An application written in C that can add, update, delete, search, and sort a contact list.
Install the Minimalist GNU for Windows
Compile the source and header files.
g++ contactHelpers.c contacts.c a2ms2.c -o contacts
Run the executable file.
Testing: Final A#2-Milestone #4
Contact Management System
1. Display contacts
2. Add a contact
3. Update a contact
4. Delete a contact
5. Search contacts by cell phone number
6. Sort contacts by cell phone number
0. Exit
Select an option:> 1
| Contacts Listing |
Rick Grimes
C: 4161112222 H: 4162223333 B: 4163334444
11 Trailer Park, King City, A7A 2J2
Maggie R. Greene
C: 9051112222 H: 9052223333 B: 9053334444
55 Hightop House, Bolton, A9A 3K3
Morgan A. Jones
C: 7051112222 H: 7052223333 B: 7053334444
77 Cottage Lane, Peterborough, C7C 9Q9
Sasha Williams
C: 9052223333 H: 9052223333 B: 9054445555
55 Hightop House, Bolton, A9A 3K3
Total contacts: 4
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