Practicing PSIP for the first time on your own: how to create and execute a practice improvement plan
If you haven't already, take a look at why practice PSIP , Step 1, Step 2, and Steps 3 - 4 to get started on your own. The explanation below includes excerpts from the BSSw PSIP Overview:
Assuming you've completed Step 1, Step 2, and Steps 3 - 4 of PSIP, you are ready to create and execute your practice improvement plan.
Creating your plan requires a bit of thought about your current project tracking techniques. You may use Kanban, Agile, or another. We suggest you integrate your PTCs with your project process. We have provided 3 examples.
Let's be honest, if you really want to successfully execute your plan, you should revisit your PTC frequently--for your team it may mean during your weekly meetings or your retrospective. You may decide to execute your practice improvement plan a number of ways. You should definitely use complementary SPI methods that you already use to execute your plan! We highly recommend that you explore our PTC example repo to see 3 ways we have anticipated you may want to integrate PTC with your existing project in Github. Take a look at our examples for inspiration. Feel free to customize our examples to fit your needs.
Next you will assess your plan.