- (fix): [fse-906] read the expected files when trying to read tokens
- (fix) [fse-900] Fix failing convertCoin and convertERC20 endpoints
- (chore) [fse-897] Update github actions
- (chore) [fse-897] Fix linter version
- (chore) [fse-897] Use loadbalanced post request for eth gas price
- (chore) [fse-897] Replace lava RPC with allnodes RPC for eth gas price
- (chore) [fse-792] Handle accounts with zero staking balance on rewards endpoint
- (chore) [fse-710] Bundle all price cron API calls into a single API call for all tokens
- (chore) [fse-710] Fetch evmos 24h price change and return it on the ERC20ModuleBalance endpoint