759. Employee Free Time (Hard)
Algorithm: Scan Line, deque, use an maxEnd varable
add everything to a heapq
or using deque but need to be sorted beforing adding.
use an end variable to track. when any start time is less than this end time, update this end time to be the current slot end time.
# Definition for an Interval.
class Interval:
def __init__(self, start: int = None, end: int = None):
self.start = start
self.end = end
class Solution :
def employeeFreeTime (self , schedule : '[[Interval]]' ) -> '[Interval]' :
ans = []
scheduleHeap = []
for onePerson in schedule :
for oneInterval in onePerson :
scheduleHeap .append (oneInterval )
scheduleHeap .sort (key = lambda x :x .start )
# print(scheduleHeap[0].start)
maxEnd = scheduleHeap [0 ].end
scheduleHeap = deque (scheduleHeap )
while scheduleHeap :
currentInterval = scheduleHeap .popleft ()
print (f"{ currentInterval .start } , { currentInterval .end } " )
if currentInterval .start <= maxEnd :
if maxEnd < currentInterval .end :
maxEnd = currentInterval .end
print (maxEnd )
else :
curEnd = currentInterval .end
currentInterval .end = currentInterval .start
currentInterval .start = maxEnd
ans .append (currentInterval )
maxEnd = curEnd
return ans