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9624 lines (6599 loc) · 115 KB

File metadata and controls

9624 lines (6599 loc) · 115 KB



client.history.getAll({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetSpeechHistoryResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your generated audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.history.getAll();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.HistoryGetAllRequest

requestOptions: History.RequestOptions

client.history.get(historyItemId) -> ElevenLabs.SpeechHistoryItemResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a history item.

🔌 Usage

await client.history.get("HISTORY_ITEM_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

historyItemId: string — History item ID to be used, you can use GET to receive a list of history items and their IDs.

requestOptions: History.RequestOptions

client.history.delete(historyItemId) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteHistoryItemResponse

📝 Description

Delete a history item by its ID

🔌 Usage

await client.history.delete("HISTORY_ITEM_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

historyItemId: string — History item ID to be used, you can use GET to receive a list of history items and their IDs.

requestOptions: History.RequestOptions

client.history.getAudio(historyItemId) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Returns the audio of an history item.

🔌 Usage

await client.history.getAudio("HISTORY_ITEM_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

historyItemId: string — History item ID to be used, you can use GET to receive a list of history items and their IDs.

requestOptions: History.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Download one or more history items. If one history item ID is provided, we will return a single audio file. If more than one history item IDs are provided, we will provide the history items packed into a .zip file.

🔌 Usage

    history_item_ids: ["HISTORY_ITEM_ID"],

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.DownloadHistoryRequest

requestOptions: History.RequestOptions


client.textToSoundEffects.convert({ ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Turn text into sound effects for your videos, voice-overs or video games using the most advanced sound effects model in the world.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToSoundEffects.convert({
    text: "Spacious braam suitable for high-impact movie trailer moments",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodySoundGenerationV1SoundGenerationPost

requestOptions: TextToSoundEffects.RequestOptions



client.samples.delete(voiceId, sampleId) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteSampleResponseModel

📝 Description

Removes a sample by its ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.samples.delete("VOICE_ID", "SAMPLE_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

sampleId: string — Sample ID to be used, you can use GET{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice.

requestOptions: Samples.RequestOptions

client.samples.getAudio(voiceId, sampleId) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Returns the audio corresponding to a sample attached to a voice.

🔌 Usage

await client.samples.getAudio("VOICE_ID", "SAMPLE_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

sampleId: string — Sample ID to be used, you can use GET{voice_id} to list all the available samples for a voice.

requestOptions: Samples.RequestOptions


client.textToSpeech.convert(voiceId, { ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToSpeech.convert("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb", {
    output_format: "mp3_44100_128",
    text: "The first move is what sets everything in motion.",
    model_id: "eleven_multilingual_v2",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.TextToSpeechRequest

requestOptions: TextToSpeech.RequestOptions

client.textToSpeech.convertWithTimestamps(voiceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AudioWithTimestampsResponseModel

📝 Description

Generate speech from text with precise character-level timing information for audio-text synchronization.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToSpeech.convertWithTimestamps("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    text: "This is a test for the API of ElevenLabs.",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.TextToSpeechWithTimestampsRequest

requestOptions: TextToSpeech.RequestOptions

client.textToSpeech.convertAsStream(voiceId, { ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns audio as an audio stream.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToSpeech.convertAsStream("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb", {
    output_format: "mp3_44100_128",
    text: "The first move is what sets everything in motion.",
    model_id: "eleven_multilingual_v2",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.StreamTextToSpeechRequest

requestOptions: TextToSpeech.RequestOptions

client.textToSpeech.streamWithTimestamps(voiceId, { ...params }) -> core.Stream

📝 Description

Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns a stream of JSONs containing audio as a base64 encoded string together with information on when which character was spoken.

🔌 Usage

const response = await client.textToSpeech.streamWithTimestamps("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb", {
    output_format: "mp3_44100_128",
    text: "The first move is what sets everything in motion.",
    model_id: "eleven_multilingual_v2",
for await (const item of response) {

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.StreamTextToSpeechWithTimstampsRequest

requestOptions: TextToSpeech.RequestOptions


client.speechToSpeech.convert(voiceId, { ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Transform audio from one voice to another. Maintain full control over emotion, timing and delivery.

🔌 Usage

await client.speechToSpeech.convert("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb", {
    audio: fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file"),
    output_format: "mp3_44100_128",
    model_id: "eleven_multilingual_sts_v2",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodySpeechToSpeechV1SpeechToSpeechVoiceIdPost

requestOptions: SpeechToSpeech.RequestOptions

client.speechToSpeech.convertAsStream(voiceId, { ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Stream audio from one voice to another. Maintain full control over emotion, timing and delivery.

🔌 Usage

await client.speechToSpeech.convertAsStream("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb", {
    audio: fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file"),
    output_format: "mp3_44100_128",
    model_id: "eleven_multilingual_sts_v2",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodySpeechToSpeechStreamingV1SpeechToSpeechVoiceIdStreamPost

requestOptions: SpeechToSpeech.RequestOptions


client.voiceGeneration.generateParameters() -> ElevenLabs.VoiceGenerationParameterResponse

📝 Description

Get possible parameters for the /v1/voice-generation/generate-voice endpoint.

🔌 Usage

await client.voiceGeneration.generateParameters();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: VoiceGeneration.RequestOptions

client.voiceGeneration.generate({ ...params }) -> stream.Readable

📝 Description

Generate a random voice based on parameters. This method returns a generated_voice_id in the response header, and a sample of the voice in the body. If you like the generated voice call /v1/voice-generation/create-voice with the generated_voice_id to create the voice.

🔌 Usage

await client.voiceGeneration.generate({
    gender: "female",
    accent: "american",
    age: "middle_aged",
    accent_strength: 2,
    text: "It sure does, Jackie\u2026 My mama always said: \u201CIn Carolina, the air's so thick you can wear it!\u201D",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.GenerateVoiceRequest

requestOptions: VoiceGeneration.RequestOptions

client.voiceGeneration.createAPreviouslyGeneratedVoice({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.Voice

📝 Description

Create a previously generated voice. This endpoint should be called after you fetched a generated_voice_id using /v1/voice-generation/generate-voice.

🔌 Usage

await client.voiceGeneration.createAPreviouslyGeneratedVoice({
    voice_name: "Alex",
    voice_description: "Middle-aged American woman",
    generated_voice_id: "rbVJFu6SGRD1dbWpKnWl",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.CreatePreviouslyGenertedVoiceRequest

requestOptions: VoiceGeneration.RequestOptions


client.textToVoice.createPreviews({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.VoicePreviewsResponseModel

📝 Description

Generate a custom voice based on voice description. This method returns a list of voice previews. Each preview has a generated_voice_id and a sample of the voice as base64 encoded mp3 audio. If you like the a voice previewand want to create the voice call /v1/text-to-voice/create-voice-from-preview with the generated_voice_id to create the voice.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToVoice.createPreviews({
    voice_description: "A sassy squeaky mouse",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.VoicePreviewsRequestModel

requestOptions: TextToVoice.RequestOptions

client.textToVoice.createVoiceFromPreview({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.Voice

📝 Description

Create a voice from previously generated voice preview. This endpoint should be called after you fetched a generated_voice_id using POST /v1/text-to-voice/create-previews.

🔌 Usage

await client.textToVoice.createVoiceFromPreview({
    voice_name: "Sassy squeaky mouse",
    voice_description: "A sassy squeaky mouse",
    generated_voice_id: "37HceQefKmEi3bGovXjL",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyCreateANewVoiceFromVoicePreviewV1TextToVoiceCreateVoiceFromPreviewPost

requestOptions: TextToVoice.RequestOptions


client.user.getSubscription() -> ElevenLabs.Subscription

📝 Description

Gets extended information about the users subscription

🔌 Usage

await client.user.getSubscription();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: User.RequestOptions

client.user.get() -> ElevenLabs.User

📝 Description

Gets information about the user

🔌 Usage

await client.user.get();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: User.RequestOptions


client.voices.getAll({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetVoicesResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of all available voices for a user.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getAll();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.VoicesGetAllRequest

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetVoicesV2ResponseModel

📝 Description

Gets a list of all available voices for a user with search, filtering and pagination.

🔌 Usage

    include_total_count: true,

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.VoicesSearchRequest

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.getDefaultSettings() -> ElevenLabs.VoiceSettings

📝 Description

Gets the default settings for voices. "similarity_boost" corresponds to"Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getDefaultSettings();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.getSettings(voiceId) -> ElevenLabs.VoiceSettings

📝 Description

Returns the settings for a specific voice. "similarity_boost" corresponds to"Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getSettings("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb");

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.get(voiceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.Voice

📝 Description

Returns metadata about a specific voice.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.get("JBFqnCBsd6RMkjVDRZzb");

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.VoicesGetRequest

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.delete(voiceId) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteVoiceResponseModel

📝 Description

Deletes a voice by its ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.delete("VOICE_ID");

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.editSettings(voiceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditVoiceSettingsResponseModel

📝 Description

Edit your settings for a specific voice. "similarity_boost" corresponds to "Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.editSettings("VOICE_ID", {
    stability: 0.1,
    similarity_boost: 0.3,
    style: 0.2,

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.VoiceSettings

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.add({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddVoiceIvcResponseModel

📝 Description

Add a new voice to your collection of voices in VoiceLab.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.add({
    files: [fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file")],
    name: "Alex",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddVoiceV1VoicesAddPost

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.edit(voiceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditVoiceResponseModel

📝 Description

Edit a voice created by you.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.edit("VOICE_ID", {
    name: "George",

⚙️ Parameters

voiceId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodyEditVoiceV1VoicesVoiceIdEditPost

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.addSharingVoice(publicUserId, voiceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddVoiceResponseModel

📝 Description

Add a shared voice to your collection of voices.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.addSharingVoice(
        new_name: "Alita",

⚙️ Parameters

publicUserId: string — Public user ID used to publicly identify ElevenLabs users.

voiceId: string — Voice ID to be used, you can use to list all the available voices.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddSharedVoiceV1VoicesAddPublicUserIdVoiceIdPost

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.getShared({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetLibraryVoicesResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a list of shared voices.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getShared({
    page_size: 1,
    gender: "female",
    language: "en",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.VoicesGetSharedRequest

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.getSimilarLibraryVoices({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetLibraryVoicesResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of shared voices similar to the provided audio sample. If neither similarity_threshold nor top_k is provided, we will apply default values.

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getSimilarLibraryVoices({});

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyGetSimilarLibraryVoicesV1SimilarVoicesPost

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

client.voices.getAProfilePage(handle) -> ElevenLabs.ProfilePageResponseModel

📝 Description

Gets a profile page based on a handle

🔌 Usage

await client.voices.getAProfilePage("talexgeorge");

⚙️ Parameters

handle: string — Handle for a VA's profile page

requestOptions: Voices.RequestOptions

Studio{ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.PodcastProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Create and auto-convert a podcast project. Currently, the LLM cost is covered by us but you will still be charged for the audio generation. In the future, you will be charged for both the LLM and audio generation costs.

🔌 Usage

    model_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",
    mode: {
        type: "conversation",
        conversation: {
            host_voice_id: "aw1NgEzBg83R7vgmiJt6",
            guest_voice_id: "aw1NgEzBg83R7vgmiJt7",
    source: {
        text: "This is a test podcast.",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyCreatePodcastV1StudioPodcastsPost

requestOptions: Studio.RequestOptions


client.projects.createPodcast({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.PodcastProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Create and auto-convert a podcast project. Currently, the LLM cost is covered by us but you will still be charged for the audio generation. In the future, you will be charged for both the LLM and audio generation costs.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.createPodcast({
    model_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",
    mode: {
        type: "conversation",
        conversation: {
            host_voice_id: "aw1NgEzBg83R7vgmiJt6",
            guest_voice_id: "aw1NgEzBg83R7vgmiJt7",
    source: {
        text: "This is a test podcast.",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyCreatePodcastV1ProjectsPodcastCreatePost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.getProjects() -> ElevenLabs.GetProjectsResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your projects together and its metadata.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.getProjects();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.addProject({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new project, it can be either initialized as blank, from a document or from a URL.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.addProject({
    name: "name",
    default_title_voice_id: "default_title_voice_id",
    default_paragraph_voice_id: "default_paragraph_voice_id",
    default_model_id: "default_model_id",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddProjectV1ProjectsAddPost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.getProjectById(projectId) -> ElevenLabs.ProjectExtendedResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns information about a specific project. This endpoint returns more detailed information about a project than GET /v1/projects.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.getProjectById("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.editBasicProjectInfo(projectId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Edits basic project info.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.editBasicProjectInfo("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    name: "Project 1",
    default_title_voice_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",
    default_paragraph_voice_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyEditBasicProjectInfoV1ProjectsProjectIdPost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.deleteProject(projectId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Deletes a project.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.deleteProject("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.editProjectContent(projectId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Edits project content.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.editProjectContent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {});

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodyEditProjectContentV1ProjectsProjectIdContentPost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.convertProject(projectId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Starts conversion of a project and all of its chapters.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.convertProject("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.getProjectSnapshots(projectId) -> ElevenLabs.ProjectSnapshotsResponse

📝 Description

Gets the snapshots of a project.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.getProjectSnapshots("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.streamsArchiveWithProjectAudio(projectId, projectSnapshotId) -> void

📝 Description

Streams archive with project audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.streamsArchiveWithProjectAudio("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

projectSnapshotId: string — The ID of the Studio project snapshot.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.getChapters(projectId) -> ElevenLabs.GetChaptersResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your chapters for a project together and its metadata.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.getChapters("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.getChapterById(projectId, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.ChapterWithContentResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns information about a specific chapter.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.getChapterById("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.deleteChapter(projectId, chapterId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Deletes a chapter.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.deleteChapter("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.editChapter(projectId, chapterId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Edits a chapter.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.editChapter("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyEditChapterV1ProjectsProjectIdChaptersChapterIdPatch

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.addChapterToAProject(projectId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new chapter either as blank or from a URL.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.addChapterToAProject("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    name: "Chapter 1",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddChapterToAProjectV1ProjectsProjectIdChaptersAddPost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.convertChapter(projectId, chapterId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Starts conversion of a specific chapter.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.convertChapter("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.listChapterSnapshots(projectId, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.ChapterSnapshotsResponse

📝 Description

Gets information about all the snapshots of a chapter. Each snapshot can be downloaded as audio. Whenever a chapter is converted a snapshot will automatically be created.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.listChapterSnapshots("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.streamChapterAudio(projectId, chapterId, chapterSnapshotId, { ...params }) -> void

📝 Description

Stream the audio from a chapter snapshot. Use GET /v1/projects/{project_id}/chapters/{chapter_id}/snapshots to return the chapter snapshots of a chapter.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.streamChapterAudio("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

chapterSnapshotId: string — The ID of the chapter snapshot.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyStreamChapterAudioV1ProjectsProjectIdChaptersChapterIdSnapshotsChapterSnapshotIdStreamPost

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

client.projects.updatePronunciationDictionaries(projectId, { ...params }) -> unknown

📝 Description

Updates the set of pronunciation dictionaries acting on a project. This will automatically mark text within this project as requiring reconverting where the new dictionary would apply or the old one no longer does.

🔌 Usage

await client.projects.updatePronunciationDictionaries("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    pronunciation_dictionary_locators: [
            pronunciation_dictionary_id: "pronunciation_dictionary_id",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

request: ElevenLabs.UpdatePronunciationDictionariesRequest

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions


client.dubbing.getDubbingResource(dubbingId) -> ElevenLabs.DubbingResource

📝 Description

Given a dubbing ID generated from the '/v1/dubbing' endpoint with studio enabled, returns the dubbing resource.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.getDubbingResource("dubbing_id");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.addLanguageToResource(dubbingId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.LanguageAddedResponse

📝 Description

Adds the given ElevenLab Turbo V2/V2.5 language code to the resource. Does not automatically generate transcripts/translations/audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.addLanguageToResource("dubbing_id");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddALanguageToTheResourceV1DubbingResourceDubbingIdLanguagePost

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.createSegmentForSpeaker(dubbingId, speakerId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentCreateResponse

📝 Description

Creates a new segment in dubbing resource with a start and end time for the speaker in every available language. Does not automatically generate transcripts/translations/audio.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.createSegmentForSpeaker("dubbing_id", "speaker_id", {
    start_time: 1.1,
    end_time: 1.1,

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

speakerId: string — ID of the speaker.

request: ElevenLabs.SegmentCreatePayload

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.updateSegmentLanguage(dubbingId, segmentId, language, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentUpdateResponse

📝 Description

Modifies a single segment with new text and/or start/end times. Will update the values for only a specific language of a segment. Does not automatically regenerate the dub.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.updateSegmentLanguage("dubbing_id", "segment_id", "language");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

segmentId: string — ID of the segment

language: string — ID of the language.

request: ElevenLabs.SegmentUpdatePayload

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.deleteSegment(dubbingId, segmentId) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentDeleteResponse

📝 Description

Deletes a single segment from the dubbing.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.deleteSegment("dubbing_id", "segment_id");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

segmentId: string — ID of the segment

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.transcribeSegments(dubbingId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentTranscriptionResponse

📝 Description

Regenerate the transcriptions for the specified segments. Does not automatically regenerate translations or dubs.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.transcribeSegments("dubbing_id", {
    segments: ["segments"],

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyTranscribesSegmentsV1DubbingResourceDubbingIdTranscribePost

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.translateSegments(dubbingId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentTranslationResponse

📝 Description

Regenerate the translations for either the entire resource or the specified segments/languages. Will automatically transcribe missing transcriptions. Will not automatically regenerate the dubs.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.translateSegments("dubbing_id", {
    segments: ["segments"],

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyTranslatesAllOrSomeSegmentsAndLanguagesV1DubbingResourceDubbingIdTranslatePost

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.dubSegments(dubbingId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SegmentDubResponse

📝 Description

Regenerate the dubs for either the entire resource or the specified segments/languages. Will automatically transcribe and translate any missing transcriptions and translations.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.dubSegments("dubbing_id", {
    segments: ["segments"],

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyDubsAllOrSomeSegmentsAndLanguagesV1DubbingResourceDubbingIdDubPost

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.dubAVideoOrAnAudioFile({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.DoDubbingResponse

📝 Description

Dubs a provided audio or video file into given language.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.dubAVideoOrAnAudioFile({});

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyDubAVideoOrAnAudioFileV1DubbingPost

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.getDubbingProjectMetadata(dubbingId) -> ElevenLabs.DubbingMetadataResponse

📝 Description

Returns metadata about a dubbing project, including whether it's still in progress or not

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.getDubbingProjectMetadata("dubbing_id");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.deleteDubbingProject(dubbingId) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteDubbingResponseModel

📝 Description

Deletes a dubbing project.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.deleteDubbingProject("dubbing_id");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions

client.dubbing.getTranscriptForDub(dubbingId, languageCode, { ...params }) -> string

📝 Description

Returns transcript for the dub as an SRT or WEBVTT file.

🔌 Usage

await client.dubbing.getTranscriptForDub("dubbing_id", "language_code");

⚙️ Parameters

dubbingId: string — ID of the dubbing project.

languageCode: string — ID of the language.

request: ElevenLabs.DubbingGetTranscriptForDubRequest

requestOptions: Dubbing.RequestOptions


client.models.getAll() -> ElevenLabs.Model[]

📝 Description

Gets a list of available models.

🔌 Usage

await client.models.getAll();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: Models.RequestOptions


client.audioNative.create({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AudioNativeCreateProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates Audio Native enabled project, optionally starts conversion and returns project ID and embeddable HTML snippet.

🔌 Usage

await client.audioNative.create({
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyCreatesAudioNativeEnabledProjectV1AudioNativePost

requestOptions: AudioNative.RequestOptions

client.audioNative.getSettings(projectId) -> ElevenLabs.GetAudioNativeProjectSettingsResponseModel

📝 Description

Get player settings for the specific project.

🔌 Usage

await client.audioNative.getSettings("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: AudioNative.RequestOptions

client.audioNative.updateContent(projectId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AudioNativeEditContentResponseModel

📝 Description

Updates content for the specific AudioNative Project.

🔌 Usage

await client.audioNative.updateContent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {});

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodyUpdateAudioNativeProjectContentV1AudioNativeProjectIdContentPost

requestOptions: AudioNative.RequestOptions


client.usage.getCharactersUsageMetrics({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.UsageCharactersResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns the credit usage metrics for the current user or the entire workspace they are part of. The response will return a time axis with unix timestamps for each day and daily usage along that axis. The usage will be broken down by the specified breakdown type. For example, breakdown type "voice" will return the usage of each voice along the time axis.

🔌 Usage

await client.usage.getCharactersUsageMetrics({
    start_unix: 1,
    end_unix: 1,

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.UsageGetCharactersUsageMetricsRequest

requestOptions: Usage.RequestOptions


client.pronunciationDictionary.addFromFile({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddPronunciationDictionaryResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new pronunciation dictionary from a lexicon .PLS file

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.addFromFile({
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddAPronunciationDictionaryV1PronunciationDictionariesAddFromFilePost

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions

client.pronunciationDictionary.addFromRules({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddPronunciationDictionaryResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new pronunciation dictionary from provided rules.

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.addFromRules({
    rules: [
            type: "alias",
            string_to_replace: "Thailand",
            alias: "tie-land",
    name: "My Dictionary",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddAPronunciationDictionaryV1PronunciationDictionariesAddFromRulesPost

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions

client.pronunciationDictionary.addRules(pronunciationDictionaryId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddPronunciationDictionaryRulesResponseModel

📝 Description

Add rules to the pronunciation dictionary

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.addRules("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    rules: [
            type: "alias",
            string_to_replace: "Thailand",
            alias: "tie-land",

⚙️ Parameters

pronunciationDictionaryId: string — The id of the pronunciation dictionary

request: ElevenLabs.PronunciationDictionary

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions

client.pronunciationDictionary.removeRules(pronunciationDictionaryId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.RemovePronunciationDictionaryRulesResponseModel

📝 Description

Remove rules from the pronunciation dictionary

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.removeRules("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    rule_strings: ["rule_strings"],

⚙️ Parameters

pronunciationDictionaryId: string — The id of the pronunciation dictionary

request: ElevenLabs.BodyRemoveRulesFromThePronunciationDictionaryV1PronunciationDictionariesPronunciationDictionaryIdRemoveRulesPost

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions

client.pronunciationDictionary.get(pronunciationDictionaryId) -> ElevenLabs.GetPronunciationDictionaryMetadataResponse

📝 Description

Get metadata for a pronunciation dictionary

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.get("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

pronunciationDictionaryId: string — The id of the pronunciation dictionary

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions

client.pronunciationDictionary.getAll({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetPronunciationDictionariesMetadataResponseModel

📝 Description

Get a list of the pronunciation dictionaries you have access to and their metadata

🔌 Usage

await client.pronunciationDictionary.getAll();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.PronunciationDictionaryGetAllRequest

requestOptions: PronunciationDictionary.RequestOptions


client.workspace.searchUserGroups({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.WorkspaceGroupByNameResponseModel[]

📝 Description

Searches for user groups in the workspace. Multiple or no groups may be returned.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.searchUserGroups({
    name: "name",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.SearchUserGroupsV1WorkspaceGroupsSearchGetRequest

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.deleteMemberFromUserGroup(groupId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteWorkspaceGroupMemberResponseModel

📝 Description

Removes a member from the specified group. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.deleteMemberFromUserGroup("group_id", {
    email: "email",

⚙️ Parameters

groupId: string — The ID of the target group.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyDeleteMemberFromUserGroupV1WorkspaceGroupsGroupIdMembersRemovePost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.addMemberToUserGroup(groupId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddWorkspaceGroupMemberResponseModel

📝 Description

Adds a member of your workspace to the specified group. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.addMemberToUserGroup("group_id", {
    email: "email",

⚙️ Parameters

groupId: string — The ID of the target group.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddMemberToUserGroupV1WorkspaceGroupsGroupIdMembersPost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.inviteUser({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddWorkspaceInviteResponseModel

📝 Description

Sends an email invitation to join your workspace to the provided email. If the user doesn't have an account they will be prompted to create one. If the user accepts this invite they will be added as a user to your workspace and your subscription using one of your seats. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators. If the user is already in the workspace a 400 error will be returned.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.inviteUser({
    email: "[email protected]",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyInviteUserV1WorkspaceInvitesAddPost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.inviteMultipleUsers({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddWorkspaceInviteResponseModel

📝 Description

Sends email invitations to join your workspace to the provided emails. Requires all email addresses to be part of a verified domain. If the users don't have an account they will be prompted to create one. If the users accept these invites they will be added as users to your workspace and your subscription using one of your seats. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.inviteMultipleUsers({
    emails: ["emails"],

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyInviteMultipleUsersV1WorkspaceInvitesAddBulkPost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.deleteExistingInvitation({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteWorkspaceInviteResponseModel

📝 Description

Invalidates an existing email invitation. The invitation will still show up in the inbox it has been delivered to, but activating it to join the workspace won't work. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.deleteExistingInvitation({
    email: "[email protected]",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyDeleteExistingInvitationV1WorkspaceInvitesDelete

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.updateMember({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.UpdateWorkspaceMemberResponseModel

📝 Description

Updates attributes of a workspace member. Apart from the email identifier, all parameters will remain unchanged unless specified. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.updateMember({
    email: "email",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyUpdateMemberV1WorkspaceMembersPost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.getResource(resourceId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.ResourceMetadataResponseModel

📝 Description

Gets the metadata of a resource by ID.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.getResource("resource_id", {
    resource_type: "voice",

⚙️ Parameters

resourceId: string — The ID of the target resource.

request: ElevenLabs.GetResourceV1WorkspaceResourcesResourceIdGetRequest

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.shareWorkspaceResource(resourceId, { ...params }) -> unknown

📝 Description

Grants a role on a workspace resource to a user or a group. It overrides any existing role this user/group/workspace api key has on the resource. To target a user, pass only the user email. The user must be in your workspace. To target a group, pass only the group id. To target a workspace api key, pass the api key id. You must have admin access to the resource to share it.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.shareWorkspaceResource("resource_id", {
    role: "admin",
    resource_type: "voice",

⚙️ Parameters

resourceId: string — The ID of the target resource.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyShareWorkspaceResourceV1WorkspaceResourcesResourceIdSharePost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions

client.workspace.unshareWorkspaceResource(resourceId, { ...params }) -> unknown

📝 Description

Removes any existing role on a workspace resource from a user or a group. To target a user, pass only the user email. The user must be in your workspace. To target a group, pass only the group id. To target a workspace api key, pass the api key id. You must have admin access to the resource to unshare it. You cannot remove permissions from the user who created the resource.

🔌 Usage

await client.workspace.unshareWorkspaceResource("resource_id", {
    resource_type: "voice",

⚙️ Parameters

resourceId: string — The ID of the target resource.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyUnshareWorkspaceResourceV1WorkspaceResourcesResourceIdUnsharePost

requestOptions: Workspace.RequestOptions


client.speechToText.convert({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.SpeechToTextChunkResponseModel

📝 Description

Transcribe an audio or video file.

🔌 Usage

await client.speechToText.convert({
    file: fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file"),
    model_id: "model_id",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodySpeechToTextV1SpeechToTextPost

requestOptions: SpeechToText.RequestOptions


client.conversationalAi.getSignedUrl({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.ConversationSignedUrlResponseModel

📝 Description

Get a signed url to start a conversation with an agent with an agent that requires authorization

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getSignedUrl({
    agent_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetSignedUrlRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.twilioOutboundCall({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.TwilioOutboundCallResponse

📝 Description

Handle an outbound call via Twilio

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.twilioOutboundCall({
    agent_id: "agent_id",
    agent_phone_number_id: "agent_phone_number_id",
    to_number: "to_number",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyHandleAnOutboundCallViaTwilioV1ConvaiTwilioOutboundCallPost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.createAgent({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.CreateAgentResponseModel

📝 Description

Create an agent from a config object

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.createAgent({
    conversation_config: {},

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyCreateAgentV1ConvaiAgentsCreatePost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getAgent(agentId) -> ElevenLabs.GetAgentResponseModel

📝 Description

Retrieve config for an agent

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getAgent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.deleteAgent(agentId) -> void

📝 Description

Delete an agent

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.deleteAgent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.updateAgent(agentId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetAgentResponseModel

📝 Description

Patches an Agent settings

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.updateAgent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyPatchesAnAgentSettingsV1ConvaiAgentsAgentIdPatch

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getAgentWidget(agentId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetAgentEmbedResponseModel

📝 Description

Retrieve the widget configuration for an agent

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getAgentWidget("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetAgentWidgetRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getAgentLink(agentId) -> ElevenLabs.GetAgentLinkResponseModel

📝 Description

Get the current link used to share the agent with others

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getAgentLink("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.postAgentAvatar(agentId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.PostAgentAvatarResponseModel

📝 Description

Sets the avatar for an agent displayed in the widget

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.postAgentAvatar("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    avatar_file: fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file"),

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string

request: ElevenLabs.BodyPostAgentAvatarV1ConvaiAgentsAgentIdAvatarPost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.addAgentSecret(agentId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddAgentSecretResponseModel

📝 Description

Uploads a file or reference a webpage for the agent to use as part of it's knowledge base

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.addAgentSecret("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    name: "MY API KEY",
    secret_value: "sk_api_12354abc",

⚙️ Parameters

agentId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddASecretToTheAgentWhichCanBeReferencedInToolCallsV1ConvaiAgentsAgentIdAddSecretPost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getAgents({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetAgentsPageResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns a list of your agents and their metadata.

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getAgents();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetAgentsRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getConversations({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetConversationsPageResponseModel

📝 Description

Get all conversations of agents that user owns. With option to restrict to a specific agent.

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getConversations();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetConversationsRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getConversation(conversationId) -> ElevenLabs.GetConversationResponseModel

📝 Description

Get the details of a particular conversation

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getConversation("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

conversationId: string — The id of the conversation you're taking the action on.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.deleteConversation(conversationId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Delete a particular conversation

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.deleteConversation("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

conversationId: string — The id of the conversation you're taking the action on.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getConversationAudio(conversationId) -> void

📝 Description

Get the audio recording of a particular conversation

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getConversationAudio("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

conversationId: string — The id of the conversation you're taking the action on.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.postConversationFeedback(conversationId, { ...params }) -> unknown

📝 Description

Send the feedback for the given conversation

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.postConversationFeedback("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    feedback: "like",

⚙️ Parameters

conversationId: string — The id of the conversation you're taking the action on.

request: ElevenLabs.BodySendConversationFeedbackV1ConvaiConversationsConversationIdFeedbackPost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.createPhoneNumber({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.CreatePhoneNumberResponseModel

📝 Description

Import Phone Number from provider configuration (Twilio or SIP trunk)

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.createPhoneNumber({
    phone_number: "phone_number",
    label: "label",
    sid: "sid",
    token: "token",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiCreatePhoneNumberRequestBody

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getPhoneNumber(phoneNumberId) -> ElevenLabs.GetPhoneNumberResponseModel

📝 Description

Retrieve Phone Number details by ID

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getPhoneNumber("TeaqRRdTcIfIu2i7BYfT");

⚙️ Parameters

phoneNumberId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.deletePhoneNumber(phoneNumberId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Delete Phone Number by ID

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.deletePhoneNumber("TeaqRRdTcIfIu2i7BYfT");

⚙️ Parameters

phoneNumberId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.updatePhoneNumber(phoneNumberId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetPhoneNumberResponseModel

📝 Description

Update Phone Number details by ID

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.updatePhoneNumber("TeaqRRdTcIfIu2i7BYfT");

⚙️ Parameters

phoneNumberId: string — The id of an agent. This is returned on agent creation.

request: ElevenLabs.UpdatePhoneNumberRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getPhoneNumbers() -> ElevenLabs.GetPhoneNumberResponseModel[]

📝 Description

Retrieve all Phone Numbers

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getPhoneNumbers();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseList({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetKnowledgeBaseListResponseModel

📝 Description

Get a list of available knowledge base documents

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseList();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetKnowledgeBaseListRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.addToKnowledgeBase({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddKnowledgeBaseResponseModel

📝 Description

Uploads a file or reference a webpage to use as part of the shared knowledge base

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.addToKnowledgeBase({});

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.BodyAddToKnowledgeBaseV1ConvaiKnowledgeBasePost

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.ragIndexStatus(documentationId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.RagIndexResponseModel

📝 Description

In case the document is not RAG indexed, it triggers rag indexing task, otherwise it just returns the current status.

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.ragIndexStatus("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    model: "e5_mistral_7b_instruct",

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

request: ElevenLabs.RagIndexRequestModel

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentById(documentationId) -> ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetKnowledgeBaseDocumentByIdResponse

📝 Description

Get details about a specific documentation making up the agent's knowledge base

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentById("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.deleteKnowledgeBaseDocument(documentationId) -> unknown

📝 Description

Delete a document from the knowledge base

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.deleteKnowledgeBaseDocument("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getDependentAgents(documentationId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetKnowledgeBaseDependentAgentsResponseModel

📝 Description

Get a list of agents depending on this knowledge base document

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getDependentAgents("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

request: ElevenLabs.ConversationalAiGetDependentAgentsRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentContent(documentationId) -> void

📝 Description

Get the entire content of a document from the knowledge base

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentContent("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentPartById(documentationId, chunkId) -> ElevenLabs.KnowledgeBaseDocumentChunkResponseModel

📝 Description

Get details about a specific documentation part used by RAG.

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getKnowledgeBaseDocumentPartById("21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "chunk_id");

⚙️ Parameters

documentationId: string — The id of a document from the knowledge base. This is returned on document addition.

chunkId: string — The id of a document RAG chunk from the knowledge base.

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getSettings() -> ElevenLabs.GetConvAiSettingsResponseModel

📝 Description

Retrieve Convai settings for the workspace

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getSettings();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.updateSettings({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.GetConvAiSettingsResponseModel

📝 Description

Update Convai settings for the workspace

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.updateSettings();

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.PatchConvAiSettingsRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.getSecrets() -> ElevenLabs.GetWorkspaceSecretsResponseModel

📝 Description

Get all workspace secrets for the user

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.getSecrets();

⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.createSecret({ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.PostWorkspaceSecretResponseModel

📝 Description

Create a new secret for the workspace

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.createSecret({
    name: "name",
    value: "value",

⚙️ Parameters

request: ElevenLabs.PostWorkspaceSecretRequest

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

client.conversationalAi.deleteSecret(secretId) -> void

📝 Description

Delete a workspace secret if it's not in use

🔌 Usage

await client.conversationalAi.deleteSecret("secret_id");

⚙️ Parameters

secretId: string

requestOptions: ConversationalAi.RequestOptions

Studio Projects -> ElevenLabs.GetProjectsResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of your Studio projects with metadata.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions{ ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new Studio project, it can be either initialized as blank, from a document or from a URL.

🔌 Usage

    name: "name",
    default_title_voice_id: "default_title_voice_id",
    default_paragraph_voice_id: "default_paragraph_voice_id",
    default_model_id: "default_model_id",

⚙️ Parameters


requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions -> ElevenLabs.ProjectExtendedResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns information about a specific Studio project. This endpoint returns more detailed information about a project than GET /v1/studio.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Updates the specified Studio project by setting the values of the parameters passed.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    name: "Project 1",
    default_title_voice_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",
    default_paragraph_voice_id: "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.


requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions -> ElevenLabs.DeleteProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Deletes a Studio project.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Updates Studio project content.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {});

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string


requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions -> ElevenLabs.ConvertProjectResponseModel

📝 Description

Starts conversion of a Studio project and all of its chapters.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions -> ElevenLabs.ProjectSnapshotsResponse

📝 Description

Retrieves a list of snapshots for a Studio project.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions, projectSnapshotId) -> ElevenLabs.ProjectSnapshotExtendedResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns the project snapshot.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

projectSnapshotId: string — The ID of the Studio project snapshot.

requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions, projectSnapshotId, { ...params }) -> void

📝 Description

Stream the audio from a Studio project snapshot.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

projectSnapshotId: string — The ID of the Studio project snapshot.


requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.CreatePronunciationDictionaryResponseModel

📝 Description

Create a set of pronunciation dictionaries acting on a project. This will automatically mark text within this project as requiring reconverting where the new dictionary would apply or the old one no longer does.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    pronunciation_dictionary_locators: [
            pronunciation_dictionary_id: "pronunciation_dictionary_id",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.


requestOptions: Projects.RequestOptions

Studio Chapters -> ElevenLabs.GetChaptersResponse

📝 Description

Returns a list of a Studio project's chapters.

🔌 Usage


⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.AddChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Creates a new chapter either as blank or from a URL.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", {
    name: "Chapter 1",

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.


requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.ChapterWithContentResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns information about a specific chapter.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId, { ...params }) -> ElevenLabs.EditChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Updates a chapter.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.


requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.DeleteChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Deletes a chapter.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.ConvertChapterResponseModel

📝 Description

Starts conversion of a specific chapter.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId) -> ElevenLabs.ChapterSnapshotsResponse

📝 Description

Gets information about all the snapshots of a chapter. Each snapshot can be downloaded as audio. Whenever a chapter is converted a snapshot will automatically be created.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions, chapterId, chapterSnapshotId) -> ElevenLabs.ChapterSnapshotExtendedResponseModel

📝 Description

Returns the chapter snapshot.

🔌 Usage

await"21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM");

⚙️ Parameters

projectId: string — The ID of the Studio project.

chapterId: string — The ID of the chapter.

chapterSnapshotId: string — The ID of the chapter snapshot.

requestOptions: Chapters.RequestOptions