Tabs are 2 spaces when writing Ruby
Data types are first-class citizens in Ruby, like in JavaScript
We can print on the screen with
- String interpolation in Ruby requires the use of double quotes.
"I am #{first_name}"
Symbols are often used as hash keys; Start them with a letter.
In number operations, combining an int and a float will return a float
- Putting a question mark at the end of a method indicates a boolean return value:
Calling an array method with the bang operator at the end will allow that array to be mutated.
The shovel operator
can append items to the end of an array. -
method converts a range into an array
- Blocks are closures with which are often used to perform operations on a list or range of values.
Ruby methods have an implicit return, meaning that they return the last statement that's evaluated is a return isn't explicitly declared.
Ruby supports multiple returns, like Golang