- 6d85377 feat(build): update plateform files
- 3a6bd5e Release v5.0.4.
- c4c8773 fix: cargo
- #386 Merge pull request #386 from remybreuils/add-gufum.com (@remybreuils)
- #385 Merge pull request #385 from karlhorky/patch-1 (@karlhorky)
- #384 Merge pull request #384 from j0k3r/patch-1 (@j0k3r)
- #383 Merge pull request #383 from lzfxxx/master (@lzfxxx)
- #382 Merge pull request #382 from hansott/patch-1 (@hansott)
- #380 Merge pull request #380 from noinkling/patch-2 (@noinkling)
- 6a6a288 add disposable/temporary domain: gufum.com (@remybreuils)
- 2419ed6 Add xgmail.com to list (@karlhorky)
- 6abd535 Remove ikmail.com (again) (@j0k3r)
- 3ca2245 Update list.txt (@lzfxxx)
- c686431 Add evilant.com and 24rumen.com (@hansott)
- b617e20 Remove example.com again (@noinkling)
- aab498a feat(cargo): updated to 5.0.3
- b1ce09d feat(python): updated to 5.0.3
- cba5572 feat(gemspec): updated to 5.0.3
- 1488dde docs(changelog): updated
- a713e97 feat(build): update plateform files
- 84c0c2d Release v5.0.3.
- #379 Merge pull request #379 from LoganDark/patch-1 (@LoganDark)
- 2206891 Remove mozmail again (@LoganDark)
- b299a67 feat(cargo): updated to 5.0.2
- ef6537a feat(python): updated to 5.0.2
- cb57dc8 feat(gemspec): updated to 5.0.2
- 1bad76a docs(changelog): updated
- 0e68b32 Release v5.0.2.
- d8d4d57 feat(build): update plateform files
- 511b84d fix(cargo)
- #378 Merge pull request #378 from batmanscode/patch-1 (@batmanscode)
- 24b513e remove simplelogin domains (@batmanscode)
- 7c1bf78 feat(cargo): updated to 5.0.1
- 4bb8b32 feat(python): updated to 5.0.1
- de551a1 feat(gemspec): updated to 5.0.1
- 8bb9c54 docs(changelog): updated
- 81eba33 Release v5.0.1.
- 80ef505 feat(build): update plateform files
- 715b463 fix
- #373 Merge pull request #373 from sagarvora/use-literal (@sagarvora)
- #376 Merge pull request #376 from zetsumeishi/master (@zetsumeishi)
- #377 Merge pull request #377 from Will956/patch-1 (@Will956)
- #375 Merge pull request #375 from omidmajdi/patch-1 (@omidmajdi)
- 3d1ef38 Update list.txt (@Will956)
- 42ab52b Update list.txt (@zetsumeishi)
- e5d3848 Update list.txt (@omidmajdi)
- f95fcbc fix(python): use set literal instead of converting list (@sagarvora)
- #372 Merge pull request #372 from genygilles/update-list (@genygilles)
- 5184ead Add domains from temp-mail.org to list.txt (@genygilles)
- 0f88ad6 Add uranomail.es to list.txt (@genygilles)
- 089c8bd Add domains from ImprovMX to list.txt (@genygilles)
- c8d0a4b Add domain from CryptoGMail.com to list.txt (@genygilles)
- ed0d7e3 Add domains from temp-inbox.com to list.txt (@genygilles)
- #371 Merge pull request #371 from coffee-cup/patch-1 (@coffee-cup)
- 227b74a Ban kxcmail.com (@coffee-cup)
- 47bac1d Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 4fadbfe feat(cargo): updated to 5.0.0
- de5eeb1 feat(python): updated to 5.0.0
- c088258 feat(gemspec): updated to 5.0.0
- efcf60e docs(changelog): updated
- 048ac91 Release v5.0.0.
- 5f1e042 feat(build): update plateform files
- bd60cfe fix
- #369 Merge pull request #369 from nfacha/sync-to-facha-dev-list (@nfacha)
- a4124ad Sync to https://github.com/nfacha/temporary-email-list (@nfacha)
- ce2ed5b feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.19
- 22dc3c7 feat(python): updated to 4.1.19
- 4d6e863 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.19
- a444930 docs(changelog): updated
- 4b5dab1 Release v4.1.19.
- 3b88097 feat(build): update plateform files
- ae37b93 fix
- #368 Merge pull request #368 from mattruzicka/master (@mattruzicka)
- bc0feb2 Update list.txt (@mattruzicka)
- d8e45a7 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.18
- e6f85dc feat(python): updated to 4.1.18
- 3c84bf1 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.18
- 10038b2 Release v4.1.18.
- 42e4576 feat(build): update plateform files
- 367daeb fix: cargo
- #367 Merge pull request #367 from Bardia95/master (@Bardia95)
- #366 Merge pull request #366 from mtmail/patch-1 (@mtmail)
- #360 Merge pull request #360 from noinkling/patch-1 (@noinkling)
- #365 Merge pull request #365 from TsankoBg/master (@TsankoBg)
- #363 Merge pull request #363 from han-so1omon/master (@han-so1omon)
- eeef93f removed national university of singapore domain (@Bardia95)
- c52cd74 remove untels.edu.pe (@mtmail)
- bcb0827 Add "mailingo.net" to list.txt (@TsankoBg)
- d12fd60 Add disposable email domains to list.txt (@TsankoBg)
- 5799bad Remove @icon.foundation from list.txt (@han-so1omon)
- #361 Merge pull request #361 from hansott/patch-1 (@hansott)
- #362 Merge pull request #362 from naijauser/add-whoisox (@naijauser)
- cada9be add whoisox domain to list (@naijauser)
- 9b9407d Add knowledgemd.com (@hansott)
- f4c84f7 Remove example.com (@noinkling)
- dca388d feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.17
- ed1e781 feat(python): updated to 4.1.17
- 034b4e3 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.17
- 1640206 feat(build): update plateform files
- 0529995 Release v4.1.17.
- 2964ff3 fix
- #358 Merge pull request #358 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 8ec6e39 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 8a1e18c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 384f597 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- #356 Merge pull request #356 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- #357 Merge pull request #357 from jeremypress/patch-1 (@jeremypress)
- df697a8 Add secure-mail.ml (@jeremypress)
- 6f86a72 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 20f7a24 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0a648a8 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.16
- 53021af feat(python): updated to 4.1.16
- 341fc62 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.16
- 0e6e7bd docs(changelog): updated
- a7e4d1b Release v4.1.16.
- c222254 feat(build): update plateform files
- b321a15 fix
- #355 Merge pull request #355 from Buffele/list-2 (@Buffele)
- e28d491 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 1c594e6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b2dc069 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 393cedf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4774fc4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7f178b6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 00e67ad feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.15
- ede2750 feat(python): updated to 4.1.15
- a7a0229 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.15
- fe9fb2e docs(changelog): updated
- 530f335 feat(build): update plateform files
- 697fd7e Release v4.1.15.
- 4d61b3c fix: cargo
- #353 Merge pull request #353 from hansott/patch-1 (@hansott)
- #352 Merge pull request #352 from jesserayn/master (@jesserayn)
- #351 Merge pull request #351 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- #350 Merge pull request #350 from zetsumeishi/zetsumeishi/patch-1 (@zetsumeishi)
- #349 Merge pull request #349 from Vandesm14/master (@Vandesm14)
- 3330be6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- aa66487 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 705e246 Update list.txt (@hansott)
- 6fecffd Update list.txt (@hansott)
- 6109b71 Update list.txt
- 89bd8b4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 61a6a4c Update list.txt (@jesserayn)
- 87e0edb Update list.txt (@jesserayn)
- 3569214 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4cae500 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7743ecf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f7b4423 Update list.txt
- c437750 remove mozmail (@Vandesm14)
- 7df0189 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.14
- 793139a feat(python): updated to 4.1.14
- 5fb5bf2 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.14
- d6e9abc docs(changelog): updated
- 9ac503a feat(build): update plateform files
- f351c14 Release v4.1.14.
- #347 Merge pull request #347 from purvansh/patch-1 (@purvansh)
- #348 Merge pull request #348 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 8d43d05 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 5c8414a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- c6d74dc Update list.txt (@purvansh)
- 8ed3140 fix: cargo
- 5f14663 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.13
- d30dfb5 feat(python): updated to 4.1.13
- c9ec47e feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.13
- 618c286 docs(changelog): updated
- af0648e feat(build): update plateform files
- b0e736a Release v4.1.13.
- #345 Merge pull request #345 from Yuki1536/master (@Yuki1536)
- #344 Merge pull request #344 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- #346 Merge pull request #346 from genygilles/update/temp-mail-org (@genygilles)
- e13e08d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- aed7c36 Update list.txt (@genygilles)
- 5ccc2b2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- cd89f61 Remove "139.com" from list.txt . (@Yuki1536)
- 32621fd fix: cargo
- 605815c feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.12
- ced3f65 feat(python): updated to 4.1.12
- ea13b42 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.12
- 1d67814 docs(changelog): updated
- fb92649 Release v4.1.12.
- 930f5ec feat(build): update plateform files
- 86f3d6c chore: chargo
- 8aa09b6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7c7d1cf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 68a5dbc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a72d783 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f695bdd feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.11
- fe3af18 feat(python): updated to 4.1.11
- 300b927 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.11
- b0db6f6 docs(changelog): updated
- 5a526b0 feat(build): update plateform files
- aebc6a7 Release v4.1.11.
- 4929a97 fix: cargo
- #343 Merge pull request #343 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 79ca2cc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- eac50bc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- cb633cd Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3f90bf4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- de6734e feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.10
- 1cf464d feat(python): updated to 4.1.10
- 421b347 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.10
- 7dc47f7 docs(changelog): updated
- d31df07 feat(build): update plateform files
- 9512c5b Release v4.1.10.
- 1d07339 fix: cargo
- #342 Merge pull request #342 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 69d061d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 87b8b92 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b5b8550 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a07dbdc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- de639e1 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.9
- a26b98c feat(python): updated to 4.1.9
- 1159490 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.9
- fd295f6 docs(changelog): updated
- 1466264 feat(build): update plateform files
- 0de1838 Release v4.1.9.
- d07396d fix: cargo
- #341 Merge pull request #341 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- fb21c1a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 8b26e21 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- fd4e0b5 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7dd9f05 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2ba24ff Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 1893d1e Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 31f8ac2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 6c6eb20 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 38e4ccc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 554961e Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- fedb6fe Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 22278c0 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- fc3f982 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.8
- f11fc9a feat(python): updated to 4.1.8
- 87803f4 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.8
- 114ae76 docs(changelog): updated
- 4dc8f08 feat(build): update plateform files
- a10e45d Release v4.1.8.
- 4b72540 fix: cargo
- #340 Merge pull request #340 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- c3c22dd Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a3fcc83 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0480ed4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 82e02d4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 626be51 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b79d6f5 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 9439c83 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- bce3d0b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a1ee88d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f49213b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b23e17c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 30d3220 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0312676 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f8d2432 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- #339 Merge pull request #339 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 6c0709d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 17b0188 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0faff52 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.7
- a6422ee feat(python): updated to 4.1.7
- 00bffa7 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.7
- fbc13b3 docs(changelog): updated
- d386157 Release v4.1.7.
- 1671264 feat(build): update plateform files
- 9d25cc8 fix: cargo
- #337 Merge pull request #337 from dlackty/patch-1 (@dlackty)
- de35554 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 (@FGRibreau)
- #335 Merge pull request #335 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- #338 Merge pull request #338 from Kaleb99jOfficial/patch-2 (@Kaleb99jOfficial)
- 6e051b3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ddf738b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ec91a85 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 420be37 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a8063f0 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- c98f276 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 24a17e8 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 65d586f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3965cef Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 91ad1e3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3f8df99 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ce76d78 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4250718 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- c69f6ed Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 83b5b43 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 25943be Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2b0b71b Update list.txt (@Kaleb99jOfficial)
- b4ded0f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ea17728 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- e39bb1d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 112cbef Remove privaterelay.appleid.com (@dlackty)
- 3f98c12 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 191e111 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3824543 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 00e431a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- eaccfdc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- dd0caa6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 05925b4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- c3de1c8 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7bea2e3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7ea7730 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- fcc4199 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 9a0c633 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 85df82a feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.6
- c23bbd4 feat(python): updated to 4.1.6
- 91c1f5c feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.6
- 5c1d827 docs(changelog): updated
- 4243692 feat(build): update plateform files
- 6648f9c Release v4.1.6.
- d4a231d fix: cargo
- #334 Merge pull request #334 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 223229e feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.5
- 2abaa03 feat(python): updated to 4.1.5
- e1f4508 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.5
- 42fc04f docs(changelog): updated
- 00bd66e feat(build): update plateform files
- c4ba22d Release v4.1.5.
- 341ad47 fix: cargo
- 4770de6 ci: create (@FGRibreau)
- 4d9cacb Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f22f01d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 224be0f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a043f52 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- e18b8ef Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- e055fe2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a1ef2e9 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 8d79adf feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.4
- ce0504b feat(python): updated to 4.1.4
- 1ba9d6d feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.4
- 0f4ef9e docs(changelog): updated
- a48f3c3 feat(build): update plateform files
- 9e3335b Release v4.1.4.
- bcb73a0 fix: cargo
- #333 Merge pull request #333 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- e1d8f57 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a178645 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- db037ec Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- c13f814 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 9e4c701 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2b504ec feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.3
- 9474544 feat(python): updated to 4.1.3
- 0d0e044 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.3
- 3fc2f43 docs(changelog): updated
- 501745e Release v4.1.3.
- 535ec51 feat(build): update plateform files
- ff03fdd fix: cargo
- #332 Merge pull request #332 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- bbd1e09 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f44b92c Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 15198a9 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.2
- 451a109 feat(python): updated to 4.1.2
- 4934ca5 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.2
- d8c0a8d docs(changelog): updated
- 0584af0 Release v4.1.2.
- 7339c1e feat(build): update plateform files
- ecce1a5 fix: cargo
- #331 Merge pull request #331 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- 0d56e79 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- dc79302 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- e89a802 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.1
- 94ab153 feat(python): updated to 4.1.1
- f79625b feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.1
- fe3dd43 docs(changelog): updated
- e9ca221 Release v4.1.1.
- dc65c29 feat(build): update plateform files
- 8615bc9 fix
- f519637 fix: php test issue
- #330 Merge pull request #330 from Buffele/list (@Buffele)
- e386039 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0b20b5c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 30c723c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f51721f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- fcc01b4 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0ad7c67 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- af8399b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 5e684e8 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 6d4ffcf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ab677c7 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a910883 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- #328 Merge pull request #328 from Buffele/feature/update_php_unit (@Buffele)
- #327 Merge pull request #327 from Buffele/feature/php_performance_improvements (@Buffele)
- b4c7bbb Merge branch 'master' into feature/update_php_unit (@Buffele)
- #329 Merge pull request #329 from Buffele/list-1 (@Buffele)
- dc30ec4 feat(cargo): updated to 4.1.0
- 4c4c529 feat(python): updated to 4.1.0
- cd32afb feat(gemspec): updated to 4.1.0
- 8031274 docs(changelog): updated
- e33ff05 Release v4.1.0.
- b41dff2 feat(build): update plateform files
- 49ac2ed Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FGRibreau/mailchecker
- #321 Merge pull request #321 from choznerol/feat/addCustomDomains-for-all-platforms (@choznerol)
- f12d885 fix
- 1fe5f75 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 08151d2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 78712a9 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 21d93c3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 784d424 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3a270d3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3065610 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f9c0e35 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 1a23d4a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a37b436 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 46c06a6 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 5d6a5ca Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3191c27 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 87e20e2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- e07fc22 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- d5c95dc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3622910 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f01c4dc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 67ce21a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2d057bb Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2c78209 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 62c7e01 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2a2b716 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 779ea47 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 01f899e Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 82bc3ca Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 05208e3 feat(clojure): add add-custom-domains (@choznerol)
- 57d4524 Revert "test(clojure): [workaround] npm run test:clojure" (@choznerol)
- 8d6abd3 refactor(rust): prefer once_cell over lazy_static: (@choznerol)
- 1573958 test(clojure): [workaround] npm run test:clojure (@choznerol)
- 1f5d70d perf(rust): support concurrent readers (Mutax -> RwLock): (@choznerol)
- f6a4a60 style(rust): fix warning: unused #[macro_use] import: (@choznerol)
- 4027259 refactor(clojure): prefer built-in last method (@choznerol)
- fbc93e9 feat(rust): add add_custom_domains : (@choznerol)
- dc5636b refacor(elixir): automatic start_link for backword-compatibility (@choznerol)
- f09dceb feat(elixir): add add_custom_domains (@choznerol)
- 2a62379 feat(go): add AddCustomDomains (@choznerol)
- 72b47aa test(php): test addCustomDomains (@choznerol)
- 167cad2 feat(ruby): add add_custom_domains (@choznerol)
- c3245c5 feat(node): add addCustomDomains (@choznerol)
- 4b668de feat(python): add add_custom_domains (@choznerol)
- ed87b68 feat(php): add addCustomDomains (@choznerol)
- 38b7779 formatting (@Buffele)
- 05c54fd update phpunit and windows instructions (@Buffele)
- f256e52 improve php lookup performance (@Buffele)
- 8236c76 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.16
- 550d686 feat(python): updated to 4.0.16
- 49e5abd feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.16
- 8bdf466 docs(changelog): updated
- 3477b22 feat(build): update plateform files
- 58d26d8 Release v4.0.16.
- 43a738c fix: cargo
- #326 Merge pull request #326 from choznerol/test/elixir/SyntaxError-reported-as-You-must-be-in-the-repository-root-directory-in-order-to-run-the-tests (@choznerol)
- #325 Merge pull request #325 from Vandesm14/patch-3 (@Vandesm14)
- a5b2b6d test(elixir): SyntaxError reported as ArgumentError You must be in the repository root directory in order to run the tests: (@choznerol)
- b20b9a1 add bootcamp-upgrade.com (@Vandesm14)
- 2521f16 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.15
- 0e21cb3 feat(python): updated to 4.0.15
- f78da44 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.15
- 3b581f6 feat(build): update plateform files
- 45025ce Release v4.0.15.
- 966ac44 chore: cargo
- #324 Merge pull request #324 from Buffele/list-1 (@Buffele)
- 81fc10f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f0a894d Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4004450 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.14
- aa6f7c3 docs(changelog): updated
- 787d2a9 feat(python): updated to 4.0.14
- caa14e5 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.14
- 388f899 docs(changelog): updated
- 6807766 Release v4.0.14.
- fa971db feat(build): update plateform files
- #318 Merge pull request #318 from Buffele/feature/list-4 (@Buffele)
- bdaea4e Merge branch 'master' into feature/list-4 (@Buffele)
- #315 Merge pull request #315 from Buffele/master (@Buffele)
- a8c4df8 Merge branch 'master' into feature/list-4 (@Buffele)
- d95b8f2 Merge branch 'master' into master (@Buffele)
- c7a6f57 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FGRibreau/mailchecker
- 4242890 fix: update cargo
- #323 Merge pull request #323 from choznerol/fix/setup-rust (@choznerol)
- #322 Merge pull request #322 from choznerol/refactor/elixir/warnings (@choznerol)
- #320 Merge pull request #320 from choznerol/patch-1 (@choznerol)
- #319 Merge pull request #319 from colaas/patch-1 (@colaas)
- #317 Merge pull request #317 from Buffele/feature/list-3 (@Buffele)
- #316 Merge pull request #316 from Buffele/feature/updated-list (@Buffele)
- ba8aa28 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 9313d0c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4e4195c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a561a8c chore(rust): update version (@choznerol)
- 709031c chore(rust): fix npm run setup:rust (@choznerol)
- 15e6f3a refactor(elixir): fix warning: (@choznerol)
- 7b91a01 refactor(elixir): remove deprecated HashSet: (@choznerol)
- 5b1d713 docs(CONTRIBUTING): mention Docker as prerequisite (@choznerol)
- 7a20071 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4b94a12 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b5ca63b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- d942a77 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- eedcf6b Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3055d13 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 29e2a16 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- cebc0cc Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- bb22b05 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 150a2e2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0fe946c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 232e227 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 804a950 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 92e08f2 Update list.txt (@colaas)
- 9963295 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 87604d8 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3b8dc54 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3ad7d95 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b332ddf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 3fdbe22 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4134eaf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- bd15c1f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 0039f53 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 4281a51 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f963e93 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 7ed0474 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f20abb5 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 282452e Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b8ace24 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- b7904a8 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 199a67c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 281593e Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 89d2fc1 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 144b8b2 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 51c1f9c Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- f67f1e5 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- a79893f Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 232ee78 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 8b0a552 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 8516185 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 218573a Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 2072970 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ab4b598 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 80524b3 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- ee72f81 remove duplicate (@Buffele)
- 666ae23 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 14a9068 Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- 58cfd47 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Buffele/mailchecker (@Buffele)
- f731d29 remove empty line (@Buffele)
- 74150f4 remove empty line at the end (@Buffele)
- 26a58cf Update list.txt (@Buffele)
- efd315c feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.13
- fe2c7f8 feat(python): updated to 4.0.13
- 3c543b8 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.13
- d866d3b docs(changelog): updated
- 90e527b Release v4.0.13.
- 716ea13 feat(build): update plateform files
- 7ced0d2 fix: changelog
- d129b5e fix: remove ikmail.com because it was bought by infomaniak.com (@FGRibreau)
- #313 Merge pull request #313 from jslirola/patch-1 (@jslirola)
- 9e3e9f1 Update list.txt (@jslirola)
- b2ec9a6 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.12
- 7c722b5 feat(python): updated to 4.0.12
- 3091992 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.12
- 5005238 fix: script
- 76be19d fix: upgrade changelog cli
- b0f4685 Release v4.0.12.
- 312f5a7 feat(build): update plateform files
- 5ff54e9 fix: cargo
- #312 Merge pull request #312 from sl-ffx/master (@sl-ffx)
- a44aee0 remove swatch.com from list (@sl-ffx)
- b225873 Create CONTRIBUTING.md (@FGRibreau)
- fceecd2 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.11
- 2bd3acc feat(python): updated to 4.0.11
- 9df5061 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.11
- d931a96 docs(changelog): updated
- 95d8838 feat(build): update plateform files
- 3a057d7 Release v4.0.11.
- d5aa5de fix: cargo
- #309 Merge pull request #309 from acuciureanu/temp-mail-io (@acuciureanu)
- c8b896f Adding temp-mail.io to list (@acuciureanu)
- 74e523e feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.10
- f34efe1 feat(python): updated to 4.0.10
- 294822c feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.10
- 31e4d52 docs(changelog): updated
- dedf206 Release v4.0.10.
- ad72604 feat(build): update plateform files
- #307 Merge pull request #307 from vitoyucepi/master (@vitoyucepi)
- 482eca8 Remove cock.li domains (@vitoyucepi)
- d485dec fix: cargo
- d37d1d3 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.9
- 8317f0d feat(python): updated to 4.0.9
- c48eb59 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.9
- d069e39 docs(changelog): updated
- 0e7ac2e Release v4.0.9.
- e32fb55 feat(build): update plateform files
- #306 Merge pull request #306 from Vandesm14/patch-1 (@Vandesm14)
- 326cdd2 Update list.txt (@Vandesm14)
- 238a99c fix: cargo
- 5ebd511 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.8
- fa5da46 feat(python): updated to 4.0.8
- 31de7da feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.8
- 256ccfd docs(changelog): updated
- 47b8a82 feat(build): update plateform files
- aa42372 Release v4.0.8.
- 8a47318 fix
- #305 Merge pull request #305 from auxepaul/new-domains (@auxepaul)
- a383b78 Add new domains from temp-mail.org, temp-mail.io, www.emailtemporaire.fr, www.onetime-mail.com, instance-email.com, 2chmail.net, sute.jp, m.kuku.lu, mail7.io, spoofmail.de, trashmailgenerator.de, tmbox.net... (@auxepaul)
- 735b47c feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.7
- dc578bd feat(python): updated to 4.0.7
- 21c18c4 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.7
- a8e3a5f docs(changelog): updated
- 72b5ba8 Release v4.0.7.
- 03322aa feat(build): update plateform files
- 036f5ef fix: cargo
- #303 Merge pull request #303 from alexcrz/patch-2 (@alexcrz)
- #304 Merge pull request #304 from TsankoBg/patch-1 (@TsankoBg)
- 06cf58a Update list.txt (@TsankoBg)
- 88f7792 Update list.txt (@alexcrz)
- #301 Merge pull request #301 from Buffele/master (@Buffele)
- ac8a085 Added maxresistance.com public email provider (@Buffele)
- 9f2a9fb feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.6
- b2e88f2 feat(python): updated to 4.0.6
- cde9824 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.6
- f92919b docs(changelog): updated
- 1a67bd3 Release v4.0.6.
- 20b130b feat(build): update plateform files
- e736788 fix: clean script, remove dups
- #300 Merge pull request #300 from schorsch/master (@schorsch)
- 615876c add domains from m.kuku.lu (@schorsch)
- 1f7370e merge upstream master, resolve conflicts in list.txt adding new URLS and remove some duplicates (@schorsch)
- e0e9919 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.5
- 78da65a feat(python): updated to 4.0.5
- 6f6b564 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.5
- 9019831 docs(changelog): updated
- 46931f2 Release v4.0.5.
- fd08f3a feat(build): update plateform files
- 52187eb fix: sort list.txt at each regeneration
- a674a45 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.4
- 1e00aaa feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.4
- 29b3546 feat(python): updated to 4.0.4
- c39846f feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.4
- fa358a7 docs(changelog): updated
- 1df4fe9 feat(build): update plateform files
- 582bc42 Release v4.0.4.
- 0633609 fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- #299 Merge pull request #299 from jakemalachowski/patch-1 (@jakemalachowski)
- a313f24 Add tempmail service digdig.org (@jakemalachowski)
- ab18307 add more domains from muellmail.com, re-sort and unique the whole list (@schorsch)
- 4c2fcd3 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.3 (@FGRibreau)
- b6cfacd feat(python): updated to 4.0.3 (@FGRibreau)
- 00636f2 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.3 (@FGRibreau)
- cdd36bc docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- fdab144 Release v4.0.3. (@FGRibreau)
- #296 Merge pull request #296 from maranqz/golang-map-storing (@maranqz)
- 367ff17 changing of matching structure from array to map (@maranqz)
- ce7ab11 feat(rust): v4.0.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 1289ee3 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 602364b feat(python): updated to 4.0.2 (@FGRibreau)
- effcb32 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 9a9c4f3 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 2fe4c1e feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 13e598c Release v4.0.2. (@FGRibreau)
- #294 Merge pull request #294 from jeremypress/jeremypress-hush.com (@jeremypress)
- adfb534 remove hush.com from list.txt (@jeremypress)
- 7ef28cf fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 3ffe530 feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.1 (@FGRibreau)
- f9cb79e feat(python): updated to 4.0.1 (@FGRibreau)
- df23bf5 feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.1 (@FGRibreau)
- fc30856 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- a0372df feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- e5931d6 Release v4.0.1. (@FGRibreau)
- #292 Merge pull request #292 from qvanex/master (@qvanex)
- 0846e36 Remove gmx.es from invalid domains
- 3f34a0b chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- ca984fb fix: go.mod (@FGRibreau)
- b909e6e feat(cargo): updated to 4.0.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 918eecf feat(python): updated to 4.0.0 (@FGRibreau)
- f5ddbfc feat(gemspec): updated to 4.0.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 2c8fe62 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 74ebf06 Release v4.0.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 62b3be0 fix: array does not seems to be compatible with our php version (@FGRibreau)
- #290 Merge pull request #290 from lyrixx/php-the-good-way (@lyrixx)
- 275bacc Modernize en Optimize (A LOT) PHP platform (@lyrixx)
- 38606ec Update FUNDING.yml (@FGRibreau)
- 9369083 Create FUNDING.yml (@FGRibreau)
- 2008e91 fix: pkg (@FGRibreau)
- be4afc9 chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 3cebe97 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.17 (@FGRibreau)
- 939781c feat(python): updated to 3.3.17 (@FGRibreau)
- 00c3da1 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.17 (@FGRibreau)
- a838a1b docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- b822b1d Release v3.3.17. (@FGRibreau)
- 79ffa5b feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #289 Merge pull request #289 from jeremypress/jeremypress-gmailnator (@jeremypress)
- 80648a5 add gmailnator to list.txt (@jeremypress)
- 528d52a chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 14828c3 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.16 (@FGRibreau)
- 4d00fd5 feat(python): updated to 3.3.16 (@FGRibreau)
- 5fcc2f6 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.16 (@FGRibreau)
- 6c3af12 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- e77461f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 813d8c1 Release v3.3.16. (@FGRibreau)
- 9d0bb9c fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- #288 Merge pull request #288 from LxyFlorian/lxyflorian/list (@LxyFlorian)
- 3b531d2 add avxrja.com to the list (@LxyFlorian)
- 3bc253f fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 151d5cb feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.15 (@FGRibreau)
- 3e0f5ee feat(python): updated to 3.3.15 (@FGRibreau)
- 759b82c feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.15 (@FGRibreau)
- 1f66b20 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 5c1077e Release v3.3.15. (@FGRibreau)
- c7419b8 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 4f54757 fix: release (@FGRibreau)
- #285 Merge pull request #285 from kazk/remove-gmx-com (@kazk)
- e67e773 Remove gmx.com from the list (@kazk)
- 4302f8e feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.14 (@FGRibreau)
- 02c0c94 feat(python): updated to 3.3.14 (@FGRibreau)
- 6f5577f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.14 (@FGRibreau)
- e00bf78 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 0147e4c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- eb0ec46 Release v3.3.14. (@FGRibreau)
- accc689 fix (@FGRibreau)
- #283 Merge pull request #283 from jannicars/master (@jannicars)
- 72f7a49 Adding gomaild to the domain list. (@Buffele)
- 5dababb feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.13 (@FGRibreau)
- 23b3722 feat(python): updated to 3.3.13 (@FGRibreau)
- a53e438 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.13 (@FGRibreau)
- 4dc91f2 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- ff17aa4 Release v3.3.13. (@FGRibreau)
- 4f52db4 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #282 Merge pull request #282 from skatkov/patch-2 (@skatkov)
- 79c0ef7 Adding loufad.com domain to the list. (@skatkov)
- 978547c fix: version (@FGRibreau)
- 675cef5 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.12 (@FGRibreau)
- 48ab0f4 feat(python): updated to 3.3.12 (@FGRibreau)
- 351ee7d feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.12 (@FGRibreau)
- de91436 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 70af79f Release v3.3.12. (@FGRibreau)
- 69b528f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- ffae5b1 fix (@FGRibreau)
- #281 Merge pull request #281 from jslirola/master (@jslirola)
- 171f86e Add xedmi.com, ximtyl.com and close #276 (@jslirola)
- 13c85e7 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.11 (@FGRibreau)
- e3afc08 feat(python): updated to 3.3.11 (@FGRibreau)
- 48282af feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.11 (@FGRibreau)
- d405d7e docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f91bff6 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 414a35a Release v3.3.11. (@FGRibreau)
- #280 Merge pull request #280 from jslirola/master (@jslirola)
- 7dee69a Add cuoly.com (@jslirola)
- 508159f Add eoopy.com (@jslirola)
- 7920454 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- 8074fd7 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 4eb7b97 feat(python): updated to 3.3.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 153d82d feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 321e7f8 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 09867b7 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 279b365 Release v3.3.10. (@FGRibreau)
- #278 Merge pull request #278 from StanBright/master (@StanBright)
- b78b371 Add tempinbox.xyz, fitschool.be & fitschool.space (@StanBright)
- 901f339 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 860e9f5 fix: (@FGRibreau)
- d3efa30 fix (@FGRibreau)
- ad3d2a7 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.9 (@FGRibreau)
- 894d8a4 feat(python): updated to 3.3.9 (@FGRibreau)
- c2053b9 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.9 (@FGRibreau)
- cf85d38 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 10c77f6 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 8b80975 Release v3.3.9. (@FGRibreau)
- #277 Merge pull request #277 from goldfire/patch-1 (@goldfire)
- a5377f7 Add ttirv and awdrt to list (@goldfire)
- b6c6537 fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- deb91bb feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.8 (@FGRibreau)
- 1aa29ae feat(python): updated to 3.3.8 (@FGRibreau)
- 6681660 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.8 (@FGRibreau)
- e9384b7 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f706706 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 98c5938 Release v3.3.8. (@FGRibreau)
- a999bee fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- #275 Merge pull request #275 from skatkov/patch-1 (@skatkov)
- 2a7306d Update list.txt (@skatkov)
- 763e13b feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.7 (@FGRibreau)
- cd60cdb feat(python): updated to 3.3.7 (@FGRibreau)
- 81c46c9 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.7 (@FGRibreau)
- ea95354 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 24b81a5 Release v3.3.7. (@FGRibreau)
- c192b49 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 801ebd0 fix: package (@FGRibreau)
- #273 Merge pull request #273 from makskkkk/master (@makskkkk)
- #274 Merge pull request #274 from luke-j/patch-1 (@luke-j)
- 0ec8cd3 Ensure types are published (@luke-j)
- 666b05c remove trusted polish sites (@makskkkk)
- 709751f fix: Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 312a264 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 1cdfa4e feat(python): updated to 3.3.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 0836308 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 3d5a193 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 0962187 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 55ff035 Release v3.3.6. (@FGRibreau)
- 6cb37d3 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 40819d0 Release v3.3.5. (@FGRibreau)
- #269 Merge pull request #269 from luke-j/master (@luke-j)
- #257 Merge pull request #257 from SuveenVundavalli/add-mailboxok-spam-email-domain (@SuveenVundavalli)
- 00a7872 Add typescript type definitions (@luke-j)
- 82112cf Added mailboxok.club to spam list
- 103123d fix: update deps (@FGRibreau)
- 2f786e6 fix: package (@FGRibreau)
- 5e6b0d5 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.4 (@FGRibreau)
- 0714601 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.4 (@FGRibreau)
- 8d4287f feat(python): updated to 3.3.4 (@FGRibreau)
- b2309c3 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.4 (@FGRibreau)
- e60a768 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f1ac3a8 Release v3.3.4. (@FGRibreau)
- 4e8083b feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #254 Merge pull request #254 from LimiQS/patch-1 (@LimiQS)
- 779f797 And more (@Chigusa0w0)
- 2a6cc2c Add meantinc.com (@Chigusa0w0)
- #245 Merge pull request #245 from makitsune/changes (@makitsune)
- 602e219 Added domains from cock.li (@makifoxgirl)
- 89371a9 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- f338ef3 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.3 (@FGRibreau)
- fabac1f feat(python): updated to 3.3.3 (@FGRibreau)
- 7806e82 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.3 (@FGRibreau)
- f311f23 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1117e63 Release v3.3.3. (@FGRibreau)
- 6d64c39 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- f42f1b9 fix(list) (@FGRibreau)
- #232 remove dbmail.com (#232) (@danmihai89)
- 7b487c9 Revert change (@pvizeli)
- #224 Add more blacklist domains (#224) (@sydneyitguy)
- #238 Add more (#238) (@pvizeli)
- #237 Add tutis.me (#237) (@pvizeli)
- #236 iszkft.hu (#236) (@pvizeli)
- #235 Add gdf (#235) (@pvizeli)
- #234 Add kinsil.co.uk (#234) (@pvizeli)
- #233 Add xmailweb (#233) (@pvizeli)
- #230 Add 3mailapp (#230) (@pvizeli)
- #228 Add itymail (#228) (@pvizeli)
- #227 Add private33 (#227) (@pvizeli)
- #226 Add mailhub24 (#226) (@pvizeli)
- #225 Add New domains from 10minutemail.net (#225) (@pvizeli)
- #223 Adding emailcu.icu domain to list (#223) (@carolineBda)
- 8980f76 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 071b764 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- #217 Merge pull request #217 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/glob-7.1.6 (@FGRibreau)
- #220 Merge pull request #220 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/projectz-1.9.0 (@FGRibreau)
- #215 Merge pull request #215 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mocha-6.2.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 07f13df feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 2dad6c2 feat(python): updated to 3.3.2 (@FGRibreau)
- a936e18 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.2 (@FGRibreau)
- cd2e102 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- a1b74d2 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- f7f2768 Release v3.3.2. (@FGRibreau)
- #218 Merge pull request #218 from hwvs/master (@hwvs)
- e20c08d chore(deps-dev): bump projectz from 1.4.0 to 1.9.0 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- be55f39 removed cock.li (@hwvs)
- bc7d39a chore(deps): bump glob from 7.1.2 to 7.1.6 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- 294b20d Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- bd58793 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 6dfbd5f chore(deps-dev): bump mocha from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- 6133d32 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- 7388a46 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 17bd831 feat(python): updated to 3.3.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 6814ca0 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.1 (@FGRibreau)
- d956f84 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 2005b1a Release v3.3.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 1a98e48 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 0a75ab4 fix(rust) (@FGRibreau)
- 197a9b5 fix (@FGRibreau)
- 65ee353 fix(node): only publish platform/node/index.js (@FGRibreau)
- #213 Merge pull request #213 from FGRibreau/F21-fix-go.mod (@FGRibreau)
- 98f7de6 fix(package): add publish-go script (@FGRibreau)
- f3ec358 Fix module name in go.mod (@F21)
- 0210e1b fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- e8412aa chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 80c73a4 fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- 45c02e1 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 3c82127 feat(cargo): updated to 3.3.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 772fda4 feat(python): updated to 3.3.0 (@FGRibreau)
- efa8051 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.3.0 (@FGRibreau)
- be5df63 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 44b2fa5 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 6d4ce62 Release v3.3.0. (@FGRibreau)
- #199 Merge pull request #199 from F21/go (@F21)
- e814b63 fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- decbc7b fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- 9cb21bd feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.39 (@FGRibreau)
- e70bb9f feat(python): updated to 3.2.39 (@FGRibreau)
- 17b9644 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.39 (@FGRibreau)
- 9315494 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 61beada Release v3.2.39. (@FGRibreau)
- b03e19e feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 78de74a fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- #202 Merge pull request #202 from nitra/master (@nitra)
- 82f6026 this not disposable domain (@vitaliytv)
- 56c4c2c Add go implementation (@F21)
- 988314c Update generator to support underscores in template filename extensions. (@F21)
- 00f7d25 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- 9b06763 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.38 (@FGRibreau)
- 6d348f6 fix(python): fix deploy script with twine (@FGRibreau)
- 99e44f9 feat(python): updated to 3.2.38 (@FGRibreau)
- fe8cf71 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.38 (@FGRibreau)
- ab028d0 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- c382244 Release v3.2.38. (@FGRibreau)
- a49ef77 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 1efe9d6 fix(package): (@FGRibreau)
- 19331de fix(package): (@FGRibreau)
- 3a21e18 fix (@FGRibreau)
- #193 Merge pull request #193 from nitra/master (@nitra)
- 6a4940c remove not valid TLD and second level TLD domains (@vitaliytv)
- c9a9696 fix(python): use twine for upload (@FGRibreau)
- 1b1b2a6 feat(python): updated to 3.2.37 (@FGRibreau)
- c66f6c2 fix (@FGRibreau)
- 6a4c270 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.37 (@FGRibreau)
- 53f08bf feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.37 (@FGRibreau)
- 891d882 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 81905db Release v3.2.37. (@FGRibreau)
- ee67e82 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- ae6a969 doc(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- #201 Merge pull request #201 from alongat/master (@alongat)
- 5be7c9e remove com.ar for list
- 2fa9d98 feat(python): updated to 3.2.36 (@FGRibreau)
- 13138af docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 8166f1b fix (@FGRibreau)
- ddf044c feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.36 (@FGRibreau)
- b57b16e feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.36 (@FGRibreau)
- 12252a6 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 4b76cd0 Release v3.2.36. (@FGRibreau)
- 419c932 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- f292299 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.35 (@FGRibreau)
- 1604d9d feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.35 (@FGRibreau)
- 71f8aef chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 2023d65 feat(python): updated to 3.2.35 (@FGRibreau)
- #200 Merge pull request #200 from dbyio/master (@dbyio)
- cf7d83a New disposable domains, lowercase all and sort
- #196 Merge pull request #196 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/async-tw-3.1.0 (@FGRibreau)
- #195 Merge pull request #195 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/updtr-tw-3.1.0 (@FGRibreau)
- #194 Merge pull request #194 from FGRibreau/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mocha-tw-6.2.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 3081392 chore(deps): update async requirement from ^2.6.0 to ^3.1.0 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- 28b411a chore(deps-dev): update updtr requirement from ^2.0.0 to ^3.1.0 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- 29aaa5e chore(deps-dev): update mocha requirement from ^5.0.0 to ^6.2.0 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- 161dfa4 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1efafcf feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- c5a9770 Release v3.2.35. (@FGRibreau)
- c56a524 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.34 (@FGRibreau)
- 83af5a0 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.34 (@FGRibreau)
- 1bf05ca chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 9278ac1 feat(python): updated to 3.2.34 (@FGRibreau)
- #190 Merge pull request #190 from florian-crtl/master (@florian-crtl)
- 3e2ee61 Adding-38-domains (@florian-crtl)
- 828ed2d docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- ef15716 Release v3.2.34. (@FGRibreau)
- be1e3bd feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- fbfad63 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.33 (@FGRibreau)
- bdedc16 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.33 (@FGRibreau)
- 1896aad chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 7b45931 feat(python): updated to 3.2.33 (@FGRibreau)
- #189 Merge pull request #189 from mikeyzm/hotfix (@mikeyzm)
- fd83efb Update list.txt (@mikeyzm)
- d90b243 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- b7ae6c7 Release v3.2.33. (@FGRibreau)
- fd3669f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- a26bafd feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.32 (@FGRibreau)
- 9ea2deb feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.32 (@FGRibreau)
- c1c3450 chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 0653f66 feat(python): updated to 3.2.32 (@FGRibreau)
- #186 Merge pull request #186 from fabiocaccamo/master (@fabiocaccamo)
- #187 Merge pull request #187 from nalgeon/patch-1 (@nalgeon)
- 1c1bc25 sibmail.com is a valid email provider (@nalgeon)
- aa13bf8 Fixed python import path. (@fabiocaccamo)
- d0904c8 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 3abfb04 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 85e3e0a Release v3.2.32. (@FGRibreau)
- 3f3ee93 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.31 (@FGRibreau)
- 1e6a826 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.31 (@FGRibreau)
- b4e7108 chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 79b44b4 feat(python): updated to 3.2.31 (@FGRibreau)
- #185 Merge pull request #185 from bbossola/master (@bbossola)
- 9538c84 Corrected mailshiv entry (@bbossola)
- 3462d27 Added afilias-nst.info (mailshiv) (@bbossola)
- 7171b54 Added 10m.email (@bbossola)
- 7ecc9b9 Removed zoho.com (it's a legit source of email) (@bbossola)
- 07e4b31 Added 99cows,com (minuteinbox.com) (@bbossola)
- 2c76d9c Added yandex.net (@bbossola)
- e2796fa Added geo-crypto.com (https://temp-mail.org/) (@bbossola)
- fa424d8 Added rockmailapp.com (https://temp-mail.org/) (@bbossola)
- 31f345c Added top-mailer.net (https://temp-mail.org/) (@bbossola)
- 55e87d0 Added cryptonet.top (https://temp-mail.org/) (@bbossola)
- bc5d97d Added few missing temp emails (@bbossola)
- a4de1aa docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 2ae0fd1 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 73e774f Release v3.2.31. (@FGRibreau)
- #184 Merge pull request #184 from lyrixx/php-the-good-way (@lyrixx)
- 4dfd7ae Rewrite a bit the PHP implementation (@lyrixx)
- 35fc003 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.30 (@FGRibreau)
- 6b63bd0 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.30 (@FGRibreau)
- 89df424 chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- 24dcae4 feat(python): updated to 3.2.30 (@FGRibreau)
- 007b4df doc(readme): update numbers :) (@FGRibreau)
- f9f7eea docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 00cf1fe Release v3.2.30. (@FGRibreau)
- c31a813 fix(git): ignore intellij project file (@FGRibreau)
- dd697c9 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #183 Merge pull request #183 from nalgeon/patch-2 (@nalgeon)
- 0ef18b9 clipmails.com, temp-mail.org and many more (@nalgeon)
- f047b5b chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- b91bf63 feat(python): updated to 3.2.29 (@FGRibreau)
- 1b23951 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.29 (@FGRibreau)
- b275a88 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.29 (@FGRibreau)
- 1b566c5 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- db3ce9b Release v3.2.29. (@FGRibreau)
- fa85e42 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #181 Merge pull request #181 from nalgeon/patch-1 (@nalgeon)
- 3591677 And some more from temp-mail.org (@nalgeon)
- ba579cb Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 (@nalgeon)
- #182 Merge pull request #182 from nayluge/feat/AddDomainToList (@nayluge)
- fb8ce48 Add smartbusiness.me to list.txt (@nayluge)
- 7c24ec9 More from temp-mail.org and others (@nalgeon)
- 2b3e9b3 feat(python): updated to 3.2.28 (@FGRibreau)
- ba066cb fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 722b719 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.28 (@FGRibreau)
- cfe5ebb feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.28 (@FGRibreau)
- 79b5c8d docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 5d5bed9 Release v3.2.28. (@FGRibreau)
- 171a25c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #178 Merge pull request #178 from fabiocaccamo/patch-1 (@fabiocaccamo)
- 650f09e feat(python): updated to 3.2.27 (@FGRibreau)
- dc50c88 fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 45dc7ce Added vr5gpowerv.com to list.txt (@fabiocaccamo)
- 2a00534 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.27 (@FGRibreau)
- ed842b5 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.27 (@FGRibreau)
- 024f16a docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f43b8a1 Release v3.2.27. (@FGRibreau)
- ef1a0a6 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 4a572ad fix(loader): remove empty lines (@FGRibreau)
- 6f0ca14 chore(package): wait for cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 212c8c6 fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- dc77e9f fix: remove invalid domain (@FGRibreau)
- #175 Merge pull request #175 from tbdmainrepo/patch-1 (@tbdmainrepo)
- #174 Merge pull request #174 from cosmosgenius/temp-mail-org (@cosmosgenius)
- #173 Merge pull request #173 from dbyio/master (@dbyio)
- #170 Merge pull request #170 from cosmosgenius/cosmosgenius-patch-1 (@cosmosgenius)
- 384e2c3 Add
(@OctopodsIO) - 5d8c3ad Add domains from temp-mail.org (@cosmosgenius)
- 1f3aee3 add cowstore.org (@cosmosgenius)
- f96bc34 Add domains from services: emailfake.com, sneakemail.com, grr.la, tempmail.net, 13dk.net, tmpeml.info, thetrash.email
- d2adb01 fix(ci): since tests are run before every release and circleci changed it's way of doing docker in docker... (@FGRibreau)
- 98b4386 chore: testing circleci fix (@FGRibreau)
- 5efd579 feat(python): updated to 3.2.26 (@FGRibreau)
- 07e0ffe feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.26 (@FGRibreau)
- 2c43d9d feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.26 (@FGRibreau)
- ae7b6fe docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 006f903 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 9e3ed32 Release v3.2.26. (@FGRibreau)
- #171 Merge pull request #171 from nalgeon/master (@nalgeon)
- 16cd814 #169 Reverted platform files (@nalgeon)
- c361efc #169 Completely replaced list.json by list.txt (@nalgeon)
- d729e44 #169 Plain domain file with conversion to JSON (@nalgeon)
- 13e978a feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.25 (@FGRibreau)
- bf21dba feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.25 (@FGRibreau)
- f61ebc5 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f33476c Release v3.2.25. (@FGRibreau)
- f24b287 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #168 Merge pull request #168 from nalgeon/patch-12 (@nalgeon)
- ec3ddb7 More from temp-mail.org and others (@nalgeon)
- ad6b96a feat(python): updated to 3.2.24 (@FGRibreau)
- b218d9a fix: package.json (@FGRibreau)
- 13d2b2a chore: update Cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- c5ebc04 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.24 (@FGRibreau)
- 81063c4 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.24 (@FGRibreau)
- f0d81b3 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 4107c31 Release v3.2.24. (@FGRibreau)
- aeba04c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- cfb716e feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.23 (@FGRibreau)
- 0b088c8 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.23 (@FGRibreau)
- e40ef72 feat(python): updated to 3.2.23 (@FGRibreau)
- b62a14a fix: package.json (@FGRibreau)
- 0a2f88b chore: update cargo.lock (@FGRibreau)
- #166 Merge pull request #166 from nalgeon/patch-9 (@nalgeon)
- 71339f1 sibmail.com is a valid email provider (@nalgeon)
- bd9683e docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1dbc954 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- c7378fe Release v3.2.23. (@FGRibreau)
- 43998fd fix: temporary remove clojure test because... it can test it -__- (@FGRibreau)
- 41d07ef feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.22 (@FGRibreau)
- 9c80a0c feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.22 (@FGRibreau)
- a2c8f20 feat(python): updated to 3.2.22 (@FGRibreau)
- c6f5f8d fix: move to circleci version 2 file format (@FGRibreau)
- 03c9921 fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- #165 Merge pull request #165 from kslr/master (@kslr)
- ef2e988 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1715c18 Release v3.2.22. (@FGRibreau)
- 2d8dd5c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #164 Merge pull request #164 from chadliu23/master (@chadliu23)
- 301b686 Add more mail from temp-mail.org
- ecbbc15 Add email from https://temp-mail.org/en/option/change/
- 6b3ba68 import stopforumspam (@kslr)
- 50062ba fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 08cdf97 feat(python): updated to 3.2.21 (@FGRibreau)
- 71c1340 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.21 (@FGRibreau)
- f6100bb feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.21 (@FGRibreau)
- 2beb817 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 519a7b6 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- df3a46a Release v3.2.21. (@FGRibreau)
- 05e9229 fix: list.json (@FGRibreau)
- #163 Merge pull request #163 from milkyklim/patch-1 (@milkyklim)
- 0cea89d add domains from https://tempr.email/
- d7a5895 feat: cargo-lock (@FGRibreau)
- 8177903 feat(python): updated to 3.2.20 (@FGRibreau)
- c586d3b feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.20 (@FGRibreau)
- ec533a2 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.20 (@FGRibreau)
- 8204b4a docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- e11f4da feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 39f8c12 Release v3.2.20. (@FGRibreau)
- ce7a288 fix: remove extra comma (@FGRibreau)
- 3e8f77e feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.18 (@FGRibreau)
- 5637b2b feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.18 (@FGRibreau)
- bf7964b feat(python): updated to 3.2.18 (@FGRibreau)
- 5f9950f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 8d77c36 Release v3.2.19. (@FGRibreau)
- #161 Merge pull request #161 from chadliu23/master (@chadliu23)
- dbd80cc Add some 10 minute mail (@chadliu23)
- c6d6d09 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- a636658 Release v3.2.18. (@FGRibreau)
- 20de10f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 4c91326 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.17 (@FGRibreau)
- 44f79b1 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.17 (@FGRibreau)
- 5d1cd84 feat(python): updated to 3.2.17 (@FGRibreau)
- #160 Merge pull request #160 from C0derLint/moarr (@C0derLint)
- 6a8e5a8 Added domains from Rainmail.xyz (@radiantly)
- 6d8d007 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 6e6eb1c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 6739036 Release v3.2.17. (@FGRibreau)
- f9d6cab fix: list.json (@FGRibreau)
- c2b2d1a feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.16 (@FGRibreau)
- 7e6a58b feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.16 (@FGRibreau)
- 4ab32f1 feat(python): updated to 3.2.16 (@FGRibreau)
- #159 Merge pull request #159 from larsvegas/update-list-from-temp-mail-org (@larsvegas)
- 58fc40d added domain names from temp-mail.org (@larsvegas)
- 27f5dba docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 0e18139 Release v3.2.16. (@FGRibreau)
- ad79bd3 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- f4fd363 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.15 (@FGRibreau)
- ca5679e feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.15 (@FGRibreau)
- bc5d4a7 feat(python): updated to 3.2.15 (@FGRibreau)
- #158 Merge pull request #158 from nalgeon/patch-8 (@nalgeon)
- 07af7c8 More from temp-mail.org and others (@nalgeon)
- 9646741 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 7ed7a80 Release v3.2.15. (@FGRibreau)
- 8347a97 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- b1647f8 fix: remove pp.ua (@FGRibreau)
- 041819b fix: test suite (@FGRibreau)
- 13a2c18 feat(python): updated to 3.2.14 (@FGRibreau)
- 83b21f8 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.14 (@FGRibreau)
- fb3bc7f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.14 (@FGRibreau)
- 6d89d5a docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- b243e4f Release v3.2.14. (@FGRibreau)
- a2e3d44 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 80b3cf8 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.13 (@FGRibreau)
- aed7d99 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.13 (@FGRibreau)
- 9fc1fdb feat(python): updated to 3.2.13 (@FGRibreau)
- #154 Merge pull request #154 from kslr/master (@kslr)
- 414d0b5 add mdu.edu.rs etc (@kslr)
- #153 Merge pull request #153 from kieronlawson/master (@kieronlawson)
- b8f7dfc Add mailtemp.it (@kieronlawson)
- 8ea810c docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 5ef5715 Release v3.2.13. (@FGRibreau)
- 49d930f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- b11ff23 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.12 (@FGRibreau)
- 7240b55 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.12 (@FGRibreau)
- 327d539 feat(python): updated to 3.2.12 (@FGRibreau)
- #150 Merge pull request #150 from ryancdotorg/remove-sneakemail (@ryancdotorg)
- a6b59ad remove more sneakemail/snkmail refs (@ryancdotorg)
- #2 Merge pull request #2 from FGRibreau/master (@FGRibreau)
- 6192d1b docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 8f43ccb Release v3.2.12. (@FGRibreau)
- 232ce44 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- efe30ff feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.11 (@FGRibreau)
- 727445e feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.11 (@FGRibreau)
- 5977265 feat(python): updated to 3.2.11 (@FGRibreau)
- #149 Merge pull request #149 from ryancdotorg/remove-sneakemail (@ryancdotorg)
- a116bed remove two more instances of sneakemail.com (@ryancdotorg)
- 3d502a8 remove sneakemail domains (@ryancdotorg)
- 44dfdfd Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- c29e15c docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 86e02e3 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- a0e5bcc Release v3.2.11. (@FGRibreau)
- #148 Merge pull request #148 from nalgeon/patch-7 (@nalgeon)
- e244c4f More from temp-mail.org and others (@nalgeon)
- 660816b fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- a18cd60 feat(python): updated to 3.2.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 200779b feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.10 (@FGRibreau)
- d956cf6 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 2b1ace8 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- d5a71cf Release v3.2.10. (@FGRibreau)
- 80e52a5 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 5e550ba feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.9 (@FGRibreau)
- 76d17bc feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.9 (@FGRibreau)
- 5e9ec56 feat(python): updated to 3.2.9 (@FGRibreau)
- 9d4143c fix: cargo (@FGRibreau)
- #147 Merge pull request #147 from xthiago/tempmailaddress (@xthiago)
- 48a1063 add tempmailaddress.com - fix issue #146 (@xthiago)
- b78dd19 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 3ef2b85 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 2098284 Release v3.2.9. (@FGRibreau)
- 10e6f19 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.8 (@FGRibreau)
- bedaf64 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.8 (@FGRibreau)
- 5f1fa9c feat(python): updated to 3.2.8 (@FGRibreau)
- #145 Merge pull request #145 from piyushhari/master (@piyushhari)
- 24289d4 adding memeil.top to the list of disposable email address domains (@dillilabs)
- b164f53 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 56ddde7 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 0e05244 Release v3.2.8. (@FGRibreau)
- 68c579b feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #143 Merge pull request #143 from xthiago/nwytgnet (@xthiago)
- 3012fc6 add nwytg.net from 10minutemail.com (@xthiago)
- b3d0e4e feat: rust v3.2.7 (@FGRibreau)
- dd48365 feat(python): updated to 3.2.7 (@FGRibreau)
- e8dd164 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.7 (@FGRibreau)
- 02e6901 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.7 (@FGRibreau)
- 8f52d0f docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 7a38f6b feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 346508f Release v3.2.7. (@FGRibreau)
- baf1eb2 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.6 (@FGRibreau)
- d0b20c5 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 0fd6f93 feat(python): updated to 3.2.6 (@FGRibreau)
- #141 Merge pull request #141 from nalgeon/patch-6 (@nalgeon)
- 98ce5be More from 10minutemail.net and temp-mail.org (@nalgeon)
- 4cc6766 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 7930514 Release v3.2.6. (@FGRibreau)
- 858e01d feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 6136aa4 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.5 (@FGRibreau)
- 79f92d5 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.5 (@FGRibreau)
- 4aa3bd3 feat(python): updated to 3.2.5 (@FGRibreau)
- #140 Merge pull request #140 from mcgregordan/patch-1 (@mcgregordan)
- 2d90b86 Update list.json from temp-mail.org
- fe97a5d docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 2f2be7d Release v3.2.5. (@FGRibreau)
- 4f0751d feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 86b3b75 fix: force lodash to be >4.17.5 to have the security fix (@FGRibreau)
- 7959cc8 feat(python): updated to 3.2.4 (@FGRibreau)
- 41d3238 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.4 (@FGRibreau)
- a5b83cd feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.4 (@FGRibreau)
- f8e2bb7 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f526c35 Release v3.2.4. (@FGRibreau)
- c378d22 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 1c3d1ad fix: deps (@FGRibreau)
- 22f7a8b fix: package (@FGRibreau)
- 8c0b134 fix: update deps (@FGRibreau)
- #137 Merge pull request #137 from jonashaag/patch-1 (@jonashaag)
- f9ed18c Update README.md (@jonashaag)
- 4cce5a8 Update README.md (@jonashaag)
- 4d6495d Fix #136 (@jonashaag)
- 48b763a feat(python): updated to 3.2.3 (@FGRibreau)
- b4d4d29 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 13b4174 git commit -a -m 'feat(build): update plateform files' (@FGRibreau)
- b9f8608 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.3 (@FGRibreau)
- 0940eb2 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.3 (@FGRibreau)
- d9871d6 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 15ceb59 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- c5189d7 Release v3.2.3. (@FGRibreau)
- #135 Merge pull request #135 from nalgeon/patch-5 (@nalgeon)
- ed94704 More from temp-mail.org and others (@nalgeon)
- 976b6ee doc: mailchecker on pipy (@FGRibreau)
- e09ddba feat(python): updated to 3.2.2 (@FGRibreau)
- f362001 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.2 (@FGRibreau)
- e463934 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 7eb6fce docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 7d46ae4 Release v3.2.2. (@FGRibreau)
- 937fcf1 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- f9b0026 fix: package.json (@FGRibreau)
- a43fa6b feat(python): updated to 3.2.1 (@FGRibreau)
- abac4be fix(gitignore) (@FGRibreau)
- #133 Merge pull request #133 from high-school-remote-lab/added-setup-py-and-py3 (@high-school-remote-lab)
- ee5be67 Added deployment for python. (@jbzdak)
- 49990d4 fix: nodejs test (@FGRibreau)
- 781a554 feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 33b0b0c feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 6a428c8 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 3a467c4 Release v3.2.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 63f0e21 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 1038819 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.2.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 832143b feat(cargo): updated to 3.2.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 33468bf fix: package.json (@FGRibreau)
- #134 Merge pull request #134 from trisix/add-new-10min-domains (@trisix)
- 73f6878 Add new domains from 10minutemail (@trisix)
- 04d147a Added support for python3. (@jbzdak)
- 8349699 Added setup.py (@jbzdak)
- f07a88b docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 23a8374 Release v3.2.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 686be70 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 32ae52c feat: mailchecker php version now has a
public method (@FGRibreau) - 2c7bede fix: package release script (@FGRibreau)
- 227c2ba feat(cargo): updated to 3.1.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 2df52bb feat(gemspec): updated to 3.1.0 (@FGRibreau)
- fcd04c7 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- c90b76a Release v3.1.0. (@FGRibreau)
- e1b0016 chore: handle minor release (@FGRibreau)
- 4b138cc feat(php): make isBlacklisted in PHP public, fixes #131 (@FGRibreau)
- 2706b93 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.40 (@FGRibreau)
- f994313 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.40 (@FGRibreau)
- 1f5bbf3 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- bd65976 Release v3.0.40. (@FGRibreau)
- fe94610 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 73bbb91 fix(package): improved rust build (@FGRibreau)
- b562242 fix(list) (@FGRibreau)
- #132 Merge pull request #132 from zanaca/master (@zanaca)
- bc049e1 10minutemail (@zanaca)
- 562b88d fix(ci): use setup script (@FGRibreau)
- 1933255 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.39 (@FGRibreau)
- 2f0d7bc feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.39 (@FGRibreau)
- fcd5fef docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 9cf645b Release v3.0.39. (@FGRibreau)
- d6f157a fix(setup): fix dev setup phase (@FGRibreau)
- 5773bb9 Release v3.0.37. (@FGRibreau)
- c28b9b0 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #129 Merge pull request #129 from FGRibreau/improved-tests (@FGRibreau)
- 0ec0b53 fix(ci): limit parallel exec (CPU is not fast enough on circle) (@FGRibreau)
- 6b217e4 fix(ci): upgrade nodejs version (@FGRibreau)
- 4de75b5 fix(ci): remove
parameter because circleci don't like it (@FGRibreau) - a308ce9 chore(circle.yml): clean file (@FGRibreau)
- b3b8e72 feat(ci): multi-language build & test through docker (@FGRibreau)
- #128 Merge pull request #128 from heypixel/master (@heypixel)
- c97f3f1 convert isBlacklisted method in public to be able to use library without email pattern checking
- c193518 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 58bcf29 Release v3.0.36. (@FGRibreau)
- 9a6499c feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 3f5171f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.35 (@FGRibreau)
- fab3726 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.35 (@FGRibreau)
- #123 Merge pull request #123 from datio/master (@datio)
- 2269b38 Add 2144 hosts from ivolo/disposable-email-domains, closes #117 (@datio)
- c3d1893 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- cd6f47e Release v3.0.35. (@FGRibreau)
- f4d6777 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 4cd6dfd feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.34 (@FGRibreau)
- 362aabd feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.34 (@FGRibreau)
- #122 Merge pull request #122 from datio/patch-1 (@datio)
- e156b87 Add 20 new domains from bccto.me (@datio)
- eda9d85 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 56ab498 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1bc54c1 Release v3.0.34. (@FGRibreau)
- f6525e4 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #121 Merge pull request #121 from Wapweb/master (@Wapweb)
- 4390633 add 10 new domains from temp-mail.org (@Wapweb)
- c4aef62 fix(package): upgraded deps (@FGRibreau)
- 904c902 fix(package): upgraded deps (@FGRibreau)
- f240ea4 fix(cargo): remove doc & update lock (@FGRibreau)
- 53b5e22 fix(cargo) (@FGRibreau)
- 2fb5dd3 feat(cargo): updated to (@FGRibreau)
- 28c94d7 feat(cargo): updated to (@FGRibreau)
- 13ebbb0 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.33 (@FGRibreau)
- b608785 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.33 (@FGRibreau)
- bf21311 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 6e7a06c Release v3.0.33. (@FGRibreau)
- acc3af5 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- e040441 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.32 (@FGRibreau)
- f6d9777 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.32 (@FGRibreau)
- #118 Merge pull request #118 from nalgeon/patch-4 (@nalgeon)
- f448f34 More temporary emails from temp-mail.org etc (@nalgeon)
- b41cb44 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- ded7d47 Release v3.0.32. (@FGRibreau)
- ba52abc feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- ee884db feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.31 (@FGRibreau)
- 0343dd3 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.31 (@FGRibreau)
- #116 Merge pull request #116 from Outsidaz/patch-2 (@Outsidaz)
- 50fafc2 Update list.json (@Outsidaz)
- 9184b48 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 860761b Release v3.0.31. (@FGRibreau)
- 5736ef8 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 280fe15 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.30 (@FGRibreau)
- 04fd35e feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.30 (@FGRibreau)
- #114 Merge pull request #114 from trisix/add-new-domains-from-10-min-mail (@trisix)
- 1cd868f Add 3 new domains from 10 minute mail (@trisix)
- a5f8012 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- badfc54 Release v3.0.30. (@FGRibreau)
- 533def2 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 0302d27 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.29 (@FGRibreau)
- c40f110 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.29 (@FGRibreau)
- #113 Merge pull request #113 from nalgeon/patch-3 (@nalgeon)
- 3cfe086 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f49f07e Release v3.0.29. (@FGRibreau)
- 67554c5 fix(package): allow node version >=0.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 24019fb More temporary emails from temp-mail.org etc (@nalgeon)
- 38a8861 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.28 (@FGRibreau)
- 33be4cb feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.28 (@FGRibreau)
- 19e773f docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 0334258 Release v3.0.28. (@FGRibreau)
- 0a922b3 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 59f7c6b misc(package-lock) (@FGRibreau)
- #106 Merge pull request #106 from thorinisme/patch-1 (@thorinisme)
- c058950 add 228 domains from mailinator (list of hash) (@Oloompa)
- cc4fb7f docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 41db7b0 Release v3.0.27. (@FGRibreau)
- 40f4dc2 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 1849fcf feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.26 (@FGRibreau)
- 27410ce feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.26 (@FGRibreau)
- #103 Merge pull request #103 from trisix/addNewDomainFrom10MinMail (@trisix)
- 3f2fcc7 Add new domain from https://10minutemail.net (@trisix)
- 198857d docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- db49c02 Release v3.0.26. (@FGRibreau)
- aa06556 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- fdc0753 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #102 Merge pull request #102 from lfreneda/list-json-updated (@lfreneda)
- 7d96ce0 list.json updated (@lfreneda)
- #100 Merge pull request #100 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper/mocha-3.3.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 822910b chore(package): update mocha to version 3.3.0 (@greenkeeper[bot])
- 26f9b2e feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.25 (@FGRibreau)
- 6b001af feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.25 (@FGRibreau)
- 28e0a2f docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 3c87f7b Release v3.0.25. (@FGRibreau)
- a9c29a1 feat(rust): add pretty_assertions (@FGRibreau)
- #99 Merge pull request #99 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper/eventemitter2-4.0.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 3b77129 fix(package): update eventemitter2 to version 4.0.0 (@greenkeeper[bot])
- 21257f2 docs(README) (@FGRibreau)
- 2fbbb80 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.24 (@FGRibreau)
- 4ad6b45 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.24 (@FGRibreau)
- f900d96 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 4bb0fae Release v3.0.24. (@FGRibreau)
- dbdf88d feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 007ce4c feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.23 (@FGRibreau)
- 15e1f17 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.23 (@FGRibreau)
- #98 Merge pull request #98 from kkleejoe/patch-2 (@kkleejoe)
- 556fb25 Update list.json (@kkleejoe)
- 1b74ee3 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- a803eda Release v3.0.23. (@FGRibreau)
- 0614ef5 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #96 Merge pull request #96 from zeeshan83/patch-1 (@zeeshan83)
- 02f6c89 Update list.json (@zeeshan83)
- cf03cfb feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.22 (@FGRibreau)
- 49f7f50 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.22 (@FGRibreau)
- 66e98dc Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 323a3c3 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- eee7d69 Release v3.0.22. (@FGRibreau)
- bb3ac49 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 4fca972 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.21 (@FGRibreau)
- e41e0ec feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.21 (@FGRibreau)
- #93 Merge pull request #93 from algenon/patch-2 (@algenon)
- d3cdf08 More from temp-mail.ru (@nalgeon)
- fdffe18 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- eeb5e35 Release v3.0.21. (@FGRibreau)
- e85e550 fix(cargo): fix documentation URL (@FGRibreau)
- b246dab Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- #92 Merge pull request #92 from FGRibreau/platform-rust (@FGRibreau)
- f3ceb6e feat(package): added cargo release to release-patch command (@FGRibreau)
- 556a606 feat(package.json): add publish-cargo (@FGRibreau)
- a4ab6f1 feat(cargo): updated to 3.0.20 (@FGRibreau)
- 007ca0a feat(package.json): add publish-cargo (@FGRibreau)
- 0179014 fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- 3fd637b fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- fdcea4b fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- b8b2f11 fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- 6b78910 fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- c91a0c9 fix(toml) (@FGRibreau)
- fd77719 feat(rust-platform) (@FGRibreau)
- 3e1f458 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.20 (@FGRibreau)
- 45a6535 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- #91 Merge pull request #91 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper/initial (@FGRibreau)
- 9ff5f1e Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 479b66e docs(readme): add Greenkeeper badge (@greenkeeper[bot])
- d2f1be4 chore(package): update dependencies (@greenkeeper[bot])
- 00fbfd7 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 6d642f4 Release v3.0.20. (@FGRibreau)
- c95e0ee feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #90 Merge pull request #90 from larsvegas/add-dsiay-com (@larsvegas)
- c29b551 Update list.json (@FGRibreau)
- 5a94e69 added dsiay.com, another 10minutemail domain (@larsvegas)
- #88 Merge pull request #88 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper-cjson-0.5.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 51c1e53 chore(package): update cjson to version 0.5.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
- 5907aef fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- 0e78f6f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.19 (@FGRibreau)
- bcfe0b2 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 2aa6eea Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- #87 Merge pull request #87 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper-mocha-3.2.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 3f1bb65 chore(package): update mocha to version 3.2.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
- 88e399b docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 4cc8912 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 3793390 Release v3.0.19. (@FGRibreau)
- bb3dfdf fix(list): fixes #86 (@FGRibreau)
- 0476c22 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.18 (@FGRibreau)
- 955193a docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- f049289 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 7637afd Release v3.0.18. (@FGRibreau)
- fdc3ff3 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.17 (@FGRibreau)
- #84 Merge pull request #84 from quaswex/patch-1 (@quaswex)
- df19186 fix(json) (@FGRibreau)
- 2cda53b Add more one-time emails to make list better (@quaswex)
- c1619cb Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 35c12c4 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 493d057 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 5c12266 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 8e798c6 Release v3.0.17. (@FGRibreau)
- db99a69 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- b0728b9 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.16 (@FGRibreau)
- #83 Merge pull request #83 from tisba/patch-1 (@tisba)
- dcbe47d add other TLDs for squizzy (@tisba)
- #82 Merge pull request #82 from buren/patch-1 (@buren)
- d631055 Update Ruby example in README (@buren)
- #80 Merge pull request #80 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper-mocha-3.1.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 853d863 chore(package): update mocha to version 3.1.1 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
- c24893f docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 4972714 Release v3.0.16. (@FGRibreau)
- #79 Merge pull request #79 from dav1a1223/revise-ruby-logic-order (@dav1a1223)
- ef62e81 revise ruby valid logic to one line (@dav1a1223)
- #77 Merge pull request #77 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper-mocha-3.1.0 (@FGRibreau)
- 4e20128 chore(package): update mocha to version 3.1.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
- #76 Merge pull request #76 from FGRibreau/greenkeeper-update-all (@FGRibreau)
- c763f5c chore(package): update dependencies (@greenkeeperio-bot)
- 8ddae86 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 5ec16dc Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- bc1c166 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.15 (@FGRibreau)
- a5236f5 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- a8e1fa3 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- a42f070 Release v3.0.15. (@FGRibreau)
- 0bae60e feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.14 (@FGRibreau)
- #73 Merge pull request #73 from trisix/remove-valid-chinese-domains (@trisix)
- 17af0c5 Request to remove major Chinese email providers' domains (@trisix)
- df58871 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1945ac6 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 5b00706 Release v3.0.14. (@FGRibreau)
- 671da69 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.13 (@FGRibreau)
- #72 Merge pull request #72 from frankydp/patch-1 (@frankydp)
- ccf3dca Yahoo domain (@frankydp)
- 0856148 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- bd96105 Release v3.0.13. (@FGRibreau)
- 136562f feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 01d9990 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.12 (@FGRibreau)
- 6812220 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- ef27797 Release v3.0.12. (@FGRibreau)
- c966ac7 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #70 Merge pull request #70 from trisix/add-new-10minutemail-com-domain (@trisix)
- 448469e Add a new domain from 10 minutemail.com (@trisix)
- 418f072 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- 8e2f108 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.11 (@FGRibreau)
- a7b40d5 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 123906c Release v3.0.11. (@FGRibreau)
- 8ac796d fix(list): forgot to gen new list without hushmail (@FGRibreau)
- 2c19f72 fix(package): upgrade cjson and eventemitter2 to latest version (@FGRibreau)
- bce0cd8 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.10 (@FGRibreau)
- 50182e2 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 1d95bda Release v3.0.10. (@FGRibreau)
- 404e009 fix(list): removed hushmail domains from list, fixes #32 (@FGRibreau)
- 7d440d3 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.9 (@FGRibreau)
- 0c6d63a docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- 02a83a6 Release v3.0.9. (@FGRibreau)
- 79e40c3 feat(list): added new emails (thx to @xlamplighter) fixes #69 (@FGRibreau)
- c59d667 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.8 (@FGRibreau)
- a5b8f07 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- c5a5edc Release v3.0.8. (@FGRibreau)
- df525b9 fix(list): removed valid domains from list: qq.com, sohu.com, 21cn.com, yeah.net, naver.com, fixes #50 (@FGRibreau)
- 0465bd0 fix(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 7a5be74 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.7 (@FGRibreau)
- 460a971 docs(changelog): updated (@FGRibreau)
- d8ee22c Release v3.0.7. (@FGRibreau)
- 338b4b5 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- #68 Merge pull request #68 from algenon/patch-2 (@algenon)
- 9fefb74 Add from 10minutemail.net (@nalgeon)
- 899c521 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 505bbf0 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 297eda9 Release v3.0.6. (@FGRibreau)
- 855f15d feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- 6101e62 feat(build): update plateform files (@FGRibreau)
- d3083ac Release v3.0.5. (@FGRibreau)
- #67 Merge pull request #67 from dustywusty/master (@dustywusty)
- 1bc6f24 +4 new sources (@dustywusty)
- 0abda9d Adding leeching.net, extremail.ru, kismail.ru, and divismail.ru from https://temp-mail.org/api/ + fixed my previous formatting to be more consistent (@dustywusty)
- 20afe30 feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.4 (@FGRibreau)
- d34b5f0 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 7a2b150 Release v3.0.4. (@FGRibreau)
- 0c8c746 feat(list) (@FGRibreau)
- #66 Merge pull request #66 from trisix/add-mail72-domain (@trisix)
- 4e63c3b Add address from mail72.com (@trisix)
- 4af46c2 feat(list): build new list (@FGRibreau)
- #65 Merge pull request #65 from trisix/add-bcctome-domain-from-cn (@trisix)
- #64 Merge pull request #64 from owst/emails_with_spaces_or_newlines_are_invalid (@owst)
- 46311e1 Add addresses from bccto.me (@trisix)
- ee847e3 [Fix #62] Emails with spaces/newlines are invalid (@owst)
- fb435cc feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.3 (@FGRibreau)
- e7251de docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 0b40556 Release v3.0.3. (@FGRibreau)
- b63b69d feat(list): updated list (@FGRibreau)
- a21984f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.2 (@FGRibreau)
- #63 Merge pull request #63 from dustywusty/master (@dustywusty)
- e52257c Adding +118 disposable email providers (@dustywusty)
- facf8b9 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 0b236b4 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- ac15712 Release v3.0.2. (@FGRibreau)
- 60dc617 feat(20email): added 20 minutes email (@FGRibreau)
- ab5205e Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 467581f feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.1 (@FGRibreau)
- 82c234c docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- ae0d2cf Release v3.0.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 458a5d6 feat(package): added release-patch (@FGRibreau)
- #61 Merge pull request #61 from owst/extract_blacklisted_method_in_ruby (@owst)
- #60 Merge pull request #60 from Spir/patch-2 (@Spir)
- 4afe036 Extract blacklisted? method for Ruby implementation (@owst)
- 1faa10b Installation using Composer (@Spir)
- cc41778 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- #59 Merge pull request #59 from Spir/patch-1 (@Spir)
- e300ee6 Make the PHP library available on packagist.org (@Spir)
- 21d638f docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- bf77831 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- 97fa732 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- f7e3db2 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- cf414b0 fix(gem): improved gem published (@FGRibreau)
- 4f9e6ba feat(gemspec): updated to 3.0.0 (@FGRibreau)
- af8b49d Release v3.0.0. (@FGRibreau)
- #57 Merge pull request #57 from owst/camel_case_for_JS (@owst)
- 7336ffc Use camelCase for JS identifiers (@owst)
- #58 Merge pull request #58 from gierschv/fix-regression-check (@gierschv)
- 83202e4 fix(node): regression in input check since 1.6.2 (@gierschv)
- 0461b2d docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- af2e942 Release v2.0.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 7134fe3 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- #56 Merge pull request #56 from owst/static-methods-php-and-python-update-readme (@owst)
- e3a8aff fix(ruby): it's a breaking change! (@FGRibreau)
- 674202d docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 1c3c56c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FGRibreau/mailchecker (@FGRibreau)
- a2931c2 Release v2.0.0. (@FGRibreau)
- #55 Merge pull request #55 from owst/patch-2 (@owst)
- 2ed6d49 Use class methods in PHP/Python; update README (@owst)
- ab4a007 Add Owen Stephens to gemspec authors list (@owst)
- 13d51cf docs(readme): display gem version (@FGRibreau)
- 6dee1dd fix(loader): upgrade lodash to 4.6, glob and eventemitter2 (@FGRibreau)
- e8de1f7 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 2e1a012 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- d13f44f Release v1.6.3. (@FGRibreau)
- 657bb5e fix(git): fix .env leak (@FGRibreau)
- d0bfe4e Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FGRibreau/mailchecker (@FGRibreau)
- 467b303 Release v1.6.2. (@FGRibreau)
- 0583e3f Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 2d10a23 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- b440d0c fix(Gemfile): fix ruby test (@FGRibreau)
- d4199f6 fix(Gemfile): fix ruby test (@FGRibreau)
- 9c72519 fix(ci): fixed php tests (@FGRibreau)
- b401c5f fix(ci): use the right php version, cf: https://circleci.com/docs/environment#php (@FGRibreau)
- 4fd82ca fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- e320d8d fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- ae4a050 fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- 4710d29 fix(ci) (@FGRibreau)
- c7361b6 fix(ci): added ruby support (@FGRibreau)
- cae5092 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- #54 Merge pull request #54 from owst/master (@owst)
- dff1944 fix(circle) (@FGRibreau)
- #53 Merge pull request #53 from owst/patch-1 (@owst)
- da3bfd4 Consider all domain suffixes in PHP (@owst)
- 6b91eb0 Update Clojure tests (@owst)
- fcbc296 Use same regexp everywhere; downcase domain list in generator (@owst)
- b4f0fa6 Consider all domain suffixes in Python (@owst)
- 187844f Update Ruby tests (@owst)
- 86c5901 Update PHP tests (@owst)
- 2060cda Improve Python implmentation and tests (@owst)
- ee7c304 Consider all domain suffixes in Clojure (@owst)
- 9576a4c Consider all domain suffixes in Elixir (@owst)
- f5f5b36 Consider all domain suffixes in Node (@owst)
- 31a9faa Consider all domain suffixes in JavaScript (@owst)
- db84501 Consider all subdomains in Ruby (@owst)
- fa7696d Fix invalid colon in domain in list.json (@owst)
- 49b729c Remove trailing spaces from blacklisted entries (@owst)
- 38f68c9 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 3a82e43 Release v1.6.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 147646a feat(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 0046622 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 0cfd701 Release v1.6.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 2d164f6 feat(mailchecker): added two new domains (@FGRibreau)
- 613258b docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- c628238 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 53ec8e2 Release v1.5.2. (@FGRibreau)
- f854b62 feat(update) (@FGRibreau)
- #49 Merge pull request #49 from algenon/patch-1 (@algenon)
- 3a4bcf6 Temporary mail domains assigned by temp-mail.ru (@nalgeon)
- b2ec2b8 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 4455d5d Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 85535b7 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- 0a66fa1 docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 3da1f32 Release v1.5.1. (@FGRibreau)
- d8a4025 fix(list): removed fastmail.fm fixes #46 (@FGRibreau)
- d5ba80c docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 25cf9a3 Release v1.5.0. (@FGRibreau)
- d34d1a5 feat(mailchecker): added new domain names (@FGRibreau)
- #44 Merge pull request #44 from trisix/update-email-list (@trisix)
- ea30bf0 Add emails from https://10minutemail.net/history.html (@trisix)
- #42 Merge pull request #42 from djpowers/patch-1 (@djpowers)
- 2ce1ffd Update link to node-validator (@djpowers)
- a71e5b5 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:FGRibreau/mailchecker (@FGRibreau)
- e5148a0 fix(php): fix MailChecker (@FGRibreau)
- #38 Merge pull request #38 from R-J/patch-1 (@R-J)
- 60e1901 Shorten code by not using temp variable (@R-J)
- #40 Merge pull request #40 from buren/clojure (@buren)
- 40af280 Clojure implementation (@buren)
- 3f2c4e8 First draft of Clojure implementation (@buren)
- #39 Merge pull request #39 from buren/travis-ci-ruby (@buren)
- 665c136 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/FGRibreau/mailchecker into rubygems-travis (@buren)
- dc0b49a Eliminate false positives (@R-J)
- #37 Merge pull request #37 from buren/elixir-lang (@buren)
- a52ca9e Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/FGRibreau/mailchecker into elixir-lang (@buren)
- f2107ab Elixir implementation (@buren)
- #36 Merge pull request #36 from buren/rubygem-rename (@buren)
- e438bca Rename gem from mail_checker => ruby-mailchecker (@buren)
- 9818a9b Merge branch 'rubygem' of https://github.com/buren/mailchecker into buren-rubygem (@FGRibreau)
- #35 Merge pull request #35 from hslatman/hs_python_mailchecker (@hslatman)
- 31e6639 Consistent use of spaces + Python 2 & 3 support (@hslatman)
- 9635b6e Make sure that emails are lowercased (@hslatman)
- 8f0a542 No package line clarified (@hslatman)
- 4433f13 No package line added (@hslatman)
- ff24d41 Updated readme for Python usage (@hslatman)
- 817f768 Test for basic Python implementation (@hslatman)
- ef211f4 Ignore Python byte compiled files (@hslatman)
- 7be778d Simple python drop-in implementation (@hslatman)
- 27561f6 Add config for Travis-CI (@buren)
- b6dea7d Package as Ruby gem (@buren)
- 702ba0a Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- fd60471 Define email regex in a constant, instead of a method (@buren)
- 46931fd Add Ruby implementation (@buren)
- 712a7dd docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 70007d7 Release v1.4.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 76679ef docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- fa5a8dd feat(list): added emails from https://github.com/nfedyashev/valid_email2/blob/master/vendor/disposable_emails.yml (@FGRibreau)
- 759e593 feat(list): fixes #26 (@FGRibreau)
- 4d51929 Release v1.3.1. (@FGRibreau)
- cbfe5fd docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- 2085b42 fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- 7d0cf8c fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- 2cc6ef8 fix(package) (@FGRibreau)
- d1e781d docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- e53cf6a Release v1.3.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 540ee3e feat(package): upgrade async & glob (@FGRibreau)
- fbefd6b docs(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- ed57805 docs(readme) (@FGRibreau)
- f6411ef Release v1.2.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 48a6013 feat(list): fixes #22 (@FGRibreau)
- c5d0d04 feat(list): fixes #17 (@FGRibreau)
- e81f8fc feat(list): fixes #25 (@FGRibreau)
- 00dc331 feat(gen) (@FGRibreau)
- f3530a6 feat(list): added guerillamail.org, fixes #23 (@FGRibreau)
- 632a04d fix(changelog) (@FGRibreau)
- 92b630b Release v1.1.1. (@FGRibreau)
- #24 Merge pull request #24 from gierschv/added-2709 (@gierschv)
- fc44bb4 add maildrop.cc and harakirimail.com (@gierschv)
- b0fb475 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- b81e5f7 Release v1.1.0. (@FGRibreau)
- a33c6be Release v1.0.1. (@FGRibreau)
- 15ef677 remove mail.ru from dispoable emails (@FGRibreau)
- 7e2320d Update list.json (@FGRibreau)
- 4ee7da0 Release v1.0.0. (@FGRibreau)
- 756f09d drop support for NodeJS 0.6 (@FGRibreau)
- 1201c70 regenerate (@FGRibreau)
- 4b8390f Release v0.2.0. (@FGRibreau)
- f7473e3 update readme (@FGRibreau)
- cae60a3 add mailtothis.com fixes #16 (@FGRibreau)
- 49c0163 format + upgrade deps (@FGRibreau)
- 8cf699f Bump v0.1.11 (@FGRibreau)
- c0e7117 merge #14 (@FGRibreau)
- 9591b91 Readme (@FGRibreau)
- 35706a6 Added 10minutemail (@FGRibreau)
- 47322ac Support for spamdecoy (@FGRibreau)
- #15 Merge pull request #15 from LuckyDino/master (@LuckyDino)
- 1afb323 Update list.json (@LuckyDino)
- 4cb6250 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- d9af264 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- 88ce112 Updating email list (@FGRibreau)
- #12 Merge pull request #12 from NBruel/master (@NBruel)
- ffb0ff7 List.json updated (@NBruel)
- 9df90bb I add guerrillamail.de, grr.la, spam4.me, guerrillamail.net, guerrillamail.biz (@NBruel)
- 514a43a Readme 435 -> 454 (@FGRibreau)
- f848a49 0.1.7 - added mailHazard (@FGRibreau)
- e7d71b8 0.1.6 - Updated with alternate domains from yopmail.com (@FGRibreau)
- #11 Merge pull request #11 from vikbez/patch-1 (@vikbez)
- fabca97 updated with alternate domains from yopmail.com (@vikbez)
- 1568e6e #gen (@FGRibreau)
- 213b8bf Added reallymymail.com (mailinator) (@FGRibreau)
- 7bc1e90 [Php] Avoid false positives (e.g. hotmail.com) (@FGRibreau)
- #9 Merge pull request #9 from sxyuan/master (@sxyuan)
- 5d86825 Avoid false positives (e.g. hotmail.com) (@sxyuan)
- 616128c Bump to 0.1.2 (@FGRibreau)
- 3ebdd08 Fix #7 (@FGRibreau)
- #8 Merge pull request #8 from watadarkstar/master (@watadarkstar)
- 7e46416 AdrianC: Re-generated the library based on the new list.json (@watadarkstar)
- 684c9cc AdrianC: Added spam domains from http://www.fakemailgenerator.com/ (@watadarkstar)
- 374764e Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- e378e68 Update README.md (@FGRibreau)
- #6 Merge pull request #6 from Nami-Doc/patch-1 (@Nami-Doc)
- 161d8a7 update links (@vendethiel)
- 6d9381d Readme (@FGRibreau)
- cc2348f Readme (@FGRibreau)
- 6723148 LICENSE (@FGRibreau)
- 37c8cb9 README (@FGRibreau)
- b6ff57f Readme usage (@FGRibreau)
- b15e5ad README update (@FGRibreau)
- c3e12bc Readme (@FGRibreau)
- 6148f0d Readme (@FGRibreau)
- 7e44e1b Readme (@FGRibreau)
- 5b273ac Php unit-test (@FGRibreau)
- b6cc54c Php version #3 (@FGRibreau)
- e4ee4be JavaScript #4 & NodeJS version #2 (@FGRibreau)
- 93b80c3 Generator #5 (@FGRibreau)
- 42f39da Plop (@FGRibreau)