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BlackBerry Spark Communications Platform

Simple Chat for JavaScript

The Simple Chat app demonstrates how you can build a simple chat application using the Spark SDK for JavaScript. This app demonstrates how easily messaging can be integrated into your application. For a more rich chat app experience please see the Rich Chat app provided with the SDK. This example builds on the Quick Start example that demonstrates how you can authenticate with the Spark SDK using the Identity Provider of your application.


It allows the user to do the following:

  • Create a chat
  • View the chat list
  • View all sent and received messages in a chat
  • Send text-based messages
  • Mark incoming messages as Read

Getting Started

This samples requires the Spark SDK, which you can find along with related resources at the location below.

YouTube Getting Started Video

Getting started video


Run "yarn install" in the SimpleChat application directory to install the required packages.

Visit the Getting Started with Web section to see the minimum requirements.

To use the SimpleChat example, you must set up the following elements in js/config.js:

  • Oauth2 configuration (AUTH_CONFIGURATION)
  • Your Spark user domain (ID_PROVIDER_DOMAIN)
  • Firebase configuration (FIREBASE_CONFIG)
  • User passcode (USER_SECRET)


Follow this guide for a walkthrough of how to display a list of chats and a list of messages in one chat.

Import the bbmChatList UI widget into your web application

Your web application needs to import the bbmChatList widget in order to display a list of chats.

  <link rel="import" href="node_modules/bbmChatList/bbmChatList.html">

The element is initialized with a template to give the appearance for each chat.

<bbm-chat-list id="chatList" style="height:100%">
    <button id="[[chat.chatId]]" onclick="enterChat(this)">[[getChatName(chat)]]</button>

The bbmChatList widget only needs the messenger object and it will do the rest. It optionally takes a context object as well, which can be used to resolve the names of functions, as in the above getChatName.

  // Get the name to use for the chat. This is the other participant's
  // registration ID for a 1:1 chat, otherwise it is the chat's
  // subject.
  getChatName: function(chat) {
    if(chat.isOneToOne) {
      if(chat.participants[0].regId ===
          bbmsdk.getRegistrationInfo().regId) {
        return chat.participants[1].regId.toString();
      } else {
        return chat.participants[0].regId.toString();
    } else {
      return chat.subject;

Import the bbmChatMessageList UI widget into your web application

Your web application needs to import the bbmChatMessageList widget in order to display the messages in a chat.

  <link rel="import" href="node_modules/bbmChatMessageList/bbmChatMessageList.html">

The chatMessageList element is initialized with a template to give the appearance for each message. The richChatMessageList element may be used in place of the chatMessageList element. It does not require a template, instead it provides a default appearance for each message.

<bbm-chat-message-list id="chatMessageList" style="display: none; height:100%">
  <template id="bubbleTemplate">
    <div style="text-align:[[getMessageAlignment(message)]]">[[getMessageStatus(message)]][[getMessageContent(message)]]</div>

The bbmChatMessageList widget only needs the messenger object and it will do the rest. It optionally takes a context object as well, which can be used to resolve the names of functions, as in the above getChatName.

    * A function to retrieve the status indicator to use for a message.
    * @param {BBMEnterprise.ChatMessage} message
    *   The message to retrieve status for.
    * @returns {string}
    *   (R) for read messages, (D) for delivered messages, nothing
    *   otherwise.
  getMessageStatus: function(message) {
    if(message.isIncoming) {
      return '';

    switch(message.state.value) {
      case 'Sending':
        return '(...)';
      case 'Sent':
        return '(S)';
      case 'Delivered':
        return '(D)';
      case 'Read':
        return '(R)';
      case 'Failed':
        return '(F)';
        return '(?)';

    * A function to retrieve the content to use for a message.
    * @param {BBMEnterprise.Messenger.ChatMessage} message
    *   The message to retrieve content for.
    * @returns {string}
    *   The content for a Text message, and other appropriate values
    *   for other types of messages.
  getMessageContent: function(message) {
    if(message.tag === 'Text') {
      return message.content;
    } else {
      return message.tag;

   * A function to retrieve the alignment to use for a message.
   * @param {BBMEnterprise.ChatMessage} message
   *   The message to retrieve alignment for.
   * @returns {string}
   *   The alignment for the message.
  getMessageAlignment: function(message) {
    return message.isIncoming ? 'right' : 'left';

Initialize the Spark SDK for JavaScript

  // Create a BBMEnterprise instance.
  bbmeSdk = new BBMEnterprise({
    userId: authUserInfo.userId,
    getToken: authManager.getBbmSdkToken,
    description: navigator.userAgent,
    messageStorageFactory: BBMEnterprise.StorageFactory.SpliceWatcher,
    kmsArgonWasmUrl: KMS_ARGON_WASM_URL

For more information about setting up the Spark SDK for JavaScript, visit the Getting Started with Web section of the guide.


These samples are released as Open Source and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Reporting Issues and Feature Requests

If you find a issue in one of the Samples or have a Feature Request, simply file an issue.