diff --git a/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c46ad580c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+namespace Content.Client._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem : SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem;
diff --git a/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f00a2ca2ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+namespace Content.Client._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorSystem : SharedSpaceElevatorSystem;
diff --git a/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorBoundUserInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d76b60bb6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+namespace Content.Client._Emberfall.Planetside.UI;
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : BoundUserInterface(owner, uiKey)
+ [ViewVariables]
+ private SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow? _window;
+ protected override void Open()
+ {
+ base.Open();
+ _window = new SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow(Owner);
+ _window.OpenCentered();
+ _window.OnClose += Close;
+ _window.OnFTL += index => SendMessage(new DockingConsoleFTLMessage(index));
+ }
+ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ base.UpdateState(state);
+ if (state is not SpaceElevatorConsoleState cast)
+ return;
+ _window?.UpdateState(cast);
+ }
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ if (disposing)
+ _window?.Orphan();
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da707e47240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55d8e2b5024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_Emberfall/Planetside/UI/SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Timing;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+namespace Content.Client._Emberfall.Planetside.UI;
+public sealed partial class SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow : FancyWindow
+ [Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entMan = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
+ public event Action? OnFTL;
+ private readonly Dictionary _stateData = new()
+ {
+ { FTLState.Available, ("#80C71F", "shuttle-console-ftl-state-Available") },
+ { FTLState.Starting, ("#169C9C", "shuttle-console-ftl-state-Starting") },
+ { FTLState.Travelling, ("#8932B8", "shuttle-console-ftl-state-Travelling") },
+ { FTLState.Arriving, ("#F9801D", "shuttle-console-ftl-state-Arriving") },
+ };
+ private readonly StyleBoxFlat _ftlStyle;
+ private FTLState _state;
+ private int? _selected;
+ private StartEndTime _ftlTime;
+ public SpaceElevatorConsoleWindow(EntityUid owner)
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+ _ftlStyle = new StyleBoxFlat()
+ {
+ BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#80C71F"),
+ ContentMarginLeftOverride = 4,
+ ContentMarginRightOverride = 4
+ };
+ FTLBar.ForegroundStyleBoxOverride = _ftlStyle;
+ if (!_entMan.TryGetComponent(owner, out var comp))
+ return;
+ if (!comp.HasPlatform)
+ {
+ MapFTLState.Text = Loc.GetString("docking-console-no-shuttle");
+ _ftlStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#B02E26");
+ }
+ SetupEventHandlers();
+ }
+ private void SetupEventHandlers()
+ {
+ Destinations.OnItemSelected += args =>
+ {
+ _selected = args.ItemIndex;
+ UpdateButton();
+ };
+ Destinations.OnItemDeselected += _ =>
+ {
+ _selected = null;
+ UpdateButton();
+ };
+ FTLButton.OnPressed += _ =>
+ {
+ if (_selected is { } index)
+ {
+ OnFTL?.Invoke(index);
+ FTLButton.Disabled = true;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public void UpdateState(SpaceElevatorConsoleState state)
+ {
+ _state = state.FTLState;
+ _ftlTime = state.FTLTime;
+ var (color, locString) = _stateData.GetValueOrDefault(_state,
+ ("#B02E26", "shuttle-console-ftl-state-Cooldown"));
+ MapFTLState.Text = Loc.GetString(locString);
+ _ftlStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex(color);
+ if (Destinations.Count != state.Destinations.Count)
+ {
+ UpdateDestinations(state.Destinations);
+ }
+ UpdateButton();
+ }
+ private void UpdateDestinations(List destinations)
+ {
+ Destinations.Clear();
+ foreach (var dest in destinations)
+ {
+ Destinations.AddItem(dest.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void FrameUpdate(FrameEventArgs args)
+ {
+ base.FrameUpdate(args);
+ var progress = _ftlTime.ProgressAt(_timing.CurTime);
+ FTLBar.Value = float.IsFinite(progress) ? progress : 1;
+ UpdateButton();
+ }
+ private void UpdateButton()
+ {
+ FTLButton.Disabled = _selected == null || _state != FTLState.Available;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
index 1f972d96756..8774cbc94ed 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Shuttles/Systems/ArrivalsSystem.cs
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ public sealed class ArrivalsSystem : EntitySystem
private readonly List> _arrivalsBiomeOptions = new()
- "Grasslands",
- "LowDesert",
+ // "Grasslands", // Emberfall
+ // "LowDesert", // Emberfall
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ private void SetupArrivalsStation()
_biomes.EnsurePlanet(mapUid, _protoManager.Index(template));
var restricted = new RestrictedRangeComponent
- Range = 32f
+ Range = 64f // Emberfall, was 32
AddComp(mapUid, restricted);
diff --git a/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af09d834c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+namespace Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+/// This is used to load a map and then spawn a grid on it.
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerSystem))]
+public sealed partial class PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The terrain template to use.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public ProtoId Terrain;
+ ///
+ /// The grid to load when spawning the map.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public ResPath? GridPath;
+ ///
+ /// The loaded map entity.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? Map;
diff --git a/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b5de54ddc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+namespace Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+/// This handles spawning a new map from a TerrainTemplatePrototype.
+public sealed class PlanetsideTerrainSpawnerSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly PlanetsideTerrainSystem _planetside = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnShutdown);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit);
+ }
+ private void OnShutdown(Entity ent, ref ComponentShutdown args)
+ {
+ QueueDel(ent.Comp.Map);
+ }
+ private void OnMapInit(Entity ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
+ {
+ // No terrain - needed for test to not fail
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ent.Comp.Terrain))
+ return;
+ if (ent.Comp.GridPath is { } path)
+ {
+ ent.Comp.Map = _planetside.GenerateTerrainWithStructures(ent.Comp.Terrain, path.ToString());
+ return;
+ }
+ ent.Comp.Map = _planetside.GenerateTerrain(ent.Comp.Terrain);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d10cc15bf77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/PlanetsideTerrainSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Parallax;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+using Content.Shared.Parallax.Biomes;
+using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Shared.Map;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public sealed class PlanetsideTerrainSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly AtmosphereSystem _atmos = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly BiomeSystem _biome = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototype = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MapLoaderSystem _mapLoader = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MapSystem _map = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _meta = default!;
+ private readonly List<(Vector2i, Tile)> _reservedTiles = [];
+ ///
+ /// Generates a new terrain map from a template.
+ ///
+ /// to load
+ /// Whether to initialize the map immediately
+ /// The EntityUid of the generated map
+ public EntityUid GenerateTerrain(ProtoId templateId, bool initMap = true)
+ {
+ var template = _prototype.Index(templateId);
+ var mapUid = _map.CreateMap(out _, initMap);
+ ConfigureMap(mapUid, template);
+ return mapUid;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Generates a terrain map and loads structures onto it from a file path.
+ ///
+ /// to load
+ /// File path containing structure data to load
+ /// The EntityUid of the generated map, or null if loading failed
+ public EntityUid? GenerateTerrainWithStructures(ProtoId templateId, string structuresPath)
+ {
+ var mapUid = GenerateTerrain(templateId, false);
+ var mapId = Comp(mapUid).MapId;
+ if (!_mapLoader.TryLoad(mapId, structuresPath, out var grids))
+ {
+ Log.Error($"Failed to load structures from {structuresPath} for terrain {templateId}");
+ Del(mapUid);
+ return null;
+ }
+ ReserveStructureSpace(mapUid, grids);
+ _map.InitializeMap(mapUid);
+ return mapUid;
+ }
+ private void ConfigureMap(EntityUid mapUid, TerrainTemplatePrototype template)
+ {
+ _biome.EnsurePlanet(mapUid, _prototype.Index(template.Biome), mapLight: template.AmbientLight);
+ var biome = Comp(mapUid);
+ foreach (var layer in template.BiomeMarkerLayers)
+ {
+ _biome.AddMarkerLayer(mapUid, biome, layer);
+ }
+ if (template.AddComponents is not null)
+ EntityManager.AddComponents(mapUid, template.AddComponents);
+ _atmos.SetMapAtmosphere(mapUid, false, template.Atmosphere);
+ _meta.SetEntityName(mapUid, Loc.GetString(template.Name));
+ }
+ private void ReserveStructureSpace(EntityUid mapUid, IReadOnlyList structures)
+ {
+ foreach (var structure in structures)
+ {
+ _reservedTiles.Clear();
+ var bounds = Comp(structure).LocalAABB;
+ _biome.ReserveTiles(mapUid, bounds.Enlarged(0.2f), _reservedTiles);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84cd9d75eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+using Content.Server.Shuttles.Components;
+using Content.Server.Shuttles.Events;
+using Content.Server.Shuttles.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Timing;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.Map;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+namespace Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem : SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelist = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedUserInterfaceSystem _ui = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly ShuttleSystem _shuttle = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDock);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnUndock);
+ // UI subscriptions
+ Subs.BuiEvents(SpaceElevatorUiKey.Key,
+ subs =>
+ {
+ subs.Event(OnOpened);
+ subs.Event(OnFTL);
+ });
+ }
+ private void OnDock(DockEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateConsoles(args.GridAUid, args.GridBUid);
+ }
+ private void OnUndock(UndockEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateConsoles(args.GridAUid, args.GridBUid);
+ }
+ private void OnOpened(Entity ent, ref BoundUIOpenedEvent args)
+ {
+ // Need to verify elevator platform still exists
+ if (TerminatingOrDeleted(ent.Comp.Platform))
+ UpdatePlatform(ent);
+ UpdateUI(ent);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Updates consoles connected to platforms on either grid.
+ ///
+ private void UpdateConsoles(EntityUid gridA, EntityUid gridB)
+ {
+ UpdateConsolesUsing(gridA);
+ UpdateConsolesUsing(gridB);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Updates all console UIs that control a specific elevator platform.
+ ///
+ public void UpdateConsolesUsing(EntityUid platform)
+ {
+ if (!HasComp(platform))
+ return;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp))
+ {
+ if (comp.Platform == platform)
+ UpdateUI((uid, comp));
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateUI(Entity ent)
+ {
+ if (ent.Comp.Platform is not { } platform)
+ return;
+ var ftlState = FTLState.Available;
+ StartEndTime ftlTime = default;
+ var destinations = new List();
+ // Get available destinations
+ if (TryComp(platform, out var elevator))
+ destinations = elevator.Destinations;
+ // Get current FTL state if applicable
+ if (TryComp(platform, out var ftl))
+ {
+ ftlState = ftl.State;
+ ftlTime = _shuttle.GetStateTime(ftl);
+ }
+ var state = new SpaceElevatorConsoleState(ftlState, ftlTime, destinations);
+ _ui.SetUiState(ent.Owner, SpaceElevatorUiKey.Key, state);
+ }
+ private void OnFTL(Entity ent, ref DockingConsoleFTLMessage args)
+ {
+ if (ent.Comp.Platform is not { } platform ||
+ !TryComp(platform, out var elevator))
+ return;
+ if (args.Index < 0 || args.Index > elevator.Destinations.Count)
+ return;
+ var dest = elevator.Destinations[args.Index];
+ var map = dest.Map;
+ // Validate transfer is possible
+ if (map == Transform(platform).MapID || !_shuttle.CanFTLTo(platform, map, ent))
+ return;
+ if (FindLargestGrid(map) is not { } grid)
+ return;
+ _shuttle.FTLToDock(platform, Comp(platform), grid, priorityTag: ent.Comp.DockTag);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Finds the largest grid in a map, prioritizing station grids.
+ ///
+ private EntityUid? FindLargestGrid(MapId map)
+ {
+ if (_station.GetStationInMap(map) is { } station)
+ return _station.GetLargestGrid(Comp(station));
+ EntityUid? largestGrid = null;
+ var largestSize = 0f;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var gridUid, out var grid, out var xform))
+ {
+ if (xform.MapID != map)
+ continue;
+ var size = grid.LocalAABB.Size.LengthSquared();
+ if (size < largestSize)
+ continue;
+ largestSize = size;
+ largestGrid = gridUid;
+ }
+ return largestGrid;
+ }
+ private void UpdatePlatform(Entity ent)
+ {
+ var hadPlatform = ent.Comp.HasPlatform;
+ ent.Comp.Platform = FindPlatform(ent.Comp.PlatformWhitelist);
+ ent.Comp.HasPlatform = ent.Comp.Platform != null;
+ if (ent.Comp.HasPlatform != hadPlatform)
+ Dirty(ent);
+ }
+ private EntityUid? FindPlatform(EntityWhitelist whitelist)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out _))
+ {
+ if (_whitelist.IsValid(whitelist, uid))
+ return uid;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..48cec73d4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SpaceElevatorSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using System.Linq;
+using Content.Server.Shuttles.Events;
+using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
+namespace Content.Server._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorSystem : SharedSpaceElevatorSystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly SpaceElevatorConsoleSystem _console = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly EntityWhitelistSystem _whitelist = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnFTLStarted);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnFTLCompleted);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnStationGridAdded);
+ }
+ private void OnMapInit(Entity ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
+ {
+ // Find all valid FTL destinations this elevator can reach
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var mapUid, out var dest, out var map))
+ {
+ if (!dest.Enabled || _whitelist.IsWhitelistFailOrNull(dest.Whitelist, ent))
+ continue;
+ ent.Comp.Destinations.Add(new ElevatorDestination
+ {
+ Name = Name(mapUid),
+ Map = map.MapId,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnFTLStarted(Entity ent, ref FTLStartedEvent args)
+ {
+ _console.UpdateConsolesUsing(ent);
+ }
+ private void OnFTLCompleted(Entity ent, ref FTLCompletedEvent args)
+ {
+ _console.UpdateConsolesUsing(ent);
+ }
+ private void OnStationGridAdded(StationGridAddedEvent args)
+ {
+ var uid = args.GridId;
+ if (!TryComp(uid, out var comp))
+ return;
+ // only add the destination once
+ if (comp.Station != null)
+ return;
+ if (_station.GetOwningStation(uid) is not { } station || !TryComp(station, out var data))
+ return;
+ // add the source station as a destination
+ comp.Station = station;
+ comp.Destinations.Add(new ElevatorDestination
+ {
+ Name = Name(station),
+ Map = Transform(data.Grids.First()).MapID,
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..236c5aa11fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Map;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+/// Component that marks an entity as a space elevator platform and stores its valid destinations
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(SharedSpaceElevatorSystem))]
+public sealed partial class SpaceElevatorComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The station this elevator platform is assigned to.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? Station;
+ ///
+ /// List of valid destinations this elevator can travel to.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public List Destinations = new();
+/// Represents a valid destination point for a space elevator.
+[DataDefinition, Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public partial record struct ElevatorDestination
+ ///
+ /// LocId name of the destination shown in the UI.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public LocId Name;
+ ///
+ /// The target map ID for this destination.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public MapId Map;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorConsoleComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorConsoleComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39fa881a161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorConsoleComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Tag;
+using Content.Shared.Whitelist;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem))]
+public sealed partial class SpaceElevatorConsoleComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The tag used to identify preferred docking airlocks at the destination.
+ /// The elevator will attempt to dock at airlocks with this tag first.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public ProtoId DockTag;
+ ///
+ /// Defines which elevator platforms this console can control.
+ /// Used to ensure consoles can only control their assigned platforms.
+ /// The whitelist should match exactly one elevator platform.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public EntityWhitelist PlatformWhitelist = new();
+ ///
+ /// The current elevator platform this console is controlling.
+ /// Found by checking nearby platforms against .
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? Platform;
+ ///
+ /// Tracks whether a valid platform connection exists on the server.
+ /// This is networked separately from Platform since clients cannot
+ /// reference platforms outside their PVS range.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Used by the UI to show connection status and enable/disable controls.
+ ///
+ [DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
+ public bool HasPlatform;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorPlatformComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorPlatformComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33d5649b779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Components/SpaceElevatorPlatformComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class SpaceElevatorPlatformComponent : Component;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/SpaceElevatorConsoleState.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/SpaceElevatorConsoleState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1367e40a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/SpaceElevatorConsoleState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+using Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Timing;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum SpaceElevatorUiKey : byte
+ Key,
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class SpaceElevatorConsoleState(FTLState ftlState, StartEndTime ftlTime, List destinations) : BoundUserInterfaceState
+ public FTLState FTLState = ftlState;
+ public StartEndTime FTLTime = ftlTime;
+ public List Destinations = destinations;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class DockingConsoleFTLMessage(int index) : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ public int Index = index;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1776a3ecdea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public abstract class SharedSpaceElevatorConsoleSystem : EntitySystem;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f70b2443703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/Systems/SharedSpaceElevatorSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside.Systems;
+public abstract class SharedSpaceElevatorSystem : EntitySystem;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/TerrainTemplatePrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/TerrainTemplatePrototype.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e3baddc6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_Emberfall/Planetside/TerrainTemplatePrototype.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+using Content.Shared.Atmos;
+using Content.Shared.Parallax.Biomes;
+using Content.Shared.Parallax.Biomes.Markers;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared._Emberfall.Planetside;
+/// Used for roundstart planetside surface.
+public sealed partial class TerrainTemplatePrototype : IPrototype
+ ///
+ [IdDataField]
+ public string ID { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ ///
+ /// The localized map name.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public LocId Name;
+ ///
+ /// The biome to create the map with.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public ProtoId Biome;
+ ///
+ /// Components added when the map is spawned.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public ComponentRegistry? AddComponents;
+ ///
+ /// Ambient map lighting color.
+ ///
+ // Daylight: #D8B059
+ // Midday: #E6CB8B
+ // Evening: #4F3C20
+ // Moonlight: #2B3143
+ // Lava: #A34931
+ [DataField]
+ public Color AmbientLight = Color.FromHex("#4F3C20");
+ ///
+ /// Atmosphere gas mixture.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public GasMixture Atmosphere = new();
+ ///
+ /// Biome layers added when the map is spawned.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public HashSet> BiomeMarkerLayers = new();
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/space-elevator.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/space-elevator.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..288d14f3607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/space-elevator.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Window Title
+space-elevator-console-title = Space Elevator Control
+# Section Headers
+space-elevator-status-label = Status
+space-elevator-destinations-label = Destinations
+space-elevator-controls-label = Controls
+# Button Text
+space-elevator-ftl = Transfer
+# Error States
+docking-console-no-shuttle = No Elevator Connected
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/terrain.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/terrain.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..057e0fb1f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_emberfall/planetside/terrain.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+terrain-name-great-plains = The Great Plains
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Nonstations/mining_outpost.yml b/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Nonstations/mining_outpost.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e6748a9ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Nonstations/mining_outpost.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8150 @@
+ format: 6
+ postmapinit: false
+ 0: Space
+ 7: FloorAsteroidSand
+ 10: FloorAsteroidSandUnvariantized
+ 15: FloorBar
+ 32: FloorDark
+ 35: FloorDarkHerringbone
+ 37: FloorDarkMono
+ 64: FloorKitchen
+ 68: FloorMetalDiamond
+ 72: FloorMiningDark
+ 73: FloorMiningLight
+ 84: FloorReinforced
+ 4: FloorSteelOffset
+ 116: FloorWhite
+ 3: FloorWood
+ 1: Lattice
+ 130: Plating
+ 2: PlatingAsteroid
+- proto: ""
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ name: grid
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5302024,19.713772
+ parent: invalid
+ - type: MapGrid
+ chunks:
+ 0,0:
+ ind: 0,0
+ version: 6
+ 0,1:
+ ind: 0,1
+ version: 6
+ 1,1:
+ ind: 1,1
+ version: 6
+ 1,0:
+ ind: 1,0
+ version: 6
+ 0,-1:
+ ind: 0,-1
+ version: 6
+ 1,-1:
+ ind: 1,-1
+ version: 6
+ -1,0:
+ ind: -1,0
+ version: 6
+ -1,-1:
+ ind: -1,-1
+ version: 6
+ -1,1:
+ ind: -1,1
+ version: 6
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
+ linearDamping: 0.05
+ fixedRotation: False
+ bodyType: Dynamic
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: Shuttle
+ - type: GridPathfinding
+ - type: Gravity
+ gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
+ path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
+ inherent: True
+ - type: DecalGrid
+ chunkCollection:
+ version: 2
+ nodes:
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Basalt1
+ decals:
+ 2: 11.203121,13.753173
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Basalt3
+ decals:
+ 11: 11.232178,10.304213
+ 12: 11.24704,11.790833
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Basalt5
+ decals:
+ 6: 12.480585,12.355749
+ 7: 11.826658,13.634243
+ 9: 13.372305,11.196185
+ 10: 12.272516,10.229882
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Basalt7
+ decals:
+ 3: 13.892475,13.203123
+ 4: 12.21307,11.032658
+ 5: 11.8861065,12.385482
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Basalt8
+ decals:
+ 13: 13.922199,10.348812
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Box
+ decals:
+ 236: 23,8
+ 237: 24,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 80: -5,10
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 192: 24,8
+ 204: 17,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 138: 9,14
+ 139: 17,5
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 79: -10,10
+ 107: -3,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 193: 19,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 136: 6,21
+ 137: -3,5
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 82: -5,1
+ 105: 2,7
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 197: 24,1
+ 205: 17,7
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 142: 9,10
+ 143: 17,3
+ 290: 9,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 81: -10,1
+ 106: -3,7
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 195: 12,7
+ 196: 19,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 140: -3,3
+ 289: 5,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteEndE
+ decals:
+ 104: 3,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteEndW
+ decals:
+ 194: 11,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe
+ decals:
+ 164: 8,14
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe
+ decals:
+ 64: 2,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe
+ decals:
+ 163: 8,10
+ 296: 9,3
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
+ decals:
+ 215: 12,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
+ decals:
+ 295: 5,3
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ decals:
+ 83: -5,2
+ 84: -5,3
+ 85: -5,5
+ 86: -5,6
+ 87: -5,7
+ 88: -5,9
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ decals:
+ 198: 24,7
+ 199: 24,6
+ 200: 24,5
+ 201: 24,4
+ 202: 24,3
+ 203: 24,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ decals:
+ 120: 9,11
+ 121: 9,13
+ 122: 9,12
+ 123: 8,15
+ 124: 8,16
+ 125: 8,17
+ 126: 8,19
+ 127: 8,20
+ 128: 8,9
+ 291: 9,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ decals:
+ 65: 2,8
+ 66: 1,8
+ 67: 0,8
+ 68: -1,8
+ 70: -2,8
+ 89: -9,10
+ 90: -7,10
+ 91: -6,10
+ 92: -8,10
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ decals:
+ 206: 12,8
+ 207: 13,8
+ 208: 14,8
+ 209: 15,8
+ 210: 16,8
+ 216: 20,8
+ 217: 22,8
+ 218: 21,8
+ 219: 23,8
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ decals:
+ 108: -2,5
+ 109: -1,5
+ 110: 0,5
+ 111: 1,5
+ 112: 2,5
+ 113: 7,21
+ 114: 13,5
+ 115: 14,5
+ 116: 16,5
+ 117: 15,5
+ 118: 12,5
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ decals:
+ 71: -2,7
+ 72: -1,7
+ 73: 0,7
+ 74: 1,7
+ 75: -6,1
+ 76: -7,1
+ 77: -9,1
+ 78: -8,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ decals:
+ 211: 13,7
+ 212: 14,7
+ 213: 15,7
+ 214: 16,7
+ 225: 20,1
+ 226: 21,1
+ 227: 22,1
+ 228: 23,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ decals:
+ 145: -2,3
+ 146: -1,3
+ 147: 0,3
+ 148: 1,3
+ 149: 2,3
+ 150: 3,3
+ 152: 7,1
+ 154: 6,1
+ 155: 8,1
+ 157: 12,3
+ 158: 11,3
+ 159: 14,3
+ 160: 13,3
+ 161: 15,3
+ 162: 16,3
+ 292: 4,3
+ 293: 10,3
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ decals:
+ 93: -10,9
+ 94: -10,8
+ 95: -10,8
+ 96: -10,7
+ 97: -10,6
+ 98: -10,5
+ 99: -10,4
+ 102: -10,2
+ 103: -10,3
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ decals:
+ 220: 19,7
+ 221: 19,6
+ 222: 19,5
+ 223: 19,3
+ 224: 19,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ decals:
+ 131: 6,10
+ 132: 6,11
+ 133: 6,13
+ 134: 6,14
+ 135: 6,15
+ 173: 6,9
+ 294: 5,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: CheckerNESW
+ decals:
+ 259: 16,14
+ 260: 17,13
+ 261: 16,13
+ 262: 17,14
+ 263: 18,14
+ 264: 18,13
+ 265: 19,14
+ 266: 19,13
+ 267: 20,14
+ 268: 20,13
+ 269: 21,14
+ 270: 21,13
+ 271: 19,12
+ 272: 20,12
+ 273: 21,12
+ 274: 21,11
+ 275: 20,11
+ 276: 19,11
+ 286: 19,10
+ 287: 20,10
+ 288: 21,10
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Delivery
+ decals:
+ 230: 19,3
+ 231: 19,2
+ 232: 19,1
+ 233: 24,3
+ 234: 24,2
+ 235: 24,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: LoadingArea
+ decals:
+ 0: 8,21
+ - node:
+ angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: LoadingArea
+ decals:
+ 1: 6,26
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Rock06
+ decals:
+ 14: 11.098419,10.690735
+ 15: 13.803303,12.281418
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: WarnLineE
+ decals:
+ 189: 8,18
+ 190: 17,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E9FF'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 45: -5,8
+ 46: -5,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#A46106FF'
+ id: WarnLineS
+ decals:
+ 229: 19,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB341FF'
+ id: WarnLineS
+ decals:
+ 182: 6,20
+ 183: 6,19
+ 184: 6,18
+ 185: 6,17
+ 186: 6,16
+ 187: 6,12
+ 188: -3,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 238: 21,20
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 253: 15,20
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 242: 21,16
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 248: 15,16
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineE
+ decals:
+ 239: 21,19
+ 240: 21,18
+ 241: 21,17
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineN
+ decals:
+ 254: 16,20
+ 255: 17,20
+ 256: 18,20
+ 257: 19,20
+ 258: 20,20
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineS
+ decals:
+ 243: 20,16
+ 244: 19,16
+ 245: 18,16
+ 246: 17,16
+ 247: 16,17
+ 249: 16,16
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineW
+ decals:
+ 250: 15,17
+ 251: 15,18
+ 252: 15,19
+ - type: GridAtmosphere
+ version: 2
+ data:
+ tiles:
+ 0,0:
+ 0: 61440
+ 0,1:
+ 0: 30975
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 57446
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 57583
+ 0,2:
+ 0: 65295
+ -1,2:
+ 0: 60943
+ 0,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,3:
+ 0: 60654
+ 0,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,0:
+ 0: 65250
+ 1,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,2:
+ 0: 56782
+ 1,3:
+ 0: 56543
+ 1,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,0:
+ 0: 62258
+ 2,1:
+ 0: 32767
+ 2,2:
+ 0: 47899
+ 2,3:
+ 0: 7099
+ 2,4:
+ 0: 57309
+ 3,0:
+ 0: 61440
+ 3,1:
+ 0: 61695
+ 3,2:
+ 0: 30479
+ 3,3:
+ 0: 1911
+ 3,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,0:
+ 0: 47283
+ 4,1:
+ 0: 47295
+ 4,2:
+ 0: 65295
+ 4,3:
+ 0: 20479
+ -1,4:
+ 0: 61166
+ 0,5:
+ 0: 65295
+ -1,5:
+ 0: 65294
+ 1,5:
+ 0: 53743
+ 0,6:
+ 0: 136
+ 1,6:
+ 0: 1117
+ 2,5:
+ 0: 56605
+ 2,6:
+ 0: 205
+ 3,5:
+ 0: 65295
+ 4,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,5:
+ 0: 65295
+ 5,4:
+ 0: 48059
+ 5,5:
+ 0: 65419
+ 5,3:
+ 0: 35771
+ 6,4:
+ 0: 4369
+ 6,5:
+ 0: 4369
+ 6,3:
+ 0: 4369
+ 4,-1:
+ 0: 65331
+ 5,0:
+ 0: 65520
+ 5,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,2:
+ 0: 47887
+ 5,-1:
+ 0: 65280
+ 6,0:
+ 0: 56796
+ 6,1:
+ 0: 56797
+ 6,2:
+ 0: 65485
+ 6,-1:
+ 0: 65280
+ 0,-3:
+ 0: 3840
+ -1,-3:
+ 0: 28160
+ 1,-3:
+ 0: 3840
+ 2,-3:
+ 0: 3840
+ 3,-3:
+ 0: 3840
+ 4,-3:
+ 0: 13056
+ 4,-2:
+ 0: 13107
+ -4,0:
+ 0: 34952
+ -4,-1:
+ 0: 34816
+ -3,0:
+ 0: 56785
+ -4,1:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,1:
+ 0: 56797
+ -4,2:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,2:
+ 0: 7645
+ -4,3:
+ 0: 136
+ -3,3:
+ 0: 255
+ -3,-1:
+ 0: 65280
+ -2,0:
+ 0: 65520
+ -2,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,2:
+ 0: 4095
+ -2,3:
+ 0: 52479
+ -2,-1:
+ 0: 65280
+ -2,4:
+ 0: 52428
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 30566
+ -1,-2:
+ 0: 26214
+ -2,5:
+ 0: 52428
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+- proto: AirAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 632
+ - 642
+ - 633
+ - 643
+ - uid: 3
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 646
+ - 637
+ - 647
+ - 638
+ - 648
+ - 636
+ - 630
+ - 639
+ - 640
+ - 629
+ - uid: 4
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 635
+ - 644
+ - 645
+ - 634
+ - uid: 5
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 641
+ - 631
+- proto: AirCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSink
+ invokeCounter: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 8:
+ - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+ - uid: 8
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSink
+ invokeCounter: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 7:
+ - DoorStatus: DoorBolt
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttleSyndicate
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 10
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockMining
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 12
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 13
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockMiningLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 17
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 18
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 5.5,14.5
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 17.5,15.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 21
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 1217
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,0.5
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+- proto: Bed
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+ - uid: 22
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 25
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,20.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 27
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: BedsheetMedical
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: -9.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 29
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,10.5
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+- proto: BedsheetSpawner
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,20.5
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+ pos: 20.5,20.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: BlastDoorOpen
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 37
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,25.5
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+- proto: Brutepack
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ButtonFrameCaution
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+ - uid: 40
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 9.5,23.5
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+- proto: CableApcExtension
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 7.5,18.5
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+ pos: 7.5,19.5
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+ pos: 7.5,20.5
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+ pos: 7.5,21.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 52
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,23.5
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+ pos: 7.5,24.5
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+ pos: 7.5,25.5
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+ pos: 3.5,18.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,18.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,18.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 62
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,18.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 64
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
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+ pos: 7.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 66
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+ pos: 6.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 67
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,12.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,12.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,12.5
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+ pos: 2.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 71
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+ pos: 1.5,12.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,12.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,12.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,14.5
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+ pos: 0.5,14.5
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+ pos: 1.5,14.5
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+ pos: 1.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 79
+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,17.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 82
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,15.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,17.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 86
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,19.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,19.5
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+ pos: 19.5,19.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,19.5
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+ pos: 16.5,19.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 15.5,19.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 93
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 94
+ components:
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+ pos: 12.5,19.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 11.5,19.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 97
+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 98
+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,12.5
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+ pos: 18.5,12.5
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+ pos: 19.5,12.5
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+ pos: 20.5,12.5
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+ pos: 17.5,6.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,4.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,5.5
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+ pos: 18.5,4.5
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+ pos: 19.5,4.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 20.5,4.5
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+ pos: 21.5,4.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 110
+ components:
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+ pos: 22.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 111
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+ pos: 22.5,6.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 22.5,7.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,3.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 115
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 117
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 12.5,4.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 121
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,4.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 123
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,12.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,11.5
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+ pos: 7.5,10.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 7.5,9.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,8.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 130
+ components:
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+ pos: -2.5,5.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -2.5,4.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 133
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+ pos: -0.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 137
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 138
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 139
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 142
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 144
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 145
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 146
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 147
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 148
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 149
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 150
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,5.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 152
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 153
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,6.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 155
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 156
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 157
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,3.5
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+ - uid: 159
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1219
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1220
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1221
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1222
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1223
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1224
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1225
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 1226
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,1.5
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+ - uid: 1227
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 1228
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 1229
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1230
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 160
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,7.5
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,7.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,8.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 165
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 166
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 167
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableMV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 168
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 169
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 170
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 172
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 173
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 175
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 176
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 177
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 178
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 179
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 180
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 181
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 182
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 183
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 185
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 186
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 187
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 188
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 189
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 190
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 191
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 192
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 193
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 194
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 195
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 196
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 197
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,14.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 199
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 200
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 201
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 202
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 203
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 204
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,9.5
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+ pos: 7.5,8.5
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+ pos: 7.5,7.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,6.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,5.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,17.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,16.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 11.5,16.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 13.5,16.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,16.5
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+ - type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,18.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,18.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,24.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,22.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,21.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,20.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 230
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,17.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,15.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 236
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 240
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,25.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,23.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,22.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,21.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,20.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,19.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,18.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,17.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,16.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,15.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,14.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,12.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,11.5
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+ pos: 24.5,13.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 25.5,11.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 26.5,11.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 272
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,10.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,9.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,8.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,7.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 277
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 278
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 279
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 280
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 281
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 282
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 283
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 284
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,-0.5
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+ - uid: 285
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 26.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 286
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 287
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 288
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 289
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 290
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 291
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 292
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 293
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 294
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 295
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 296
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 297
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 298
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 299
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 300
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 301
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 302
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 303
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 304
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
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+ - uid: 305
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 306
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 307
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 308
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 309
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 310
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 311
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 312
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 313
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 314
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 315
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 316
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 317
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 318
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 319
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 320
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 321
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 322
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 323
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 324
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 325
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 326
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 327
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 328
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 329
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 331
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 333
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,15.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 340
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 341
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 342
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 343
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 344
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 345
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 346
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 347
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 348
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 349
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 350
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 351
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 352
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 353
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 354
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 355
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 356
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 357
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 358
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 359
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 360
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 361
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 362
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 363
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 364
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-4.5
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+ - uid: 365
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 366
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 367
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-7.5
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+ - uid: 368
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 369
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 370
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 371
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 372
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 373
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 374
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 375
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 376
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 377
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 378
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 379
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 380
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 381
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 382
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 383
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 384
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 385
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-5.5
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+ - uid: 386
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 387
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 388
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 389
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 390
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 391
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 392
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 393
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 394
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 395
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 396
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 397
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Chair
+ entities:
+ - uid: 398
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 399
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 400
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ChairFolding
+ entities:
+ - uid: 401
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 402
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 403
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 404
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ChairOfficeDark
+ entities:
+ - uid: 405
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ChairWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 406
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 407
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 408
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 409
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 410
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 411
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 412
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 413
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 414
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 415
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ClothingBeltMedicalFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 416
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerSpaceElevatorPlanetside
+ entities:
+ - uid: 417
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerTelevision
+ entities:
+ - uid: 418
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 419
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DeskBell
+ entities:
+ - uid: 420
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DresserFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 421
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 422
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 423
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 424
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 425
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 426
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkBeerBottleFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 427
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.808311,6.1337895
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkBottleBeer
+ entities:
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.651087,6.787903
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 429
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkMugOne
+ entities:
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.65387,20.47255
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+ entities:
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+ pos: -9.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 432
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FloorDrain
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 2.5,10.5
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+ - type: Fixtures
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,11.5
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+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+- proto: FoodBloodTomato
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+ - type: Transform
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+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.2682452,10.652265
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodChiliPepper
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+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 438
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.64909124,10.542045
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GasPipeBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 439
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 21.5,2.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: 22.5,8.5
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ pos: 21.5,7.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: -0.5,18.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: 0.5,17.5
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ pos: 7.5,19.5
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 449
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+ pos: 17.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 450
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 12.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: 16.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 454
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+ pos: 17.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ components:
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+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 456
+ components:
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+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,5.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 457
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+ pos: 19.5,5.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 458
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+ pos: 22.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 459
+ components:
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+ pos: 20.5,7.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 460
+ components:
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+ pos: 19.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ pos: 21.5,8.5
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ - type: Transform
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 545
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ - type: Transform
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeTJunction
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: 1.5,4.5
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ pos: 11.5,8.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: -0.5,12.5
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+ - type: DeviceNetwork
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+ - 3
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+ pos: 23.5,2.5
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+ - 2
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+ pos: 17.5,12.5
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+ - type: DeviceNetwork
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+ - 2
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+ - 4
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+ - 3
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+ - 3
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+ pos: 0.5,16.5
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+ - 3
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+ - uid: 640
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+ - 3
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+ - 5
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+ pos: 15.5,20.5
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+ - 2
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ - 2
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+ - 4
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ - 3
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+ - 3
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+ pos: 9.5,11.5
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+ - 3
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: Grille
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+ pos: 10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 659
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 660
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 661
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 662
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 663
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 664
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 665
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 666
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 667
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 668
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 669
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 670
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 671
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 672
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 673
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 674
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 675
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 676
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 677
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 678
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 679
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 680
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 681
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 682
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 683
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 684
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 685
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 686
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 687
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 688
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 689
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 690
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 691
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 692
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 693
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 694
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 695
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 696
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 697
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 698
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 699
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 700
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 701
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 702
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 703
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 704
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 705
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 706
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 707
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 708
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 709
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 710
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 711
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 712
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 713
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 714
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 17.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 715
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 716
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 717
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 718
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 719
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 720
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 721
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 722
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 723
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 724
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 725
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 726
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 727
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 728
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 729
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 730
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 731
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 732
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 733
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 734
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 735
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 736
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 737
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 738
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 739
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 740
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 741
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 742
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 743
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 744
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 745
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 746
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 747
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 748
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 749
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 750
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 751
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 752
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 753
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 754
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 755
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 756
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 757
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 758
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 759
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 760
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 761
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 762
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 763
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 764
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 765
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 766
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 767
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 768
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 769
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 26.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 770
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 771
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 772
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 773
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 774
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 775
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 776
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 777
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 778
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 779
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 780
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 781
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 782
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 783
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 784
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 785
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 786
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 787
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 788
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 789
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 790
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 791
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 792
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 793
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 794
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 795
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 796
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 797
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 798
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 799
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 800
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 801
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 802
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 803
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 804
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 805
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 806
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: HandheldHealthAnalyzer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 807
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 808
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 809
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 810
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 811
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 812
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 813
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 814
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 815
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Jukebox
+ entities:
+ - uid: 816
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: KitchenElectricGrill
+ entities:
+ - uid: 817
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: KitchenMicrowave
+ entities:
+ - uid: 818
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 819
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder
+ entities:
+ - uid: 820
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LampGold
+ entities:
+ - uid: 821
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 822
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerMedicalFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 823
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 824
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 825
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialist
+ entities:
+ - uid: 826
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 827
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 828
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MachineCentrifuge
+ entities:
+ - uid: 829
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedicalBed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 830
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 831
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitBruteFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 832
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.507113,10.380864
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitBurnFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 833
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.254459,10.559258
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 834
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.178032,5.7186475
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 835
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.70394,10.365998
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 836
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.4810104,10.603857
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitRadiationFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 837
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.659979,10.39573
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MedkitToxinFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 838
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.4221873,10.603857
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MiningWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 839
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 840
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 841
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 842
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 843
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 844
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 845
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 846
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 847
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 848
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 849
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Morgue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 850
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 851
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: NitrogenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 852
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Ointment
+ entities:
+ - uid: 853
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: OxygenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 854
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PaperBin20
+ entities:
+ - uid: 855
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
+ entities:
+ - uid: 856
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 857
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PottedPlant10
+ entities:
+ - uid: 858
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 859
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PottedPlantRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 860
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 861
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 862
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 863
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Poweredlight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 864
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 865
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 866
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 867
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 868
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 869
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 870
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 871
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 872
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 873
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 874
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 875
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 876
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 877
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 878
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 879
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 880
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 881
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightLED
+ entities:
+ - uid: 882
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 883
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightSodium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 884
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 885
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 886
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 887
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 888
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 889
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 890
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Rack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 891
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 892
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 893
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 894
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 895
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 896
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 897
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 898
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 20.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 899
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RadioHandheld
+ entities:
+ - uid: 900
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.840452,1.6944005
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 901
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.122831,1.4565415
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 902
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomFoodMeal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 903
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomFoodSingle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 904
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomIngredient
+ entities:
+ - uid: 905
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.48042035,10.50011
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomVendingDrinks
+ entities:
+ - uid: 906
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 907
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomVendingSnacks
+ entities:
+ - uid: 908
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 909
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ScrapGeneratorUranium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 910
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SheetPlasma
+ entities:
+ - uid: 911
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignalButtonDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 912
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 36:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 37:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 38:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+- proto: SignElectricalMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 913
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 914
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignEngine
+ entities:
+ - uid: 915
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 916
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignSmoking
+ entities:
+ - uid: 917
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SinkWide
+ entities:
+ - uid: 918
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 919
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 920
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 921
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 922
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SodaDispenser
+ entities:
+ - uid: 923
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpaceCash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 924
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.610003,6.7079363
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 925
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.387074,6.157887
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 926
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.104696,6.4700775
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 927
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.59514,5.4740415
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpaceCash100
+ entities:
+ - uid: 928
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.495354,5.5632386
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SteelBench
+ entities:
+ - uid: 929
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 930
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 931
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 932
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 933
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 934
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 935
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: StoolBar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 936
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 937
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 938
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 939
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 940
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 941
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: StorageCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 942
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SubstationBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 943
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 19.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SuitStorageBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 944
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 945
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 946
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 24.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableCarpet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 947
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 948
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 949
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 950
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 23.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableCounterMetal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 951
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 952
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 953
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 954
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 955
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 956
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 957
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 958
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 959
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 960
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 961
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 962
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 963
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 964
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 965
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 966
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 967
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 968
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 969
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 970
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 971
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 972
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 973
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 974
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 975
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 976
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 977
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 978
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 979
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 980
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 981
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 982
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 983
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ToiletEmpty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 984
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 985
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 986
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineBooze
+ entities:
+ - uid: 987
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineChefDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 988
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineChefvend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 989
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineCigs
+ entities:
+ - uid: 990
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineCondiments
+ entities:
+ - uid: 991
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
+ entities:
+ - uid: 992
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 993
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+ entities:
+ - uid: 994
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallMining
+ entities:
+ - uid: 995
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 996
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 997
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 998
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 999
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1000
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1001
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1002
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1003
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1004
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1005
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1006
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1007
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1008
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1009
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1010
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1011
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1012
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1013
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1014
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1015
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1016
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1017
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1018
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1019
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1020
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1021
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1022
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1023
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1024
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1025
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1026
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1027
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1028
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1029
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1030
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1031
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1032
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1033
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1034
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1035
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1036
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1037
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1038
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1039
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1040
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1041
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1042
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1043
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1044
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1045
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1046
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1047
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1048
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1049
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1050
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1051
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1052
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1053
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1054
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1055
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1056
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1057
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1058
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1059
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1060
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1061
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1062
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1063
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1064
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1065
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1066
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1067
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1068
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1069
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1070
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1071
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1072
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1073
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1074
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1075
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1076
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1077
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1078
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1079
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1080
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1081
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1082
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1083
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1084
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1085
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1086
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1087
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1088
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1089
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1090
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1091
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1092
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1093
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1094
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1095
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1096
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1097
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1098
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1099
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1100
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1101
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1102
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1103
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1104
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1105
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1106
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1107
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1108
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1109
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1110
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1111
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1112
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1113
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1114
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1115
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1116
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1117
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1118
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1119
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1120
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1121
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1122
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1123
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1124
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1125
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1126
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1127
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1130
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1131
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1132
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1133
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1134
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1135
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1137
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1138
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1139
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1141
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1142
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1144
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1145
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1146
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1147
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1148
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1149
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1150
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1151
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1152
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1153
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1154
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1155
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1156
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1157
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1159
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1160
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1161
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1162
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1163
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1164
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1165
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1166
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1167
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1168
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1169
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1170
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1171
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1172
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1173
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1175
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1176
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1177
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1178
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1179
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1180
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1181
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1182
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1183
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1184
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1185
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1186
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1187
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1188
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1189
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1190
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1191
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1192
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallMiningDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1193
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1194
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1195
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1196
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1197
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1198
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1199
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarningN2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1200
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ desc: WARNING! Nitrogen storage.
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarningO2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1201
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ desc: WARNING! Oxygen storage.
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WaterCooler
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1202
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1203
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1204
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1205
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 21.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1206
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 22.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1207
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindowDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1208
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1209
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1210
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1211
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 17.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1212
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1213
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1214
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1215
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1216
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Shuttles/space_elevator.yml b/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Shuttles/space_elevator.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7859861c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_Emberfall/Shuttles/space_elevator.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+ format: 6
+ postmapinit: false
+ 0: Space
+ 32: FloorDark
+ 39: FloorDarkPavement
+ 48: FloorGlass
+ 84: FloorReinforced
+ 130: Plating
+- proto: ""
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ name: grid
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.4955077,-1.0409024
+ - type: MapGrid
+ chunks:
+ 0,0:
+ ind: 0,0
+ version: 6
+ 0,-1:
+ ind: 0,-1
+ version: 6
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
+ linearDamping: 0.05
+ fixedRotation: False
+ bodyType: Dynamic
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+ - type: SpaceElevatorPlatform
+ - type: SpaceElevator
+ destinations: []
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: Shuttle
+ - type: GridPathfinding
+ - type: Gravity
+ gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
+ path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
+ inherent: True
+ enabled: True
+ - type: DecalGrid
+ chunkCollection:
+ version: 2
+ nodes:
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Arrows
+ decals:
+ 76: 5,-3
+ 77: 5,-6
+ - node:
+ angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Arrows
+ decals:
+ 79: 9,-3
+ 85: 9,-6
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 45: 2,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 52: 12,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 46: 2,-8
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 51: 12,-8
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelEndE
+ decals:
+ 13: 4,-6
+ 14: 4,-3
+ 49: 13,-1
+ 50: 13,-8
+ 66: 8,-3
+ 67: 8,-6
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelEndW
+ decals:
+ 15: 10,-3
+ 16: 10,-6
+ 47: 1,-8
+ 48: 1,-1
+ 69: 6,-6
+ 86: 6,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelInnerNe
+ decals:
+ 62: 12,-8
+ 63: 2,-3
+ 64: 2,-6
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelInnerNw
+ decals:
+ 54: 2,-8
+ 55: 12,-3
+ 56: 12,-6
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelInnerSe
+ decals:
+ 57: 2,-6
+ 58: 2,-3
+ 59: 12,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelInnerSw
+ decals:
+ 53: 2,-1
+ 60: 12,-6
+ 61: 12,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelLineE
+ decals:
+ 25: 12,-7
+ 26: 12,-6
+ 27: 12,-5
+ 28: 12,-4
+ 29: 12,-3
+ 30: 12,-2
+ 31: 2,-4
+ 32: 2,-5
+ 33: 2,-2
+ 34: 2,-7
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelLineN
+ decals:
+ 21: 3,-6
+ 22: 3,-3
+ 23: 11,-3
+ 24: 11,-6
+ 72: 7,-3
+ 73: 7,-6
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelLineS
+ decals:
+ 17: 3,-6
+ 18: 11,-6
+ 19: 11,-3
+ 20: 3,-3
+ 70: 7,-6
+ 71: 7,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelLineW
+ decals:
+ 35: 12,-2
+ 36: 12,-4
+ 37: 12,-5
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+ 39: 2,-2
+ 40: 2,-3
+ 41: 2,-4
+ 42: 2,-5
+ 43: 2,-6
+ 44: 2,-7
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Caution
+ decals:
+ 83: 9.022144,-3.464258
+ 84: 9.022144,-6.4969645
+ - node:
+ angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Caution
+ decals:
+ 81: 4.96482,-2.5574198
+ 82: 4.994544,-5.5603924
+ - type: GridAtmosphere
+ version: 2
+ data:
+ tiles:
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 26350
+ 3,-1:
+ 0: 13107
+ 0,-2:
+ 0: 61030
+ 1,-2:
+ 0: 65312
+ 1,-1:
+ 0: 767
+ 2,-2:
+ 0: 65312
+ 2,-1:
+ 0: 767
+ 3,-2:
+ 0: 13107
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 3
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 4
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 5
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 142
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 144
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 145
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableApcExtension
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 8
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 9
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 10
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 11
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 12
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 13
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 17
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 18
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 19
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 20
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 21
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 23
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 24
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 25
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 26
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 27
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 29
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 30
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableMV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 31
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 32
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ChairPilotSeat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 34
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 36
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 43
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 44
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 45
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 46
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 47
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 49
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 51
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerSpaceElevatorPlanetside
+ entities:
+ - uid: 52
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU
+ entities:
+ - uid: 53
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Grille
+ entities:
+ - uid: 54
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 55
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 56
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 58
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 59
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 61
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 62
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 63
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 64
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 65
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 66
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 67
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 68
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 69
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 70
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 71
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 72
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 74
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Poweredlight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 78
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 79
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 80
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RandomVending
+ entities:
+ - uid: 81
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 82
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ShuttleWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 83
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 84
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 85
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 86
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 87
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 88
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 89
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 90
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 91
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 92
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 93
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 94
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 95
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 96
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 97
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 98
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 99
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 100
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 101
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SubstationWallBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 102
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 103
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 104
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 105
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 106
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 108
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 109
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 110
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 111
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 112
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 113
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 114
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 115
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 116
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 117
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 118
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 119
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 120
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 121
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 122
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 123
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 124
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 125
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 126
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 127
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 130
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 131
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 132
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 133
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 134
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 135
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 137
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 138
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 139
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 141
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
index 613bb1b1f4f..541f396195d 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/nanotrasen.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- BaseStationSiliconLawCrewsimov
- BaseStationAllEventsEligible
- BaseStationNanotrasen
+ - BaseStationTerrain # Emberfall
categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Stations/base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Stations/base.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb00533b04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Stations/base.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- type: entity
+ abstract: true
+ id: BaseStationTerrain
+ components:
+ - type: PlanetsideTerrainSpawner
+ gridPath: /Maps/_Emberfall/Nonstations/mining_outpost.yml
+ terrain: GreatPlains
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6b14882dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Doors/Airlocks/access.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: AirlockGlassShuttle
+ id: AirlockExternalGlassSpaceElevator
+ suffix: Space Elevator, Docking
+ components:
+ - type: PriorityDock
+ tag: DockSpaceElevator
+ - type: ContainerFill
+ containers:
+ board: [ DoorElectronicsExternal ]
+- type: entity
+ parent: AirlockExternalGlassSpaceElevator
+ id: AirlockExternalGlassSpaceElevatorFilled
+ suffix: Space Elevator, Filled
+ components:
+ - type: GridFill
+ path: /Maps/_Emberfall/Shuttles/space_elevator.yml
+ addComponents:
+ - type: IFF
+ flags:
+ - HideLabel
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Machines/computers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Machines/computers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ee5e949223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/Entities/Structures/Machines/computers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- type: entity
+ abstract: true
+ parent: BaseComputer
+ id: BaseComputerSpaceElevator
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - map: [ "computerLayerBody" ]
+ state: computer
+ - map: [ "computerLayerKeyboard" ]
+ state: generic_keyboard
+ - map: [ "computerLayerScreen" ]
+ state: shuttle
+ - map: ["computerLayerKeys" ]
+ state: generic_keys
+ - map: [ "enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel" ]
+ state: generic_panel_open
+ - type: WorldLoader
+ radius: 256
+ - type: SpaceElevatorConsole
+ - type: PointLight
+ radius: 1.5
+ energy: 1.6
+ color: "#43ccb5"
+ - type: ActivatableUI
+ key: enum.SpaceElevatorUiKey.Key
+ - type: UserInterface
+ interfaces:
+ enum.SpaceElevatorUiKey.Key:
+ type: SpaceElevatorBoundUserInterface
+ enum.WiresUiKey.Key:
+ type: WiresBoundUserInterface
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseComputerSpaceElevator
+ id: ComputerSpaceElevatorPlanetside
+ name: space elevator console
+ description: Lets you control the space elevator.
+ components:
+ - type: SpaceElevatorConsole
+ dockTag: DockSpaceElevator
+ platformWhitelist:
+ components:
+ - SpaceElevatorPlatform
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/tags.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/tags.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7217ce5e94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/tags.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- type: Tag
+ id: DockSpaceElevator
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/terrain_templates.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/terrain_templates.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e281b98e63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Emberfall/terrain_templates.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- type: terrainTemplate
+ id: GreatPlains
+ name: terrain-name-great-plains
+ biome: LowDesert
+ atmosphere:
+ volume: 2500
+ temperature: 303.15 # 30C - its a desert
+ moles: # 101.325kPa
+ - 21.32 # 21% oxygen
+ - 80.19
+ addComponents:
+ - type: FTLDestination
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - SpaceElevatorPlatform