Imperative vs Declarative Programming
A package management system automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software packages. There are package managers for operating systems (apt-get for Ubuntu, brew for Mac) as well as for programming languages (Composer forPHP, npm for Node), even applications (Package Control for Sublime Text).
New Relic Application monitoring service.
RegExr A Regular Expression tester.
Grunticon Takes icons and background images and generates CSS classes with cross-browser support.
Code should be deployed to environments in an automated manner. Dandelion is a simple deployment tool.
Redefine Javascript functions as they are executing.
Employ Progressive Enhancement
Use Web Workers for expensive Javascript tasks
The SQL Entity-Attribute-Value pattern is an antipattern
Retronauts Episode 91: A Tengen Family Reunion a conversation with NES programmers.
Page.js, a micro client-side router inspired by Express.