ML.NET version | API type | Status | App Type | Data type | Scenario | ML Task | Algorithms |
v1.3.1 | Dynamic API | Up-to-date | Console app | .tsv + image files | Image classification | featurization + classification | deep neural network + SDCA |
Image classification is a common problem which has been solved quite a while using Machine Learning techniques. In this sample, we will review an approach that mixes new techniques (deep learning) and old school (SDCA) techniques.
In this model, we use the Inception model as a featurizer (the model is already stored in the assets folder ). This means that the model will process input images through the neural network, and then it will use the output of the tensor which precedes the classification. This tensor contains the image features, which allows to identify an image.
Finally, these image features will be feed to an SDCA algorithm which will learn how to classify different sets of image features.
There are two data sources: the tsv
file and the image files. The tsv file contains two columns: the first one is defined as ImagePath
and the second one is the Label
corresponding to the image. As you can observe, the file does not have a header row, and looks like this:
broccoli.jpg broccoli
pizza.jpg pizza
pizza2.jpg pizza
teddy2.jpg teddy
teddy3.jpg teddy
teddy4.jpg teddy
toaster.jpg toaster
toaster2.png toaster
The training and testing images are located in the assets folders. These images belong to Wikimedia Commons.
Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Retrieved 10:48, October 17, 2018 from:
ML Task - Image Classification
To solve this problem, first we will build an ML model. Then we will train the model on existing data, evaluate how good it is, and lastly we'll consume the model to classify a new image.
Building the model includes the following steps:
- Loading the tsv file
- Image loading and transformation (resize and normalize pixel values, as required by the deep neural network)
- Image featurization using the deep neural network
- Image classification using SDCA
Define the schema of data in a class type and refer that type while loading data using TextLoader. Here the class type is ImageNetData.
type ImageNetData =
ImagePath : string
Label : string
Load the training data using Text loader
let data = mlContext.Data.ReadFromTextFile<ImageNetData>(dataLocation, hasHeader = false)
The following step is to define the estimator pipe. Usually, when dealing with deep neural networks, you must adapt the images to the format expected by the network. This is the reason images are resized and then transformed (mainly, pixel values are normalized across all R,G,B channels).
let pipeline =
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("LabelTokey", "Label"))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.LoadImages(imagesFolder, struct ("ImageReal", "ImagePath")))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Resize("ImageReal", imageWidth, imageHeight, inputColumnName = "ImageReal"))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.ExtractPixels(ImagePixelExtractorTransformer.ColumnInfo("input", "ImageReal", interleave = channelsLast, offset = float32 mean)))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.ScoreTensorFlowModel(inputModelLocation, [| "softmax2_pre_activation" |], [| "input" |]))
.Append(mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.LogisticRegression("LabelTokey", "softmax2_pre_activation"))
In order to begin the training execute Fit
on the built pipeline:
let model = pipeline.Fit(data)
As a reference, In the following screenshot, you can check the DataView used to train the SDCA; this DataView includes the property named softmax2_pre_activation
(also known as image features), which content is produced by the ApplyTensorFlowGraph
After the training, we evaluate the model using the training data. The Evaluate
function needs a IDataView
as parameter, so we apply Transform
to the model, and then take the AsDynamic
printHeader ["Classification metrics"]
let metrics = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Evaluate(trainData, label = "LabelTokey", predictedLabel = "PredictedLabel")
printfn "LogLoss is: %.15f" metrics.LogLoss
|> string
|> String.concat " , "
|> printfn "PerClassLogLoss is: %s"
Finally, we save the model:
use f = File.OpenWrite(outFile)
mlContext.Model.Save(model, f)
You should proceed as follows in order to train a model your model:
- Set
as starting project in Visual Studio - Press F5 in Visual Studio. After some seconds, the process will finish and the output should be similar to the following screenshot:
First, we need to load the model created during Model training
let loadedModel =
use f = File.OpenRead(modelLocation)
Then, we proceed to create a predictor function, and make predictions:
let predictor = loadedModel.CreatePredictionEngine<ImageNetData,ImageNetPrediction>(mlContext
let pred = predictor.Predict(testImage);
The prediction function receives as parameter an object of type ImageNetData
(containing 2 properties: ImagePath
and Label
). Then returns and object of type ImagePrediction
, which holds the PredictedLabel
and Score
(probability value between 0 and 1) properties.
- Copy the model produced by the training model (located at ImageClassification.Train/assets/outputs/ ) to the prediction project (at ImageClassification.Predict/assets/inputs/ ).
- Set VS default startup project: Set
as starting project in Visual Studio. - Press F5 in Visual Studio. After some seconds, the process will finish and the output should be similar to the following screenshot: