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52 lines (36 loc) · 1.73 KB

File metadata and controls

52 lines (36 loc) · 1.73 KB


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RTFLex is a simple lexer / tokenizer for RTF formatted data.

Example Usage

RTFLex allows you to easily extract plain text from an RTF formatted file. Here how you would do that:

require_once "rtflex/RTFLexer.php";

use RTFLex\io\StreamReader;
use RTFLex\tokenizer\RTFTokenizer;
use RTFLex\tree\RTFDocument;

$reader = new StreamReader('/path/to/myFile.rtf');
$tokenizer = new RTFTokenizer($reader);
$doc = new RTFDocument($tokenizer);
echo $doc->extractText();

While RTFLex uses namespaces to organize it's inner-workings, it also provides a simple, global, front-end class for easy of use. This accomplishes the same as the above code:

require_once "rtflex/RTFLexer.php";

$doc = RTFLexer::file('/path/to/myFile.rtf');
echo $doc->extractText();

RTFLex also lets you easily extract hidden metadata from an RTF file. Take, for example, the follow RTF header:

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
{\title Sample Title}
{\subject Sample Subject}
{\author Craig Weber}
{\*\company silvermine}
{\*\copyright 2013 silvermine.}}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0

Using the RTFDocument class, it's easy to extract those field.

$doc = RTFLexer::file('/path/to/myFile.rtf');
echo $doc->extractMetadata('title');     // => "Sample Title"
echo $doc->extractMetadata('copyright'); // => "2013 silvermine."