This is a play module for IP based Geolocation. Currently, the module supports the following services to retrieve the IP data: provides a public HTTP API for software developers to search the geolocation of IP addresses. It uses a database of IP addresses that are associated to cities along with other relevant information like time zone, latitude and longitude.
Determine an Internet visitor's country based on their IP address.
However, support to other geolocation services is possible using the API provided by this plugin.
Playframework version | Module version |
2.5.x | 2.1.0 |
2.4.x | 2.0.0 |
2.3.x | 1.4.1 |
2.3.x | 1.4.0 |
2.3.x | 1.3.0 |
2.3.x | 1.2.0 |
The first step is include the the dependency in your build.sbt
or project/Build.scala
name := "sitemapper-java-sample"
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava)
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// Add your project dependencies here,
"com.edulify" %% "geolocation" % "2.1.0"
resolvers ++= Seq(
Resolver.url("Edulify Repository", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.Project._
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val appName = "geolocation-java-sample"
val appVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
val appDependencies = Seq(
// Add your project dependencies here,
"com.edulify" %% "geolocation" % "2.1.0"
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
// Add your own project settings here
resolvers += Resolver.url("Edulify Repository", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
Since there is support to Freegeoip and Maxmind, there is also two modules that you enable, depending on which one you want to use. To eanble the module, just add the following line to you conf/application.conf
play.modules.enabled += "com.edulify.modules.geolocation.providers.FreegeoipModule"
Or, in case you want to use Maxmind instead:
play.modules.enabled += "com.edulify.modules.geolocation.providers.MaxmindModule"
This plugins offers the following configurations:
Configuration | Description | Default |
geolocation.cache.on |
Caches geolocation results calls | false |
geolocation.cache.ttl |
How long it should cache the results | 5 seconds |
geolocation.enabled |
If the plugin is enabled or not | true |
geolocation.maxmind.license |
Maxmind license | none |
Per instance, you can add the following in your conf/application.conf
geolocation {
cache {
on = true
ttl = 10s
maxmind.license = "your-maxmind-license"
Also, notice that the cache uses the cache support offered by Playframework. A complete configuration can be found below:
play.modules.enabled += "com.edulify.modules.geolocation.providers.FreegeoipModule"
geolocation {
cache {
on = true
ttl = 10s
This is the expected way to use the plugin.
import javax.inject.Inject;
import play.mvc.Result;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.libs.concurrent.HttpExecution;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import com.edulify.modules.geolocation.Geolocation;
import com.edulify.modules.geolocation.GeolocationService;
public class Application extends Controller {
private GeolocationService geolocationService;
public Application(GeolocationService geolocationService) {
this.geolocationService = geolocationService;
public static CompletionStage<Result> index() {
.thenApplyAsync(new Function<Geolocation, Result>() {
}, HttpExecution.defaultContext());
Out of the box, this plugins supports Freegeoip and Maxmind, but you can add your own geolocation service provider implementation and everything will works as expected. To do that, just create an implementation of com.edulify.modules.geolocation.GeolocationProvider
and a Play Module to configure it:
package com.acme.geolocation;
import com.edulify.modules.geolocation.Geolocation;
import com.edulify.modules.geolocation.GeolocationProvider;
public class MyGeolocationProvider implements GeolocationProvider {
private WSClient ws;
public MyGeolocationProvider(WSClient ws) { = ws;
public CompletionStage<Geolocation> get(String ip) {
// Do a request to your geolocation service and
// then return a Promise with a geolocation object
package com.acme.geolocation;
import com.edulify.modules.geolocation.GeolocationProvider;
public class MyGeolocationModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
// bind to your own MyGeolocationProvider implementation
After that, you just have to configure the provider:
# Configure your own module here
play.modules.enabled += "com.acme.geolocation.MyGeolocationModule"
geolocation {
cache {
on = true
ttl = 10s
Things like cache and timeouts will work seamless.
More plugins from
Copyright 2014
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.