4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays (Hard)
Algorithm: Binary Search based on constrains and conditions.
constrai1: nums1 left + nums2 left = (len+1) / 2. there is one more on the left.
use binary search to move the curser for nums1, and nums2 will move accrodingly.
when l1_value > r2_value, move l1 curser to the left.
when l2_value > r1_value, need to move l2 curser to the left by moving l1 curser to the right.
when l1_value < r2_value and l2_value < r2_value, condition meet.
if odd total length, return max of l1_value and l2_value since ther is an extra 1 on the left.
if even total length, return average of max(l1_value, l2_value) and min(r1_value, r2_value).
1 2 3| 4 5 7
1 3| 4 5 6
MIN_INT = - sys .maxsize - 1
MAX_INT = sys .maxsize
class Solution :
def findMedianSortedArrays (self , nums1 : List [int ], nums2 : List [int ]) -> float :
len_1 , len_2 , len_all = len (nums1 ), len (nums2 ), len (nums1 ) + len (nums2 )
# do search on the smaller array.
if len_2 < len_1 :
return self .findMedianSortedArrays (nums2 , nums1 )
l_1 , r_1 = 0 , len_1
while (l_1 <= r_1 ):
cut_1 = (l_1 + r_1 ) // 2
# there is one more element on the left side
cut_2 = (len_all + 1 ) // 2 - cut_1
l1_value = MIN_INT if cut_1 == 0 else nums1 [cut_1 - 1 ]
l2_value = MIN_INT if cut_2 == 0 else nums2 [cut_2 - 1 ]
r1_value = MAX_INT if cut_1 == len_1 else nums1 [cut_1 ]
r2_value = MAX_INT if cut_2 == len_2 else nums2 [cut_2 ]
# nums1 left too large move left
if l1_value > r2_value :
# print('move left')
r_1 = cut_1 - 1
elif l2_value > r1_value :
# print('move right')
l_1 = cut_1 + 1
else :
if len_all % 2 == 0 :
return (max (l1_value , l2_value ) + min (r1_value , r2_value )) / 2
else :
return max (l1_value , l2_value )