diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Identity.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Identity.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Identity.md
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+title: "Identity"
+description: "Identity Crock"
+layout: "guide"
+weight: 60
+Identity a
+`Identity` is a `crock` that can be used to wrap a common interface around
+existing Javascript types and functions. It maintains integrity by lifting
+and applying functions and types as is, without adding any additional structure
+or effects. By not applying and additional structure to existing functions,
+`Identity` can be swapped in and out for other `Functor`s that do apply their
+own structure and effects.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+//=> Identity 10
+## Implements
+`Setoid`, `Semigroup`, `Functor`, `Traversable`, `Apply`, `Chain`, `Applicative`, `Monad`
+## Construction
+Identity :: a -> Identity a
+The contstructor for an `Identity` is a unary function. When a value is passed
+in an `Identity` of the given value is returned ready for `map` or `chain`.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+const fromComputerCode = String.fromCharCode
+ .map(fromComputerCode)
+//=> Identity '*'
+## Constructor Methods
+#### of
+Identity.of :: a -> Identity a
+`of` is used to construct an `Identity` with any given value. It is there to
+allow `Identity` to work as a pointed functor.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+//=> Identity 42
+//=> Identity true
+## Instance Methods
+#### equals
+Identity a ~> b -> Boolean
+Used to compare the underlying values of two `Identity` instances for equality by
+value, `equals` takes any given argument and returns `true` if the passed
+arguments is an `Identity` with an underlying value equal to the underlying value
+of the `Identity` the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not
+an `Identity` or the underlying values are not equal, `equals` will return `false`.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
+ .equals(Identity(33))
+//=> true
+ .equals(Identity('33'))
+//=> false
+// by value, not reference for most types
+Identity({ a: 86, b: true })
+ .equals(Identity({ a: 86, b: true }))
+//=> true
+equals(Identity(95), 95)
+//=> false
+equals(Identity([ 2, 3 ]), Identity([ 2, 3 ]))
+//=> true
+#### concat
+Identity s => Identity s ~> Identity s -> Identity s
+When an underlying value of a given `Identity` is fixed to a `Semigroup`,
+`concat` can be used to concat another `Identity` instance with an underlying
+`Semigroup` of the same type. Expecting an `Identity` wrapping a `Semigroup` of
+the same type, `concat` will give back a new `Identity` instance wrapping the
+result of combining the two underlying `Semigroup`s.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
+import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
+import valueOf from 'crocks/pointfree/valueOf'
+// empty :: Identity Sum
+const empty =
+ Identity(Sum.empty())
+// sumList :: [ * ] -> Identity Number
+const sumList = compose(
+ map(valueOf),
+ mapReduce(compose(Identity, Sum), flip(concat), empty)
+Identity([ 34 ])
+ .concat(Identity([ 92 ]))
+//=> Identity [ 34, 92 ]
+sumList([ 3, 4, 5 ])
+//=> Identity 12
+#### map
+Identity a ~> (a -> b) -> Identity b
+Used to apply transformations to values you've lifted into an `Identity`, `map`
+takes a function that it will lift into the context of the `Identity` and apply
+to it the wrapped value. `Identity` contains no behavior and will do nothing
+more than apply the value inside the `Identity` to the function.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+const prod = a => b => a * b
+const mapDouble = map(prod(2))
+//=> Identity 10
+#### ap
+Identity (a -> b) ~> Identity a -> Identity b
+`ap` allows for values wrapped in an `Identity` to be applied to functions also
+wrapped in an `Identity`. In order to use `ap`, the `Identity` must contain a
+function as its value. Under the hood, `ap` unwraps both the function
+and the value to be applied and applies the value to the function. Finally it
+will wrap the result of that application back into an `Identity`. It is required
+that the inner function is curried.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+const prod = a => b => a * b
+const double = prod(2)
+ .ap(5)
+//=> Identity 10
+#### sequence
+Apply f => Identity (f a) ~> (b -> f b) -> f (Identity a)
+Applicative f => Identity (f a) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Identity a)
+When an instance of `Identity` wraps an `Apply` instance, `sequence` can be used to
+swap the type sequence. `sequence` requires either an `Applicative TypeRep` or
+an `Apply` returning function to be provided for its argument.
+`sequence` can be derived from [`traverse`](#traverse) by passing it an
+`identity` function (`x => x`).
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
+import sequence from 'crocks/pointfree/sequence'
+// seqId :: Identity Maybe a -> Maybe Identity a
+const seqMaybe =
+ sequence(Maybe)
+//=> Just Identity 42
+#### traverse
+Apply f => Identity a ~> (a -> f b) -> f (Identity b)
+Applicative f => Identity a ~> (TypeRep f, (a -> f b)) -> f (Identity a b)
+Used to apply the "effect" of an `Apply` to a value inside of a `Identity`,
+`traverse` combines both the "effects" of the `Apply` and the `Identity` by
+returning a new instance of the `Apply`, wrapping the result of the
+`Apply`s "effect" on the value in the `Identity`.
+`traverse` requires either an `Applicative TypeRep` or an `Apply` returning
+function as its first argument and a function that is used to apply the "effect"
+of the target `Apply` to the value inside of the `Identity`. Both arguments must provide
+an instance of the target `Apply`.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import IO from 'crocks/IO'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import traverse from 'crocks/pointfree/traverse'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+// someGlobal :: Number
+let someGlobal = 10
+// addToGlobal :: Number -> IO Number
+const addToGlobal = x => IO(() => someGlobal + x)
+// safeAddToGlobal :: a -> IO (Maybe Number)
+const safeAddToGlobal = compose(
+ traverse(IO, addToGlobal),
+ Identity,
+ ifElse(isNumber, x => x, () => NaN)
+ .run()
+//=> Identity 42
+//someGlobal => 42
+ .run()
+ .valueOf()
+//=> 42
+ .run()
+ .valueOf()
+//=> NaN
+#### chain
+Identity a ~> (a -> Identity b) -> Identity b
+Normally one of the ways `Monad`s like `Identity` are able to be combined and
+have their effects applied is through `chain`. However `Identity` is different
+because there are no effects to apply. `chain` will simply take a function that
+returns `Identity` and applies it to its value.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
+const prod = a => b => a * b
+const doubleAsIdentity = compose(Identity, prod(2))
+//=> Identity 42
+chain(doubleAsIdentity, Identity(5))
+//=> Identity 10
+#### valueOf
+Identity a ~> () -> a
+`valueOf` is used as a means of extraction. This function is used primarily for
+convenience for some of the helper functions that ship with `crocks`. Calling
+`valueOf` on an `Identity` instance will return the value being contained.
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+ .valueOf()
+//=> 33
+ .concat(Identity(22))
+ .valueOf()
+//=> 35
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
index 0c188783b..e5b04b3a1 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
@@ -730,7 +730,6 @@ safeAddToGlobal(32)
//=> Nothing
-//someGlobal => 42
#### chain
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
index 0b0377fc9..e10754936 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ flow(pair)
#### traverse
-Apply f => Pair a b ~> (d -> f d), (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
+Apply f => Pair a b ~> ((d -> f d), (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
Applicative f => Pair a b ~> (TypeRep f, (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
index ffca0caf3..515fb1b82 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ names, but what they do from type to type may vary.
| [`Const`][const] | [`empty`][const-empty], [`of`][const-of] | [`ap`][const-ap], [`concat`][const-concat], [`empty`][const-empty], [`equals`][const-equals], [`map`][const-map], [`of`][const-of], [`valueOf`][const-valueof] |
| [`Either`][either] | [`Left`][either-left], [`Right`][either-right], [`of`][either-of]| [`alt`][either-alt], [`ap`][either-ap], [`bimap`][either-bimap], [`chain`][either-chain], [`coalesce`][either-coalesce], [`concat`][either-concat], [`either`][either-either], [`equals`][either-equals], [`map`][either-map], [`of`][either-of], [`sequence`][either-sequence], [`swap`][either-swap], [`traverse`][either-traverse] |
| [`Equiv`][equiv] | [`empty`][equiv-empty] | [`concat`][equiv-concat], [`contramap`][equiv-contra], [`compareWith`][equiv-compare], [`valueOf`][equiv-value] |
-| `Identity` | `of` | `ap`, `chain`, `concat`, `equals`, `map`, `of`, `sequence`, `traverse`, `valueOf` |
+| [`Identity`][identity] | [`of`][identity-of] | [`ap`][identity-ap], [`chain`][identity-chain], [`concat`][identity-concat], [`equals`][identity-equals], [`map`][identity-map], [`of`][identity-of], [`sequence`][identity-sequence], [`traverse`][identity-traverse], [`valueOf`][identity-valueof] |
| `IO` | `of` | `ap`, `chain`, `map`, `of`, `run` |
| `List` | `empty`, `fromArray`, `of` | `ap`, `chain`, `concat`, `cons`, `empty`, `equals`, `filter`, `fold`, `foldMap`, `head`, `map`, `of`, `reduce`, `reduceRight`, `reject`, `sequence`, `tail`, `toArray`, `traverse`, `valueOf` |
| [`Maybe`][maybe] | [`Nothing`][maybe-nothing], [`Just`][maybe-just], [`of`][maybe-of], [`zero`][maybe-zero] | [`alt`][maybe-alt], [`ap`][maybe-ap], [`chain`][maybe-chain], [`coalesce`][maybe-coalesce], [`concat`][maybe-concat], [`equals`][maybe-equals], [`either`][maybe-either], [`map`][maybe-map], [`of`][maybe-of], [`option`][maybe-option], [`sequence`][maybe-sequence], [`traverse`][maybe-traverse], [`zero`][maybe-zero] |
@@ -96,6 +96,18 @@ names, but what they do from type to type may vary.
[either-swap]: Either.html#swap
[either-traverse]: Either.html#traverse
+[identity]: Identity.html
+[identity-of]: Identity.html#of
+[identity-alt]: Identity.html#alt
+[identity-ap]: Identity.html#ap
+[identity-chain]: Identity.html#chain
+[identity-concat]: Identity.html#concat
+[identity-equals]: Identity.html#equals
+[identity-map]: Identity.html#map
+[identity-sequence]: Identity.html#sequence
+[identity-traverse]: Identity.html#traverse
+[identity-valueof]: Identity.html#valueof
[equiv]: Equiv.html
[equiv-empty]: Equiv.html#empty
[equiv-concat]: Equiv.html#concat