This repo tree contains sample apps illustrating how to use the Steeltoe Configuration provider packages.
- src/AspDotNetCore/Simple - ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use Spring Cloud Config Server as a configuration source.
- src/AspDotNetCore/SimpleCloudFoundry - ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use Config Server for Pivotal CloudFoundry as a configuration source. It also shows how to access CloudFoundry
environment variables as configuration data. - src/AspDotNetCore/CloudFoundry - ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use the Steeltoe CloudFoundry configuration provider to access CloudFoundry
environment variables as configuration data. - src/AspDotNet4/Simple - same as AspDotNetCore/Simple but built for ASP.NET 4.x
- src/AspDotNet4/SimpleCloudFoundry - same as AspDotNetCore/SimpleCloudFoundry, but built for ASP.NET 4.x.
- src/AspDotNet4/AutofacCloudFoundry -same as AspDotNet4/SimpleCloudFoundry, but built using Autofac IOC container.
See the Readme for instructions on building and running each app.