- Enter or Return: Adds a newline at the current cursor.
- Space: Enters a space character at the current cursor.
- Tab: Enters the current number of space characters according to the current indent type.
- Shift+Tab: Performs a BackTab, or deleted the number of characters to the left of the cursor, according to the current indent type.
- Backspace: Deletes one character to the left of the cursor.
- Delete: Deletes one character under the cursor., moving subsequent characters to the left.
- Shift+End: Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
- Shift+Home: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- PgUp: Moves the cursor to start of the buffer
- PgDn: Moves the cursor to end of the buffer.
- Left, Up, Right and Down arrow keys: Moves the cursor one position to the: left, up one line, right and down one line.
- F1: Speaks the number of open buffers
- F2: Speaks the name of the current buffer. Probably its file name. If the buffer is modified and not saved, it will have a trailing '*' after itsname. F3: Prompts for you to press some key. Speaks the action of that key.
- F4: Sets a standard mark. All cursor movements after that will select that text.
- ctrl_a: Selects the entire buffer
- ctrl_c: Copies the selection into the clipboard
- ctrl_e: Evaluates the content of the current buffer in the Vish language. See the file Vish.md
- ctrl_f: Enter search forward mode. Waits for regex search term followed by newline. See Searching.md
- ctrl_g: Repeats the last search in the last search direction.
- ctrl_i: Inserts spaces
- ctrl_j: Speaks the character under the cursor
- ctrl_k: Speaks the current column position
- ctrl_l: Speaks the entire current line ctrl_m: Inserts a newline at the current cursor
- ctrl_n: Opens a new scratch buffer
- ctrl_o: Opens a new line under the current line
- ctrl_q: Wuits Viper asking to save any modified buffers but not scratch buffers.
- ctrl_r: Enters search reverse mode. See ctrl_f, but searches backward in the buffer.
- ctrl_s: Saves the current buffer
- ctrl_t: Switches to next buffer tab or next file entered on Viper's command line
- ctrl_x: Cuts the current selection intothe clipboard. If a selection has been marked, both backspace and forward delete will also perform this action.
- ctrl_y: Yanks the current line into the clipboard
- ctrl_z: Undoes the last action
Meta keys can be pressed by holding the 'Alt' key and the key listed below.
- meta_a: Speaks and moves the current line and the next 10 lines. The cursor ends up on the first column of the 11th line after the current line.
- meta_d: Starts delete mode. The next character pressed must be one of the following:
- c: Clears the current line, leaving the linefeed in place
- d: Deletes the current line
- h: Deletes to front of line
- j: Delete to bottom of buffer
- k: Deletes to top of buffer
- l: Deletes to end of line
- w: Deletes word forward
- meta_f: Moves to the next tab point
- meta_j: Speaks the current word under the cursor.
- meta_k: Speaks the current indent level.
- meta_l: Speaks the current line number.
- meta_m: Waits for a letter and sets a mard with that name.
- meta_n: Insert a character before the current cursor. Like move left 1 position and insert.
- meta_p: Speaks the current cursor position.
- meta_w: Moves one word back
- meta_z: Redoes the last undone action
- meta_';': Pressing 'Alt'+';' will open command mode. Any single line Vish command can be entered here. E.g. 'o filename' will open filename in a new buffer and switch to that buffer.