Tim Head is a experimental particle physicist currently working at CERN. He is an active open source developer focussing on building better tools for reproducible science and machine-learning. Tim is an invited member of the inaugural Open Leaders Cohort of the Mozilla Science Lab.
Konrad Hinsen is a computational biophysicist at CNRS with a long-standing interest in reproducible research (e.g. ActivePapers). He was a founding member of the Numerical Python team and is an author or co-author of several Open Source scientific software packages. He is a member of the editorial boards of Computing in Science & Engineering magazine and of ReScience. He recently published a book on "Computation in Science".
C. Titus Brown is a genomics and bioinformatics researcher at UC Davis who is also an active open source developer and open science blogger. Several of his publications are highly reproducible already.
Kyle Cranmer is a physics professor at NYU and co-lead of the open science and reproducibility working group as part of the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment at NYU, a PI for the NSF-funded DIANA-HEP focusing on sustainable software, and founded the Recast project aimed at making analysis of particle physics data analysis reproducible and reusable.
Andrey Ustyuzhanin is the head of the interdisciplinary research group at Yandex School of Data Analysis (YSDA). His group is involved in data science-intensive research in fundamental science. YSDA is full member of LHCb collaboration, SHiP collaboration and CRAYFIS. Interdisciplinary research success is highly sensitive to making research as much transparent for peers from domains involved as possible. Andrey is co-founder of everware and Reproducible Experiment Platform projects.
Nicolas P. Rougier is a researcher in computational neuroscience at the Neurodegerative Disease Institute (Bordeaux, France). He is an active open source developer and has been confronted with the reproducibility problem in computational neuroscience. He co-founded the ReScience journal with Konrad Hinsen.
Lukas Heinrich is a experimental particle physicist involved in bringing reproducibility and reusability to the LHC experiments at CERN as the lead developer of the Recast project.
Daniel Dobos is a experimental particle physicist working on the ATLAS experiment at CERN as an expert for semiconductor silicon and diamond vertex detectors.
Eamonn Maguire is a computer scientist and data visualization expert working at CERN on the HEPData Project. He has worked in bioinformatics for 5 years at the University of Oxford and the European Bioinformatics Institute where he was lead software engineer on the ISA-Tools, a tool suite and data exchange format now at the core of open data in the biological community. Additionally, he led development of biosharing, a key resource for information exchange in the biological sciences.