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Elastic IPFS Publisher Lambda

Publish IPNI advertisements and notify the indexers about all the multihashes.


Two lambdas are deployed from this repo, for the two phases of assembling and announcing an IPNI advertisement.

The first phase, called Content, consumes messages from the Multihashes SQS topic (fed by Indexer Lambda). Messages are consumed in batches (10000 items max). Each batch is uploaded as an entries file (DAG-JSON) to the Advertisement S3 Bucket. The CID of the entries file is published to the Advertisement SQS topic.

The second phase, called Advertisement, consumes messages from the Advertisement SQS topic and uploads new advertisement in order (keeping a link to the previous one) to the Advertisement S3 Bucket.

Once the batch has been completely consumed, the lambda finally updates the head DAG-JSON file on the bucket.

Finally, the lambda announces that the head has changed to the storetheindex node, via an http PUT to INDEXER_NODE_URL with the latest advertisement CID and the http multiaddr for the Advertisements bucket as the request body encoded as DAG-CBOR.

For the architecture to work properly, the Advertisement phase must be configured to have maximum concurrency of one, to avoid concurrent head link update which result in lost announcements if the update chain is broken.

Provider info

The advertisements announce to the network that content is available from e-ipfs, our bitswap peer. Every advertisement includes the multiaddr and peerid for e-ipfs. We can update the multiaddr for e-ipfs by changing BITSWAP_PEER_MULTIADDR in the env.

AnnounceHTTP: We announce additional providers for our content by sending a special message to the advertisement sqs topic with the magic string AnnounceHTTP as the body.

This will add an advertisement to the chain with announcing HTTP_PEER_MULTIADDR and signed with the keys from peerId-http.json in the PEER_ID_S3_BUCKET.

After that message is sent the indexers will add the http provider info to the results for all existing and future entries. This message only needs to be sent once.

Getting started

Using node v16 run npm i and npm test. Use CI to publish to dev / staging / prod

Release process

To get a new build deployed:

  • Create a Pull Request with the intended change
  • Get a review from one of the team members
  • Deploy the Pull Request branch into a dev build using Github Action Dev | Build And Deploy and selecting branch
  • Unit test Dev build lambdas dev-ep-publishing-advertisement and dev-ep-publishing-content in AWS Console, with a given Event JSON. Validate lambda output and expected side effects.
  • Merge Pull Request after being approved
  • Staging release will be automatically created
  • Production release will need to be authorized by one of the admins of the repo.

Deployment environment variables

These are set manually on each lambda, per env, in the aws console.

Variables in bold are required.

Name Default Description
BITSWAP_PEER_MULTIADDR The multiaddr of the BitSwap peer to download the data from. Omit the /p2p/... part.
HTTP_PEER_MULTIADDR The multiaddr of the HTTP peer to download the data from. Omit the /p2p/... part.
ENV_FILE_PATH $PWD/.env The environment file to load.
HANDLER The operation to execute. Can be content or advertisement.
INDEXER_NODE_URL The root URL (schema, host and port) of the indexer node to announce data to.
NODE_DEBUG If it contains aws-ipfs, debug mode is enabled.
NODE_ENV Set to production to disable pretty logging.
PEER_ID_S3_BUCKET The S3 bucket to download the BitSwap PeerID in JSON format.
S3_BUCKET advertisements The S3 bucket where to upload advertisement and head information to.
SQS_ADVERTISEMENTS_QUEUE_URL advertisementsQueue The SQS topic URL to upload advertisement to for announcement.

Also check AWS specific configuration.


Please report issues in the elastic-ipfs/elastic-ipfs repo.