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Releases: eventflow/EventFlow


11 Jun 14:43
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v1.0.4617-alpha Pre-release

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well
as recommendations on how to do the migration.

  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET Core LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Remove IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it.
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge


14 Dec 10:35
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  • Breaking: Elasticsearch NEST Nuget Library updated from v6.1.0 to v7.8.2
  • New: Now possible to implement error handlers for specific sagas using
  • Fixed: You can now create Id : Identity<Id>


01 Oct 19:42
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  • Breaking: To support .NET going forward, all EventFlow test have been converted
    from .NET Framework 4.x to .NET Core 3.1. This however, introduced a set of
    breaking changes
    • EntityFramework has been updated from 2.2.6 to 3.1.5
    • IHangfireJobRunner.Execute is now IHangfireJobRunner.ExecuteAsync
  • Breaking: Merged AggregateReadStoreManager and SingleAggregateReadStoreManager
    into one class in order to always guarantee in-order event processing
  • Breaking: Marked the UseReadStoreFor<,,,> configuration methods as obsolete,
    in favor of the simpler overloads with less type parameters (as those automatically
    figure out the AggregateRoot and Id types and configure the more reliable
    SingleAggregateReadStoreManager implementation)
  • Obsolete: The class AsyncHelper and all non-async methods using it have been
    marked obsolete and will be removed in EventFlow 1.0 (not planned yet). If you rely
    on these non-async methods, then merely copy-paste the AsyncHelper from the EventFlow
    code base and continue using it in your transition to async only
  • Fixed: An issue where EntityFrameworkEventPersistence could possibly save aggregate
    events out of order, which would lead to out-of-order application when streaming events
    ordered by GlobalSequenceNumber
  • New: FilesEventPersistence now uses relative paths
  • New: A new set of hook-in interfaces are provided from this release, which should
    make it easier to implement crash resilience (#439) in EventFlow. Please note that
    this new API is experimentational and subject to change as different strategies are
    • IAggregateStoreResilienceStrategy
    • IDispatchToReadStoresResilienceStrategy
    • IDispatchToSubscriberResilienceStrategy
    • ISagaUpdateResilienceStrategy


13 May 18:51
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  • New: Added .NET Core 3.1 target for the EventFlow
    and EventFlow.EntityFramework packages
  • Added quoting to the SQL query generator for the column names


11 May 08:38
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  • New: Updated LibLog provider to support structured logging with NLog 4.5.
    Reduced memory allocations for log4net-provider
  • New: Made several methods in AggregateRoot<,> virtual to allow
    easier customization
  • Fixed: Added quoting to the SQL query generator for the column names
  -- query before the fix
    UPDATE [ReadModel-TestAttributes]
    SET UpdatedTime = @UpdatedTime
    WHERE Id = @Id
  -- query after the fix
    UPDATE [ReadModel-TestAttributes]
    SET [UpdatedTime] = @UpdatedTime
    WHERE [Id] = @Id
  • Fixed: Do not log about event upgraders if none is found for an event
  • Fixed: Add default null predicate to AddCommands and AddJobs


13 Dec 12:47
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  • New: The EventFlow.AspNetCore NuGet package now has ASP.NET Core 3 support


19 Oct 20:55
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  • New: Mongo DB read model store Queryable:
    MongoDbReadModelStore readModelStore;
    IQueryable<TReadModel> queryable = readModelStore.AsQueryable();
  • New: Moved publish of messages in RabbitMqPublisher to a new virtual
    method to ease reuse and customization
  • Fixed: MongoDB read models no longer has the new() generic requirement,
    which aligns read model requirements with the rest of EventFlow


12 Sep 06:37
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  • Fix: When deserializing the JSON value "null" into a struct value like
    int, the SingleValueObjectConverter threw an exception instead of
    merely returning null representing an absent SingleValueObject<int> value


01 Jul 06:53
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  • Breaking: Renamed AspNetCoreEventFlowOptions.AddMetadataProviders()
    to AddDefaultMetadataProviders() and made AddUserClaimsMetadata opt-in
    in order to prevent policy issues.
  • Fix: Allow explicit implementations of IEmit<> in aggregate roots
  • Fix: Using .AddAspNetCore() with defaults now doesn't throw a DI


11 Jun 21:23
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  • New: Configure JSON serialization:
      .ConfigureJson(json => json
  • New: ASP.NET Core enhancements:
    • New fluent configuration API for ASP.NET Core components:
      services.AddEventFlow(o => o.AddAspNetCore(c => {...})); (old syntax
      AddAspNetCoreMetadataProviders is now deprecated).
    • .RunBootstrapperOnHostStartup() runs bootstrappers together with ASP.NET
      host startup. Previously, this was done in AddAspNetCoreMetadataProviders
      and led to some confusion.
    • .UseMvcJsonOptions() adds EventFlow JSON configuration (see below) to ASP.NET Core,
      so you can accept and return Single Value Objects as plain strings for example.
    • .Add{Whatever}Metadata() configures specific metadata provider.
    • .AddUserClaimsMetadata(params string claimTypes) configures the new claims metadata
      provider (for auditing or "ChangedBy" in read models).
    • .UseLogging() configures an adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
    • .UseModelBinding() adds model binding support for Single Value Objects:
          public async Task<IActionResult> SingleValue(CustomerId id)
              if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                  return BadRequest(ModelState);
  • Fix: ASP.NET Core AddRequestHeadersMetadataProvider doesn't throw when
    HttpContext is null.
  • Fix: ReadModelRepopulator now correctly populates IAmAsyncReadModelFor