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- Website
- Documentation
- Repository
- Apps - A collection of apps built on Electron.
- Electron Fiddle - The easiest way to get started with Electron.
- electron-react-boilerplate - Boilerplate based on React and webpack.
- electron-vue - An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- electron-quick-start - Clone the repo to try a simple app.
- angular-electron - Fast bootstrapping with Angular, Electron, TypeScript, SASS, and Hot Reload.
- electron-boilerplate - Comprehensive boilerplate which even generates installers.
- electron-typescript-react - An Electron boilerplate including TypeScript, React, Jest and ESLint.
- secure-electron-template - Security-focused boilerplate for creating apps with React, Redux, Webpack, and i18next.
- bozon - Scaffold, run, test, and package your app.
- generator-electron - Scaffold out an app boilerplate.
- electron-boilerplate - Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app.
- vite-electron-builder - Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla.
- electron-egg - A cross-platform desktop software development JavaScript framework that is easy to get started, fast, efficient, and feature-rich.
- electron-vite-template - A vue3 + Vite + electron project template.
- electron-egg - A simple, cross platform, enterprise desktop software development framework.
- electron-better-ipc - Simplified IPC communication.
- ipc-stream - Duplex stream over IPC.
- electron-router - Router tidying up IPC message passing.
- electron-ipc-proxy - Transparent asynchronous remoting between renderer threads and the main thread using IPC.
- electron-is-dev - Check if Electron is running in development.
- electron-is - An 'is' utility for Electron which provides a set of handy functions, with a self-descriptive name.
- is-electron - Detect if running in Electron.
- is-electron-renderer - Check if your code is running in
. - electron-is-accelerator - Check if a string is a valid Electron accelerator.
- electron-positioner - Position windows at common spots.
- electron-drag - Improved window dragging.
- electron-window-state - Persist window sizes and positions.
- electron-window - Convenience methods for Electron windows.
- electron-windows - Manage multiple windows of Electron gracefully and provides powerful features.
- menubar - Menubar app framework.
- electron-context-menu - Extensible context menu.
- electron-vibrancy - Add vibrancy (blur) to windows.
- electron-input-menu - Context menu for input elements.
- electron-create-menu - Default menus for all platforms, easily extendable, and with i18n support.
- electron-store - Save and load data like user preferences, app state, cache, etc.
- electron-json-storage - Write and read user settings.
- electron-settings - Reads and writes user settings to disk.
- RxDB - A client side, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications.
- NeDB - Embedded persistent or in-memory database.
- realm-js - Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores.
- better-sqlite3 - The fastest and simplest library for SQLite3 in Node.js.
- trilogy - TypeScript SQLite database layer with support for both native C++ and pure JavaScript backends.
- electron-builder - Create installers.
- electron-packager - Package and distribute your app.
- ember-electron - Build, test, and package Ember apps.
- electron-installer-windows - Create a Windows package.
- electron-installer-debian - Create a Debian package.
- electrify - Package Meteor apps.
- electron-installer-redhat - Create a Red Hat package.
- javascript-obfuscator - A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js.
- bytenode - A minimalist bytecode compiler for Node.js. it truly compiles your JavaScript code into V8 bytecode, so that you can protect your source code.
- electron-release-server - Self-hosted release server with front-end & auto-updater support.
- nuts - Releases/downloads server with auto-updater and GitHub as a backend.
- electron-dl - Simplified file downloads.
- electron-download - Download the Electron release zip from GitHub.
- electron-gh-release - Auto-update by releasing on GitHub.
- electron-log - Simple logging.
- electron-timber - Pretty logger.
- electron-debug - Adds useful debug features.
- debugtron - Debug in-production Electron-based apps.
- debug-menu - Chrome-like "inspect element" context-menu.
- devtron - Official DevTools extension.
- electron-devtools-installer - An easy way to ensure Chrome DevTools extensions into Electron.
- electron-reloader - Simple auto-reloading for Electron apps during development.
- elemon - Live-reload your app during development.
- electronmon - Run, watch, and restart electron apps using magic.
- spectron - Test Electron apps using ChromeDriver.
- electron-mocha - Run Mocha tests in Electron.
- jest-electron - Run and debug Jest unit tests in a browser environment.
- electron-util - Useful utilities for developing apps and modules.
- electron-compile - Use ES2015, CoffeeScript, Less, Stylus in your app without a precompilation step.
- electron-rebuild - Rebuild native Node.js modules against the currently installed Electron version.
- auto-launch - Launch apps at system startup.
- electron-redux - Synchronize Redux state across windows.
- electronegativity - Identify misconfigurations and security anti-patterns.
- ngx-electron - Integrate Electron APIs and Angular.
- electron-osx-sign - Code-signing for macOS apps.
- adblocker-electron - Block ads.
- electron-localshortcut - Add keyboard shortcuts locally to a window.
- electron-about-window - 'About This App' window.
- electron-unhandled - Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections.
- electron-sudo - Subprocesses with administrative privileges.
- electron-serve - Static file serving (Useful for routing, like
). - fix-path - Fix the $PATH on macOS when run from a GUI app. Useful when spawning a child process.
- electron-pdf-window - View PDF files in browser windows.
- run-electron - Run Electron without all the junk terminal output.
- electron-process-manager - Process manager UI (like Chrome's task manager).
- electron-osx-appearance - Simplified API for accessing macOS's appearance settings.
- electron-chrome-extension - Add support for Chrome extensions.
- electron-detach - Restart an Electron app as a detached process.
- babel-preset-electron - Babel preset that only compiles what's necessary for a particular Electron version.
- electron-ssl-pinning - Prevent MITM.
- electron-require - Simplified require.
- chromium-net-errors - Chromium's network errors as custom error classes.
- Visual Studio Code - Cross-platform IDE.
- Atom - Code editor.
- Light Table - Code editor with instant feedback.
- Graviton Editor - Cross-platform code editor.
- Mark Text - Real-time preview Markdown editor.
- Notable - Markdown-based note-taking.
- Boostnote - Markdown note & code snippet app for developers. Older Version:
- Abricotine - Markdown editor with inline preview.
- Vmd - Preview Markdown files.
- MarkRight - GitHub flavored Markdown editor with live preview.
- electron-markdownify - A minimal Markdown editor desktop app.
- Shiba - Live Markdown preview with linting.
- Marky - Markdown editor.
- Proton - Markdown editor with live preview.
- Markn - Lightweight Markdown viewer.
- Notable - Markdown-based note-taking.
- Simplenote - Note keeper.
- Tusk - Unofficial Evernote app.
- Leanote - Cloud notepad.
- Noty - Auto-saving sticky note with support for multiple notes in a single window.
- Yana - Notebook app with rich-text notes, nested note organization and global search.
- Moonview - Ambient notepad.
- Beaker - Browser with peer-to-peer web protocols.
- Min - Minimal web browser.
- Wexond - Modern and feature-rich web browser base based on Electron.
- Git-it - Teaches you Git and GitHub.
- Gitify - GitHub notifications in your menubar.
- GReader - Collect and read offline readme files of GitHub repos.
- Medis - Redis database management.
- Beekeeper Studio - Cross-platform SQL editor and database manager.
- Sqlectron - SQL client.
- Mongotron - MongoDB management tool.
- DBGlass - PostgreSQL client.
- LevelUI - LevelDB management.
- PB for Desktop - Pushbullet client.
- Hyper - A terminal built on web technologies.
- edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- Extraterm - The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators.
- Lightgallery - Image viewer.
- Imagemin - Minify images.
- ExifCleaner - Clean image metadata with drag and drop.
- Ansel - Image organizer.
- SpaceEye - Live satellite imagery for your desktop background.
- lx-music-desktop - A Music app based on electron.
- YesPlayMusic - A Netease Cloud Music App.
- lossless-cut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing.
- Google Play Music Desktop Player - Unofficial Google Play Music app.
- Nuclear - Streaming music player that finds free music for you.
- Cumulus - SoundCloud player in your menubar.
- Museeks - Music player.
- Kaku - Kaku is a highly integrated music player supports different online platform like YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo and more. Available on Mac, Windows and Linux.
- Gokotta - Music player.
- Yoda - Browse and download YouTube videos.
- PupaFM - DoubanFM music player.
- google-music-electron - Unofficial Google music app.
- VOX - Unofficial VOX music player.
- Toby - YouTube player.
- Kyoku - Displays current iTunes song.
- Yays - YouTube music player in your menubar.
- Tubehead - YouTube music player in your menubar.
- Kap - Screen recorder with GIF support.
- ScreenCat - Screen sharing & remote collaboration.
- Snapper - Screen capturing & recording for Android devices.
- KeeWeb - Unofficial KeePass app.
- Buttercup Desktop - Password manager.
- Swifty - Password manager.
- Hawkpass - Password generator.
- Electronic WeChat - Unofficial WeChat app.
- Caprine - Unofficial Facebook Messenger app.
- Franz - Skype, Slack, Hangouts, WhatsApp, Grape, Telegram, FB Messenger, Hipchat in the same app.
- Friends - P2P chat.
- Wire - Messenger and calling app.
- nylas-mail - Nylas Mail was an open-source mail client built on the modern web with Electron, React, and Flux. It was designed to be easy to extend.
- Mailspring - Extensible email client. (Fork of Nylas Mail)
- Rambox - Chat and email app that combines multiple services like Discord, Hangouts, Gmail and Outlook.
- Wmail - Unofficial Gmail & Google Inbox app.
- Gmail Desktop - Unofficial Gmail app.
- ProtonMail Desktop - Unofficial ProtonMail app.
- Kitematic - Docker container management.
- Eintopf - Manage development projects with Docker.
- docker-indicator - Unofficial Docker menubar app.
- SpaceRadar - Interactive disk space and memory visualization.
- iStats - CPU and memory stats on your menubar.
- Insomnia - Create and manage HTTP requests.
- James - HTTP proxy to view and intercept browser requests.
- Motrix - Download manager.
- WebTorrent - Streaming torrent client.
- nuTorrent - BitTorrent client.
- Pomotroid - Pomodoro timer.
- Ao - Unofficial Microsoft To-Do app.
- Pomodoro - Timer based on the Pomodoro Technique.
- VIR - Intelligent time manager with automatic planning.
- dida - Add tasks to TickTick (滴答清单).
- Cerebro - Launcher with inline previews.
- Hain - Launcher for Windows.
- Zazu - Launcher.
- Dext - Launcher.
- YakYak - Unofficial Google Hangouts app.
- Ramme - Unofficial Instagram app.
- DevDocs - Unofficial DevDocs.io app.
- Mattermost - Mattermost client.
- WhatsDesktop - Unofficial WhatsApp app.
- Fog - Unofficial Overcast podcast app.
- MediumDesk - Unofficial Medium app.
- GroupMe - Unofficial GroupMe app.
- DTCP - Twitter client.
- Active Collab - Unofficial Active Collab app.