chore: remove unused lsp util
chore: remove unused lsp util
chore: setup mason without mason-tool-installer
chore: setup mason without mason-tool-installer
chore: move nvim-ts-autotag
chore: move nvim-ts-autotag
fix: it is prettier that is formatting and not biome, hence the doubl…
fix: it is prettier that is formatting and not biome, hence the doubl…
chore: remove cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
chore: remove cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
chore: add git keymaps
chore: add git keymaps
Force push
chore: cleanup snacks integration in other plugins
chore: cleanup snacks integration in other plugins
chore: add some more editor plugins
chore: add some more editor plugins
chore: remove some kickstart nvim stuff
chore: remove some kickstart nvim stuff
chore: initial kickstart nvim setup
chore: initial kickstart nvim setup
chore: use my own utils in preparation for kickstart nvim
chore: use my own utils in preparation for kickstart nvim
chore: use my own utils in preparation for kickstart nvim
chore: use my own utils in preparation for kickstart nvim