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| -Symfony Standard Edition |
| 1 | +This is jus a sandbox |
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| -Welcome to the Symfony Standard Edition - a fully-functional Symfony2 |
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| -application that you can use as the skeleton for your new app. If you want |
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| -to learn more about the features included, see the "What's Inside?" section. |
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| - |
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| -This document contains information on how to download and start using Symfony. |
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| -For a more detailed explanation, see the |
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| -[Installation chapter](http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/installation.html) |
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| -of the Symfony Documentation. |
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| - |
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| -1) Download the Standard Edition |
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| --------------------------------- |
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| - |
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| -If you've already downloaded the standard edition, and unpacked it somewhere |
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| -within your web root directory, then move on to the "Installation" section. |
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| - |
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| -To download the standard edition, you have two options: |
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| - |
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| -### Download an archive file (*recommended*) |
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| - |
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| -The easiest way to get started is to download an archive of the standard edition |
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| -(http://symfony.com/download). Unpack it somewhere under your web server root |
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| -directory and you're done. The web root is wherever your web server (e.g. Apache) |
26 |
| -looks when you access `http://localhost` in a browser. |
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| - |
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| -### Clone the git Repository |
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| - |
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| -We highly recommend that you download the packaged version of this distribution. |
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| -But if you still want to use Git, you are on your own. |
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| - |
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| -Run the following commands: |
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| - |
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| - git clone http://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard.git |
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| - cd symfony-standard |
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| - rm -rf .git |
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| - |
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| -2) Installation |
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| ---------------- |
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| - |
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| -Once you've downloaded the standard edition, installation is easy, and basically |
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| -involves making sure your system is ready for Symfony. |
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| - |
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| -### a) Check your System Configuration |
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| - |
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| -Before you begin, make sure that your local system is properly configured |
48 |
| -for Symfony. To do this, execute the following: |
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| - |
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| - php app/check.php |
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| - |
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| -If you get any warnings or recommendations, fix these now before moving on. |
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| - |
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| -### b) Install the Vendor Libraries |
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| - |
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| -If you downloaded the archive "without vendors" or installed via git, then |
57 |
| -you need to download all of the necessary vendor libraries. If you're not |
58 |
| -sure if you need to do this, check to see if you have a ``vendor/`` directory. |
59 |
| -If you don't, or if that directory is empty, run the following: |
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| - |
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| - php bin/vendors install |
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| - |
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| -Note that you **must** have git installed and be able to execute the `git` |
64 |
| -command to execute this script. If you don't have git available, either install |
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| -it or download Symfony with the vendor libraries already included. |
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| - |
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| -### c) Access the Application via the Browser |
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| - |
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| -Congratulations! You're now ready to use Symfony. If you've unzipped Symfony |
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| -in the web root of your computer, then you should be able to access the |
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| -web version of the Symfony requirements check via: |
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| - |
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| - http://localhost/Symfony/web/config.php |
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| - |
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| -If everything looks good, click the "Bypass configuration and go to the Welcome page" |
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| -link to load up your first Symfony page. |
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| - |
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| -You can also use a web-based configurator by clicking on the "Configure your |
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| -Symfony Application online" link of the ``config.php`` page. |
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| - |
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| -To see a real-live Symfony page in action, access the following page: |
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| - |
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| - web/app_dev.php/demo/hello/Fabien |
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| - |
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| -3) Learn about Symfony! |
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| ------------------------ |
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| - |
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| -This distribution is meant to be the starting point for your application, |
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| -but it also contains some sample code that you can learn from and play with. |
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| - |
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| -A great way to start learning Symfony is via the [Quick Tour](http://symfony.com/doc/current/quick_tour/the_big_picture.html), |
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| -which will take you through all the basic features of Symfony2 and the test |
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| -pages that are available in the standard edition. |
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| - |
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| -Once you're feeling good, you can move onto reading the official |
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| -[Symfony2 book](http://symfony.com/doc/current/). |
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| - |
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| -Using this Edition as the Base of your Application |
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| --------------------------------------------------- |
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| - |
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| -Since the standard edition is fully-configured and comes with some examples, |
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| -you'll need to make a few changes before using it to build your application. |
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| - |
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| -The distribution is configured with the following defaults: |
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| - |
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| -* Twig is the only configured template engine; |
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| -* Doctrine ORM/DBAL is configured; |
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| -* Swiftmailer is configured; |
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| -* Annotations for everything are enabled. |
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| - |
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| -A default bundle, ``AcmeDemoBundle``, shows you Symfony2 in action. After |
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| -playing with it, you can remove it by following these steps: |
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| - |
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| -* delete the ``src/Acme`` directory; |
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| -* remove the routing entries referencing AcmeBundle in ``app/config/routing_dev.yml``; |
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| -* remove the AcmeBundle from the registered bundles in ``app/AppKernel.php``; |
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| - |
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| - |
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| -What's inside? |
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| ---------------- |
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| -The Symfony Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles: |
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| - |
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| -* **FrameworkBundle** - The core Symfony framework bundle |
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| -* **SensioFrameworkExtraBundle** - Adds several enhancements, including template |
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| - and routing annotation capability ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/index.html)) |
126 |
| -* **DoctrineBundle** - Adds support for the Doctrine ORM |
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| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/doctrine.html)) |
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| -* **TwigBundle** - Adds support for the Twig templating engine |
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| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html)) |
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| -* **SecurityBundle** - Adds security by integrating Symfony's security component |
131 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/security.html)) |
132 |
| -* **SwiftmailerBundle** - Adds support for Swiftmailer, a library for sending emails |
133 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/email.html)) |
134 |
| -* **MonologBundle** - Adds support for Monolog, a logging library |
135 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/logging/monolog.html)) |
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| -* **AsseticBundle** - Adds support for Assetic, an asset processing library |
137 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/assetic/asset_management.html)) |
138 |
| -* **JMSSecurityExtraBundle** - Allows security to be added via annotations |
139 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/JMSSecurityExtraBundle/index.html)) |
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| -* **WebProfilerBundle** (in dev/test env) - Adds profiling functionality and |
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| - the web debug toolbar |
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| -* **SensioDistributionBundle** (in dev/test env) - Adds functionality for configuring |
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| - and working with Symfony distributions |
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| -* **SensioGeneratorBundle** (in dev/test env) - Adds code generation capabilities |
145 |
| - ([documentation](http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioGeneratorBundle/index.html)) |
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| -* **AcmeDemoBundle** (in dev/test env) - A demo bundle with some example code |
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148 | 5 | Enjoy!
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