{% hint style="info" %} Summary**:** Muting is applicable for individuals and families and they can be unmuted at any time. {% endhint %}
As a CHW, I want to mute a particular family if they move from the area or refuse services so that I don’t continue to receive tasks that can never be fulfilled and poorly affect my performance
As a CHW, I want the ability to silence notifications for an entire family so that I do not have to silence all schedules individually.
As a CHW, I want the ability to unmute the entire family and resume services if the family returns so that I don’t have to re-register everyone individually.
Muting individuals
As a CHW, I want to mute all schedules for an individual person if they move from the area so that I don’t receive tasks for them but can resume service if they move back to the area.
As a nurse, I want to take an action on a person belonging to a family that has been muted by a CHW so that if they show up at my clinic, I can help them.