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eugene van staden edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 13 revisions

Getting started with our Power Platform DevOps tool

Provisioning Steps

Before you start ensure you have the following set up:

  1. You will also need to have an Azure DevOps organisation to use, if you don't have one, please create one at
  2. You will need a Power Platform tenant, if you don't have one, please create one at


To kick start this process, just run the Provision.ps1 script

PS C:\dev> .\Provision.ps1

Which will start the process as below:


Configure Azure DevOps

The script will first install all the Pre-Requisites (git and Azure CLI) and once this is done you need to add the name of your Azure DevOps instance which will force you to log in.

Enter the name of your Azure DevOps Organization (<Name>):


After logging in and the script picks up your details you can select or create a new project. We will create a new one called demo1

Would you like to [C]reate a new Project or [S]elect and existing one (Default [S]): C

which is followed by:

Please enter the Name of the Project you wish to Create: demo1

Create new Repo

Our project has been created in the Azure DevOps instance and the next step in the script will set the name of our new repo, which we will call demorepo

Enter the name for the Repository you wish to Create: demorepo

The script creates the new repo and clone the latest version of this template



Configure your CDS/Dynamics CE 365 Instance

Now this is where things gets exciting. In the next step we will connect to our CDS/365 instance:

Press Enter to Connect to your CDS / D365 Tenant or [Q]uit:


Once connected you need to select youe instance:

Select CRM Organization by index number:

And now you can select either an existing solution in this instance, or create a new one. We will now create a new one called Demo1

---- Please Select you Development Environment ------


Then select your staging environment:

---- Please Select your Deployment Staging (CI/CD) Environment ------

Final part of setting up

we are working on a feature will have the option to create a new instances for both a dev and the staging environments

  1. The new solution gets created in your dev environment
  2. This solution is extracted into your local source and a commit is made to your repo
  3. A default build definition gets created


  1. A default release definition gets created
  2. Library set per environment, Dev and Staging gets created


Work in progress

For more details check out Dylan Haskins where we will be documenting this approach in detail.

  1. ALM Fundamentals and Maturity
  2. Solution Management, Versions and Source Control
  3. Data and Configuration Management
  4. Package Deployment
  5. Configuring Azure DevOps for Continuous Deployment
  6. PowerApps Portal Deployment
  7. Azure Companion Apps
  8. Solution Checker Integration
  9. Automated Testing of Code
  10. Automated Testing of UI

And listen to the chat between Eugene, Colin and Nick where they discuss building a set of ALM/DevOps tools for PowerApps Portals deployments

Tools used

  1. spkl task runner - just becasue its the best thing to have in a project
  2. XrmContext for earlybound classes
  3. XrmDefinitelyTypes to generate TypeScript declaration files
  4. Microsoft.Xrm.DevOps.Data - generate filtered data compatible with the Configuration Data Migration Tool and perfect to automate your Power Apps Portals deployments
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