A simple Shop app using Flutter and Dart for iOS, Android and web. The app uses Firebase Authentication and Database for the backend.
Hosted web example here: http://shop-app-flutter.s3-website.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com
- Basic authentication -> signup, login, logout
- Add products that can be ordered through the store
- Mark products as favorite
- Add products to cart
- Order products in cart
- View all previous orders
You will need Flutter installed, along with a number of dependencies for building and running iOS and Android apps on simulators. You can find the install instructions here: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install
To run with web, follow the instructions here: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/web
This implementation uses Firebase Authentication and Database. You will need to do set these up, in order for the app to work for you.
Set up a new project in Firebase:
- Get the the Web API Key from Settings (YOUR_FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY)
Set up the Database:
- Go to Develop -> Database
- Add a database
- Example: https://my-app-e7a11.firebaseio.com/
- Set up the Rules: { "rules": { ".read": "auth != null", ".write": "auth != null", "products": { ".indexOn": ["creatorId"] } } }
- Go to Develop -> Authentication
- In Sign-in method tab, and enable Email/Password Provider
Run on a device (once it is connected):
Run on a web browser (if you have installed support for running on web):
$ flutter run -d chrome --dart-define=FIREBASE_API_KEY=[YOUR_FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY] --dart-define=FIREBASE_DB_URL=[YOUR_FIREBASE_DB_URL]
- Test cases