diff --git a/code/DDSCodeTester.cpp b/code/DDSCodeTester.cpp
index fe74f43b9..e05fd538c 100644
--- a/code/DDSCodeTester.cpp
+++ b/code/DDSCodeTester.cpp
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ void dds_domain_examples()
- "enabled");
+ "disabled");
diff --git a/code/XMLTester.xml b/code/XMLTester.xml
index ea249964c..576c56ae4 100644
--- a/code/XMLTester.xml
+++ b/code/XMLTester.xml
@@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@
- enable
+ disabled
diff --git a/docs/fastdds/property_policies/non_consolidated_qos.rst b/docs/fastdds/property_policies/non_consolidated_qos.rst
index 1d4a86ae1..ad9fba371 100644
--- a/docs/fastdds/property_policies/non_consolidated_qos.rst
+++ b/docs/fastdds/property_policies/non_consolidated_qos.rst
@@ -509,4 +509,4 @@ The different property values have the following effects on the local |DomainPar
:language: xml
:end-before: <-->
- :lines: 2-4,6-16,18-19
+ :lines: 2-4,6-17,19-20
diff --git a/docs/fastdds/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst b/docs/fastdds/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
index 914012741..3eea0f53e 100644
--- a/docs/fastdds/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/docs/fastdds/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -44,3 +44,8 @@ issues.
* If having problems with transmitting **large samples such as video or point clouds**, please refer to
+* Fast DDS v3 introduced the new feature :ref:`XTypes`, which allows to discover remote types.
+ In consequence, discovery traffic can be increased during start up.
+ If you are experiencing high load during discovery, try disabling the new feature.
+ Please refer to :ref:`disable type propagation` to learn how to do it.
diff --git a/docs/notes/migration_guide.rst b/docs/notes/migration_guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..488625893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/notes/migration_guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+.. include:: ../03-exports/aliases.include
+.. include:: ../03-exports/aliases-api.include
+.. include:: ../03-exports/roles.include
+.. _migration_guide:
+Migration Guide to Fast DDS v3
+This document aims to help during the migration process from eProsima *Fast DDS version* 2 to *Fast DDS version* 3.
+For more information about all the updates, please refer to the :ref:`release notes `.
+.. warning::
+ Fast DDS v3 introduces a new feature :ref:`XTypes` that allows to discover remote types.
+ In consequence, discovery traffic can be increased during start up.
+ If you are experiencing high load during discovery, try disabling the new feature.
+ Please refer to :ref:`disable type propagation` to learn how to do it.
+Migration Steps
+The following steps describe the possible changes that your project may require to migrate to *Fast DDS v3.0.0*:
+- :ref:`step-1-update-the-package-name-and-cmake-configuration`
+- :ref:`step-2-update-dependencies`
+- :ref:`step-3-ensure-compatibility-with-related-products`
+- :ref:`step-4-apply-namespace-changes`
+- :ref:`step-5-migrate-public-headers`
+- :ref:`step-6-handle-removed-or-private-headers`
+- :ref:`step-7-update-api-methods`
+- :ref:`step-8-update-structs-enums-and-variables`
+- :ref:`step-9-refactor-examples`
+.. _step-1-update-the-package-name-and-cmake-configuration:
+Step 1: Update the package name and CMake configuration
+1. CMake project name: Rename all instances in the CMake project from ``fastrtps`` to ``fastdds``. For example,
+ update ``target_link_libraries(fastrtps)`` to ``target_link_libraries(fastdds)``, and ``if(NOT fastrtps_FOUND)`` to
+ ``if(NOT fastdds_FOUND)``.
+2. Environment variables:
+ * The configuration file for loading profiles has been renamed from ``DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml`` to
+.. _step-2-update-dependencies:
+Step 2: Update dependencies
+Fast DDS v3 is only compatible with Fast CDR v2.
+If you are not using Fast CDR as :ref:`third-party `, please ensure that your local
+dependencies are up-to-date.
+Refer to the :ref:`library deprendencies table ` to verify
+version compatibility for all Fast DDS library dependencies.
+.. _step-3-ensure-compatibility-with-related-products:
+Step 3: Ensure compatibility with related products
+Fast DDS v3 requires Fast DDS Gen v4 for code generation. Make sure to regenerate types using this compatible version.
+For other compatibility requirements with related products (e.g., Shapes Demo, Discovery Server), refer to the table
+of :ref:`products compatibility `, which outlines version
+compatibility across the Fast DDS ecosystem.
+Verify these versions and update accordingly to avoid any integration issues.
+.. _step-4-apply-namespace-changes:
+Step 4: Apply namespace changes
+1. Namespace migration:
+ * First, update all ``eprosima::fastrtps::`` namespace references to ``eprosima::fastdds::``.
+ * Move built-in topics ``SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData``, ``PublicationBuiltinTopicData``, and
+ ``ParticipantBuiltinTopicData`` from ``eprosima::fastdds::dds::builtin::`` to ``eprosima::fastdds::rtps::``.
+ * Move ``Duration_t`` and ``c_TimeInfinite`` references from ``eprosima::fastdds::`` to ``eprosima::fastdds::dds``.
+ * Move ``Time_t.hpp`` references from ``eprosima::fastdds::`` to ``eprosima::fastdds::dds``.
+ Ensure you update these namespace references across your code to avoid compilation errors.
+2. Renamed types:
+ * Change ``EventKindBits::`` references to ``EventKind::``.
+ * Change ``EventKindEntityId::`` references to ``EntityId::``.
+ * Change ``StatisticsEventKind::`` references to ``statistics::EventKind::``.
+ Refactor the type references as outlined above to maintain compatibility with the new version.
+.. _step-5-migrate-public-headers:
+Step 5: Migrate public headers
+1. Header files location:
+ All the headers in ``include/fastrtps`` were migrated to ``include/fastdds``.
+ In particular, the following list includes headers that have been relocated to different paths or whose
+ implementations have been incorporated into other headers:
+ .. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Fast DDS v2 file *include* path
+ - Fast DDS v3 file *include* path
+ * - ``fastdds/rtps/resources/ResourceManagement.hpp``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/attributes/ResourceManagement.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/eProsima_auto_link.h``
+ - ``fastdds/fastdds_auto_link.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/attributes/ParticipantAttributes.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/domain/qos/DomainParticipantExtendedQos.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/Domain.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/log/Log.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/log/Log.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/DeadlineMissedStatus.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/status/DeadlineMissedStatus.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/IncompatibleQosStatus.hpp``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/status/IncompatibleQosStatus.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/LivelinessChangedStatus.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/status/LivelinessChangedStatus.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/QosPolicies.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/policy/QosPolicies.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/ReaderQos.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/subscriber/qos/ReaderQos.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/WriterQos.h``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/publisher/qos/WriterQos.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/qos/SampleRejectedStatus.hpp``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/status/SampleRejectedStatus.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/participant/Participant.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/participant/RTPSParticipant.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/TCPv4TransportDescriptor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/TCPv4TransportDescriptor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/TCPv6TransportDescriptor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/TCPv6TransportDescriptor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/UDPv4TransportDescriptor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPv4TransportDescriptor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/UDPv6TransportDescriptor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPv6TransportDescriptor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/UDPTransportDescritpor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPTransportDescritpor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastrtps/transport/TCPTransportDescritpor.h``
+ - ``fastdds/rtps/transport/TCPTransportDescritpor.hpp``
+ * - ``fastdds/rtps/common/Time_t.hpp in namespace{fastdds}``
+ - ``fastdds/dds/core/Time_t.hpp in namespace{fastdds::dds}``
+ Also, the ``fixed_size_string.hpp`` implementation has been migrated from ``fastrtps/utils/fixed_size_string.hpp``
+ to ``fastcdr/cdr/fixed_size_string.hpp``.
+2. File extensions:
+ Rename file extensions from `.h` to `.hpp`.
+.. _step-6-handle-removed-or-private-headers:
+Step 6: Handle removed or private headers
+The following list contains headers that were previously in the `include` folder and have been relocated to
+the `src/cpp` folder.
+Since they are no longer public, it is not possible to include them in external projects:
+* ParticipantAttributes.hpp
+* ReplierAttributes.hpp
+* RequesterAttributes.hpp
+* PublisherAttributes.hpp
+* SubscriberAttributes.hpp
+* ProxyPool.hpp
+* Semaphore.hpp
+* MessageReceiver.hpp
+* BuiltinProtocols.hpp
+* shared_mutex.hpp
+* StringMatching.hpp
+* TimeConversion.hpp
+* DBQueue.hpp
+* ResourceEvent.hpp
+* TimedEvent.hpp
+* WriterProxyData.hpp
+* ReaderProxyData.hpp
+* ParticipantProxyData.hpp
+* XML Parser API
+* UnitsParser.hpp
+* RTPSMessageGroup.hpp
+* RTPSMessageCreator.hpp
+* CDRMessage.hpp
+* StatefulPersistentReader.hpp
+* StatefulReader.hpp
+* StatelessPersistentReader.hpp
+* StatelessReader.hpp
+* PersistentWriter.hpp
+* StatefulPersistentWriter.hpp
+* StatefulWriter.hpp
+* StatelessPersistentWriter.hpp
+* StatelessWriter.hpp
+* logging.h
+* Exception.h
+* Cryptography.h
+* Authentication.h
+* AccessControl.h
+* SecurityException.h
+* ChangeForReader.hpp
+* ReaderLocator.hpp
+* ReaderProxy.hpp
+* ServerAttributes.hpp
+* TopicAttributes.hpp
+* TypeLookupService.hpp
+If your project previously included any of these headers, you will need to modify your implementation.
+.. _step-7-update-api-methods:
+Step 7: Update API methods
+The table below contains the list of API changes, showing the previous methods and the corresponding new ones
+introduced in Fast DDS v3.
+The new API methods achieve the same functionality, even though the signature of the method is different
+from the deprecated one.
+.. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Deprecated methods
+ - New methods
+ * - ``xmlparser::XMLProfileManager::library_settings(LibrarySettingsAttributes&)``
+ - ``DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->set_library_settings(const LibrarySettings&)``
+ * - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ReaderProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ * - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(WriterProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(PublicationBuiltinTopicData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ * - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ParticipantProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ - ``fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)``
+ * - ``on_participant_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_participant_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryStatus, ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``on_subscriber_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_data_reader_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryStatus, SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``on_publisher_discovery(DomainParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_data_writer_discovery(DomainParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryStatus, PublicationBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``onReaderDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_reader_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryStatus, SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``onWriterDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_writer_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryStatus, PublicationBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``onParticipantDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&&, bool)``
+ - ``on_participant_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryStatus, ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::loadXMLFile(string&)``
+ - ``DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->load_XML_profiles_file(string)``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::loadDefaultXMLFile()``
+ - ``load_profiles()``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::loadXMLFile(string)``
+ - ``load_XML_profiles_file(string&)``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::loadXMLString(const char*, size_t)``
+ - ``load_XML_profiles_string(const char*, size_t)``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(const string&, ParticipantAttributes&, bool)``
+ - ``get_participant_qos_from_profile(string&, DomainParticipantQos&)``
+ * - ``DynamicTypeBuilder XMLProfileManager::getDynamicTypeByName(string&)``
+ - ``get_dynamic_type_builder_from_xml_by_name(string&, DynamicTypeBuilder::_ref_type&)``
+ * - ``XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(string&, RequesterAttributes&)``
+ - ``get_requester_qos_from_profile(string&, RequesterQos&)``
+ * - ``XMLParser::getXMLThroughputController(tinyxml2::XMLElement*, ThroughputControllerDescriptor&, uint8_t)``
+ - ``XMLParser::getXMLFlowControllerDescriptorList(tinyxml2::XMLElement*, FlowControllerDescriptorList&, uint8_t)``
+ * - ``add_throughput_controller_descriptor_to_pparams(FlowControllerSchedulerPolicy, uint32_t, uint32_t)``
+ - ``add_flow_controller_descriptor_to_pparams(FlowControllerSchedulerPolicy, uint32_t, uint32_t)``
+ * - ``get_payload(uint32_t, CacheChange_t&)``
+ - ``get_payload(uint32_t, SerializedPayload_t&)``
+ * - ``release_payload(CacheChange_t&)``
+ - ``release_payload(SerializedPayload_t&)``
+ * - ``registerWriter(RTPSWriter*, const TopicAttributes&, const WriterQos&)``
+ - ``register_writer(RTPSWriter*, const PublicationBuiltinTopicData&)``
+ * - ``registerReader(RTPSReader*, TopicAttributes&, ReaderQos&)``
+ - ``register_reader(RTPSReader*, const SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, const ContentFilterProperty*)``
+ * - ``updateWriter(RTPSWriter*, const TopicAttributes&, const WriterQos&)``
+ - ``update_writer(RTPSWriter*, const WriterQos&)``
+ * - ``updateReader(RTPSReader*, const TopicAttributes&, const ReaderQos&, const ContentFilterProperty*)``
+ - ``update_reader(RTPSReader*, const ReaderQos, const ContentFilterProperty*)``
+ * - ``getRTPSParticipantAttributes()``
+ - ``get_attributes()``
+ * - ``bool write(void*)``
+ - ``ReturnCode_t write(void*)``
+ * - ``bool write(void*, WriteParams&)``
+ - ``ReturnCode_t write(void*, WriteParams&)``
+ * - ``SenderResource::send(const octet*, uint32_t, LocatorsIterator*, LocatorsIterator*, const chrono::steady_clock::time_point&)``
+ - ``SenderResource::send(vector, uint32_t, LocatorsIterator*, LocatorsIterator*, const chrono::steady_clock::time_point&)``
+ * - ``RTPSMessageSenderInterface::send(CDRMessage_t*, chrono::steady_clock::time_point)``
+ - ``RTPSMessageSenderInterface::send(vector&, uint32_t&, chrono::steady_clock::time_point)``
+ * - ``createRTPSWriter(RTPSParticipant*, EntityId_t&, WriterAttributes&, shared_ptr&, shared_ptr&, WriterHistory*, WriterListener*)``
+ - ``createRTPSWriter(RTPSParticipant*, WriterAttributes&, WriterHistory*, WriterListener*)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::new_change(const function& dataCdrSerializedSize, ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)``
+ - ``WriterHistory::create_change(uint32_t, ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::new_change(ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)``
+ - ``WriterHistory::create_change(ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::release_change(CacheChange_t*)``
+ - ``WriterHistory::release_change(CacheChange_t*)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::remove_older_changes(unsigned int)``
+ - ``WriterHistory::remove_min_change()``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::is_acked_by_all(const CacheChange_t*)``
+ - ``RTPSWriter::is_acked_by_all(const SequenceNumber_t&)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::updateAttributes(const WriterAttributes&)``
+ - ``RTPSWriter::update_attributes(const WriterAttributes&)``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::getListener()``
+ - ``RTPSWriter::get_listener()``
+ * - ``RTPSWriter::isAsync()``
+ - ``RTPSWriter::is_async()``
+ * - ``WriterListener::onWriterMatched(RTPSWriter*, MatchingInfo&)``
+ - ``WriterListener::on_writer_matched(RTPSWriter*, const MatchingInfo&)``
+ * - ``WriterListener::onWriterChangeReceivedByAll(RTPSWriter*, CacheChange_t*)``
+ - ``WriterListener::on_writer_change_received_by_all(RTPSWriter*, CacheChange_t*)``
+ * - ``TypeLookupReplyListener::onWriterChangeReceivedByAll(RTPSWriter*, CacheChange_t*)``
+ - ``TypeLookupReplyListener::on_writer_change_received_by_all(RTPSWriter*, CacheChange_t*)``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::getListener()``
+ - ``RTPSReader::get_listener()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::setListener()``
+ - ``RTPSReader::set_listener()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::expectsInlineQos()``
+ - ``RTPSReader::expects_inline_qos()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::isInCleanState()``
+ - ``RTPSReader::is_in_clean_state()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::getHistory()``
+ - ``RTPSReader::get_history()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::nextUnreadCache(CacheChange_t**, WriterProxy**)``
+ - ``RTPSReader::next_unread_cache()``
+ * - ``RTPSReader::nextUntakenCache(CacheChange_t**, WriterProxy**)``
+ - ``RTPSReader::next_untaken_cache()``
+ * - ``ReaderListener::onReaderMatched(RTPSReader*, MatchingInfo&)``
+ - ``ReaderListener::on_reader_matched(RTPSReader*, MatchingInfo&)``
+ * - ``ReaderListener::onNewCacheChangeAdded(RTPSReader*, const CacheChange_t* const)``
+ - ``ReaderListener::on_new_cache_change_added(RTPSReader*, const CacheChange_t* const)``
+ * - ``TopicDataType::getSerializedSizeProvider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+ - ``TopicDataType::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+ * - ``TopicDataType::createData()``
+ - ``TopicDataType::create_data()``
+ * - ``TopicDataType::deleteData(void*)``
+ - ``TopicDataType::delete_data(void*)``
+ * - ``TopicDataType::getKey(const void* const, InstanceHand*, bool)``
+ - ``TopicDataType::compute_key(const void* const, InstanceHand&, bool)``
+ * - ``TopicDataType::setName(const char*)``
+ - ``TopicDataType::set_name(const string&)``
+ * - ``char* TopicDataType::getName()``
+ - ``string& TopicDataType::get_name()``
+ * - ``TypeSupport::calculate_serialized_size_provider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+ - ``TypeSupport::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+ * - ``get_key(void, InstanceHandle_t*, bool)``
+ - ``compute_key(SerializedPayload_t&, InstanceHandle_t&, bool)``
+ * - ``DynamicPubSubType::createData()``
+ - ``DynamicPubSubType::create_data()``
+ * - ``DynamicPubSubType::deleteData(void*)``
+ - ``DynamicPubSubType::delete_data(void*)``
+ * - ``DynamicPubSubType::getKey(const void* const, InstanceHand*, bool)``
+ - ``DynamicPubSubType::compute_key(const void* const, InstanceHand&, bool)``
+ * - ``DynamicPubSubType::getSerializedSizeProvider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+ - ``DynamicPubSubType::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)``
+Review your code for any APIs marked with the ``FASTDDS_DEPRECATED`` and ``FASTDDS_TODO_BEFORE`` macros.
+Note that these deprecated APIs have been removed in Fast DDS v3.
+Make the necessary updates to your implementation to ensure compatibility with the new version.
+.. _step-8-update-structs-enums-and-variables:
+Step 8: Update structs, enums, and variables
+As part of the Fast DDS migration, several structs, enums, and variables have been updated. You will need to modify
+your code to reflect these changes:
+1. Enum and Variable Changes:
+ * Rename ``DiscoveryProtocol_t`` to ``DiscoveryProtocol``.
+ * Rename ``initialHeartbeatDelay`` to ``initial_heartbeat_delay``.
+ * Rename ``heartbeatPeriod`` to ``heartbeat_period``.
+ * Rename ``nackResponseDelay`` to ``nack_response_delay``.
+ * Rename ``nackSupressionDuration`` to ``nack_supression_duration``.
+ * Rename ``heartbeatResponseDelay`` to ``heartbeat_response_delay``.
+ * Rename ``initialAcknackDelay`` to ``initial_acknack_delay``.
+ * Rename ``expectsInlineQos`` to ``expects_inline_qos``.
+ * Rename ``m_typeSize`` to ``max_serialized_type_size``.
+ * Rename ``m_isGetKeyDefined`` to ``is_compute_key_provided``.
+ * Rename ``m_topicDataTypeName`` to ``topic_data_typename``.
+2. Extend Built-in Topics:
+ * ``SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData`` has been extended with additional fields to mimic those of ``ReaderProxyData``.
+ * ``PublicationBuiltinTopicData`` has been extended with additional fields to mimic those of ``WriterProxyData``.
+ * ``ParticipantBuiltinTopicData`` has been extended to include the product version and fields from
+ ``ParticipantProxyData``.
+3. Other Struct Changes:
+ * ``SendBuffersAllocationAttributes`` has a new attribute to define the allocation configuration of the
+ ``NetworkBuffers``.
+ * ``TypeConsistencyQos`` has been removed from ``DataReader``, and the ``TypeConsistencyEnforcementQosPolicy`` and
+ ``DataRepresentationQosPolicy`` have been added.
+.. _step-9-refactor-examples:
+Step 9: Examples refactor
+All examples in the Fast DDS project have been refactored to follow a consistent structure, having renamed files,
+restructured classes, and updated the overall format. If you have integrated any example into your
+own implementation, carefully review the updated examples to ensure compatibility with your project. As reference,
+consider the example `Configuration `_.