- https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/filestore.nsf/FileURL/mrdoc_42733.pdf/$FILE/Building%20Act%202011%20-%20%5B01-g0-00%5D.pdf
- https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/filestore.nsf/FileURL/mrdoc_43742.pdf/$FILE/Building%20Regulations%202012%20-%20%5B04-j0-00%5D.pdf
- Lots! WA is a massive state!
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar
- For residential placement of buildings see the NSW Housing Code
- [ ]
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- hurricaine wind forces = wind classification using AS 4055.
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar
- Foobar
- Foo
- foo
- bar