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Releases: elixir-lang/elixir


29 Jun 08:04
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  • [Elixir] Support Erlang 18.0
  • [IEx] Rely only on loaded applications for autocompletion on IEx
  • [Record] Expand attributes and macros in record extractor
  • [String] Optimize String.rstrip/1
  • [String] Optimize String.downcase/1
  • [String] Optimize String.upcase/1

Bug fixes

  • [EEx] Ensure blocks do not clobber EEx buffers
  • [Enum] Ensure Enum.take/2 does not consume one extra item when halting on the last emittable item
  • [ExUnit] Fix StringIO processes leakage in the ExUnit.CaptureIO when there are errors inside the capture_io block
  • [Float] Avoid rounding errors on Float.parse/1
  • [GenEvent] Fix GenEvent detection of modules that aren't loaded
  • [IO] Read 4K blocks instead of lines in IO.binread/2. This fixes a bug where CRLF were being ignored and is also going to improve performance
  • [Logger] Handle :undefined arity in Logger.Translator (we get :undefined when a temporary worker of a simple_one_for_one supervisor crashes)
  • [Mix] Ensure config is escaped before being injected into escripts. This fixes a bug where escripts failed to build when containing values like maps in config files
  • [Mix] Ensure we properly underscore acronyms followed by paths, for example, HTTP.Foo
  • [Stream] Ensure Stream.flat_map/2 does not consume more items than necessary when piped to another Stream.flat_map/2 that halts in the inner stream
  • [Version] Fix to_string for versions with numeric pre releases


07 Apr 21:40
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  • [Elixir] Support Erlang 17.5 and 18.0
  • [Mix] Support "--search PATTERN" in "mix help"
  • [Mix] Support :start_permanent that starts the application as permanent
  • [Mix] Support :build_embedded that compile protocols, avoid symlinks and ensure protocols are loaded on boot
  • [Mix] Make "mix app.start" public and support "--permanent" and "--temporary" options
  • [URI] Speed decoding operations

Bug fixes

  • [Elixir] Produce clearer error messages for syntax errors before a sigil
  • [Elixir] Return value when matching on _ in the last line of a block
  • [Elixir] Ensure changes in child deps forces the parent to recompile
  • [Kernel] Fix a bug where =~/2 returned false when matching on an empty string. The current behaviour was changed to match the behaviour of String.contains?/2
  • [Mix] Store relative paths in erlang manifests
  • [Mix] Fix httpc proxy option profile for downloading hex and other safe packges
  • [Mix] Fix missing behaviour warning when compiling Erlang modules


12 Feb 10:12
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  • [Elixir] Do not show exported vars warning
  • [Elixir] Improve error messages when using invalid expressions inside maps
  • [Elixir] Skip aliases and import warnings when code cannot compile
  • [IEx] Improve autocompletion for Erlang/Elixir based on loaded applications
  • [IO] Make IO.ANSI.Docs readable on white background
  • [Mix] Provide clearer error message when updating archives on Windows
  • [Mix] Don't go through API server to install Hex

Bug fixes

  • [Elixir] Ensure all Elixir applications work with code upgrades
  • [Elixir] Don't leave spurious processes and stale data when the parallel compiler fails
  • [Inspect] Keep original stacktrace on Inspect errors
  • [IO] Fix IO.ANSI.Docs handling of *, **, _ where they would be activated in the middle of words
  • [Logger] Fix logging with metadata[:function]
  • [Mix] Don't show hex update message on mix local.hex
  • [Mix] Ensure tasks are properly underscored and camelized
  • [Mix] Ensure Mix does not use ANSI escapes on Windows unless ANSI is enabled
  • [Mix] Only shutdown Logger if the Mix application is being actually started
  • [Mix] Ensure priv/include are copied on Windows even if source did not change
  • [Mix] Ensure rebar dependencies work when user path has a space on Windows
  • [Regex] Fix Regex.replace/4 failures when the number of substitutions in pattern is more than the number of matches and support \g{...} patterns
  • [String] Fix LFCR being treated as a grapheme instead of CRLF
  • [URI] Do more strict matching on URI schema


21 Oct 17:36
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Bug fixes

  • [EEx] Remove invalid warning when attempting to inline code in EEx
  • [EEx] Unify syntax errors to always include file:line:
  • [IEx] Set null prompt function in dumb term mode
  • [Kernel] Do not define an ets table with the same name as the module as it clashes with user code
  • [Kernel] Fail compiling try expressions if they lack one of catch/after/rescue/else clauses
  • [Kernel] Improve error messages when parsing fails on aliases
  • [Kernel] Improve warnings coming from compile-time evaluation of arguments
  • [String] Fix String.replace/4 typespec


07 Oct 11:49
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  • [Mix] Add MIX_ENV output to (as on

Bug fixes

  • [CLI] Fix Elixir CLI when running on Cygwin
  • [ExUnit] Include stacktraces in ExUnit timeouts
  • [Mix] Load dependencies before deps.check compiles dependencies
  • [Mix] Ensure Mix.Config is deep merged
  • [Mix] Change version requirement in new apps to ~> MAJOR.MINOR
  • [Mix] Report correct location if local.hex fails and give higher priority to powershell install on Windows
  • [Mix] Ensure --elixirc-paths option for compile.elixir is a subset of the project :elixirc_paths configuration and it does not remove skipped entries from the manifest
  • [Mix] Ensure compile.elixir writes to manifest when files are removed
  • [Mix] Ensure compile.elixir purges and deletes modules before compiling
  • [Mix] Do not crash on malformed proxy env var
  • [Stream] Ensure chunk/4 works correctly when halted
  • [System] Do not allow relative paths in System.cmd/3 as documented
  • [System] Fix :stderr_to_stdout option in System.cmd/3


10 Sep 12:48
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  • [Logger] Add Logger.enable/1 and Logger.disable/1

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [GenEvent] No longer support {:swap_handler, ...} as callback return value
  • [List] List.unzip/2 was removed


10 Aug 17:22
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v0.15.1 Pre-release


  • [GenEvent] Support :ack mode for GenEvent streams
  • [Inspect] Support :base option in inspect/2 to choose the base (:binary, :octal, :decimal or :hex) numbers a printed
  • [Kernel] Print warnings when used ? with characters with escape codes
  • [Logger] Add SASL log forwarding option to Logger
  • [Logger] Add $padlevel to option Logger formatter
  • [Logger] Backends receive the exact handler value when added, allowing a key to be passed for configuration lookup
  • [Logger] Add Logger.flush/0 to flush the Logger (useful for testing)
  • [Logger] Persist backends dynamically added or removed via add_backend/2 and remove_backend/2
  • [Macro] Add Macro.validate/1 to recursively check if a value is a valid quoted expression
  • [Mix] Load mix deps only when there is a need to use them (this improves the timing for the majority of tasks in a Mix project)
  • [Mix] Make the environment explicit on the success message generated after is invoked
  • [Mix] Load config/config.exs inside escripts
  • [Mix] Store and check Elixir version requirement for generated archives

Bug fixes

  • [CLI] Fix shell bugs when running on Windows with Cygwin or MinGW
  • [Kernel] Modules compiled by Elixir now report the correct beam location when :code.which/1 is invoked. If the bytecode is only available in memory, :code.which/1 returns :in_memory
  • [Kernel] Do not expand args for unknown functions/macros
  • [Kernel] Ensure defstruct, @attr inside and friends raise a nice error messages when values cannot be properly escaped
  • [Kernel] Do not raise conflicts on imports used from inside quotes
  • [Logger] Metadata is now correctly merged on each Logger.metadata/1 call
  • [Logger] Use the Logger PID on :error_logger wrapper to avoid race conditions on shutdown
  • [Macro] Ensure bitstrings work with Macro.escape/1
  • [Mix] Ensure aliases are invoked on umbrella recursive tasks
  • [Mix] Leave it up to the application to start the Logger after compilation
  • [Mix] Accept more forms of git versions (like "git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)")
  • [Path] Do not normalize paths in Path.join/2 as normalization is beyond the scope of such function
  • [URI] to_string/1 now properly converts URI to strings when the schema is missing


  • [Collectable] Having a function as collectable is deprecated
  • [Module] Module.function/3 is deprecated, please use :erlang.make_fun/3 instead


02 Aug 20:02
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v0.15.0 Pre-release


  • [Agent] Improve the Agent API to also accept functions that receive explicit module, function and arguments
  • [IEx] Support --werl call on Windows
  • [Logger] Add Logger
  • [Map] Add Map.from_struct/1
  • [Mix] Allow --app flag to be passed to mix new
  • [Mix] Support lowercase http(s)_proxy environment variables
  • [Mix] Allow elixirc_paths to also be given through the command line to mix compile.elixir
  • [String] String.slice/2 and String.slice/3 have been optimized

Bug fixes

  • [IEx] Ensure functions in Kernel.SpecialForms and IEx.Helpers are also auto-completed
  • [IEx] Ensure remote shells can be started with --remsh
  • [Kernel] Correctly parse unary/binary operators regardless of number of spaces
  • [Kernel] Ensure private functions are not exported
  • [Protocol] Do not expose protocol convention on assert_impl!/2
  • [Regex] Do not consider include captures on Regex.split/3 results
  • [Stream] Implement the Inspect protocol for Streams so we do not leak the Stream representation


  • [IEx] IEx color configuration expects a list of atoms instead of a string with colors separated by comma
  • [Inspect] Inspect.Algebra.surround_many/6 now expects Inspect.Opts instead of an integer limit
  • [Inspect] Inspect.Algebra.pretty/2 is deprecated in favor of Inspect.Algebra.format/2 that instead returns iodata. This function was used only by documentation examples and it is unlikely to affect actual code
  • [IO] IO.ANSI.terminal? is deprecated in favor of IO.ANSI.enabled?
  • [IO] IO.ANSI.escape/2 and IO.ANSI.escape_fragment/2 is deprecated in favor of IO.ANSI.format/2 and IO.ANSI.format_fragment/2
  • [Kernel] Leading 0 for octals is deprecated in favor of 0o
  • [Kernel] 0X for hexadecimals is deprecated in favor of 0x
  • [Kernel] 0B for binaries is deprecated in favor of 0b
  • [Mix] Mix color configuration expects a list of atoms instead of a string with colors separated by comma
  • [String] \NNN, \NN and \N for octals are deprecated inside string, sigils and chars in favor of hexadecimal entries with \x

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [Kernel] binding/1 and binding/2 expecting a list were removed
  • [Regex] Do not consider include captures on Regex.split/3 results


12 Jul 13:08
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v0.14.3 Pre-release


  • [Access] Allow function access on get_in/2 and get_and_update_in/3
  • [Enum] Add Enum.sort_by/3
  • [ExUnit] Match the line filter by proximity instead of exact match
  • [Float] Support precision in Float.ceil/1 and Float.floor/1
  • [IO] Add IO.(bin)read(device, :all)
  • [Kernel] Print a warning if a dangling @doc clause is found
  • [Mix] Use absolute symbolic links on Windows for _build instead of copying
  • [Mix] Add Mix.compilers that returns all default compilers used by mix tasks
  • [Mix] Issue warning and reset mtime for source files from the future
  • [Mix] Support task aliases in Mix
  • [OptionParser] Add OptionParser.split/1 that splits a string into argv
  • [Record] Allow a record to be converted to a keyword list with record(some_record)
  • [String] Improve performance of String.split/1
  • [Typespec] Allow %Struct{} syntax to be used in typespecs
  • [Typespec] Allow record(:record, fields) syntax to be used in typespecs

Bug fixes

  • [IEx] Do not print ANSI sequences on IEx.Helpers.clear/0 if ANSI sequences are not supported
  • [Inspect] Ensure Inspect.Algebra.to_doc/2 doesn't go into a loop when there is a failure printing a struct
  • [Kernel] |>, <<<, >>> and ^^^ made left associative in operator table
  • [Kernel] <, >, <=, >= given higher precedence than comparison operators (==, !=, etc) in the operator table
  • [Kernel] Run command line and escripts in a process that does not trap exits
  • [Kernel] Fix a bug where Mix paths had higher priority than CLI ones, causing protocol consolidations to not be properly loaded
  • [Kernel] Fix wording on error messages when a check/guard always passes or always fails
  • [Kernel] Fix a bug where an unused function warning was printed even when the function was used via defoverridable
  • [Kernel] Improve typespecs so they don't generate supertype dialyzer warnings
  • [Macro] to_string correctly displays sigils
  • [Mix] Ensure Mix dependencies are not compiled every second time when mix deps.compile is invoked
  • [Mix] Fix a bug where and friends choked when printing a map
  • [Mix] Ensure multiple @external_resource entries are read by Mix compilers
  • [Mix] Fix a bug where tasks for umbrella projects were not properly reenabled
  • [Stream] Fix bug when flat_map is used inside another flat_map with an Enumerable
  • [Typespec] Fix a bug where the list typespec was incorrectly rendered as []

Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

  • [Kernel] Using a list for bitstring modifiers is deprecated (as in <<x :: [little, utf16]>>), please use - as the separator instead (as in <<x :: little-utf16>>)
  • [System] System.cmd/1 is deprecated in favor of System.cmd/3


  • [Mix] mix escriptize is deprecated in favor of
  • [Mix] mix local.install and mix local.uninstall have been deprecated in favor of mix archive.install and mix archive.uninstall respectively
  • [Mix] :embed_extra_apps for escripts is deprecated, instead list the dependencies inside def application
  • [System] Giving a char list to System.find_executable/1 is deprecated

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [Access] No longer fill in missing intermediate values with empty maps
  • [Float] Float.ceil/2 and Float.floor/2 now always returns floats and no longer accept integers
  • [Kernel] defstruct no longer automatically defines a type
  • [Kernel] exit(integer) is no longer supported from scripts to configure the exit signal. Use exit({:shutdown, integer}) instead
  • [Kernel] Default argument values have to be defined in a function head if the function has multiple clauses
  • [Mix] mix replaces the functionality of mix archive, mix archive now lists locally installed archives
  • [Mix] no longer automatically escape ANSI sequences. Instead if has to be explicitly enabled with the ansi: true option
  • [OptionParser] --no-SWITCH are only allowed for declared booleans switches


29 Jun 09:55
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v0.14.2 Pre-release


  • [Enum] Improve performance of Enum.join/2 and Enum.map_join/3 by using iolists
  • [Kernel] Ensure compatibility with Erlang 17.1
  • [Kernel] Support @external_resource attribute to external dependencies to a module
  • [Mix] Allow built Git dependencies to run on a system without Git by passing --no-deps-check
  • [Mix] Add MIX_ARCHIVES env variable (it is recommended for Elixir build tools to swap this environment)
  • [Task] Set :proc_lib initial call on task to aid debugging
  • [Typespec] Delay typespec compilation to after expansion
  • [URI] Allow parse/1 now accepts %URI{} as argument and return the uri itself

Bug fixes

  • [CLI] Support paths inside archives in -pa and -pz options
  • [IEx] Remove delay when printing data from the an application start callback
  • [IEx] Ensure we show a consistent error when we cannot evaluate .iex.exs
  • [Kernel] Ensure derived protocols are defined with a file
  • [Kernel] Change precedence of & to not special case /
  • [Kernel] Ensure we can only use variables and \\ as arguments of bodyless clause

Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

  • [EEx] Using EEx.TransformerEngine and EEx.AssignsEngine are deprecated in favor of function composition with Macro.prewalk/1 (see EEx.SmartEngine for an example)
  • [Kernel] Kernel.xor/2 is deprecated
  • [Mix] Mix.Generator.from_file/1 is deprecated in favor of passing from_file: file option to embed_text/2 and embed_template/2 (note though that from_file/1 expects a path relative to the current file while the from_file: file expects one relative to the current working directory)


  • [Kernel] size/1 is deprecated in favor of byte_size/1 and tuple_size/1 (this change was soft deprecated two releases ago)

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [CLI] Remove support for the --gen-debug option as its usage is not documented by OTP
  • [Kernel] Sigils no longer balance start and end tokens, e.g. the sigil ~s(f(o)o) is no longer valid as it finishes in the first closing )
  • [Kernel] Variables set in cond clause heads are no longer available outside of that particular cond clause (this is the behaviour also found in case, receive and friends)
  • [System] build_info/0 now returns a map