- Ensure agent handles first run without currentMode set (#137) @knolleary
- Fix nr-theme source path (#136) @hardillb
- Ensure device gets FF theming (#107) @Steve-Mcl
- Improve logs around Developer mode and pull snapshot if local device has changed (#128) @Steve-Mcl
- Fix starting agent in dev mode without existing snapshot locally (#131) @knolleary
- Add build tools to build npm deps (#122) @hardillb
- Ensure agent runs on Node 14 (#130) @knolleary
- Ensure buffered agent messages have the properly formatted ts prop (#129) @knolleary
- doc fix: s/yaml/yml/ (#127) @ZJvandeWeg
- Update device agent docs around windows support (#119) @Steve-Mcl
- Add package-lock.json (#121) @Pezmc
- Build for all platforms (#118) @hardillb
- Fix broken build script @hardillb
Note: the version number jump to 1.9.0 has been done to bring the numbering into line with the FlowForge platform and the tags applied to the Device Agent docker container.
- Support httpStatic via device.yml file (#112) @knolleary
- Support https configuration from device.yml (#111) @knolleary
- Move building the docker container to this repo (#106) @hardillb
- Ensure device settings are updated (#104) @Steve-Mcl
- Add log entries for new config applied by UI (#105) @Steve-Mcl
- Update version to 0.9.0
- Device Agent UI (#92) @Steve-Mcl
- Pull latest snapshot in dev mode if started without any project config (#98) @knolleary
- Warn if NR is not running when trying to start editor (#96) @hardillb
- Set editor header.title to device name if not otherwise set (#88) @knolleary
- Add verbose logging of proxy requests and shift to (#87) @knolleary
- Increase the timeout to create WS connection to Forge (#86) @hardillb
- Bump to 0.8.0 (#85) @knolleary
- Remote device access, editing and snapshotting with Auth enabled (#77) @Steve-Mcl
- Ensure log body is a string (#80) @hardillb
- Do not setup checkin timeout if an update has already arrived (#70) @knolleary
- Device Remote logging (#66) @hardillb
- Ensure cli usage errors are reported properly (#67) @knolleary
- Remove/recreate symlink to module_cache if exists (#63) @hardillb
- Ensure settings are pulled for first snapshot (#65) @hardillb
- Allow the agent to start if initial checkin fails (#64) @knolleary
- Docs: update 'project' terminology to 'instances' (#59) @knolleary
- Auto Device Provisioning (#56) @Steve-Mcl
- Move nodejs version check (#55) @hardillb
- Add Project name, version to package.json (#49) @hardillb
- Ensure ws URLs with ipv6 address can connect MQTT (#51) @Steve-Mcl
- Support running on offline devices (#47) @hardillb
- Add "memory" and "persistent" as context stores (#44) @Steve-Mcl
- Device does not exit cleanly following new jitter timing (#41) @Steve-Mcl
- add jitter to mqtt and http checkin (#35) @Steve-Mcl
- Add NodeJS version test at startup (#39) @hardillb
- Update eslint and include build GH action (#38) @knolleary
- Align cli comment with args.js (#36) @Steve-Mcl
- Bump to v0.2.2 (#33) @hardillb
- Fix lint error
- change log format (#31) @sammachin
- Clean up .config.nodes.json (#28) @hardillb
- Add support for relative paths (#26) @hardillb
- Add project-node support (#24) @knolleary
- Add MQTT connectivity support (#22) @knolleary
- First pass Device Environment Vars (#16) @hardillb
- Fix typo in settings.js template (#18) @hardillb
- Fix engines dependency (#13) @flecoufle
- logging: Poll messages moved from info to debug (#11) @ZJvandeWeg
- Let Agent NR listen on all interfaces (#8) @hardillb
- Increase call-home timeout and avoid overlapping requests (#6) @knolleary
Initial alpha release of the Device Agent