 [Archetype] Removed fluent interfaces (@1XWP)
- #3316 [Coupon] Add missing expiration date in the view (@tristanbes)
- #3329 [Adressing] Remove fluent interfaces (@tuka217)
- #3325 [Core] Delete commented code in HookContext (@HerbMat)
- #3322 [Core] Delete commented line in CoreContext (@HerbMat)
- #3328 [Product] Removed fluent interfaces (@Arminek)
- #3327 [Promotion] Remove all fluent interfaces (@tuka217)
- #3313 [Taxation] Remove fluent interfaces (@HerbMat)
- #3315 [Translation] Remove fluent interfaces (@TheMadeleine)
- #3294 [Mailer] Removed fluent interfaces (@1XWP)
- #3291 [Currency] Remove fluent interfaces (@HerbMat)
- #3252 [User] Update requirements and minor fixes (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3295 [Attribute] Removed fluent interfaces (@NeverResponse)
- #3330 Add check to customer context (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #3331 Remove unused dependencies (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #3334 [Shipping] Removed fluent interfaces (@NeverResponse)
- #3296 [Inventory] Removed fluent interfaces (@Arminek)
- #3318 [Taxonomy] Remove fluent interfaces (@tuka217)
- #3301 Fixes error message (@rpg600)
- #3290 [Addressing] Removed fluent interfaces (@Arminek)
- #3292 [WebBundle] use of twig deprecated sameas (@HerbMat)
- #3293 [Cart] remove all fluent interfaces in Cart models (@tuka217)
- #3289 [Channel] Removed fluent interfaces (@NeverResponse)
- #3323 [Core] Fixed MoneyHelper providing current locale instead of default one (@pamil)
- #3280 [Settings] Cache parameters after fetching as well as saving. (@isometriks)
- #3285 [WebBundle] Remove empty services (@HerbMat)
- #3055 [Travis] Running JavaScript tests (@pamil)
- #3278 [User] Serialization update (@lchrusciel)
- #3277 [UserBundle] Refactored method due to Symfony version bump (@okwinza)
- #3270 [User] Removed unnecessary method due to PHP version bump (@pamil)
- #3234 [WebBundle] Changed the way of displaying product variant's options (@pamil)
- #3274 [Behat / Travis] Removed "search_orm_only" suite (@pamil)
- #3272 [Behat] Account suite - fixed undefined scenario (@pamil)
- #3231 [ReportBundle] Remove bi-directional dependency on the CoreBundle (@adamelso)
- #3061 [PricingBundle] Consider standard pricing calculator in priceable form types (@aramalipoor)
- #3265 [Addressing] Fix addressing composer (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3261 Updated changelog v0.16 (@pamil)
- #3238 Improve changelog (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3110 [PHP 5.5] [RFC] Future version bump to PHP 5.5 and Symfony 2.7 (@pamil)
- #3235 [User] Add temporary required dependency (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3224 [User] Remove Symfony security component dependecy (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3212 [Report] Decouple from Symfony FrameworkBundle; fix typos and docblocks (@adamelso)
- #3150 [CoreBundle] Add custom constraint for "enabled" entity fields and prevent delete all channels (@gperdomor)
- #3223 [User] Remove fluent interfaces from User component (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3217 [Search] Refactored PropertyAccessor usage (@pamil)
- #3177 [Travis] Added missing Behat tests to Travis (@pamil)
- #3221 [Product] Add required dependency to Product component (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3209 [Deploy] Handle deploy with capistrano 3 and symfony plugin (@gperdomor)
- #3133 [RFC][ProductBundle] When finding products in a given taxon, consider the whole tree. (@jimbocoder)
- #2897 [TaxationBundle] DelegatingCalculator use the ServiceRegistry (@aRn0D)
- #3203 Update WebContext.php (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #3205 [InstallerBundle] Add current migration versions to database on first installation (@aramalipoor)
- #3204 [Installer] Fixed directory permission checks and improved DX (@pamil)
- #3201 [AttrbiuteBundle] Decoupled spec from Product component (@pamil)
- #3202 [Installer] Added Zend Optimizer+ to recognized accelelators (@pamil)
- #3197 [UserBundle] Split customer registration form (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3200 [Core] Missing methods in UserInterface added (@Zales0123)
- #3196 [ResourceBundle] Enable max depth check on API serialization (@kasrakhosravi)
- #3170 [Behat] [DX] Added useful, developer-friendly steps, polished formatting (@pamil)
- #3198 [Payment] Added migration for softdeleteable Payments (@Zales0123)
- #3199 [CoreBundle] Add migration for production short description change in PR #3188 (@ahmadrabie)
- #3189 Fee_calculator migration fix (@rvanlaarhoven)
- #3172 [ContentBundle] Fix cascade validation of collection form (issue #2895) (@psyray)
- #3188 [CoreBundle] Remove product short description validation and use text type (@ahmadrabie)
- #3192 [Installer] Fix installation channels creation (@Zales0123)
- #3194 [Payment] Softdeleteable Payments (@Zales0123)
- #3187 [Installer] Install check permissions (@Zales0123)
- #3185 [Resource] Fix sorting bugs (@Zales0123)
- #2909 Api bundle payment route fix (@lchrusciel)
- #3184 Fixed user reset events (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2943 [CoreBundle] Make path to wkhtmltopdf configurable (@Strontium-90)
- #3161 [CoreBundle] Adding MailerListenerSpec, fixing CS, small refactor (@mgonyan)
- #3169 Update routing.yml (@agounaris)
- #2948 [ArchetypeBundle] Add ON DELETE CASCADE constraint on archetype (@ahmadrabie)
- #3173 [UserBundle] Dispatch user event before persisting user, so side effects persist too. (@jimbocoder)
- #3176 [Behat] Steps for checking whether row contains given value (not starts with) (@pamil)
- #3171 [Content Bundle] Fix #2962 - Update symfony-cmf to ~1.2 in composer.json (@psyray)
- #3152 [CoreBundle] Adding specs for InsufficientStockExceptionListener (@mgonyan)
- #3158 [CoreBundle] Adding OrderPricingListener spec and fixing CS (@mgonyan)
- #3146 generate function to return generated coupons (@agounaris)
- #3038 add Vagrant Vmware provider (@Strontium-90)
- #3036 [ResourceBundle] fix reworking of AbstractResourceBundle::build (@Strontium-90)
- #2907 Use unused parameter %sylius.state_machine.class% (@Strontium-90)
- #3160 [CoreBundle] Adding OrderChannelListener spec (@mgonyan)
- #3151 [WebBundle] Dispatch events after building frontend menus. (@jimbocoder)
- #3147 [Locale] Fixed errors thrown while editing channel with LocaleChoiceType (@pamil)
- #3142 [UserBundle] Moved customer registration type definition to UserBundle (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3136 Use correct form of "information" on README.md (@mheki)
- #3094 [Locale] Translations based on Intl component, can be enabled or disabled (@pamil)
- #3132 [WebBundle] Removed ID column from the list (@pamil)
- #3074 [Addressing] Countries management - enabling & disabling (@pamil, @gperdomor)
- #3015 Fixed empty product slug bug (@Zales0123)
- #3098 [ResourceBundle] Toggleable interface & useful Behat steps and methods (@pamil)
- #2939 [UserBundle] Improve login method (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #3104 [Locale] Refactored LocaleProvider and LocaleContext, changed architecture a little bit (@pamil)
- #3050 [Taxonomy] Update root taxon after taxonomy translation is added (@pamil, @ahmadrabie)
- #2959 [CoreBundle] Use state machine for order and shipment email confirmation (@inssein)
- #2911 [ResourceBundle] Include sylius_resource classes in metadatalistener (@winzou)
- #3120 Allow to extends BuildAttributeValueFormListener (@blazarecki)
- #3126 [CoreBundle] Fix findExpired orders method query (@jimbocoder)
- #3040 [Rbac] Clear permissions cache on postUpdate fix (@peteward)
- #3106 [RbacBundle] Teach the RbacInitializer to append new permissions (@jimbocoder)
- #3108 [FlowBundle] Remove unused events in FlowBundle (@krizon)
- #3111 [Behat] Fixed undefined step in features/user/users.feature:123 (@pamil)
- #3119 [Settings] Add API routes for SettingsController and some improvements (@aramalipoor)
- #3107 [FixturesBundle] fix fixture percent payment method (@andrey1s)
- #3039 Compatibility with PHP7 beta (Uniform Variable Syntax issue) (@steffenbrem)
- #3105 [RFC][Rbac] Use a finite default ttl in CachedPermissionMap. (@jimbocoder)
- #3102 [Travis] Removed doubled command (@pamil)
- #3095 [UserBundle] Fix invalid serialization type 'int' to 'integer'. (@jimbocoder)
- #3097 Status field not set on offline gateway (@nicolasricci)
- #2990 CHANGELOG for v0.15 (@michalmarcinkowski, @Zales0123)
- #3063 [WebBundle] Fixed showing ProductAttribute choices (@zergu)
- #3091 Faster feedback from Travis (@pamil)
- #3067 [ResourceBundle] Turning on back softdeleteable filter just after necessary operations (@pamil)
- #3090 Fix lapsus in text (@antonioperic)
- #3048 Stop registering PHPCR ORM annotations in autoload (@inssein)
- #3025 [FixturesBundle] Fixed loading sample data while intl extension not installed (@pamil)
- #3 Added BC break in Payments (@Zales0123)
- #2902 Make InstallDatabaseCommand easyer to extend (@umpirsky)
- #2996 [Taxonomy] Set root taxon locale based on current taxonomy locale (@ahmadrabie)
- #3006 [InstallerBundle] Hide password in installation (@Zales0123)
- #2861 [MailerComponent] Removing unused check, Adding more specs to Email model (@mgonyan)
- #3010 Replace dot with underscore in parameter name. (@kayue)
- #2999 General CS fixes (@Zales0123)
- #3022 Fixed Bad Refactor in transliterate (@patrick-mcdougle)
- #3003 [AddressingBundle] Added SyliusTranslationBundle to required (@Zales0123)
- #2945 [CoreBundle] Decouple original locale provider and channel-aware locale provider (@aramalipoor)
- #2995 v0.15.0 Upgrade instructions (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2998 Escaping slashes in search queries because of elasticsearch behavior (@Dukecz)
- #2957 fix sylius_backend_product_delete_restore path (@nicolasricci)
- #2978 [Payment] Payment methods fee calculators (@Zales0123)
- #2994 Add xhr option to header redirection (@winzou)
- #2991 [AttributeBundle] Product attribute value is not API friendly (@ahmadrabie)
- #2928 [ContactBundle] Implemented translations for contact topics (@gperdomor)
- #2952 [Content] fixed the __toString() exception for static content (@coudenysj)
- #2960 Add optional $options parameters to getForm method (@winzou)
- #2969 [VariationBundle] Make option value collection to be api-friendly (@aramalipoor)
- #2974 [RbacBundle] Fix security_roles config merging. (@ahmadrabie)
- #2976 Enable header redirection in RedirectHandler (@winzou)
- #2977 [BUG][ResourceBundle] Default validation group if not found (@bigfoot90)
- #2986 Removed ShippingMethod name property (@umpirsky)
- #2987 Fix country sorting (@winzou)
- #2967 Fix wrong user serializer config. (@liverbool)
- #2949 Make choice form types API friendly (@aramalipoor)
- #2946 [ProductBundle] Allow null in available_on field (@aramalipoor)
- #2953 [AddressingBundle] Fixes from scrutinizer - cannot override without Runtime Notice (@MichaelMackus)
- #2930 [Core] [Web] Display homepage products only for current channel (@Zales0123)
- #2936 [InstallerBundle] Fix setup command (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2932 [Order] Removed unused fields in Order model (@Zales0123)
- #2934 Improved Behat configuration (@pamil)
- #2925 [ChannelBundle] Fix wrong class name in channels validation.xml (@aramalipoor)
- #2927 Replace pattern with path (@winzou)
- #2840 Move first&last names in separate validation group (@winzou)
- #2914 Improve fixtures order and add Rbac fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2912 Update README.md (@lchrusciel)
- #2885 [ApiBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2843 [CartBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2899 fixes API routes for product_variant actions (@Amunak)
- #2900 [FixturesBundle] Ensure Rbac roles are initialized (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2896 [AddressBundle] Missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2863 [FlowBundle] missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2888 [PayumBundle] Make offline payum capture action to be public (@aramalipoor)
- #2887 [ApiBundle] Change api client public id to be simply random id (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2880 [CoreBundle] Fix invalid channel mapping (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2875 [ShippingBundle] Add missing validation config for shipment model (@aramalipoor)
- #2876 [UserBundle] Improve reset password action (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2879 The spec was not PSR4 compatible (@aRn0D)
- #2877 [CoreBundle] Fix shipment confirmation email to correctly get email (@aramalipoor)
- #2853 Add unique constraints on codes (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2872 Improve security exception message (@winzou)
- #2874 Fix token typo in UserController (@winzou)
- #2869 [ResourceBundle]#2568 Behat context (@aRn0D)
- #2854 [AttributeBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2859 Update FrontendMenuBuilder.php (@liviucmg)
- #2864 [CurrencyBundle] Missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2867 [ContentBundle] Missing spec and configuration (@aRn0D)
- #2865 [InventoryBundle] Missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2845 [ArchetypeBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2857 [FixturesBundle] CS fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2855 [ChannelBundle] Missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2851 Fix installer, add check for existing channel (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2852 Delete duplicated locale fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2866 Missing licence (@aRn0D)
- #2856 Missing licence (@aRn0D)
- #2837 [ReportBundle] CS fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2651 [ResourceBundle] Definition loading refactoring (@aRn0D)
- #2841 [RbacBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2831 [ShippingBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2836 [SequenceBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2832 [ResourceBundle] fix merging request and config sorting parameters (@Strontium-90)
- #2830 [TaxationBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2834 [Easy Pick] Fixed some typos in the PaymentMethodChoiceType classes. (@steffenbrem)
- #2835 [WebBundle] Change $.fn.datepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd. (@jimbocoder)
- #2833 [MailerComponent]: Removing unused dependecy and fixing cs (@mgonyan)
- #2827 [SettingsBundle] fix for fix default to file_system cache (@Strontium-90)
- #2829 [SettingsBundle] added missing unique index for table sylius_settings_parameter (@Strontium-90)
- #2828 [TaxonomyBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2824 [UserBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2826 [VariationBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS (@aRn0D)
- #2803 [PaymentBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS Fixes. (@aRn0D)
- #2825 [MailerBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2815 [PricingBundle] CS fixes and missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2822 [Translation] Make translatable translation class retrieval static (@cdaguerre)
- #2811 [ResourceBundle][TranslationBundle] Fix sorting on translated properties (@cdaguerre)
- #2806 Remove unused dependency (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2799 [CurrencyBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS Fixes. (@aRn0D)
- #2681 [CoreBundle] Use more specific names for settings namespaces (@aramalipoor)
- #2677 Add a fixed parameter in WeightCalculator (@winzou)
- #2792 Allow to overwrite TaxationProcessor (@blazarecki)
- #2818 [FixturesBundle] Allow access to resources for api user on fixtures load (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2807 [LocaleBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS Fixes. (@aRn0D)
- #2813 Fix: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string (@umpirsky)
- #2805 Index country on ISO code (@umpirsky)
- #2808 [ResourceBundle] Move hardcoded classes to DI-parameters (@Strontium-90)
- #2812 travis: PHP 5.6 and 7.0 nightly added (@TomasVotruba)
- #2802 [OrderBundle] Form registration, missing specs and CS Fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2798 [ContentBundle] Forms are registered automatically (@aRn0D)
- #2791 [UserBundle] Migration script (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2797 [Contact bundle] Forms are registered automatically (@aRn0D)
- #2250 [ResourceBundle] The date type has been improved (@aRn0D)
- #2793 fixes flash message in overriding template (@Amunak)
- #2794 Zones cannot be deleted if they have members (@agounaris)
- #2788 Fixes collection name deciding script causing item overwriting (@Amunak)
- #2785 [UserBundle] Remove dependency from Core component (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2758 Fixed bug in payment flow (@antonioperic)
- #2779 Update e-mail templates (@ojhaujjwal)
- #2780 [InstallerBundle] Setup command to create channels (@zyleee)
- #2761 [UserBundle] Password update fix, few improvements (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2759 [InstallerBundle] fix 'no-interaction' default param (@bicpi)
- #2770 Fix HWIO OAuth login (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2768 Remove unnecessary new instance of Instruction (@aistis-)
- #2760 [InstallerBundle] Fixed setup command (@zyleee)
- #2763 Update composer lock file (@zyleee)
- #2765 Attribute choices management (@aRn0D)
- #2767 Use same mechanism as FOSUB for SecurityController (@winzou)
- #2757 Correct composer.lock (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2717 [WIP] SyliusUserBundle with user and customer separation (@michalmarcinkowski, @lchrusciel, @BartoszSiejka)
- #2752 Multi channel (@michalmarcinkowski, @loevstroem, @pjedrzejewski)
- #2 Scenario fixes (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2756 [SettingsBundle] Fix default to %sylius.cache% (@Shine-neko)
- #1 Fix the issue when money helper hits the db during warmup (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2372 Added option to undelete resource (product) (@antonioperic)
- #2714 [AttributeBundle] Improve AssociationOverride support by inferring column names (@jimbocoder)
- #2743 [Search] Allow override of price facet ranges (@liquorvicar)
- #2750 Return default locale if request has not been injected (Fixes #2748) (@aderuwe)
- #2733 add findOneByPermalink missing method (@nicolasricci)
- #2731 Added Shipping confirmation E-Mail (@zyleee)
- #2737 2736 fix issues with command parameters (@liquorvicar)
- #2727 Update composer.json (@ekyna)
- #2724 [ProductBundle] Allow nullable availableOn field for product varaints (@aramalipoor)
- #2729 [InstallerBundle] Cover postgres error when checking for database presence (@aramalipoor)
- #2726 Adding dependency badge to README (@reiz)
- #2725 [RbacBundle] Do not throw exception when user is anonymous (@aramalipoor)
- #2439 Added settings for adding Google Analytics tracking code (@antonioperic)
- #2721 [WebBundle] Fix to show icons in buttons (@gperdomor)
- #2715 Updated year range (@maqnouch)
- #2716 [ContentBundle] Show all available filters in imagine block form (@aramalipoor)
- #2711 Create routes with GET parameters. (@kayue)
- #2713 fix query select for order number (@ojhaujjwal)
- #2708 [CoreBundle] Use master variant as CartItem variant fallback if none was... (@axelvnk)
- #2706 docblock fixes (@ojhaujjwal)
- #2703 [ResourceBundle] Classes of first extension may get lost (@aramalipoor)
- #2694 Remove not-so-commonly-known abbr from exception (@WouterJ)
- #2688 Fix multiple terms filter (@nicolasricci)
- #2680 [SettingsBundle] Add API support to SettingsController (@aramalipoor)
- #2686 [SettingsBundle] Add post and pre save events on settings persistance (@aramalipoor)
- #2685 [SettingsBundle] default to file_system cache if %sylius.cache% is not set (@jrobeson)
- #2679 fix attribute choice value (@nicolasricci)
- #2669 [RbacBundle] Allow deep merging for roles_hierarchy (@aramalipoor)
- #2671 [account order][sylius_money] use order currency. (@aitboudad)
- #2676 [ResourceBundle] Fix triggered events on forms collections (@gperdomor)
- #2673 Change visibility of createTaxonomiesMenuNode (@kedves)
- #2670 Typo in service name. (@isometriks)
- #2667 Change visibility of getEmailFromConfiguration (@blazarecki)
- #2662 [AttributeBundle] Add missing labels (@aramalipoor)
- #2654 Fix translation (@widop)
- #2619 Throw event before and after sending email (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2641 Add support for offline payment methods to PayumBundle (@antonioperic)
- #2650 [PhpSpec] The source path has been added for each suite (@aRn0D)
- #2645 [ResourceBundle] Fix conflict of resource names in sylius.config.classes (@aramalipoor)
- #2649 [AttributeBundle] Add attribute and value labels (@aramalipoor)
- #2647 Fix Mongo and PHPCR document managers service names (@Strontium-90)
- #2643 [SearchBundle] Added Boolean mode in OrmFilter (@hason)
- #2642 [SearchBundle] Fixed warning in OrmFilter (@hason)
- #2640 [AttributeBundle] Do not save unnecessary 'choices' in attribute configuration (@aramalipoor)
- #2638 [AttributeBundle] Fix CollectionType and AttributeChoices form type (@aramalipoor)
- #2639 [PricingBundle] Remove unnecessary complexity (@aramalipoor)
- #2637 Play with Travis-CI containers (@stloyd)
- #2623 Volume-based setPricingConfiguration parameter is counterintuitive (@Goutte)
- #2635 [CorceBundle] Add sylius_order_state_choice form type (@aramalipoor)
- #2634 Fix redirect on API calls to revert, move and updateState actions. (@aramalipoor)
- #2628 Fix some CS issues in translation component + bundle (@stloyd)
- #2631 Fix STORAGE_KEY bug when using CookieStorage (@aramalipoor)
- #2633 [RbacBundle] Fix permissions and roles config merging. (@aramalipoor)
- #2629 Fix AddressController methods visibility (@geoffrey-brier)
- #2519 Rework translations handling (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2282 [ProductVariant] Added versioning for all product variant details (@axelvnk)
- #2625 Use FOS UserInterface for easier extending (@aramalipoor)
- #2340 [Tests] Implement postgres driver and check for mysql (@rskuipers)
- #2593 Add missing configuration for Sylius RBAC Security in backend (@stloyd)
- #2606 Add canceled case in PurchaseListener (@winzou)
- #2482 Dispatch Event after email sent + split Sender and Renderer (@amenophis)
- #2620 Use 'user' variable and fix Profile page 'buttons' error (@aramalipoor)
- #2616 [LocaleBundle] Added check if locale is available before setting in context (@ccff33)
- #2599 fix(InstallerBundle): Allow --no-interaction with some fixtures and database improvements (@aramalipoor)
- #2612 Repository consistent configuration (@amenophis)
- #2605 Minor shipment factory update (@umpirsky)
- #2598 Move declaration of settings cache to extension (@stloyd)
- #2517 [currency][ecb importer] added base currency. (@aitboudad)
- #2572 Fluent interface for calculateAdjustmentsTotal() (@umpirsky)
- #2595 Archetype translation form as a service (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2597 [LocaleBundle][composer] Add missing dependency (@mtthb)
- #2588 [TranslationBundle] removed unnecessary ODM Index (@ivannis)
- #2587 Don't use deprecated
method in flow (@stloyd) - #2581 [currency][oer importer] added missing app_id key. (@aitboudad)
- #2584 [FlowBundle][Bug] Query parameters removed at first step (@kayue)
- #2580 Leftjoin because order.user can be null (@winzou)
- #2573 Remove hardcoded table name (@winzou)
- #2577 Check if history value is an array (@winzou)
- #2579 Use LocaleContext in MoneyHelper fix #2352 (@winzou)
- #2571 [FixturesBundle] Correct check for uniqueness when loading users data (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2341 Test with the lowest dependencies (@WouterJ)
- #2384 Upgrade Payum up to 0.14 (@makasim)
- #2565 [CoreBundle] OAuth provider should call parent class (@stloyd)
- #2566 [RbacBundle] Fix even more stupid copy&paste typo (@stloyd)
- #2567 [FixturesBundle] Faker not always generates unique results (@stloyd)
- #2564 [RbacBundle] Fix stupid typo (@stloyd)
- #2555 Allow underline in group names for API
header (@aramalipoor) - #2554 Fix wrong description method (@axelvnk)
- #2553 Refactor Sylius RBAC initialize code to allow calling it in fixtures (@stloyd)
- #2549 [RbacBundle] Prevent fatal errors when calling initialize more than once (@stloyd)
- #2546 Change taxon description field to a textarea (@emagma-marion)
- #2545 Fix typo in example in docblock (@axelvnk)
- #2534 [Translation][ORM][Repository] reduce number of executed queries. (@aitboudad)
- #2541 [ContentBundle] Fix string block and imagine form bugs (@psyray)
- #2540 [WebBundle] Fix wrong breadcrumbs, add translation and change icons (@psyray)
- #2536 fix(LocaleBundle): Changing locale using PUT, PATCH works now. (@aramalipoor)
- #2533 [InstallerBundle] Prevent exception if
extension is not installed (@stloyd) - #2531 [ContentBundle] Add publish feature and fix some links (@psyray)
- #2530 [MailerBundle] Don't use deprecated Twig functionality (@stloyd)
- #2523 Fixing bug with transformed parameters stored internally in non transformed state after settings were saved (@tenitski)
- #2510 [WebBundle] Locale and Currency menu shouldn't be renderd when only 1 exists (@pix-art)
- #2511 Set default driver in bundle configuration (@mtthb)
- #2512 [Search bundle][Accessor] initialize customAccessors. (@aitboudad)
- #2481 Hierarchical Role Based Access Control (HRBAC) (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2496 Random CS fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2505 bug fix #2504 (@aRn0D)
- #2494 [WebBundle] Finished the frontend account/profile view (@pix-art)
- #2503 Make applyCriteria() more flexible (@umpirsky)
- #2501 [Product] Change order of SKU field for editing and creating products (@kurakin-oleksandr)
- #2500 [Product] Return SKU field for editing and creating products (@kurakin-oleksandr)
- #2499 Allow patch for payment method update (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2497 Add id getter (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2488 [ResourceBundle] AbstractResourceBundle::build has been reworked (@aRn0D)
- #2489 Remove un-used EventDispatcher (@pierredup)
- #2490 Add setters and getters ... (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2486 [Core] added correct form type for product translations to config (@MichaelKubovic)
- #2487 Fix typo for exif extension (@pierredup)
- #2484 [Payment] small typo fix (@karion)
- #2474 [InstallerBundle] Replace class check with extension check (@stloyd)
- #2468 [translatable listener] handles inheritance. (@aitboudad)
- #2471 [WebBundle] Fix missing translation string (@psyray)
- #2472 [PromotionBundle] Force 'classes' configuration (@advancingu)
- #2466 Fix Doctrine Migrations issue #2465 (@psyray)
- #2431 Permalinks for taxons (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2457 added MongoDB Translation support (@ivannis)
- #2463 Fix for shipping calculators to return integers (@Dukecz)
- #2460 Fix incorrect negation (@egogarcia)
- #2462 Add filterability to payments and shipments api requests (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2461 Few api routing corrections (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2459 Fixed report component composer.json for packagist. (@Zales0123)
- #2422 SyliusReportBundle (@Zales0123, @lchrusciel)
- #2456 Correct api fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2453 [Installer] Fix isDatabasePresent (@rolebi)
- #2452 Create demo oauth client fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2449 Correct serializer for taxons and taxonomies, add ROLE_API to admins (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2406 Simpler configurable emails (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2437 Add missing translation-bundle dependency (@amenophis)
- #2385 Catch event stop during create/update (@amenophis)
- #2444 Fix user password editing in the backend (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2427 Fix symfony money form type issue and possible rounding issues (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2442 [Core] Fixed typo in composer.json file for variation component (@fstr)
- #2436 Use stable whenever possible, tweak composer.jsons (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2429 [WIP] New install commands (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2432 [ProductBundle] Fixed missing translation-bundle dependency (@advancingu)
- #2433 [ResourceBundle] Fixed spelling in error messages (@advancingu)
- #2309 Translation bundle enhancements (@aRn0D)
- #2428 Fix issue with composer dependencies & FOSRest config (@stloyd)
- #2426 Fixing dependency crash #2425 (@a2xchip)
- #2414 [ProductBundle] Fix reference to CoreBundle on ProductBundle Dependency Injection (@gperdomor)
- #2424 [SearchBundle] Allow false value for enabled pre search filter field (@egeloen)
- #2420 [Product] fixed attributes comparison (@kurakin-oleksandr)
- #2419 Duplicated setFirstname & setLastname (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2418 [SearchBundle] Added configuration to ensure bundle is fully configured (@advancingu)
- #2417 Use "limit" instead of "paginate" for limit parameter. (@kayue)
- #2412 [ResourceBundle] Check if collection form prototype is defined (@adamelso)
- #2409 Fix Elastica deprecated call to setFilter (@mtthb)
- #2407 Respect PSR for templating helper specs (@egeloen)
- #2397 Improve + Handle null option in variant to combination transformer (@egeloen)
- #2368 Fix sorting / criteria use _sylius information by default (@isometriks)
- #2405 Allow translations in resource bundle (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2400 [ResourceBundle] Simple modification to change the events fired by the domain manager. (@gperdomor)
- #2404 Translation bundle composer.json fixed (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2402 Archetype translation (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2401 [Fixture][ProductVariantImage] Rely on repository createNew instead of constructor (@egeloen)
- #2377 Translations - move away from Prezent [WIP] (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2394 [CoreBundle] Fixes for CheckoutController (@stloyd)
- #2244 EXIF requirement for imagine >1.0.4 (@mykehsd)
- #2380 API split of #2354 (@loevstroem, @michalmarcinkowski, @pjedrzejewski)
- #2336 Display variant image in cart (@mtthb)
- #2388 [WebBundle] Backend side menu not highlighted fix #2387 (@ansata2001)
- #2390 Add times to promotion start & end. (@Richtermeister)
- #2381 Fixed missing theme CSS during sylius:install (@advancingu)
- #2355 [Fixtures] Don't force to use
extension for fixtures (@stloyd) - #2367 Cart header small update (@antonioperic)
- #2379 [VariationBundle] Require driver node definition (@adamelso)
- #2374 Adjust required version of StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle (@Shine-neko)
- #2369 The namespace for a spec was incorrect and thus the spec was never run. (@mykehsd)
- #2365 [FixturesBundles] Rationalizes product references (@geoffrey-brier)
- #2359 [WIP] BeforeScenario is running multiple times slowing behat tests (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2333 Make setting User listener more generic (@stloyd)
- #2356 Added promotion based on User Group (@antonioperic)
- #2225 Create Archetype Component and Bundle to replace Product Prototype and allow for inheritance (@adamelso, @pjedrzejewski)
- #2344 [CMFBundle] Some forms do not use the CollectionExtension (@aRn0D)
- #2345 Sorting order by name (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2349 Enhance deploy script (@geoffrey-brier)
- #2233 Remove hardcoded environment names where isDebug switch is good enough (@rtuin)
- #2334 Delete useless file (@stloyd)
- #2329 [VariationBundle] The collection form type uses the new CollectionExtension (@aRn0D)
- #2198 [Variation] Reusable Set Builders for generating variants + VariantGenerator spec coverage (@adamelso)
- #2319 Hide the "Links" sidebar widget when there are no links. (@Goutte)
- #2245 Fix some translation keys & missing new lines at end of files (@stloyd)
- #2302 Allow to use Doctrine MongoDB registry if default Doctrine is not available (@stloyd)
- #2249 form_theme is already configured in the config.yml (@aRn0D)
- #2321 getLastShipment returns false, not null. fixed in isInvoiceAvailable (@skoop)
- #2322 Update OrmIndexer with correct indexable case (@agounaris)
- #2323 Prevent currently logged user deletion (@Zales0123)
- #2314 Fix translations mapping issue (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #4 Few simplifications and new building system (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2303 Some specs were not into the right directory (@aRn0D)
- #2260 [Translation] the component has been reworked (@aRn0D)
- #2301 Fixed ShippingMethod validation (@saidul)
- #2173 PhpSpec config has been added with ps4 support (@aRn0D)
- #2299 Enabled softdeleteable filter at the end of "findForDetailsPage" method (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #1984 add cache:clear for second pass to avoid error from cmf (@cordoval)
- #1927 [ResourceBundle] Automatic form registration (@Strontium-90)
- #2297 [Core] Fixed #2286 accessing deleted user details page (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2296 Fixed wrong migration namespace + header (@inspiran)
- #2295 [WebBundle] Fix error in finalize step (@inspiran)
- #2267 Improve composer consistency (@mtthb)
- #2278 Soft deletable coupons (@umpirsky)
- #2290 fixed bug #2189 with CMF toolbar (@neok)
- #2243 [Order]WIP order identities (@inspiran)
- #2285 Fix ability to specify form via class name. (@Richtermeister)
- #2280 Enforce the size limitation of the short_description field (@mykehsd)
- #2284 Allow cascading validation for menu nodes, otherwise it can generate SQL... (@mykehsd)
- #2279 Sylius install build search index and cache clear (@mykehsd)
- #2281 Incorrect english in validation file (@mykehsd)
- #2283 Add sylius/contact dependency to ContactBundle (@diimpp)
- #2274 [scrutinizer] Ramdom fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2272 [AUTO] Updating translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #2026 Multiple Object Managers. Adding compiler pass (@Strontium-90)
- #2266 Routing and form generation (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2264 Added yml translation mapping (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2265 Add back missing cart_locked state. (@kayue)
- #2263 Allow setting coupon expiration from backend (@umpirsky)
- #2101 [WIP] [RFC] Product translation (Prezent) (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2239 [PromotionBundle] The collection form type uses the new CollectionExtension (@aRn0D)
- #2247 [Product][Easy] Add cascade to product options field (doctrine mapping) (@steffenbrem)
- #2248 Don't force bundles to define prefix when extending
(@stloyd) - #2246 Disable GC in PHP on Travis-CI for performance improvements (@stloyd)
- #2218 [AddressingBundle] The collection form type uses the new CollectionExtension (@aRn0D)
- #1675 One of ideas how we could fix problem with those translation keys (@stloyd)
- #2240 [OrderBundle] Update OrderItem table name (@spike31)
- #2237 [Taxonomy] Fixed #1543 creating taxons with the same name (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #2188 [Sequencebundle] Missing spec (@aRn0D)
- #2238 [WebBundle] Properly close javascripts block and remove superfluous endblock (@rskuipers)
- #2226 [AttributeBundle][VariationBundle] Spec coverage on Doctrine metadata subscribers and container extensions (@adamelso)
- #2096 [WebBundle] Fix invalid html markup for payments forms (@stloyd)
- #2231 Fix legacy payum getNotification (@winzou)
- #2229 Removed duplicate stripe.secret_key parameter (@rvanlaarhoven)
- #2228 Split travis (@pjedrzejewski)
- #2217 Change billing address mapping to cascade-persist (@sudent)
- #2210 Added Volume based shipping calculator (@antonioperic)
- #2213 Fix some CS issues (@stloyd)
- #2212 Removed duplicate route
(@steffenbrem) - #2209 Adding elasticsearch to Vagrant box (@antonioperic)
- #2208 [CoreBundle] Fix version constraint on jms/serializer-bundle (@adamelso)
- #2197 [ResourceBundle] The collection form type has been improved (@aRn0D)
- #2203 [AttributeBundle] Fix key names for validation_groups config (@adamelso)
- #2202 [ResourceBundle] Fixed renderSortingLink not defaulting to property name (@LewisW)
- #2185 fixed Access level error in AddressController. (@aitboudad)
- #2180 [ApiBundle] A client creation command has been added. (@aRn0D)
- #2184 Fix a fatal error in some PHP versions. (@jakzal)
- #2170 Fix & polish code of SearchBundle (@stloyd)
- #2181 Replace
with stable version & adjust some other deps (@stloyd) - #2182 Fix 2163 and others (@liverbool)
- #2174 Recursively add taxon children to the taxons array (@waaghals)
- #2154 Handle promotion usage counter (@winzou)
- #2155 Add Contains Product promotion rule (@winzou)
- #2159 Add missing paypal express checkout config. (@liverbool)
- #2156 Fix some CS issues caused by last merges (@stloyd)
- #2165 Fix user order addressing issue. (@liverbool)
- #2169 [ContentBundle] Fix for static content not saving (issue 2129) (@psyray)
- #2168 Remove hardcoded product class from sylius_search (@antonioperic)
- #2166 Fix "sylius.listener.order_comment_email.class" parameter value. (@rn0)
- #2164 [BugFix] Doctrine mapping for removing variants from product model (@steffenbrem)
- #1784 Sylius search (@agounaris, @peteward)
- #2152 Volume based configuration also in variants (@alexptrn)
- #1 Update (@pjedrzejewski, @stloyd, @aRn0D, @torinaki, @elliot, @mykehsd, @sudent, @michalmarcinkowski, @sivolobov, @umpirsky, @liverbool, @psyray, @Strontium-90, @hason, @carlowens, @cordoval, @JRomeoSalazar, @MichaelMackus, @winzou, @crevillo, @saidul, @antonioperic, @steffenbrem, @makasim, @Richtermeister, @gperdomor, @patkar, @jdeveloper, @ivannis, @Shine-neko, @gonzalovilaseca)
- #2148 Use Sylius repositories instead of Doctrine in RouteProvider (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #2139 [ResourceBundle] Easy create form (@Shine-neko)
- #2033 Content choice type has been added. (@aRn0D)
- #2134 [BUG FIX] /administration/logout should not be used. (@liverbool)
- #2138 added mongodb ODM support for currencies and locales (@ivannis)
- #2136 Leveraging sylius_money instead of money type. (@Richtermeister)
- #2133 Fix paypal error when marking tax as included in the price (@jdeveloper)
- #2106 Originator component (@stloyd, @umpirsky)
- #2122 [CoreBundle] Enable override of routing config (@patkar)
- #2130 [SyliusWebBundle] Fixed liip/imagine-bundle version (@saidul)
- #2126 [ContentBundle] Fixed ContentBundle dependency (@saidul)
- #2092 [ResourceBundle] added the ability to configure services, forms, twig extensions, validations and mapping using yml or xml files (or both) (@gperdomor)
- #2119 Make shipping method "enabled" parameter optional in behat tests. (@Richtermeister)
- #2090 [ResourceBundle] Add object collection to array of identifiers transformer. (@liverbool)
- #2116 change googleapi link (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2114 Fixed missing diacritic letters (@BartoszSiejka)
- #2113 [API Bundle] Remove require fixtures-bundle from composer. (@liverbool)
- #2105 Random CS fixes (@stloyd)
- #2104 Random very minors fixes. (@aRn0D)
- #2107 [RFC] Fix dependencies in PayumBundle, adjust configuration of that bundle (@stloyd)
- #2110 Fix bug where disabled shipping methods were selectable during checkout. (@Richtermeister)
- #2108 Auto-generating PHPCR proxies in debug mode. (@Richtermeister)
- #2100 [ResourceBundle] Improve redirection. (@liverbool)
- #2027 [Payum] Upgrade up to 0.12 (@makasim)
- #2102 [Bug] Fixes small bug in shipping bundle (@steffenbrem)
- #2097 Skip volume price if was saved as empty, fix volume pricing form (@stloyd)
- #2080 Don't make ajax request for provinces if contry value is empty (@crevillo)
- #2087 Cover the case when we don't revert changes (@winzou)
- #2094 [BUG FIX - API] Add missing api province route. (@liverbool)
- #2076 [AddressBundle] Don't validate province if no country was set (@stloyd)
- #2089 Create new Storage component to reduce code duplication between components (@stloyd)
- #2088 [Locale] Rework LocaleContext to allow usage different storages (@stloyd)
- #2086 fix-2054 (@liverbool)
- #2085 Fix fatal error on cart page (@MichaelMackus)
- #2082 Update liipimaginebundle 1.0 completed (@antonioperic)
- #2059 Handle null value (@MichaelMackus)
- #2065 [CoreBundle] Remove CMF dependency from CoreBundle (@saidul)
- #2075 [CoreBundle] Enable back softdeleteable filter for users repository (@stloyd)
- #2067 Fix #2055; php error in ShippingCountryRuleChecker if no country selected (@crevillo)
- #2074 [Product] Add missing changes after rebase (@stloyd)
- #2073 Enable back softdeleteable filter in OrderRepository (@winzou)
- #2072 Update state machine (@winzou)
- #2062 [CoreBundle] Fix order of bundles in Kernel (@stloyd)
- #2061 Rebased #1787 - Initial REST API (@stloyd, @pjedrzejewski)
- #2029 Fix order item compare (@umpirsky)
- #2048 [BUG] Guest order and PromotionEligibilityChecker (@umpirsky)
- #2045 Change
state machine callback. (@liverbool) - #2047 Fix promotion coupons not properly filtering based on promotion ID (@MichaelMackus)
- #2007 Fix attribute form choice type error. (@liverbool)
- #2043 #2042 Issue fix - installation on Vagrant (@astina-forks)
- #1767 [Resource] Move event into component & add new dependency on it (@stloyd)
- #1287 [WebBundle] Show warning alerts at frontend (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1953 minor touches (@cordoval)
- #2032 fix issue #2031 display the error message and not the trace (@carlowens)
- #2035 Missing spec (@aRn0D)
- #2010 Random CS fixes (@aRn0D)
- #2015 [ContentBundle] Missing specs (@aRn0D)
- #2021 [CoreBundle] Add missing email validation for guest checkout (@stloyd)
- #2016 Guest checkout is missing email validation (@umpirsky)
- #2019 [SettingsBundle] Removed unused dependency from composer.json (@hason)
- #2028 [CoreBundle] Remove hardcoded classes in order item form (@stloyd)
- #2017 Order user can be null (@umpirsky)
- #2003 [BugFix] On pricing configuration prototype naming (@liverbool)
- #1920 [ResourceBundle] Multiple object managers support (@Strontium-90)
- #2013 [Contentbundle] dependencies fixes (@aRn0D)
- #1983 Avoid starting session whenever possible (@umpirsky)
- #1998 [WebBundle] Fix missing translation strings on order edit (@psyray)
- #1994 Improve settings currency prevent user error. (@liverbool)
- #1962 [ContentBundle,WebBundle] Improve ContentBundle to use the power of Symfony-CMF (@psyray)
- #1990 [ContentBundle] Fix-1981 (@liverbool)
- #1967 [Core] Optimize NthOrder promotion checker. (@stloyd)
- #1974 Fix user check in PromotionEligibilityChecker (@umpirsky)
- #1972 [ResourceBundle] Don't use query walkers when pagination is called (@stloyd)
- #1968 [WebBundle] Adjust sidebar menu to better look at smaller screens (@stloyd)
- #1969 Fix schema (@umpirsky)
- #1923 [OrderBundle] Add ability to lock order adjustments (@stloyd)
- #1964 Fix composer.json files + CHANGELOGs (@stloyd)
- #1963 [ContentBundle] Fix wrong prefix (@stloyd)
- #1952 Fix random CS issues in code & phpdocs (@stloyd)
- #1948 [Order] Introduce immutable order items (@stloyd)
- #1958 [WebBundle] Product without variants should show its price (@stloyd)
- #1957 [AddressingBundle] Allow to easier replace default zone types (@stloyd)
- #1944 [ResourceBundle] Fix sorting links generation (@stloyd)
- #1946 Optimizing loading fixtures (@sivolobov)
- #1489 Create.js integration and ContentBundle (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1476 [Core] NthOrderRuleChecker should be more strict (@stloyd)
- #1945 [Contact] Added simple contact form managing (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #1949 Fixed git ignore file (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #1943 [CoreBundle] Fix wrong interface usage in OrderCommentEmailListener (@stloyd)
- #1942 Revert "fix namespace for comment email listener" (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1928 fix namespace for comment email listener (@sudent)
- #1941 [AddressingBundle] Don't force to set scopes on zones (@stloyd)
- #1932 [Core] Address zone based price calculator (@stloyd)
- #1864 Add basic order edit functionality to backend (@stloyd)
- #1933 [Core] Fix promotion bug that was introduced by wrong merge + fix specs (@stloyd)
- #1930 [Inventory] Availability checker must check that variant was not deleted (@stloyd)
- #1745 [Core] Per-User usage limits on coupon (@mykehsd)
- #1912 [RFC] Refactor Adjustments & Order to reduce logic (@stloyd)
- #1081 Fixed tiny Scrutinizer-CI boolean issue (@elliot)
- #1914 [PaymentBundle] Fix gateways config (@stloyd)
- #1908 [CoreBundle] Allow usage of newer HWIOAuthBundle (@stloyd)
- #1816 [Core] [WebBundle] Implemented Guest checkout (@torinaki, @stloyd)
- #1913 Fix PromotionEligibilityChecker, fix specs (@stloyd)
- #1906 paramater_name is not the correct key (@aRn0D)
- #1910 [CoreBundle] Fix issue with order not being marked as completed (@stloyd)
- #1907 [Order] Add missing methods to CommentInterface (@stloyd)
- #2 Fix code after feedback, add ability to disable guest orders (@stloyd)
- #1904 Extend bugfix for issue 1689 & fix specs (@stloyd)
- #1901 [Promotion] Fix $eligible being ignored when checking coupons (@stloyd)
- #1902 Fix typo in Cart Resolver spec (@bcremer)
- #1811 Fix item based promotion issue (@umpirsky)
- #1900 [ProductBundle] Fix missing parent call in bundle that broke mappings (@stloyd)
- #1899 improve how example reads (@cordoval)
- #1695 Fixed issue #1689 (@umpirsky)
- #1876 adjustments on .gitignore (@cordoval)
- #1889 User email as username for OAuth login. (@kayue)
- #1895 [Promotion] Make sure that coupons are always unique (@stloyd)
- #1896 [CoreBundle] Fix typo in
file (@stloyd) - #1807 [VariationBundle] Fix unexpected dependency issue (@stloyd)
- #1887 [CoreBundle] Add ability to information how many products were sold (@stloyd)
- #1890 [OrderBundle] Remove unused config parameter (@stloyd)
- #1886 Order comments. (@mykehsd)
- #1861 Remove
data from Request after adding to Configuration (@stloyd) - #1875 fixtures are included in the install script (@cordoval)
- #1885 Fix typo in Address model, fix specs (@stloyd)
- #1873 [MoneyBundle] Add option to return formatted price without currency sign (@stloyd)
- #1880 Customize the cancel link when creating or updating a resource (@jbinfo)
- #1877 minor tweaks (@cordoval)
- #1870 [SyliusWebBundle] Fix wrong volume based price form display on product (@psyray)
- #1692 Change user<->address relation to one-to-many (@lbaey)
- #1866 [PromotionBundle] Add missing dependency on CurrencyBundle (@stloyd)
- #1869 Product image (@alexptrn)
- #1867 Updated
file + fixed random CS issues (@stloyd) - #1857 [Address] Add phone number field (@stloyd)
- #1865 Add missing Volume Based Pricing Configuration. (@liverbool)
- #1859 Added setters for ResourceEvent's message properties (@hmlb)
- #1860 Allow to revert changes for versioned (loggable) resources (@stloyd)
- #1831 [CurrencyBundle] Add command to allow updating exchange rates using ECB database (@stloyd)
- #1863 Retrieve forward/display route from Process object. (@kayue)
- #1839 Adding some minor adjustments (@aRn0D)
- #1482 Add missing relation between Attribute and AttributeValue (@BenoitLeveque)
- #1847 Fix 1834 (@aRn0D)
- #1848 Typo in specs (@umpirsky)
- #1843 Fixed multiple sorting in Doctrine ORM EntityRepository (@hmlb)
- #1789 rename routing pattern to path (@jrobeson)
- #1818 Some fixes after the last refactoring (@aRn0D)
- #1819 CS Fixes (@aRn0D)
- #1830 fix #1829 (@zender)
- #1820 Adding some adjustments (@aRn0D)
- #1824 Mismatch between stripe transaction total and order total (@carlowens)
- #1809 Fix behat context & fixtures after latest merges (@stloyd)
- #1772 [WIP] Adding a resource form type (@aRn0D)
- #1797 Improvements to the attribute subject interface descriptions and setAttributes method argument name. (@adamelso)
- #1791 [SettingsBundle] use actions.update macro in update template (@jrobeson)
- #1771 Some method has been renamed to be consistent (@aRn0D)
- #1803 Allow logging by username or email (@kayue)
- #1808 Added specs examples for overriding criteria and sorting parameters in route (@sivolobov)
- #1798 The default currency have to be loaded before user authentication (@aRn0D)
- #1796 Fixed bug that caused an error: "array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an ar... (@sivolobov)
- #1794 Allow to override route parameters. (@foopang)
- #1793 Add toString to Currency model (@kayue)
- #1792 Fixing the parameter parser spec (@aRn0D)
- #1788 Fixing the parameter parser (see #1168) (@kayue, @aRn0D)
- #1783 [PoC][ResourceBundle] Allow to fetch API serialization details from headers (@stloyd)
- #1776 [Core] Extend OrderRepositoryInterface to add some missing methods (@stloyd)
- #1780 Several CS fixes (@aRn0D)
- #1782 Prevent removing coupons when sylius_promotion_coupon_order record is deleted (@umpirsky)
- #1781 [ResourceBundle] Remove unused variable (@stloyd)
- #1702 CS fixes on specs (@aRn0D)
- #1775 Fix some CS problems after last merges (@stloyd)
- #1777 [WebBundle] Use CurrentHelper instead of MoneyHelper in menu (@stloyd)
- #1774 [ResourceBundle] Fix broken
(@stloyd) - #1768 Remove old translations (@stloyd)
- #1762 Fix random CS issues. (@stloyd)
- #1766 Allow the same coupon being apply to multiple orders. (@kayue)
- #1121 [ResourceBundle][WIP][Proposal] New abstract resource bundle class (@aRn0D)
- #1168 [ResourceBundle][WIP] Global settings (@aRn0D)
- #1763 Fix coupon-order table prefix (@kayue)
- #1761 [ResourceBundle] Don't initialize FlashHelper for API calls (@stloyd)
- #1676 Multiple coupon per order (@umpirsky)
- #1752 Uploader filesystem paremeter (@umpirsky)
- #1755 [ResourceBundle] fixed template config (@cdaguerre)
- #1701 Use default user addresses to fill checkout form (@lbaey)
- #1744 [Promotion] Allow both Order and OrderItem checker exist in the same promotion. (@kayue)
- #1751 [Shipping] Removing tracking code requirement (@robholmes)
- #1730 [Resource] Fixes #1211 template config (@cdaguerre)
- #1748 [CoreBundle] Fix OrderPaymentListenerSpec (@stloyd)
- #1746 [AUTO] Updating translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #1740 [ResourceBundle] Add ability to set
on View (@stloyd) - #1729 [SyliusWebBundle] Fix invalid ApiBundle "UpdatedAt" field in macros twig (@psyray)
- #1727 [SyliusFlowBundle] Fixed failed test (@KNonen)
- #1713 Only create new payment if there is none. (@kayue)
- #1725 Return false if collection is empty. (@kayue)
- #1724 Use correctly where clause in QueryBuilder (@amenophis)
- #1715 Better promotion coupons scenario (@umpirsky)
- #1711 Make PromotionEligibilityChecker easier to extend (@umpirsky)
- #1716 Extensible OrderPromotionListener (@umpirsky)
- #1717 Extensible CouponToCodeTransformer (@umpirsky)
- #1723 Make web bundle frontend controllers extend FOSRestController (@foopang)
- #1721 [Core] Fix removing taxon from product (@stloyd)
- #1718 Allow to get taxons from specific taxonomy (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1707 Fix zone scope in behat fixtures (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #1704 [WebBundle] Add note about deleted product in order view (@stloyd)
- #1706 [LocaleBundle] Fix phpdocs in LocaleContextInterface (@stloyd)
- #1697 [LocaleComponent] Minor fix (@aRn0D)
- #1593 Added scope to zone (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #1688 Initial api bundle (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1677 [ResourceBundle] Api request should not return RedirectResponse (@aRn0D)
- #1687 [CoreBundle] Don't persist empty images while creating/updating product (@stloyd)
- #1691 use correct namespace in one doctrine migration (@lbaey)
- #1674 Update dependencies to be less restrict (@stloyd)
- #1683 [BugFix] [Feature] Fixes issue #1682 (@steffenbrem)
- #1681 Loggable price (@umpirsky)
- #1670 Locale bundle (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1667 Try to fix some issues found by Scrutinizer-CI (@stloyd)
- #1671 Extend backend order filtering (@stloyd)
- #1672 Updated readme github links (@ferdynator)
- #1647 [WIP][payum] remove code duplications in capture actions. (@makasim)
- #1490 Extract currency bundle (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1661 [Product] Update product
when updating master variant (@stloyd) - #1652 Fix translations being moved from Crowdin into old removed/renamed bundles (@stloyd)
- #1649 Prevent onFush event propagation (@umpirsky)
- #1654 [payum] upgrade up to 0.9 (@makasim)
- #1646 [WebBundle] Prevent fatal error when value is array type (@stloyd)
- #1644 Add migration to update your product model with sku index (@pilot)
- #1642 Fixed missing use statements. (@saro0h)
- #1639 Fix incompatible signature between ProcessBuilder and ProcessBuilderInterface (@Richtermeister)
- #1634 [FOSUserBundle] Add user reset password functionality to login page (@psyray)
- #1632 Fix state-machine version (0.1.2 doest not exist) (@aRn0D)
- #1636 Confirm order softly in OrderPaymentCallback. (@kayue)
- #1621 Added dbal.path config parameter for test environment (@alch)
- #1628 Fix load user by oAuth. (@kayue)
- #1422 Fix some
files (@stloyd) - #1552 added load metadata event subscriber for mongodb-odm (@ivannis)
- #1565 Escape % in NonExistingGeneratorException (@umpirsky)
- #1558 Removed useless route. (@saro0h)
- #1606 Add redirect params (@Neime)
- #1608 [payment] allow set traversable as payment's details. (@makasim)
- #1627 Updating translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #1626 Inventory unit's sync shipping callback bug fix. (@kayue)
- #1620 [WIP][payum] update payum to 0.9 (@makasim)
- #1618 Add class used in service sylius.route_provider to parameters (@achudzinski)
- #1629 Add index for the sku field for better performance (@pilot)
- #1616 [BugFix] Little bug fix inside product model (@steffenbrem)
- #1599 [Bugfix] Lock for Doctrine <2.4.3 due to BC break with Doctrine Extensions (@stloyd)
- #1611 Update interface to match with the implementation. (@kayue)
- #1615 [BugFix] Fix issue #1614 (@steffenbrem)
- #1613 [Bug] Failed payment shouldn't be counted when confirming an order. (@kayue)
- #1609 Add ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN to allow switch back (@amenophis)
- #1607 [payum] payum does not store details after user is returned from payment (@makasim)
- #1604 Fix CartRepository->findExpiredCarts() (@doctormad)
- #1563 Move from Finite to SM (@winzou)
- #1590 Finite cleanup (@umpirsky)
- #1417 Make rule checkers and actions work with promotion subject items (@umpirsky)
- #1539 [Payum] Better handling of payment details. [Finite] Add a path from new to failed. (@makasim)
- #1573 Fix - CMF Page doesn't work (missing template) (@antonioperic)
- #1575 Creating unnamed form for api request and PATH support (@aRn0D)
- #1569 [CartBundle] Fixed event used in CartListener and added specs (@franmomu)
- #1578 [CoreBundle] Use REST handling in ProductController (@stloyd)
- #1576 [ResourceBundle] Try to reduce dependencies in Twig extension (@stloyd)
- #1360 Some improvement that comes with payum 0.8 (@makasim)
- #1562 [CoreBundle] Remove old class reference (@stloyd)
- #1534 Create composer replace section (@patkar, @lsmith77)
- #1560 Fix order number generation (@winzou)
- #1538 [payum][credit card] do not submit form on GET request. (@makasim)
- #1554 Removed unused use statements. (@saro0h)
- #1557 Make cart actions RESTful. (@kayue)
- #1555 Added use of handleRequest method. (@saro0h)
- #1553 Removed unused variables. (@saro0h)
- #1550 Fixed issue #1549 (@umpirsky)
- #1544 use 'sylius.model.*.class' parameters in routing config (@lsmith77)
- #1542 Soft apply the create transition on FinalizeStep (@winzou)
- #1526 [State machine] Replace shipment and item events (@winzou)
- #1527 Fix Finite version is all composer.json (@winzou)
- #1524 Fixed #1523 (@umpirsky)
- #255 use the Symfony CMF Routing component (@lsmith77)
- #1512 Fix random CS rules, fix some broken phpdocs, fix broken specs (@stloyd)
- #1518 [Attribute] Rename
(@stloyd) - #1520 Fix import statement. (@kayue)
- #1517 Make fixtures code more clean & re-usable (@stloyd)
- #1516 updated CMF to 1.1 and fixed behat dependency (@lsmith77)
- #1514 Version20140409203042::down() (@umpirsky)
- #1498 [Core] Add missing method into OrderInterface (@stloyd)
- #1447 [State machine] Improve things drastically (@winzou)
- #1507 [Order] Introduce OrderAwareInterface (@stloyd)
- #1493 Add ability to remove attributes from product (@lbaey)
- #1508 Fix Be2bill multiple payment (@winzou)
- #1509 Move migrations queries out of post* (@winzou)
- #1504 [Shipping] Add missing dependency to
(@stloyd) - #1203 Multiple payments support. (@kayue)
- #1500 Throw exception if sequence generator not found (@umpirsky)
- #1501 Shiny Behat 3 (@stloyd)
- #1505 [ResourceBundle] Check for existence of controller class before creating definition (@isometriks)
- #1487 [ResourBundle] The criteria don't care about empties values (@aRn0D)
- #1364 make it possible to configure the phpcr config, default to enabling caching (@lsmith77)
- #1502 sylius does not provide a phpcr implementation, jackalope-* does (@lsmith77)
- #1497 Sequence events (@umpirsky)
- #1466 [CoreBundle] Remove dead code in RestrictedZoneListener (@stloyd)
- #1469 Fixed typo in class and related names of loyalty rule checker (@stloyd)
- #1492 Change CartHelper properties visibility (@umpirsky)
- #1483 [Core] Multi OAuth providers (@stloyd, @smarques)
- #1478 Fix some CS (@stloyd)
- #1459 Inject dependencies into FlowBundle\ProcessController. (@realityking)
- #1481 Add province ISO codes (@Richtermeister, @krewmarco)
- #1479 Fix Paweł mail =) (@stloyd)
- #1475 Fix broken product variants feature (@stloyd)
- #1456 Minor CS fix (@umpirsky)
- #1467 Unset many to many association mapings in LoadMetadataSubscriber (@umpirsky)
- #1471 [WebBundle] "GET" actions should not be able to modify any resource (@stloyd)
- #1463 Register core bundles first on CliKernel too (@lbaey)
- #1465 [WebBundle] Add missing
statement (@stloyd) - #1464 [CoreBundle] Add missing
statement (@stloyd) - #1462 Fix missing Imagine filter. Fix #1461. (@kayue)
- #1458 Register core bundles first (@umpirsky)
- #1300 Fix bad taxation label when decimal value (@lenybernard)
- #1446 Add additional params to display and forward route (@robinvdvleuten)
- #1443 Update behat.yml.dist (@benoitMariaux)
- #1445 Fix incorrect use statment (@kayue)
- #1439 Remove obsolete Number class and interface, tweak deps (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1435 Added "Pagerfanta\PagerfantaInterface" to the 'use' section.. (@smarques)
- #1426 Use Finite State Machine (@winzou)
- #1169 Universalise Number generation and usage (@winzou)
- #1437 Issue-1436: [Bug Fix] Loading doctrine fixtures (@Trip09)
- #1432 CS fixer (@umpirsky)
- #1431 Move migrations configuration to prevent problems with configuration loaded when bundle was skipped (@stloyd)
- #1433 [Pricing] Fixed undefined variable (@hason)
- #1430 Fix SyliusDataCollector (@winzou)
- #1421 Fix confirmation modal tests (@umpirsky)
- #1419 Allow to override label bootstrap col class attribute in templates (@exu)
- #1387 Split application Kernel and rename default one (@stloyd)
- #1427 sylius_product_variant table data update (FIX) (@psyray)
- #1418 Removed unused variables (@leettastic)
- #1424 [CoreBundle] Add some data to Symfony WebProfiler toolbar (@stloyd, @pborreli)
- #1423 sylius_product_variant table data update (@psyray)
- #4 Compressed the png (lossless) (@pborreli)
- #1414 Bugfix: number format in gateway action (@smarques)
- #1381 Make fixtures easier to extend (@umpirsky)
- #1404 Improve code quality (@stloyd)
- #1412 Update README.md (@leettastic)
- #1382 Pricing (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1409 Fix for invalid class names usage (@stloyd)
- #1399 Cleanup bundle & component dependencies (@stloyd)
- #1375 Add PurchaseStep events (@winzou)
- #1379 Enable payment validation in backend (@winzou)
- #1354 Update .travis.yml to first run phpspec (@stloyd)
- #1271 PayPal order item amount bug fixed. (@kayue)
- #1388 Introduce templating helpers to allow replacing Twig as templating engine (@stloyd)
- #1389 Remove OmnipayBundle from project & make it standalone deprecated bundle (@stloyd)
- #1398 Cleanup components README files (@stloyd)
- #1397 [WebBundle] Don't use deprecated code from OrderInterface (@stloyd)
- #1385 Make getTotalItems deprecated (@umpirsky)
- #1396 Move UnexpectedTypeException from ResourceBundle into Component (@stloyd)
- #1394 [ResourceBundle] Fix broken spec for Twig extension (@stloyd)
- #1395 Move RestrictedZoneCheckerInterface into Addressing Component (@stloyd)
- #1393 Use getDataContext() shortcut (@umpirsky)
- #1391 Make mailer port configurable (@umpirsky)
- #1390 Fix flash typo (@winzou)
- #1371 Fix Promotion Coupon condition (@winzou)
- #1373 Use UnexpectedTypeException and fix typos (@winzou)
- #1370 Add note on Doctrine relationship name (@winzou)
- #1368 Docblock fixes (@ojhaujjwal)
- #1357 Typo (@umpirsky)
- #1365 Fix composer files (@winzou)
- #1351 [WIP] Fix composer.json files along bundles & components (@stloyd)
- #1366 typo fix in sylius_resource config (@lsmith77)
- #1361 [Component] Fix the stackoverflow link in readme (@harikt)
- #1352 Move events definitions into proper components (@stloyd)
- #1349 [AddressingBundle] Rework ZoneType form to not depend on Model (@stloyd)
- #1353 [CodeBundle] Update Kernel to match latest changes (@stloyd)
- #1350 [Product component] Fix the json (@harikt)
- #1348 Bind action when buttons are dynamically loaded (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #1340 [Core] Authenticate user the right way (@winzou)
- #1341 [Payment] Add Cancelled payment state translation (@winzou)
- #1336 Update to Payum 0.8 (@winzou)
- #1335 [Core] Authenticate the user before saving it (@winzou)
- #1331 [POC] Move base kernel to the bundle (and some configs) (@pjedrzejewski)
- #1323 [OrderBundle] Add helpers to clear adjustments (@elliot)
- #1322 [CartBundle] Removed redundant cart refresh (@boskee)
- #1311 [OrderBundle] Fixed #1187. Don't generate order number if it exists (@boskee)
- #1309 [WebBundle] Added missing translation (@boskee)
- #1306 Missing translations (@elliot)
- #1304 [ShippingBundle] Translation shipping calculator options (@Wasper)
- #1299 [InventoryBundle] Fix link to docs (@marcaube)
- #1298 Invalid form template path (@rn0)
- #1278 [FixturesBundle] Change visibility of helper methods (@Wasper)
- #1256 Refactor EntityToIdentifier stuff into ObjectToIdentifier (@stloyd)
- #1276 Stable version of DoctrineCacheBundle (@jjanvier)
- #1286 [WebBundle] Change bootstrap version to 3.0.1 at invoice.html.twig (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1215 Translate registration templates (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1270 Fix typo at various composer.json files in domain name (@stloyd)
- #1268 [ResourceBundle] remove duplicated function in spec build (@dgruseck)
- #1267 [ResourceBundle] change branch aliasing also in the resource bundle (@dgruseck)
- #1251 Fix composer.json branch aliasing (@stloyd)
- #1217 Command to purge expired pending orders. (@foopang, @kayue)
- #1263 Fix bug with promotion rule taxonomies saving & reading (@stloyd)
- #1264 Fix credit card CVV error message. (@kayue)
- #1257 [Promotions] Fix fatal error in TaxonomyRuleChecker (@stloyd)
- #1254 Allow null values in TaxonSelectionToCollectionTransformer (@umpirsky)
- #1193 [SettingsBundle] Add validation when saving parameters to guarantee database integrity (@ruudkobes)
- #1250 Add missing validation group. (@kayue)
- #1243 Fix PayPal notify url. (@kayue)
- #1246 Update order payment amount before paid. (@kayue)
- #1241 [Addressing], [Promotions], [Shipping], [Web] Move assets into public folder (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1242 Update phpspec to stable version, fix failing spec of PurchaseStep (@stloyd)
- #1234 Adjust Cart\ItemResolverInterface to remove dependency on Symfony Request class (@stloyd)
- #1240 Re-use existing interface instead of re-declaring same methods (@stloyd)
- #1221 Checking stock levels on cart update, fixes issue #1190 (@umpirsky)
- #1229 Flash message bug fix. (@kayue)
- #1196 Allow to use other parameter than slug or id by criteria (@amenophis)
- #1220 Issue #1137 resolved. Update composer fails because of CMF component (@antonioperic)
- #1159 Implement a hash order number generator. (@mykehsd)
- #1208 Add "Canceled" shipment state. (@kayue)
- #1197 Price calculators (@umpirsky)
- #1206 [ResourceBundle] Fixed typo in AbstractDatabaseDriver (@ruudkobes)
- #1205 [WebBundle] Fixed place order button icon tags (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1204 Ability to close alert box in backend (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1186 [Core] Fix inventory unit orphan removement (@fullpipe)
- #1177 Rename liip_imagine size filter (@kayue)
- #1194 Synchronize Crowdin translations (@SyliusBot)
- #838 [SettingsBundle] Reduce code duplication across bundles (@stloyd)
- #1176 rename output for css assets (@fourlastor)
- #1189 Images at PDF format invoice (@JRomeoSalazar)
- #1145 Not able to select a shipping method where there are both shipping zone and product restricted zone that match user's shipping address (@foopang)
- #1185 Add missing addDefaultsIfNotSet() calls in InventoryBundle config (@20th)
- #1184 Fixed docblock (@umpirsky)
- #1181 Fix release ONHOLD sold units (@ramol)
- #1180 Use expressionLanguage into ParametersParser (@amenophis)
- #1174 [Core] Move from preUpdate to onFlush (@winzou)
- #1173 Order taxons with hierarchy in mind. (@kayue)
- #1171 Fix documentation for OrderItem getter/setter (@ruudkobes)
- #1161 [Web] Force the use of Sylius theme in backend (@winzou)
- #1164 [AddressingBundle] ProvinceController is missing getCountryController() method (@krafas)
- #1163 Set unit price earlier to prevent wrong comparison (@umpirsky)
- #1162 Set payment total. (@kayue)
- #1135 [Fixtures] Externalized fixtures (@csarrazi)
- #1157 Quantity of units must be greater than 0. (@kayue)
- #1149 Update doctrine dependencies to newest version (@patkar)
- #1156 Fixed issue #1154 (@umpirsky)
- #1153 Fix inventory states consistency (@winzou)
- #1155 Move from PaymentLog to Loggable behavior (@winzou)
- #1151 Fix security event name (@winzou)
- #986 [Core] Attach InventoryUnit to OrderItem instead of Order (@winzou)
- #1146 Fix : Delete taxon when there related softdelete products (@Neime)
- #1147 Default variant on-hand should be 0. (@kayue)
- #1142 Fix Unable to find template "::_provinceChoiceForm.html.twig" bug. (@kayue)
- #1140 A more flexible "sylius.cache" parameter. (@kayue)
- #1132 Promotions exclusive mode (@umpirsky)
- #1071 [Resourcebundle][WIP] Coding stanadard (@aRn0D)
- #1138 Variant generator flash message should be translatable (@akovalyov)
- #1136 [VariableProductBundle] Only valid variants should be dispatched (@akovalyov)
- #1134 [VariableProductBundle]Changed deprecated FormException in favor of InvalidConfigurationException (@akovalyov)
- #1130 Updating Symfony to 2.3.11 (@jjanvier)
- #1115 [ResourceBundle][Proposal] Target entity resolver (@aRn0D)
- #1031 Shipment state on hold while payment is processing (@umpirsky)
- #1088 [WebBundle] [WIP] Extendable backend menu (@patkar)
- #1101 BugFix #1046 : Undefined method SessionInterface::getFlashBag() (@aRn0D)
- #1103 Get children taxons ordered (@carlosromero)
- #1110 Use item equals method (@umpirsky)
- #1116 Fixed page route generator (@umpirsky)
- #1079 [ResourceBundle] Naming Conventions (@aRn0D)
- #1113 Payum\Security\TokenInterface does not exists. (@aRn0D)
- #1119 form prependClientTransformer fix (@akovalyov)
- #1118 Fix code to work with PHP 5.3 (@stloyd)
- #1091 Bug fix #995 (@aRn0D)
- #1108 PayPal's L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT bug fix. (@kayue)
- #1104 Add back the missing getLastShipment() to OrderInterface. (@kayue)
- #1102 Make ProcessValidator extendable (@umpirsky)
- #1098 Fixes issue #1095 (@umpirsky)
- #1087 [ResourceBundle][proposal/idea]Doctrine driver factory (@aRn0D)
- #1097 Sync Crowdin translations (@SyliusBot)
- #1090 Using typehint instead of these phpDoc (@aRn0D)
- #1092 Spec Typehint Conversion (@elliot)
- #1085 WebBundle Order controller make helper methods protected (@cursedcoder)
- #1084 Minor @author typos (@elliot)
- #1072 [ResourceBundle][Proposal/idea]The configuration directory can be overwrote easily. (@aRn0D)
- #1075 [ResourceBundle][Proposal/idea] Define a prefix or appName (@aRn0D)
- #1045 Shipments filter fix (@enkuso)
- #1064 Fix currency converter. Use multiply. (@kayue)
- #1078 Remove hardcoded user class name (@umpirsky)
- #1076 [ResourceBundle][Fix]Missing Method (@aRn0D)
- #1014 Numberformatter intl bugs with negative numbers (@mykehsd)
- #1069 Resource bundle depend on symfony form. (@aRn0D)
- #1062 [BUG] Include promotion total to PayPal gateway. (@kayue)
- #1059 Proper dispatching of variant creation event (@akovalyov)
- #1063 Set shipment state to onhold before process payment. (@kayue)
- #1060 Remove final keyword in SyliusCheckoutEvents. (@kayue)
- #1051 Fix Shipping discount with percentage (@ramol)
- #1053 [ResourceBundle] Add symfony/expression-language as dependency (@patkar)
- #1052 Use getAlias (@umpirsky)
- #1057 The methods should be after the attributes (@aRn0D)
- #1058 [ResourceBundle] Fix CS (@aRn0D)
- #1056 Phpdoc was incomplete (@aRn0D)
- #1034 Converting translations to YAML (@SyliusBot)
- #980 Add ability to validate shipping addresses more stringently (via 3rd party api, for example). (@Richtermeister)
- #1039 Fixed #1024 (@umpirsky)
- #1032 Small fixes for translations in spanish (@vihuvac)
- #996 Updated translations (@edwines)
- #1029 Extensible order shipping states (@umpirsky)
- #1026 Make some methods protected (@umpirsky)
- #1022 Handle InsufficientStockException (@umpirsky)
- #1023 Fix ShipmentProcessorSpec (#1008) (@Wasper)
- #1012 Make TaxRate fully fluid & increase precision. (@Richtermeister, @umpirsky)
- #1010 Update TimestampableInterface.php (@leettastic)
- #1002 Fixed #789 (@umpirsky)
- #1008 Change item state only if condition is verified (@winzou)
- #1001 Make height of backend signin form automatical (@Im0rtality)
- #1007 Change method to protected (@winzou)
- #1005 Explicit exception (@winzou)
- #997 Removed unnecessary "I" from steps (@tompedals)
- #998 Inventory level events (@umpirsky)
- #994 Add overflow ellipsis to the backend sidebar (@edwines)
- #971 Manage inventory UI (@umpirsky)
- #992 Updated calculate functions to be fluent and added specs (@elliot)
- #990 Handle taxon permalink generation (@lbaey)
- #774 [WIP] ResourceBundle refactoring (@pjedrzejewski, @stloyd)
- #983 Add PostPay event dispatching (@winzou)
- #982 Extend OrderEvent from CoreBundle (@winzou)
- #981 Add checkout and onhold OrderShippingState (@winzou)
- #974 Add checks for security context so that layout is usable for 404 error page. (@Richtermeister)
- #904 Fixed unique order number error (@umpirsky)
- #963 Configurable purchace redirect route (@umpirsky)
- #953 Separate purchace listener flash (@umpirsky)
- #967 Fix NoopInventoryOperator after Interface was updated. Also adding spec ... (@Richtermeister)
- #962 Change PurchaseListener properties' visibility to protected. (@kayue)
- #952 Fix/on hold inventory (@umpirsky)
- #938 Add on-hold inventory quantity (@umpirsky)
- #817 Return to payment step if payment failed. (@umpirsky, @kayue)
- #949 Move purchase step from PayumBundle into CoreBundle (@stloyd)
- #870 Update composer.json & dependencies of the project (@stloyd)
- #937 [CoreBundle] Little adjustments to Order fixtures creation (@stloyd)
- #936 [CartBundle] Try to initialize cart if data can be found in storage. (@stloyd)
- #926 Sylius states (@winzou)
- #899 The Events - Checkout Revolution (@winzou)
- #929 Moved debug toggle from AppKernel to web/app_dev.php (@Im0rtality)
- #927 Adjust models constructors & phpdocs (@stloyd)
- #912 [OrderBundle] Item & order cost can't be negative (@stloyd)
- #918 Composer php unit fix (@mykehsd)
- #919 Documentation enhancements for Behat setup (@mykehsd)
- #854 Add easy way to disable inventory tracking. (@Richtermeister)
- #914 Use proper alias in ShipmentRepository (@winzou)
- #911 [Core] Don't delete Promotion when delete Order (@winzou)
- #907 Reduce Travis-CI build on main repository to only master branch (@stloyd)
- #906 [TaxonomiesBundle] Cleanup models to match latest changes (@stloyd)
- #910 [VariableProductBundle] German translation (@patkar)
- #909 [CoreBundle] German translation (@patkar)
- #908 [WebBundle] German translation (@patkar)
- #878 Add Customer Welcome Email (@Richtermeister)
- #903 Fix variant validation and backend display for products without options. (@Richtermeister)
- #900 Optimize cart totals retrieving from menu builder (@winzou)
- #890 Removing address forms from backend user form (@Richtermeister)
- #901 Issue #895 taxon selection optimization (@umpirsky)
- #898 Added a constructor and setting createdAt (@pfwd)
- #896 Setting createdAt in constructor (@pfwd)
- #892 Setting updatedAt in constructor and updating getUpdatedAt method to use updatedAt var (@pfwd)
- #883 The Events - Welcome to the real names (@winzou)
- #881 Making address templates uniform and easier to centrally extend. (@Richtermeister)
- #893 Update macros.html.twig (@shadypierre)
- #809 Order addItem method should merge two equal OrderItems (@bburnichon)
- #891 Add ability for admins to log in as other users. (@Richtermeister)
- #812 [Payum] Be2bill onsite implementation (@winzou)
- #872 Change product property field type to "text". (@kayue)
- #799 [Behat] Move from private to protected (@winzou)
- #866 Add NotBlank requirement to credit card number (@Richtermeister)
- #725 [payum][paypal] add suppor of instant notifactions. (@makasim)
- #863 Use right form types and default data for the "add production promotion action" (@pjedrzejewski)
- #698 [Promotion] Add FreeProduct promotion (@winzou)
- #850 [WIP] Use DataTransformer from ResourceBundle (@winzou)
- #857 [WIP] Backend shipments ui (@pjedrzejewski)
- #852 Fix lack of caching in SettingsManager (@Richtermeister)
- #692 [Promotion] Add revert mechanism to promotion actions (@winzou)
- #754 Promotions (@umpirsky)
- #848 Add the product filter form to the inventory page (@pjedrzejewski)
- #842 Bugfix InventoryHandler to remove units of items that were removed from cart (@Richtermeister)
- #415 [WIP] Symfony CMF integration (@pjedrzejewski)
- #846 Allowing translations to be uploaded to Crowdin (@jjanvier)
- #830 [InstallerBundle] Fixing translations extension to be consistent with other... (@jjanvier)
- #845 [ResourceBundle] Proper handling of null values (@isometriks)
- #843 Fix order sorting to mitigate incorrect order number generation. (@Richtermeister)
- #839 [payum] version upgrade (@makasim)
- #837 [CoreBundle] Add missing declaration of Locale controller (@stloyd)
- #833 [CoreBundle] Add payment state to order, to allow easier access & sorting (@stloyd)
- #824 [CoreBundle] Remove not-used code & drop dependency: "athari/yalinqo" (@stloyd)
- #710 Don't depend on deprecated code from Symfony (@stloyd)
- #831 [WebBundle] Add ability to change tracking code for shipments (@stloyd)
- #827 Adjust .travis.yml files across the bundles (@stloyd)
- #832 [CoreBundle] Don't call
on collection if not needed (@stloyd) - #820 [WIP] Add EntityToIdentifier form type (@winzou)
- #829 Add mapping for Order->Coupon relationship & coupon usage listener (@Richtermeister)
- #828 Add ability to browse products by taxon in backend (@pjedrzejewski)
- #825 [TaxationBundle] Fix the Doctrine schema for TaxCategory entity (@stloyd)
- #813 [WebBundle] Allow to check the invoice in html format (@stloyd)
- #810 Updated README for Vagrant log file location (@elliot)
- #822 Add Cascade to Payment mapping (@Richtermeister)
- #818 [WIP] Locale management (@pjedrzejewski)
- #814 [WebBundle] Allow to edit shipment assigned to the order (@stloyd)
- #675 Adopted template overriding from other actions like update (@snc)
- #738 Moved backorders enabled to parameters.yml (@umpirsky)
- #807 [payum] update the bundle composer.json (@makasim)
- #803 Fix product mapping for taxon model (@foopang)
- #808 [CoreBundle] Fix the problem when none shipping method match the current user shipping address (@stloyd)
- #733 Change the way how Doctrine fixtures bundle is initialized & polish README file (@stloyd)
- #804 [InstallerBundle] Check that GD extension is installed, also cleanup translation (@stloyd)
- #791 Refresh cart right after cart_change event (fix #716) (@winzou)
- #801 Enable weight based shipping (@pjedrzejewski)
- #489 Set the right order currency & cart provider events (@pjedrzejewski)
- #797 Add product mapping for taxon model (@foopang)
- #796 Handle deleted items properly in backend (@pjedrzejewski)
- #795 Fix problems with specs failing about missing dependencies (@stloyd)
- #793 Make the product changes logged (@pjedrzejewski)
- #792 Optimize order page and handle deleted products (@pjedrzejewski)
- #786 Adjust README files along all bundles (@stloyd)
- #788 Redirect to specific URL after add to cart. (@kayue)
- #785 [InstallerBundle] Fix spec to work with newest phpspec (@stloyd)
- #784 [CartBundle] Fix cart bundle spec & few fixes for README file (@stloyd)
- #776 Consider shipping category during method eligibility check (@Richtermeister)
- #773 Typo fixed (@mauipipe)
- #749 Ability to easily add factories to create configuration for different driver types (@mtotheikle)
- #734 Polish Behat DataContext file to improve performance (@stloyd)
- #750 [payum] upgrade payum to 0.7 (@makasim)
- #758 delete cascade variants when products are deleted (@docteurklein)
- #731 Removed check for empty values in ORM Repository (@isometriks)
- #747 [Core] Consider Shipment State "ready" in StateResolver (@wahler)
- #746 [Frontend] Label class for out of stock message corrected (@wahler)
- #740 Update messages.ru.xlf (@falinsky)
- #736 [CoreBunde] Use interface instead of entity in doctrine mappings (@stloyd)
- #729 Fixed SyliusCheckoutEvents (@umpirsky)
- #727 [ResourceBundle] When no data is sent use default values for sorting labels (@stloyd)
- #720 Fixed inventory UI (@umpirsky)
- #717 [omnipay] fix repository url in composer.lock (@wahler)
- #721 Set max per page before current page. (@kayue)
- #713 [Web] Sort payments by id desc by default (@winzou)
- #708 Detect vagrant virtual machine environment (@norzechowicz)
- #709 Moved modules installation to VM (@norzechowicz)
- #707 Files should not be executable (@stloyd)
- #687 [WIP] Improved order details page (backend) (@kayue)
- #702 Fixing standalone bundles requirements (@jjanvier)
- #699 [Flow] Add own InvalidException (fix #655) (@winzou)
- #696 Force using latest dev version of "phpspec/phpspec" & "phpspec/prophecy" (@stloyd)
- #691 fix for incorrect query building in Repositories. (@molchanoviv)
- #694 Changed private declarations to protected in CartListener.php (@eriwin)
- #684 Fix problem fix Vagrant poor performance with cache & logs directories (@stloyd)
- #648 Improved products page (backend) (@kayue)
- #682 Province management (@aRn0D)
- #680 Removed double line (@umpirsky)
- #679 Bug Fix #519 (@aRn0D)
- #669 [Payum] Add Be2bill gateway (@winzou)
- #676 fix shipment inverse side (@xleliberty)
- #665 Restricted zones, fixes #624 (@umpirsky, @stloyd)
- #671 Fix product options page spacing bug. (@kayue)
- #613 Make province-choices.js more flexible by not relying on .well class (@Richtermeister)
- #616 Abandon cart on cart clean (@winzou)
- #636 [payum] add execute same request with payment details action. (@makasim)
- #637 Fix incorrect date field input format in order filter form. (@kayue)
- #662 Set random password when creating user using oauth to prevent
issue & potential security hole (@stloyd) - #670 Fix flash messages in CartBundle being ignored while sent in event data (@stloyd)
- #660 [Web] Use protocol-less URL in backend layout (@winzou)
- #635 [omnipay] fix repository url in composer.lock (@mikspark)
- #645 Fixed incorrect translation (@pborreli)
- #643 Improved backend UI elements. (@kayue)
- #641 Frontend form style improvements (@pborreli)
- #629 Nicer homepage. (@kayue)
- #570 Fix CDN usage (@pborreli)
- #630 Add back missing close tag for paginator. (@kayue)
- #532 [payment] payment state changed events. (@makasim)
- #621 [payum] update payum version (@makasim)
- #504 Russian translations (@asidorov01)
- #594 [WIP] Bug fix #529 (@aRn0D)
- #516 configuration fix. (@molchanoviv)
- #614 Bugfix "different address" toggle (@Richtermeister)
- #591 [WIP] Bug fix #574 (@aRn0D)
- #590 Removing the sort link on the dashboard. (@aRn0D)
- #569 Fix HTML when no product (@pborreli)
- #568 Let host access vagrant test env (@pborreli)
- #524 Add SKU to product form (@jjanvier)
- #487 Implement basic state resolver and shipping states for order (@stloyd, @pjedrzejewski)
- #531 Cleanup of css+js along with update to latest stable releases of libraries (@stloyd)
- #548 Made group_id column non-unique in sylius_user_group table (@ged15)
- #554 Implement fluid interface in all entities (@Richtermeister)
- #500 [ResourceBundle] Small fix on configuration (@aRn0D)
- #517 [WIP] Adding paginate twig extension (@aRn0D)
- #556 Fix spec folder name for OrderBundle (@stloyd)
- #541 New default "checkout" shipment state (@winzou)
- #503 [payum] lower php version. (@makasim)
- #420 Add Mailer including Order Confirmation Email (@Richtermeister)
- #537 MinLength -> Length constraint [fix #536] (@cordoval)
- #535 Move from private to protected in checkout steps (@winzou)
- #551 User repository now used to create entities (@ged15)
- #527 To fix #441 (duplicated variants after generations) (@jjanvier)
- #553 Avoid composer updating ALL deps when requiring mongodb odm (@pjedrzejewski)
- #528 Moved HTML5shim js call after CSS (@pborreli)
- #530 Fix old bootstrap classes (@pborreli)
- #510 Allow Variant selection for Products without Options (@Richtermeister)
- #522 Confirmation modal (@stloyd, @aRn0D)
- #509 Display Product Variant consistently in cart, checkout, order receipt. (@Richtermeister)
- #520 Fixed an incorrect encoding causing an exception when it locale was used (@marcoalbarelli)
- #512 Add description to promotion adjustments (@Richtermeister)
- #518 Fixed typos/PHPDoc (@pborreli)
- #515 Fixed html (@pborreli)
- #506 Fixed typos (@pborreli)
- #508 Add HWIOauthBundle to CoreBundle deps (@winzou)
- #354 Support for sign-in & sign-up via OAuth resource owner (@stloyd, @headrevision)
- #483 Make default currency from config actually work (@Richtermeister)
- #406 [WIP] Customer groups (@pjedrzejewski)
- #460 Add ability to change payment status (@stloyd)
- #473 Deporting promotions actions from CoreBundle to PromotionsBundle (@jjanvier)
- #482 Add Shipping Category to Product mapping/form/templates (@Richtermeister)
- #479 Fix some CS glitches, add missing phpdocs etc. (@stloyd)
- #477 Adding PayumBundle to CoreBundle for Sylius-Standard (@jjanvier)
- #475 FIX-472 broken product form for cyrillic taxonomy (@asidorov01)
- #466 [WIP][payum] reorganize custom actions. (@makasim)
- #467 Move some view macros into ResourceBundle to reduce code duplication (@stloyd)
- #410 [WIP] Rename SalesBundle to OrderBundle (@jjanvier)
- #461 Fix SyliusTaxationBundle when it's use as a standalone bundle (@BenoitLeveque)
- #462 [payum] update up to stable version. (@makasim)
- #459 Fix some design glitches across website (@stloyd)
- #449 #440 - Added first name and last name to registration forms. Updated styles of address form. (@phpfour)
- #456 Don't allow user to delete himself in admin panel. (@stloyd)
- #429 [WIP] Integrate the promotion coupons (@jjanvier)
- #454 Fix permissions (@brikou)
- #453 s/CalculatorregistryInterface/CalculatorRegistryInterface/ (@brikou)
- #452 s/SchemaregistryInterface/SchemaRegistryInterface/ (@brikou)
- #450 [RFC] removing shipping total from the amt calculation (@cordoval)
- #446 Fix the shipping charges processor (@pjedrzejewski)
- #448 Fixing random CS (@jjanvier)
- #439 [RFC] Reduce code duplication in DI (@stloyd)
- #438 Enhance Shipping Method Widget (@Richtermeister)
- #436 [WIP] Fix some random CS issues. (@stloyd)
- #437 [RFC] Sync
files content (@stloyd) - #435 Updated .htaccess (@norzechowicz)
- #434 Reduce code duplication between DI extensions (@stloyd)
- #433 Added dashboard translations (PL) (@mrosiu)
- #275 [WIP] Sylius payum integration (@makasim)
- #423 Expose
option into bundles when CoreBundle is used (@stloyd) - #303 Cart purger (@winzou)
- #418 Croatian translation improvements (@antonioperic)
- #427 Updated spanish translations (@edwines)
- #421 Allow to remove images before product is saved (@stloyd)
- #403 Quick fix for gallery onclick event attachment on non existent element (@defrag)
- #416 Update KnpMenu to version
, rework menus a bit (@stloyd) - #404 Fix inventory handling during checkout (@pjedrzejewski)
- #405 Tax categories scenarios + tax included in price (@pjedrzejewski)
- #397 Use real data in statistics table at dashboard (@stloyd)
- #393 Add SKU to Variant Form (@Richtermeister)
- #395 Prevent users reaching
url with 404 error (@stloyd) - #368 Administration panel redesign with Bootstrap 3 (@pjedrzejewski, @stloyd)
- #388 Enhance OrderNumberGenerator (@Richtermeister)
- #387 Make cart save redirect to cart summary (@Richtermeister)
- #383 Remove hard dependency on mongodb (@stloyd)
- #346 Add backend form error messages (@Richtermeister)
- #371 Fix CreditCardType to work with Symfony's Luhn Validator (@Richtermeister)
- #314 [WIP] My account section : address book (@Tobion, @jjanvier)
- #347 Fix Shipping Method Calculator form prototype handling (@Richtermeister)
- #375 Fix Process to keep step sequence after removing step (@Richtermeister)
- #374 Allow to add product with 0.00 price (@amenophis)
- #352 Fixing promotion percent calculation (@antonioperic)
- #370 Fix Shipping Adjustment application (@Richtermeister)
- #367 add missing required dependency (@amenophis)
- #366 Add sylius_sales configuration override (@amenophis)
- #365 Fix shipment factory to only create one shipment per order (@Richtermeister)
- #355 Initial new versioning schema (@pjedrzejewski)
- #68 [WIP] Rewritten vagrant configuration (@norzechowicz)
- #359 Add canaling of given query string on history rewind (@thormeier)
- #353 Fix Inventory Unit Mapping (@Richtermeister)
- #341 Fix for doctrine mappings issues in ShippingBundle. (@stloyd)
- #348 Fix translation & make it more consistent (@Richtermeister)
- #1 Merge with current version (@antonioperic)
- #345 Returning form with informations to view - fixed (@antonioperic)
- #319 Enhance main app menus to make them more consistent (@jjanvier)
- #331 Update the ancestorClass in the backend menu (@edwines)
- #344 Fix Image placeholders (@Richtermeister)
- #342 Fix for issue with order processing when given value is not array or Doctrine Collection (@stloyd)
- #329 Cascade Delete for Taxonomy and Options (@Richtermeister)
- #334 Fix safe_label option in menu template. (@Richtermeister)
- #333 Allow AddressType EventSubscriber to be customized. (@Richtermeister)
- #327 [WIP] Remove shameful red color from travis (@pjedrzejewski)
- #332 Updated deprecated field_row block (@edwines)
- #326 Fixed file encoding. (@MicheleOnGit)
- #323 Added missing comma (@edwines)
- #300 CartBundle Events now extend ResourceEvent (@pkraeutli)
- #315 Updated Spanish translations (@franmomu)
- #311 Cleaning my account (@jjanvier)
- #296 French translation (@amenophis)
- #297 Croatian translation (@antonioperic)
- #308 German translations part 2 (@Capenus)
- #301 Allow limit to null to get the entire list of resource. (@BenoitLeveque)
- #307 Increase order number max length (@molchanoviv)
- #291 Add omnipay/omnipay to composer.json (@winzou)
- #294 Added the german translations for a couple of Bundles (@Capenus)
- #290 Slovenian translations added (@peterkokot)
- #293 Fixed typo (@Malian)
- #292 Fix last assetic javascript blocks (@winzou)
- #288 German translations added. (@doertedev)
- #289 Bundles merging (@pjedrzejewski, @umpirsky, @winzou, @tvlooy, @piotrantosik, @stloyd, @mykehsd, @amenophis, @Gladhon, @rubas, @cjsissingh, @77web, @AntonTyutin, @gregsomers, @mastio, @yohang, @Seldaek, @Nek-, @cordoval, @pborreli, @jjanvier, @lsmith77, @bakulinav, @Tobion, @l3l0, @fullo, @ivannis, @javigzz, @mablae, @jrobeson, @aRn0D, @whisller, @eymengunay, @jsampedro77, @marcospassos, @sstok, @shatzibitten, @pajooh, @gitnacho, @helios-ag, @sogos, @Stubbs, @KernelFolla, @Eponymi, @pluess, @mvrhov, @cursedcoder, @zachbadgett, @pilot)
- #59 added it translation and fixed en (@KernelFolla)
- #14 plug inversed by on transaction to make for a valid query (@cordoval)
- #56 [WIP] Add possibility to stopPropagation (@amenophis)
- #286 Set output parameter to all javascripts blocks (@winzou)
- #49 space cs (@cordoval)
- #282 Fixed typo (@carlalexander)
- #59 Update ResourceServicesFactory.php (@shatzibitten)
- #276 Fixes (@umpirsky)
- #58 Russian translation style fix (@molchanoviv)
- #45 Adding Russian translations (@AntonTyutin)
- #251 Execute Behat scenarios by tag groups on Travis CI (@headrevision)
- #23 Initial operator refactoring, introduce factory (@pjedrzejewski)
- #271 Handle all Bootstrap alert types (@amenophis)
- #268 Fix payment column name (@winzou)
- #25 Changed ProcessContext to use new validation (@zachbadgett)
- #61 Add default table name (@amenophis)
- #62 Add default table name (@amenophis)
- #13 Improve form by using real names (@winzou)
- #29 Implement needed abstract method (@winzou)
- #263 Use RTEL for User (@winzou)
- #262 Convert entities into mapped-superclass (@winzou)
- #261 Move fixtures to using the Intl component (@richardmiller)
- #23 [WIP] Process validation (@zachbadgett)
- #16 French translation (@amenophis)
- #248 Updated macros.html.twig to not show hardcoded information but actual table data (@matteodem)
- #246 Fix pdf travis generation (@stewe)
- #256 [RFC] improvements to spanish menu translation (@cordoval)
- #252 Updated german translations (@matteodem)
- #12 Fix labelPath in VariantChoiceList (@Tobion)
- #23 Error in prototype model class (@amenophis)
- #19 add explicit table name (@lsmith77)
- #260 fix problem with how we run phpspec (@cordoval)
- #185 add missing twig extension in some renderResponse calls (@jrobeson)
- #183 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #26 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #51 (Small) Enhancement of sorting and filtering (@aRn0D)
- #52 Fix for metadata loading issue (@molchanoviv)
- #239 Russian translation error fix (@korjavin)
- #216 Fix orders fixtures (@aRn0D)
- #18 Typo in url (@amenophis)
- #49 added check for sylius.config.classes parameter existence (@molchanoviv)
- #10 variant mapping fix (@molchanoviv)
- #12 added the italian translation (@fullo)
- #48 load metadata event listener (@molchanoviv)
- #47 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #7 French translation (@amenophis)
- #4 Fixed typos (@pborreli)
- #219 italian translation (@fullo)
- #229 Fix long product names (@umpirsky)
- #232 Russian translation (@molchanoviv)
- #54 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski, @mastio)
- #9 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #47 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #54 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #50 Fixed transitive association persistence issue (Issue #48) (@gregsomers)
- #52 Adding Russian translations (@AntonTyutin)
- #55 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #21 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #17 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #26 Adding Russian translations (@AntonTyutin)
- #28 French translation (@amenophis)
- #227 Added knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle to composer.lock (@umpirsky)
- #22 Fixed typos (@pborreli)
- #28 Fixed typos (@pborreli)
- #46 Adding getter/setter for order state (@jjanvier)
- #39 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #9 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #11 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #13 Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6 Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4 French translation (@amenophis)
- #5 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #9 [WIP] Symfony 2.3 upgrade (@pjedrzejewski)
- #8 French translation (@amenophis)
- #10 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #215 Fixed PHPDoc (@pborreli)
- #135 [WIP] My account section : orders and invoices (@jjanvier)
- #53 Unable properties access to extending classes (@winzou)
- #9 Fix typos (@pborreli)
- #45 Fix PHPDoc (@pborreli)
- #6 removed deprecated functions invoking and fixed several doc blocks (@molchanoviv)
- #206 Behat pre-configured for SauceLabs (@headrevision)
- #44 Allow newer version of sylius/resource-bundle (@gregsomers)
- #42 Accept never versions of SyliusResourceBundle (@stloyd)
- #7 Russian translation (@molchanoviv)
- #197 added scenario for trying to login without credentials (+ corrected intendation) (@headrevision)
- #195 Using the latest stable version of faker bundle (@aRn0D)
- #2 Fix config and copy paste mistakes (@bakulinav)
- #3 Mapping fixes (@molchanoviv)
- #2 Extension File Rename (@molchanoviv)
- #1 mapping issues fixes and deprecated functions removing (@molchanoviv)
- #186 add Japanese translation (@77web)
- #5 Access Property by its name from Product (@winzou)
- #182 remove shortcut commands from travis config (@jrobeson)
- #178 Change locale (@umpirsky)
- #21 Taxon edition. (@aRn0D)
- #44 translate cart message (@piotrantosik)
- #40 Avoid empty cart to be persisted (@winzou)
- #20 MongoDB ODM support added (@eymengunay)
- #177 Show in store button, translation fix (@umpirsky)
- #7 Add redirection (@umpirsky)
- #176 Update messages.en.xlf (@umpirsky)
- #175 Tweak readme (@umpirsky)
- #24 add a description field to Taxon (@jrobeson)
- #46 Removed model validation (@umpirsky)
- #42 Removed model validation, fixed item comparison (@umpirsky)
- #159 Update sylius.yml (@albanR)
- #134 Configurable currencies (@umpirsky)
- #161 Better user management (@umpirsky)
- #144 [clean] Use email instead of username (@winzou)
- #40 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #55 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #148 Taxonomy images link is not correct (@aRn0D)
- #150 Update README.md (@joshribakoff)
- #45 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #12 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #151 added italian i18n translation (@bionicvapourboy)
- #10 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #152 Updating choice widget expanded template (@aRn0D)
- #25 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #10 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #153 Added validation scenario (@umpirsky)
- #154 rename Sylius{Cache|Kernel} to App{Cache|Kernel} (@jrobeson)
- #23 Validation groups (@umpirsky)
- #158 Update frontend.css (@albanR)
- #156 Update show.html.twig (@albanR)
- #145 small fix view (@piotrantosik)
- #2 Currency context can get default currency (@umpirsky)
- #1 [WIP] Added exchange rates (@umpirsky)
- #142 Serbian cyrillic translation (@umpirsky)
- #138 Tweak Serbian translation (@umpirsky)
- #140 add some pl & en translations (@piotrantosik)
- #139 fix doctrine mapping (@piotrantosik)
- #19 fix doctrine mapping (@piotrantosik)
- #141 add createdAt to user (@piotrantosik)
- #132 Fixing glitches (@jjanvier)
- #129 Fixed sr_Latin translations (@cvele)
- #131 Loading countries fixtures with app's locale. (@jjanvier)
- #50 Add address view (@winzou)
- #125 [WIP] My account section : home, profile edition and password change [Clean] (@jjanvier)
- #23 Fixed #22 (@umpirsky)
- #21 Fix typo (@piotrantosik)
- #31 [WIP] Make Order model Cart friendly (@winzou)
- #37 Add SyliusOrderEvents class (@winzou)
- #122 Fix #119 (@piotrantosik)
- #92 Enable images for Taxonomy/Taxon (@piotrantosik)
- #52 Set auto_initialize to false for province field (@Stubbs)
- #20 Shipping rules (@umpirsky)
- #106 Installer (@umpirsky)
- #113 Update OrderRepository.php (@albanR)
- #114 Update ProductRepository.php (@albanR)
- #101 Link Address and User (@winzou)
- #104 Convert translations (@winzou)
- #117 Fixed #73 (@umpirsky)
- #107 Added favicon (@umpirsky)
- #5 Database installation and fixtures for web installer (@umpirsky)
- #102 Update sales bundle to fix the order number generation error (@pjedrzejewski)
- #51 Fix translation (@winzou)
- #96 Added user orders list to user details page (@norzechowicz)
- #49 Fix config typo (@winzou)
- #100 Fix config typo (@winzou)
- #48 Company field in the address. (@jjanvier, @winzou)
- #1 Add company form field (@winzou)
- #16 Fix form field name (Fix #15) (@winzou)
- #14 Converted translations to xliff format (@umpirsky)
- #97 add translation to product/form/_tabs, fix path in css, add gallery to product form (@piotrantosik)
- #91 Fix typo (@winzou)
- #87 Fixed sorting urls at product and order list. (@norzechowicz)
- #11 Converted translations to xliff format (@umpirsky)
- #47 Converted translations to xliff format (@umpirsky)
- #4 Added installer alias route (@umpirsky)
- #8 Converted translations to xliff format (@umpirsky)
- #38 Custom success flash messages (@cjsissingh)
- #41 Fixing bug when getting resources via criterias and findBy (@jjanvier)
- #45 PreBind Addressing error (@sogos)
- #81 Changes priviate attr to protected to enable inherit on MenuBuilder... (@sargath)
- #80 add Bootstrap Image Gallery for images (@piotrantosik)
- #78 Enabling softdeletable behavior. (@jjanvier)
- #77 update composer deps (@Eponymi)
- #75 Payment feature fixes (@Eponymi)
- #76 Remove jms:reference from xlf translations (@pjedrzejewski)
- #8 add credit card interface for mapping to omnipay format (@Eponymi)
- #36 Update flashes.nl.xlf (@sstok)
- #38 Introduced create, update and delete events (@marcospassos)
- #32 fix order number generator (@piotrantosik)
- #71 update dashboard translation (pl & en) (@piotrantosik)
- #13 add translation, remove depracated, fix view (@piotrantosik)
- #63 Last week revenue, orders and charts (@umpirsky)
- #69 User register in checkout on security step (@skowi)
- #57 add label to ShippingMethodType & translation to backend tables (@piotrantosik)
- #7 Credit card types branch (@Eponymi)
- #3 Better layout and friendly tips (@umpirsky)
- #40 Added Russian translation (@helios-ag)
- #34 Added some layout blocks (@umpirsky)
- #8 Credit card form branch (@Eponymi)
- #64 Fix flashes call (@winzou)
- #59 Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\VariantImage was invalid according to the Symfony profiler (@jjanvier)
- #41 fix use statement (@piotrantosik)
- #56 Decouple Variant and VariantImage entities (@winzou)
- #39 Fix english translations after merge of #38 (@winzou)
- #38 add missing label, replace depracated DataEvent to FormEvent... (@piotrantosik)
- #55 add local parameters to money bundle & condition in js (@piotrantosik)
- #52 Fix security step redirection (@winzou)
- #51 Test security token before retrieving user (@winzou)
- #6 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #36 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #4 Cleanup of code. (@stloyd)
- #33 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #49 Small fix in pl translation & payment method form, fix test environment (@piotrantosik)
- #12 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #7 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #17 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #5 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #7 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #6 Init polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #6 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #37 Use strict in js file, small fix in js (@piotrantosik)
- #47 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #13 Fix phpdocs at random interfaces. Use new interfaces from SyliusResourceBundle (@stloyd)
- #32 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #5 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #4 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #16 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #15 fix max_length message (@tvlooy)
- #11 Dutch translations (@tvlooy)
- #10 Rename file (@tvlooy)
- #46 Styles of buttons "Create shipping category" and "Manage shipping methods" are inverted. (@jjanvier)
- #27 Clean up interfaces (@stloyd)
- #4 Translations for SyliusPaymentsBundle (@jjanvier)
- #45 Remove deprecated FilterDataEvent, add validation to addressing step, small fix pl translation (@piotrantosik)
- #35 Polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #14 French translations for SyliusShippingBundle (@jjanvier)
- #44 Apply sylius_money filter on price in backend show product (@albanR)
- #18 Use new interfaces from SyliusResourceBundle (@stloyd)
- #43 Store checkout details on the cart entity (@pjedrzejewski)
- #42 Polish translation (@piotrantosik)
- #41 New backend promotions scenarios & coupon code generation (@pjedrzejewski)
- #29 Introduce two new interfaces to reduce problems with name conflicts (@stloyd)
- #35 Fix interfaces phpdocs (@stloyd)
- #2 Improve PromotionRepository (@winzou)
- #6 Update requirements, add specs (@pilot)
- #5 Update omnipay relation to latest @dev (@pilot)
- #3 Automatically set promotion amount as discount (@winzou)
- #4 Update dev-master version alias (@pilot)
- #5 Allows more precise tax rate (@winzou)
- #3 Relay master on omnipay/master to be more flexible (@pilot)
- #37 Use configurable secret for remember_me cookie. (@pminnieur)
- #35 changed default timezone to UTC (@pminnieur)
- #33 fixed typo (@pminnieur)
- #34 added missing php5-gd lib to default recipe (@pminnieur)
- #30 Set composer package type (@stloyd)
- #31 Shipment backend scenarios (@umpirsky)
- #29 Added logo image (@umpirsky)
- #28 Added JMSTranslationBundle (@umpirsky)
- #9 Default templates and routing config (@umpirsky)
- #27 Added Incenteev ParameterHandler (@umpirsky)
- #26 [RFC] define missing class variable $generator (@cordoval)
- #32 Fixed #31 (@umpirsky)
- #2 [RFC] typo it should be mutable (@cordoval)
- #26 Select2 (@umpirsky)
- #25 Order filters (@umpirsky)
- #22 Doc inspired fixes (@umpirsky)
- #25 Removed unused createNewItem() (@umpirsky)
- #3 Default templates and routing (@umpirsky)
- #1 [RFC] owner to no owner (@cordoval)
- #22 Separate config for sylius bundles (@umpirsky)
- #33 Tracking total quantity of cart items (@mykehsd)
- #21 Made Coordinator::buildProcess protected (@umpirsky)
- #2 Update to use latest omnipay lib (@pilot)
- #20 Updated deps (@umpirsky)
- #18 Product images (@umpirsky)
- #1 Bundle configuration based on omniplay classes names (@jsampedro77)
- #4 Replace validation MinLength/MaxLength constraints with Length one (@l3l0)
- #12 Replaces deprecated MinLength and MaxLength validators (@jsampedro77)
- #28 Dynamic criteria (@umpirsky)
- #30 adds missing validator message (@jsampedro77)
- #29 Replaces deprecated MinLength MaxLength validators (@jsampedro77)
- #27 [WIP] Use _sylius Prefix Again (@mablae)
- #20 Proper exception handling (@cursedcoder)
- #7 Added german translation (@mablae)
- #25 adds spanish translations to flashes catalog (@javigzz)
- #6 adds spanish translations to messages and validators (@javigzz)
- #32 add check if cart exists without creating a new one (@rubas)
- #28 messages and validators translated to spanish (@gitnacho)
- #17 Promotions (@umpirsky)
- #27 CartModel auto-calculation (@Gladhon)
- #1 Initial promotions implementation (@umpirsky)
- #24 Fixed failed to build the route parameters in Twig extension (@ivannis)
- #3 added support for mongodb odm (@ivannis)
- #27 Fixed provinces collection validation (@umpirsky)
- #14 Basic implementation of different product properties types (@l3l0, @skowi)
- #30 Move to Min validator to Range on CartItem Entity (@amenophis)
- #12 Initial inventory features (@umpirsky)
- #26 Removed cart prefix (@umpirsky)
- #15 Initial sales orders management (@pjedrzejewski)
- #13 Initial FOSUserBundle integration (@umpirsky)
- #29 The flash messages for clearing & saving cart are switched around (@mykehsd)
- #11 Removed unused mocks (@umpirsky)
- #28 Add shortcut method for easier event dispatching (@stloyd)
- #23 Change default behavior of dispatchEvent() shortcut in case when event is send as param (@stloyd)
- #19 [RFC] Removed flow prefix (@stloyd)
- #26 Convert our Address entity into a superclass and introduce a DefaultAddr... (@mykehsd)
- #22 Repository interface (@umpirsky)
- #10 Split sylius-shipping-method.js (@l3l0)
- #17 Removed inventory prefix (@umpirsky)
- #11 Updated scenarios according to latest flash messages changes (@umpirsky)
- #21 Conventional flash messages (@umpirsky)
- #10 Initial assortment features (@pjedrzejewski)
- #9 Added validation to PerItemRateConfigurationType (@umpirsky)
- #7 Shipping (@umpirsky)
- #8 Added sylius-shipping-method.js (@umpirsky)
- #7 I18n fixes (@umpirsky)
- #6 Fix/prototypes of calculator for shipping method type (@l3l0)
- #6 Fixed travis config (@umpirsky)
- #25 Validation fixes (@umpirsky)
- #5 Added zones (@umpirsky)
- #24 Fixed zone js (@umpirsky)
- #23 Tweak validation message (@umpirsky)
- #14 Added default templates and routng config (@umpirsky)
- #4 Countries and provinces (@umpirsky)
- #22 Allow editing provinces directly on country form (@umpirsky)
- #21 Updated validation messages (@umpirsky)
- #18 Simplified matchAll() (@umpirsky)
- #19 Remove usort function from matcher, fix zone matcher spec. (@l3l0)
- #17 Add ::matchAll to ZoneMatcher & ZoneMatcherInterface (@umpirsky)
- #3 Added README for a vagrant (@whisller)
- #2 Added vagrant (@whisller)
- #1 Changed link to demo (@whisller)
- #16 Fixed URI to documentation (@whisller)
- #15 Use AvailabilityChecker in InventoryOperator, add InsufficientStockException (@umpirsky)
- #25 Replace some functionality with event listeners (@stloyd)
- #23 Adjust
(@stloyd) - #20 Renaming _criteria and _sorting parameters in Controller\Configuration (@ivannis)
- #24 Adjust
(@stloyd) - #18 Adjust
(@stloyd) - #13 Added default Stockable model (@umpirsky)
- #16 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #5 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #17 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #14 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #18 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #22 Update .travis.yml (@stloyd)
- #12 Doc tweaks (@umpirsky)
- #11 Added InventoryChangeListener (@umpirsky)
- #16 Removed _sylius.resource from routing. (@umpirsky)
- #10 Inventory backorders support. (@umpirsky)
- #15 Used listener instead of hacky hack in Twig extension, fixes #14. (@umpirsky)
- #9 Fixed minimum-stability in composer.json (@umpirsky)
- #13 Brought more flexibility to redirect methods. (@umpirsky)
- #12 Fixed update template name. (@umpirsky)
- #11 Translated flash messages. (@umpirsky)
- #17 Made coordinator smarter (@mvrhov)
- #10 Added redirect to referer support. (@umpirsky)
- #13 Zone matcher. (@umpirsky)
- #9 updated support for mongodb to last changes (@ivannis)
- #12 Initial zones implementation. (@umpirsky)
- #15 Coordinator should allow outputing a FOSRestBundle View instance (@mvrhov)
- #14 Container should be set on any Step implementing ... (@mvrhov)
- #2 Removed unused use statement. (@umpirsky)
- #1 Added validation. (@umpirsky)
- #13 Fixed wrong variable name and added test cases to cover the bug. (@pluess)
- #12 Allow branches for the work flow (@pluess)
- #7 Added some specs for doctrine repos, generate human readable alias. (@umpirsky)
- #8 added last changes in entity repository to document repository (@ivannis)
- #6 added getRedirectRoute in ResourceController and resource name in 404 message (@ivannis)
- #21 Added quantity min attribute (@umpirsky)
- #5 Modifying the ServiceGenerator class to support the ODM/MongoDB driver (@ivannis)
- #4 Added ResourceRepository class for ODM/MongoDB driver (@ivannis)
- #2 Minor fixes. (@umpirsky)
- #1 Fix requirements (@Seldaek)
- #11 added persian translation (@pajooh)
- #9 Add tests and improvements (@l3l0)
- #17 Small cleanup of cart functionality, re-use existing collection code fro... (@stloyd)
- #15 Expose CartManager for overriding. (@umpirsky)
- #12 Made CartProvider opened for extension. (@umpirsky)
- #17 Fixed issue 16. (@umpirsky)
- #13 Added french translations (@Nek-)
- #10 Fixed bad translation (@Nek-)
- #9 Fixed spelling mistakes (@Nek-)
- #8 Adding some french translations (@Nek-)
- #7 Remove duplicate keyword (@Seldaek)
- #2 Updating Provider Configuration for Extensibility (@jhaskell)
- #6 Fix implements type get name (@yohang)
- #5 Fixed ItemManager (use BaseItemManager for Inheritance) (@yohang)
- #4 Moving order status to a seperate entity (@benscholler)
- #3 Fixed ArrayChoiceList not found error. (@umpirsky)
- #2 Minor tabs fix. (@umpirsky)