This hands-on is originally from the Github repository: stm32_hp141_lcd. It is designed to run on an STM32F746G Discovery board used to upgrade the CRT of an HP141T spectrum analyzer. Youtube is available.
This hands-on is cloned from this interesting project and STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.5.0 folder with only necessary files is put into this hands-on folder. The project could be compiled without error and generates out.elf as shown below:
Please use STM32CubeProgrammer to flash out.elf into STM32F746-DISCO:
After programming out.elf, your board should have the following result:
Now, let's see how to use STM32CubeIDE to build and debug such Makefile-base project.
Start a new STM32 project
Prepare for compiling
Compile the code
Start debug