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File metadata and controls

209 lines (149 loc) · 5.45 KB

Documentation Status

Object graph import/export framework for Django

  • Free software: MIT license
  • Documentation:
  • Experimental: active in production, but the API is subject to change.


Haul allows you to add model export/import functionality to your Django app. It can export some or all objects out of the Django ORM, store them in a file or a stream, and later import them back into the same or a different database / application instance.

When importing into a different database, you can customize how the imported objects are mapped against existing objects in the DB, and define what gets overwritten and what gets created anew.


  • Automatically follows FK and M2M references
  • Flexible serialization behaviours
  • Flexible object relinking on import
  • File attachments support
  • Compressed and plaintext formats


pip install django-haul


Consider following models:

from django.db import models

class Tag(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=32)

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='books')
    coauthor = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    isbn = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
    tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

To expose models to Haul, you need to define Exporter classes:

from haul import Exporter, ForeignKey, ReverseForeignKey, ManyToMany

class TagExporter(Exporter):
    class Meta:
        fields = '__all__'
        model = Tag

class BookExporter(Exporter):
    author = ForeignKey()
    coauthor = ForeignKey(allow_null=True)
    tags = ManyToMany()

    class Meta:
        fields = '__all__'
        model = Book

class AuthorExporter(Exporter):
    books = ReverseForeignKey()
    tags = ManyToMany()

    class Meta:
        fields = '__all__'
        model = Author

Exporter base class is based on Django REST Framework's own ModelSerializer and will auto-discover non-relational fields.

Now, to export all books into a file, you can use:

EXPORTERS = [BookExporter, AuthorExporter, TagExporter]

with open('export.haul', 'wb') as f:
    c = ExportContainer(exporters=EXPORTERS)

The output file will contain an object graph dump:

_: header
metadata: null
- test_app:book
- test_app:author
version: 1

_: object
attachments: []
data: !!omap
- books:
- !<ID>
    kind: test_app:book
    pk: 1
- tags: []
- name: '1'
id: !<ID>
kind: test_app:author
pk: 1

_: object
attachments: []
data: !!omap
- books: []
- tags: []
- name: '2'
id: !<ID>
kind: test_app:author
pk: 2

_: object
attachments: []
data: !!omap
- author: !<ID>
    kind: test_app:author
    pk: 1
- coauthor: null
- tags: []
- name: b1
- isbn: null
id: !<ID>
kind: test_app:book
pk: 1

You can also inspect the objects within the files with the CLI dump tool:

python -m haul.cli export.haul

Note how the Author objects related to the Book instances got picked up and exported automatically.

To import this data back into the database, you can simply feed it to an ImportContainer:

from haul import ImportContainer

c = ImportContainer(exporters=EXPORTERS)
with open('export.haul', 'rb') as f:

This, however, will unconditionally create new objects, even if books and authors with the same names already exist.

You can flexibly define how Haul should treat existing and duplicate objects. For example, let's prevent duplicate authors from being imported, but keep duplicate books and link them to the already existing authors:

from haul import ImportPolicy, RelinkAction

class BookImportPolicy(ImportPolicy):
    def relink_object(self, model_cls, obj):
        if model_cls is Book:
            # Unconditionally import as a new object
            return RelinkAction.Create()

        if model_cls is Author:
            return RelinkAction.LinkByFields(
                # Look up authors by their names
                # Fall back to creation if not found

        # Do not import other object types
        return RelinkAction.Discard()

c = ImportContainer(exporters=EXPORTERS, policy=BookImportPolicy())
with open('export.haul', 'rb') as f:

See :mod:`haul.policy` for other relink actions.