diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/invalidated-replication-slot.lux b/integration-tests/tests/invalidated-replication-slot.lux
index b7a1baada8..abf1653fef 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/invalidated-replication-slot.lux
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/invalidated-replication-slot.lux
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
 [my invalidated_slot_error=
-  [error] :gen_statem {:"Elixir.Electric.ProcessRegistry:single_stack", {Electric.Postgres.ReplicationClient, nil}} terminating
   ** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 55000 (object_not_in_prerequisite_state) cannot read from logical replication slot "electric_slot_integration"
   This slot has been invalidated because it exceeded the maximum reserved size.
+[my stack_id="single_stack"]
 ## Start a new Postgres cluster configured for easy replication slot invalidation.
@@ -25,8 +26,11 @@
 [shell electric]
   ??[info] Starting replication from postgres
-  # Reset the failure pattern because we'll be matching on an error.
-  -
+  # Verify that the stack supervisor is registered using regular process registration. If we
+  # change this at any point, the line below will catch it and we'll be able to correct the
+  # check further down that verifies that the stack supervisor is no longer running.
+  !IO.puts("Stack supervisor pid: #{inspect Process.whereis(Electric.StackSupervisor)}")
+  ??Stack supervisor pid: #PID<
 ## Seed the database with enough data to exceed max_wal_size and force a checkpoint that
 ## will invalidate the replication slot.
@@ -36,21 +40,28 @@
 [shell pg]
   ?invalidating slot "electric_slot_integration" because its restart_lsn [\d\w]+/[\d\w]+ exceeds max_slot_wal_keep_size
+[macro verify_connection_and_stack_supervisors_shutdown stack_id invalidated_slot_error]
+  ??$invalidated_slot_error
+  ??[error] Stopping connection supervisor with stack_id=$stack_id due to an unrecoverable error
+  !IO.puts("Stack supervisor pid: #{inspect Process.whereis(Electric.StackSupervisor)}")
+  ??Stack supervisor pid: nil
 ## Observe the fatal connection error.
 [shell electric]
-  ??$invalidated_slot_error
+  # Reset the failure pattern because we'll be matching on an error.
+  -
-  # Confirm Electric process exit.
-  ??$PS1
+  [invoke verify_connection_and_stack_supervisors_shutdown $stack_id $invalidated_slot_error]
-## Start the sync service once again to verify that it crashes due to the invalidated slot error.
-[invoke setup_electric]
+  # Restart the OTP application to verify that the supervisors shut down again due to the invalidated slot.
+  !:ok = Application.stop(:electric)
+  !:ok = Application.start(:electric)
-[shell electric]
   ??[info] Starting replication from postgres
-  -
-  ??$invalidated_slot_error
-  ??$PS1
+  [invoke verify_connection_and_stack_supervisors_shutdown $stack_id $invalidated_slot_error]
   [invoke teardown]
diff --git a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/application.ex b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/application.ex
index f9b885024a..4cea30b463 100644
--- a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/application.ex
+++ b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/application.ex
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ defmodule Electric.Application do
             pool_opts: [pool_size: Electric.Config.get_env(:db_pool_size)],
             storage: storage,
-            chunk_bytes_threshold: Electric.Config.get_env(:chunk_bytes_threshold)
+            chunk_bytes_threshold: Electric.Config.get_env(:chunk_bytes_threshold),
+            name: Electric.StackSupervisor
           {Electric.Telemetry, stack_id: stack_id, storage: storage},
diff --git a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/manager.ex b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/manager.ex
index 2939d19e29..4f932d1221 100644
--- a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/manager.ex
+++ b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/manager.ex
@@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Manager do
   # connection and the DB pool. If any of the latter two shut down, Connection.Manager will
   # itself terminate to be restarted by its supervisor in a clean state.
   def handle_info({:EXIT, pid, reason}, %State{replication_client_pid: pid} = state) do
-    halt_if_fatal_error!(reason)
+    with false <- stop_if_fatal_error(reason, state) do
+      Logger.debug(
+        "Handling the exit of the replication client #{inspect(pid)} with reason #{inspect(reason)}"
+      )
-    Logger.debug(
-      "Handling the exit of the replication client #{inspect(pid)} with reason #{inspect(reason)}"
-    )
-    {:noreply, %{state | replication_client_pid: nil}, {:continue, :start_replication_client}}
+      {:noreply, %{state | replication_client_pid: nil}, {:continue, :start_replication_client}}
+    end
   # The most likely reason for the lock connection or the DB pool to exit is the database
@@ -524,8 +524,13 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Manager do
   defp handle_connection_error(error, state, mode) do
-    halt_if_fatal_error!(error)
+    with false <- stop_if_fatal_error(error, state) do
+      state = schedule_reconnection_after_error(error, state, mode)
+      {:noreply, state}
+    end
+  end
+  defp schedule_reconnection_after_error(error, state, mode) do
     message =
       case error do
         %DBConnection.ConnectionError{message: message} ->
@@ -553,8 +558,7 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Manager do
         is_nil(state.pool_pid) -> :start_connection_pool
-    state = schedule_reconnection(step, state)
-    {:noreply, state}
+    schedule_reconnection(step, state)
   defp pg_error_extra_info(pg_error) do
@@ -573,23 +577,25 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Manager do
-  @invalid_slot_detail "This slot has been invalidated because it exceeded the maximum reserved size."
-  defp halt_if_fatal_error!(
+  defp stop_if_fatal_error(
            postgres: %{
              code: :object_not_in_prerequisite_state,
-             detail: @invalid_slot_detail,
-             pg_code: "55000",
-             routine: "StartLogicalReplication"
+             detail: "This slot has been invalidated" <> _,
+             pg_code: "55000"
-         } = error
+         } = error,
+         state
        ) do
-    System.stop(1)
-    exit(error)
+    # Perform supervisor shutdown in a task to avoid a circular dependency where the manager
+    # process is waiting for the supervisor to shut down its children, one of which is the
+    # manager process itself.
+    Task.start(Electric.Connection.Supervisor, :shutdown, [state.stack_id, error])
+    {:noreply, state}
-  defp halt_if_fatal_error!(_), do: nil
+  defp stop_if_fatal_error(_, _), do: false
   defp schedule_reconnection(step, %State{backoff: {backoff, _}} = state) do
     {time, backoff} = :backoff.fail(backoff)
diff --git a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/supervisor.ex b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/supervisor.ex
index 2fca1ef689..d75de952c5 100644
--- a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/supervisor.ex
+++ b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/connection/supervisor.ex
@@ -18,7 +18,14 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Supervisor do
   has successfully initialized a database connection pool.
-  use Supervisor
+  # This supervisor is meant to be a child of Electric.StackSupervisor.
+  #
+  # The `restart: :transient, significant: true` combo allows for shutting the supervisor down
+  # and signalling the parent supervisor to shut itself down as well if that one has
+  # `:auto_shutdown` set to `:any_significant` or `:all_significant`.
+  use Supervisor, restart: :transient, significant: true
+  require Logger
   def name(opts) do
     Electric.ProcessRegistry.name(opts[:stack_id], __MODULE__)
@@ -28,6 +35,15 @@ defmodule Electric.Connection.Supervisor do
     Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: name(opts))
+  def shutdown(stack_id, reason) do
+    Logger.error(
+      "Stopping connection supervisor with stack_id=#{inspect(stack_id)} " <>
+        "due to an unrecoverable error: #{inspect(reason)}"
+    )
+    Supervisor.stop(name(stack_id: stack_id), {:shutdown, reason}, 1_000)
+  end
   def init(opts) do
     Process.set_label({:connection_supervisor, opts[:stack_id]})
     Logger.metadata(stack_id: opts[:stack_id])
diff --git a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/stack_supervisor.ex b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/stack_supervisor.ex
index 71c355a3cd..a35ae1dbde 100644
--- a/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/stack_supervisor.ex
+++ b/packages/sync-service/lib/electric/stack_supervisor.ex
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ defmodule Electric.StackSupervisor do
       2. `Electric.Replication.ShapeLogCollector` collects transactions from the replication connection, fanning them out to `Electric.Shapes.Consumer` (
       3. `Electric.ShapeCache` coordinates shape creation and handle allocation, shape metadata
+  # Setting `restart: :transient` is required for passing the `:auto_shutdown` to `Supervisor.init()` below.
   use Supervisor, restart: :transient
   @opts_schema NimbleOptions.new!(
@@ -119,6 +121,11 @@ defmodule Electric.StackSupervisor do
     Registry.register(registry, {:stack_status, stack_id}, value)
+  # noop if there's no registry running
+  def dispatch_stack_event(nil, _stack_id, _event) do
+    :ok
+  end
   def dispatch_stack_event(registry, stack_id, event) do
     Registry.dispatch(registry, {:stack_status, stack_id}, fn entries ->
       for {pid, ref} <- entries do