Releases: equinor/neqsim
NeqSim 2.2.0
Version 2.2 (17/4/2020)
- Huron Vidal parameter oxygen-water updated
- CPA-binary interaction paramter kij updated for N2-water and o2-water
- Peneloux volume correction paramters water, MEG, TEG
- Volume correction parameters for water, MEG and TEG updated (temperature dependent volume correction)
- UMR-PRU model updated with parameters for c-C7 and c-C8, c-C9
- various bug fixes and new features for process calculations (changes for compressors, mixers, etc.)
- Short-cut class for creating new fluids implemented (neqsim.thermo.Fluid class)
NeqSim 2.0.1
Added new PVT lumping method. Added possibility to set composition of plus fluid.
NeqSim 2.0
Updates in NeqSim 2.0 are:
- Improved speed and stability of algorithms (TPflash, phase envelopes)
- Added GERG-2008 for calculation of gas density
- Various updates in process simulation models (compressors, recycle, mechanical design)
NeqSim 1.2
Added GERG 2008 reference EoS
NeqSim 1.1
Updates in release 1.1 (05/08/2019):
- improved stability of TP, PH and PS flash algorithms
- improved stability of phase envelope calculations
- pressure correction to viscosity model of aqueous phase (method of Lucas (1981)
- updates to pure component parameters/binary interaction parameters of some components
- a number of minor improvements to the code
API of NeqSim v1.1 is fully compatible with v1.0.
v1.1 release of NeqSim on Github. The NeqSim-1.1-shaded.jar includes NeqSim-1.1.jar as well as all third party libraries used by NeqSim.
By default NeqSim uses a fully functional embedded Derby parameter database. The neqsimthermodatabase.sql can be used to create a parameter database for neqsim. The database need to support JDBC (e.g MySQL, H2, Derby, MSAccess, etc.). See the Wiki for how to set up a new database.
NeqSim 1.0
Initial release of NeqSim on Github. The NeqSim-1.0-shaded.jar includes NeqSim-1.0.jar as well as all third party libraries used by NeqSim.
By default NeqSim uses an embedded Derby parameter database. The neqsimthermodatabase.sql can be used to create a parameter database for neqsim. The database need to support JDBC (e.g MySQL, H2, Derby, MSAccess, etc.). See the Wiki for how to set up a new database.