Below are the instructions to run the CFT JUnit against a specific Cloud Foundry target. Currently the JUnit requires a valid access to a Cloud Foundry account.
WARNING: Running the CFT JUnit will DELETE all apps and services from the target Cloud Foundry space. Use great care when setting the CF target to use for the JUnit.
To run the Cloud Foundry unit tests, there are two options to pass in the Cloud Foundry target information, including account information. Note that the JUnit tests also require at least one service instance definition, as services are created and deleted as part of the tests.
Set the following variables in the "Environment" tab in the JUnit Plug-in launch configuration:
CFT_TEST_SKIP_SSL - (true/false)
An alternative to using environment variables is a local properties text file that can be created at top-level in the org.eclipse.cft.server.tests plug-in with the following name: CFcredentials.txt
url: [target Cloud URL]
selfsigned: [true/false. true if target Cloud uses self signed certificate. false or omit if not needed]
username: [your username]
password: [your password]
org: [Cloud organisation]
space: [Cloud space]
servicename: [name of service instance to create]
servicetype: [type of service instance to create]
serviceplan: [plan of service instance to create]
buildpack: [OPTIONAL - buildpack name or URL]
selfsigned: [OPTIONAL - true/false - trust self signed certificate]
If the file is created elsewhere, then the full path location of the file should also be specified by the VM argument:
-Dtest.credentials=[file location]
Create CFcredentials.txt in this location with the following entries:
selfsigned: false
username: [email protected]
password: mypassword
org: PivotalOrg
space: TestSpace
servicename: testservice
servicetype: cleardb
serviceplan: spark
The values of all entries above should be modified as per your account information and target.
The file location is then passed as a VM argument:
The URL in the properties file can also include "http://" or "https://", instead of just the host:
A "CF Base Tests.launch" configuration is provided with the VM args needed to run the Junits.
However, if you do not wish to create CFcredentials.txt as suggested above, the test.credentials arg needs to be modified to point to your local credentials text file.