All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.7.2 (2019-04-12)
- πΈ allow to mock payment failure (7d3f992)
2.7.1 (2019-04-10)
- π linter errors (872cdc8)
2.7.0 (2019-04-10)
- π digital printer firing endPrinting twice (78668a4)
- package: update mini-css-extract-plugin to version 0.6.0 (0e934c7)
2.6.4 (2019-04-03)
Note: Version bump only for package mamba-sdk
2.6.3 (2019-04-02)
- π editable text input selected condition (76b0361)
- π forcefocus breaking another consecutive input focus (72999e3)
- π prevent printable content to overflow a page (9ec53ba)
- π return null if passed a non-existing storage key (53fa24c)
2.6.2 (2019-03-25)
- π check if the input is rendered before blurring (2bb0c77)
2.6.1 (2019-03-25)
- π focus on unexistent input (1eeafbe)
2.6.0 (2019-03-21)
- package: update immer to version 2.1.0 (2e064aa)
- π add core-js@3 configs (7bb9bca)
- π append a hash to imported images filenames (4d68807)
- π babel and core-js@3 breaking the tests (3be4896)
- π input using wrong isValid value (4163205)
- π money input validation events and extra beep (ff54f7b)
- π remove input border transition (715a6b9)
- typo in readme (8e8fcd2)
- πΈ Add format date to yyyy/mm/dd to utils (6d8b1f1)
- πΈ add showPrintingDialog prop (eb6dba2)
- πΈ add simple mask date formatter (58c9aa5)
- πΈ add validate() method (6aaff5f)
- πΈvirtualkeyboard (#350) (e9440c8), closes #375
2.5.3 (2019-02-22)
- π fixed background affecting app performance (9c7a713)
2.5.2 (2019-02-21)
- π add simulated System.getVersion() method (832c24d)
- π app initialization without a store (eb81c94)
- π cancel auth listener on successful logout (756e90c)
- π css being emitted AND injected (65d966a)
- π Filter tabs that not fulfils prerequisites (ee1f361)
- π Fix active bottom line position (d3e15f2)
- π prevent simulator from resetting the url on startup (87568fe)
- π Prop name for locking app exit (754c5c7)
- package: update xmlbuilder to version 11.0.0 (e20d768)
- π remove dotter border from row extra slot (548973f)
- π simulated keypad not dispatching keys on firefox (664d894)
- π Style and send button activating auth method (cb81e1d)
- πΈ add configurable persistent simulated admin password (3ca8d84)
- πΈ add new value validation through prop method (cc68ccf)
- πΈ add size=fill for 100% buttons with no border-radius (b62136a)
- πΈ add text css helpers (a204d31)
- πΈ AdminLock, App lock and checkPassword simulation (dee5ea9)
- πΈ change row label size to 14px (e74269c)
- β‘οΈ Controls tab index by state update lifecycle (013eafa)
2.5.1 (2019-02-21)
- π add simulated System.getVersion() method (832c24d)
- π app initialization without a store (eb81c94)
- π cancel auth listener on successful logout (756e90c)
- π css being emitted AND injected (65d966a)
- π Filter tabs that not fulfils prerequisites (ee1f361)
- π Fix active bottom line position (d3e15f2)
- π prevent simulator from resetting the url on startup (87568fe)
- π Prop name for locking app exit (754c5c7)
- package: update xmlbuilder to version 11.0.0 (e20d768)
- π remove dotter border from row extra slot (548973f)
- π simulated keypad not dispatching keys on firefox (664d894)
- π Style and send button activating auth method (cb81e1d)
- πΈ add configurable persistent simulated admin password (3ca8d84)
- πΈ add new value validation through prop method (cc68ccf)
- πΈ add text css helpers (a204d31)
- πΈ AdminLock, App lock and checkPassword simulation (dee5ea9)
- πΈ change row label size to 14px (e74269c)
- β‘οΈ Controls tab index by state update lifecycle (013eafa)
2.5.0 (2019-02-21)
- π add simulated System.getVersion() method (832c24d)
- π app initialization without a store (eb81c94)
- π cancel auth listener on successful logout (756e90c)
- π Filter tabs that not fulfils prerequisites (ee1f361)
- π Fix active bottom line position (d3e15f2)
- π prevent simulator from resetting the url on startup (87568fe)
- π Prop name for locking app exit (754c5c7)
- package: update xmlbuilder to version 11.0.0 (e20d768)
- π remove dotter border from row extra slot (548973f)
- π simulated keypad not dispatching keys on firefox (664d894)
- π Style and send button activating auth method (cb81e1d)
- πΈ add configurable persistent simulated admin password (3ca8d84)
- πΈ add new value validation through prop method (cc68ccf)
- πΈ add text css helpers (a204d31)
- πΈ AdminLock, App lock and checkPassword simulation (dee5ea9)
- πΈ change row label size to 14px (e74269c)
- β‘οΈ Controls tab index by state update lifecycle (013eafa)
2.4.1 (2019-02-13)
- π fix boolean options not working after last yargs update (cda71e4)
- package: update css-loader to version 2.0.0 (a809d28)
- package: update eslint-plugin-html to version 5.0.0 (f23244d)
- package: update eslint-plugin-node to version 8.0.0 (f48e916)
- package: update eslint-plugin-prettier to version 3.0.0 (b6a0e08)
- package: update mini-css-extract-plugin to version 0.5.0 (035aed9)
- package: update postcss-calc to version 7.0.0 (bfe03be)
- π no-scroll not preventing scroll (85a39fe)
- π Remove invalid "width: block" (63fe39b)
- package: update postcss-html to version 0.36.0 (#299) (8cfc366)
- package: update yargs to version 13.1.0 (#354) (a53ca14)
- π reset currentGroupName to 'default' after 'endGroup()' is called (c17f2ed)