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76 lines (57 loc) · 2.56 KB



Pair, drag and drop to match up
@data: array of icons, example ['square','circle','play','certificate','star','heart']
@toHome: funtion to tell parent exit game

cardColor: int 0 to 11 of next card color (Hue * 30)
cardDraw: array [[icon] , color] of card in draw position
cardDrop: array of arrays [[[icon], color],[[icon], color]...] of cards to mach
cardList: array list of a available icons to choose
cardMach: int, actual score of match/pairs done
cardOffset: for mouse offset, is not currently used
fishCommand: value to pass to the fish component for internal command
fishSequence: array on next commands to set in fishCommand
inDragMode: bolean to set if a card is draging mode (mouse or touch)
inNewCard: bolean to set if a new card is show
maxcardDrop: int max drops/match card show
nextMach: score needed for increment @maxcardDrop

  • commanddone: function for communication with the child and know when the @fishCommand is done/finished


Press, move the thing towards the objective
@data: array of icons, example ['square','circle','play','certificate','star','heart']
@toHome: funtion to tell parent exit game


Seeks, look for the equal card

Internal Components


@size: int 1 to 9? fonr awesome size prop also use "(size * 15)px" to calc height and width of the card
@icon: ['icon-name'] font awesome icon name (no the library name)
@color: int 0 to 11, calc the Hue degree on the color wheel by "color * 30"

style: css values for width, height, color, backgroundColor, backgroundImage, border, boxShadow, animation, animationIterationCount
size: @size + "x" example '4x'
key: is make by "C-" + @icon + @color
example icon=['bicycle'] and color=10 then key='C-bicycle10'


@command: integer 0 to 9 (0-9 for now can be more)
@done: funtion to tell parent command done
@speed: "1 * value" to increment % dist (% of the screen), normal value speed = 0.25 that is, it changes by (1/4)% screen per render

command values for movements (like nunpad)

Command action
5 nothing / stop / dont move (not implemented)
8 up
9 up + rigth (not implemented)
6 right
3 right + down (not implemented)
2 down
1 down + left (not implemented)
4 left
7 left + up (not implemented)
0 start command/standby/do noting (not return command done)

can by "> 9" commands to do spacial move (like atack, pick-up, change color, animation etc)