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eToken design overview

This document describes the design and implementation of the smart contracts comprising eToken which is intended to be used for powering several stable coins representing various assets. At its core, eToken is an ERC20 token with additional supporting infrastructure relating to token management, permission management and token upgradability. The remainder of this document gives a high-level overview of the design and implementation of the token itself and its supporting infrastructure.

Initially, we intended to base our implementation entirely on the OpenZeppelin (OZ) solidity library and extend from its unmodified ERC20 implementation. However, we found that implementing a number of our desired features was impossible without modifying the underlying OZ code. Therefore, our current implementation contains several modified and extended OZ components. When modifying OZ components, we have attempted to retain major design decisions and making non-intrusive and predictable code alteration.


Figure 1: Design overview. To simplify the overview, aspects related to the token upgrading functionality are not shown here but are described separately in Figure 4.

System design

An overview of the design is shown in Figure 1 and a detailed diagram of the interfaces of the various components is shown in Figure 4. At a high level, the system design can be divided into different aspects.

  • The Accesslist aspect provides black- and whitelisting of accounts across all deployed tokens. The whitelist contains KYC’d addresses while the blacklist contains the list of addresses which are prevented from accessing the tokens. Blacklisted entries shadows the whitelist. This makes it possible for an address to be temporarily blacklisted without altering the whitelist. The primary accesslist functionality is provided by the AccessList contract. The white- and blacklists are managed by two separate roles.
  • The Frontend support aspect provides supporting facilities which enables user interfaces to discover the locations of our deployed tokens. The TokenManager is a registry of currently deployed tokens. Its primary purpose is to serve as am on-chain record of the tokens currently deployed which can be retrieved by clients. The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is used for discovering the current address of the TokenManager and centralized access list. ENS is provided as a service on Ethereum and is therefore not deployed by us.
  • The Token contract aspect contains everything which is specific to a particular token. Specifically, this includes the core token functionality, per-token access control roles, the external storage and the upgrade functionality. All of these are described in more detail later in this document.

Internal token design

The eToken design features a well-defined separation of concerns and a streamlined control flow. This was achieved by dividing the design into four layers, each with a clearly defined responsibility. The layers are depicted in Figure 2 and described after this paragraph. An additional goal of this refactoring was to avoid overriding several public functions with functions of the same name. With this, we aim to minimize the risk that a function is unintentionally exposed.

  • The Interface layer implements the public interface of an EToken as defined by IEToken. If an upgraded token is called, the call is forwarded to the proxy interface of the token next in the chain of upgrades. If the token is not upgraded, the call is forwarded internally to the access-control wrappers in the ETokenGuarded contract. At this point, the initial msg.sender property is captured and passed as an explicit sender parameter to subsequent function calls.
  • The Proxy layer implements the chaining of calls through multiple generations of upgraded tokens. All functions implemented here are defined by the IEtokenProxy interface. All upgrade targets must implement this interface. When the chain of calls eventually reaches the currently active token, the call is forwarded to the appropriate function in the ETokenGuarded contract. The functions exposed by this layer are public, but they are only callable by their immediate parent.
  • The Access control layer implements wrappers around internal functions which enforce access control using the access control and KYC (whitelist/blacklist) contracts. All access control checks which are performed on the request sender use the explicit sender parameter passed down from EToken. The wrappers are implemented in the ETokenGuarded contract.
  • In the ERC20 functionality layer the functionality comprising an ERC20 token is implemented. This functionality is now only exposed through internal functions which are wrapped by the outer layers.

As a rule of thumb, the public functions exposed from the token are defined in the IEToken interface and implemented by the EToken contract. However, exceptions were made for administrative functions which are not threaded through the upgrade machinery. Examples of such are functions for managing permissions and roles.

The layers comprising the design of EToken

Figure 2: The layers comprising the new token design. The layers are arranged bottom-up from outmost to innermost.

Upgradability and external storage ERC20 implementation

Due to the immutability of Ethereum smart contracts, upgrading the functionality of a previously deployed contract is a well-known challenge. The strategy we use for upgrading previously deployed tokens are similar to, e.g., TrueUSD and Tether USD and works by allowing the functions comprising the external interface of a token to which modes such that they proxy all calls to a new contract. In particular, the following is achieved.

  • Token upgrades are transparent to the user and will not interrupt the operation of the previously deployed tokens.
  • By separating token balances from token functionality, upgrades are cheap, since no data needs to be moved.

External ERC20 storage

A prerequisite for making our token upgradable was to build an ERC20 implementation which held token balances and allowances in a separate and dedicated contract. To do this, we extended the OZ ERC20 implementation to make it call an external storage contract for every operation modifying or querying token balances and allowances. The storage contract is quite simple and supports a minimal set of operations. In order to prevent multiple tokens from, accidentally or intentionally, using the same storage, the storage contract will only accept requests from a single contract at a time. This contract is known as the implementor. When a token is upgraded, the implementor of the attached storage is transferred to the new token.

The upgrade token process

Figure 3: Rendering of the token upgrade process. On the left side, we see the contract communications before the network upgrade. All clients and the token manager targets the token contract. The token contract use a separate contract for storing balances. On the right side, the contract organization after an upgrade is shown. The token manager is updated to point to the new, upgraded, contract. The old contract is marked as deprecated which causes it to proxy all incoming calls to the new contract. The balance storage contract now provides storage for the new token contract such that balances are transferred seamlessly.

Token upgrade

In order to make the token upgradable all calls initially targets a proxy contract which inherits from the contract implementing the token functionality. When a non-upgraded token is called directly, the execution flow continues internally along a superclass function. When an upgraded contract is called, it makes an external call to the corresponding function in the new contract. The challenge now is, that when the new contract retrieves the call, msg.sender points to the upgraded contract rather than the original sender. In order to get around this, the new token is required to provide a set of functions, accepting an explicit sender parameter, which can be used as the entry point for the proxy calls. In order to prevent abuse of these functions they can only be called by the upgraded (old) contract. The security of this system relies on the fundamental assumption that the old contract cannot be compromised in a way which allows the sender addresses it sends to the new contract to be compromised. The upgrade process is depicted in Figure 4.

Permission management

Hierarchical roles

The owner of the contracts has complete control and can perform all operations. Being all-powerful, it is essential that the owner account gets as little exposure as possible. Therefore, we separate day-to-day management tasks into fine-grained roles which accounts can be assigned to as needed. Note that these permissions are assigned on a token-by-token basis. We define the following roles:

  • MinterRole can mint new tokens
  • BurnerRole can burn tokens
  • PauserRole can temporarily pause a token, preventing new transactions
  • WhitelistAdminRole can add and remove accounts to and from the whitelist contained in the AccessList.
  • BlacklistAdminRole can add and remove accounts from the blacklist part of the AccessList

The implementations of these roles are mostly identical to the corresponding roles provided in the OpenZeppelin library. However, since the OZ implementations did not fulfill our needs we had to provide our own, slightly altered, implementations. In the OZ implementation of the role contracts, a permission can only be granted to an account by another account holding the same permission (e.g., only a minter can add other minters), and accounts can only be removed by permission holders renouncing their own privilege. This was not acceptable for us, as we need a hierarchical permission structure with more centralized control. Therefore, we have altered the OZ roles as follows:

  • All role contracts were made Ownable
  • Functions enabling the owner to revoke permissions from an account were added
  • Functions for granting permissions to an account were made owner-only

Furthermore, since the roles are tightly integrated in the OpenZeppelin system, modifying otherwise unrelated parts of OZ to use our roles, such as lifecycle/Pausable, was unfortunately unavoidable.


Access to token transfer functions is guarded by the AccessList. Accounts can be given access (whitelisted) when they have passed a KYC check and abusive accounts can be blacklisted temporarily or permanently. AccessList is implemented separately from the previously described roles for the following reasons:

  1. It is always shared between all the tokens. That is, once a customer is KYC’d, we allow them to trade all of our tokens. The aforementioned roles, on the other hand, may be limited to a specific token. For example, different accounts may be responsible for minting USD and gold tokens.
  2. The AccessList contains numerous addresses and it is impractical to require that this data is transferred if we need to upgrade the token contracts.

Restricted Minting

In order to limit the damage which can be caused by a compromised minter account, we have implemented the concept of a restricted minting. In restricted minting, a minter is only allowed to mint to a predetermined account which is specified by the owner. This prevents an attacker from minting new supply directly to their account, since new supply can only be minted to the dedicated minting account and is subsequently transferred to its final destination as an independent action.

Class Diagram

Class diagram

Figure 4: Detailed interactions of the contracts