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511 lines (405 loc) · 11.5 KB

Adding Authentication

This section of the tutorial adds Authentication via auth_plug. It's the fastest way to add auth with the fewest lines of code.

By the end you will be able to sign-in with Google or Github in your Todo List App.

1. Install auth_plug

Open mix.exs and locate the deps section. Add the following line:

{:auth_plug, "~> 1.5"},

Once you've saved the mix.exs file, run:

mix deps.get

After installing, you need an AUTH_API_KEY. To get this key, please follow the official instructions -> Get your AUTH_API_KEY

Once you have created your AUTH_API_KEY, create an .env file in your project add the following line to it:

export AUTH_API_KEY=88SwQD4YweF8q7iAt1R/88SwQGcsdq4gUpR9D69DFAXy/

Note: export the key you got from This is just for illustration.

Once you've saved your .env file, run:

source .env

2. Add Optional Auth to router.ex

Open your lib/app_web/router.ex and add the following lines:

definition with the following:

  pipeline :authOptional, do: plug(AuthPlugOptional)

  scope "/", AppWeb do
    pipe_through [:browser, :authOptional]

    get "/", ItemController, :index

    # These are the auth specific routes:
    get "/login", AuthController, :login
    get "/logout", AuthController, :logout


We just created the :authOptional pipeline that will run as middleware. We additionally added two routes, one for /login and another to /logout. They are managed by AuthController, which we will create now.

3. Create auth_controller.ex

Create the file: lib/app_web/controllers/auth_controller.ex and add the following lines of code:

defmodule AppWeb.AuthController do
  use AppWeb, :controller

  def login(conn, _params) do
    redirect(conn, external: AuthPlug.get_auth_url(conn, ~p"/"))

  def logout(conn, _params) do
    |> AuthPlug.logout()
    |> put_status(302)
    |> redirect(to: ~p"/items")

When the user logs in, they are redirected to the URL where they can authenticate using their chosen service. logout/2 as it's name suggests, handles logging out and redirects back to the /items page.xs

4. Modify list_items/0 to allow ownership

Open lib/app/todo.ex and locate the list_items/0 function. This function is called to fetch the list of items. However, we now need to know who an item belongs to in case the person is logged-in.

Change the list_items/0 function to the following:

def list_items(person_id \\ 0) do
  query =
      i in Item,
      select: i,
      where: i.person_id == ^person_id,
      order_by: [asc:]


5. Update ItemController

auth_plug adds the :loggedin (boolean to know if the person is logged in or not) and person (the map of information about the person that is logged in) The latter is not always set. If no person is logged in, :person will not be present in conn.assigns.

We want this information in the view to conditionally render it. For this, we need to change a few things in ItemController. Open lib/app_web/controllers/item_controller.ex and change index/2 to the following:

def index(conn, params) do
  item =
    if not is_nil(params) and Map.has_key?(params, "id") do

  render(conn, "index.html",
    items: Todo.list_items(get_person_id(conn)),
    changeset: Todo.change_item(item),
    editing: item,
    filter: Map.get(params, "filter", "all")

# get the person_id from
def get_person_id(conn) do
  case Map.has_key?(conn.assigns, :person) do
    false ->

    true ->
      Map.get(conn.assigns.person, :id)

This update to index/2 is simple; the get_person_id/1 function is used when looking up the Todo.list_items if the :person is logged in, and fetch their items.

In the create/2 function, change it so it looks like so.

def create(conn, %{"item" => item_params}) do
  item_params = Map.put(item_params, "person_id", get_person_id(conn))

  case Todo.create_item(item_params) do
    {:ok, _item} ->
      |> put_flash(:info, "Item created successfully.")
      |> redirect(to: ~p"/items/")
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} ->
      render(conn, :new, changeset: changeset)

We are adding person_id to the Item model when creating a todo item.

Finally, let's fix clear_completed/2. Instead of having:

person_id = 0
query = from(i in Item, where: i.person_id == ^person_id, where: i.status == 1)

Change it to the following.

person_id = get_person_id(conn)
query = from(i in Item, where: i.person_id == ^person_id, where: i.status == 1)

We are only missing the last piece of the puzzle: changing the view. Let's do just that 😄

Conditionally rendering in index.html.heex

This part is simple. We are going to conditionally render the page according to whether the user is logged in or not. We will use this.

<%= if @loggedin do %>
<!-- Render list of items of user -->
<% else %>
<!-- Render logout button -->
<% end %>

We will also have a login and logout button. Here's an example of the logout button.

<.link href="/logout">

It's that simple! Just a link that redirects to /logout, which is handled by the AuthController we created earlier.

Change the file so it looks like this.


And that should be it! 🎉 However, we are not done! We broke some tests while we implemented this feature. Let's fix those.

Fixing the tests


Open test/app/todo_test.exs. We are going to focus on changing the person_id in the tests so it is valid and makes sense when running the tests.

Find "create_item/1 with valid data creates a item" and change it to the following.

test "create_item/1 with valid data creates a item" do
  valid_attrs = %{person_id: 0, status: 0, text: "some text"}

  assert {:ok, %Item{} = item} = Todo.create_item(valid_attrs)
  assert item.person_id == 0
  assert item.status == 0
  assert item.text == "some text"

Find "update_item/2 with valid data updates the item" and change it to the following.

test "update_item/2 with valid data updates the item" do
  item = item_fixture()
  update_attrs = %{person_id: 1, status: 1, text: "some updated text"}

  assert {:ok, %Item{} = item} = Todo.update_item(item, update_attrs)
  assert item.person_id == 1
  assert item.status == 1
  assert item.text == "some updated text"

Find "list_items/0 returns all items" and change it to the following.

test "list_items/0 returns all items" do
  item = item_fixture()
  assert Todo.list_items(0) == [item]


Most of these tests use the item_fixture/0 function to create an Item object. As it stands, this object is not valid. So we need to change it. Open test/support/fixtures/todo_fixtures.ex and change the function so it looks like so.

def item_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do
  {:ok, item} =
    |> Enum.into(%{
      person_id: 0,
      status: 0,
      text: "some text"
    |> App.Todo.create_item()


We've created an AuthController. We need to test it! Create a file in test/app_web/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs and add the following code to it.

defmodule AppWeb.AuthControllerTest do
  use AppWeb.ConnCase, async: true

  test "Logout link displayed when loggedin", %{conn: conn} do
    data = %{
      username: "test_username",
      email: "[email protected]",
      givenName: "John Doe",
      picture: "this",
      auth_provider: "GitHub",
      sid: 1,
      id: 1
    jwt = AuthPlug.Token.generate_jwt!(data)

    conn = get(conn, "/?jwt=#{jwt}")
    assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "logout"

  test "get /logout with valid JWT", %{conn: conn} do
    data = %{
      email: "[email protected]",
      givenName: "Al",
      picture: "this",
      auth_provider: "GitHub",
      sid: 1,
      id: 1

    jwt = AuthPlug.Token.generate_jwt!(data)

    conn =
      |> put_req_header("authorization", jwt)
      |> get("/logout")

    assert "/items" = redirected_to(conn, 302)

  test "test login link redirect to", %{conn: conn} do
    conn = get(conn, "/login")
    assert redirected_to(conn, 302) =~ ""

We are testing the logout and login procedures. We check if the redirection works properly after the user logs in. Additionally, we check if the logout button is displayed after the user properly signs in.


We're in the final stretch! We just need to fix the tests in item_controller_test.exs

Open the file test/app_web/controllers/item_controller_test.exs and locate the create_item/1 private function. Add the following code after it.

  defp setup_conn(conn) do
   new_assigns = %{
    person: %{
      app_id: 5,
      aud: "Joken",
      auth_provider: "github",
      email: "[email protected]",
      exp: 1702132323,
      givenName: nil,
      iat: 1670595323,
      id: 1,
      iss: "Joken",
      jti: "2snib63q7a9l9sfmdg00117h",
      nbf: 1670595323,
      sid: 1,
      username: "test_username",
      picture: "this",
      givenName: "John Doe"
    loggedin: true

   new_assigns = Map.put(new_assigns, :jwt, AuthPlug.Token.generate_jwt!(%{
    email: "[email protected]",
    givenName: "John Doe",
    picture: "this",
    auth_provider: "GitHub",
    sid: 1,
    id: 1

   Map.replace(conn, :assigns, new_assigns)

We will use this function to add test assigns to the conn object. This will simulate a logged in user.

Now we just need to use this function inside the needed tests. Add the following line

conn = setup_conn(conn)

to the following tests:

  • "lists all items"
  • "renders form"
  • "redirects to show when data is valid"
  • "renders form for editing chosen item"
  • "redirects when data is valid"
  • "deletes chosen item"

Additionally, change"redirects when data is valid" test to the following. We are just testing for the redirection.

    test "redirects when data is valid", %{conn: conn, item: item} do
      conn = setup_conn(conn)
      conn = put(conn, ~p"/items/#{item}", item: @update_attrs)
      assert redirected_to(conn) == ~p"/items/"

The file should look like this after you've made these changes.


If you now run the tests (mix test), all tests should pass.

Finished in 0.7 seconds (0.6s async, 0.09s sync)
28 tests, 0 failures

And you're done! 🎉

Congratulations, you just added authentication to your application! It should look like this, now.


Give yourself a pat on the back 😉 !