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37 lines (31 loc) · 1.07 KB

221. Maximal

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37 lines (31 loc) · 1.07 KB

221. Maximal Square (Medium)

[tag] recursive, hashmap/dict,

  • use an hash map/ dict for the max area/lenth for each cell
  • check right, down and corner to see if it can be a square.
  • recursively check the lenth of the adjusent squere and add them to the dict
start from 00
    right = max length of left
    down = max length
    corner = max length
    cur_len = 1 + min(right, down, corner)

class Solution:
    def maximalSquare(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        len_dict = {}
        ROW, COL= len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
        def helper(i, j):
            if i >= ROW or j >= COL:
                return 0
            if (i, j) not in len_dict:
                right = helper(i, j+1)
                down = helper(i + 1, j)
                corner = helper(i+1, j+1)
                len_dict[(i,j)] = 0
                if matrix[i][j] == '1':
                    len_dict[(i,j)] = 1 + min(right, down, corner)
            return len_dict[(i,j)]
        return max(len_dict.values())**2