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Building a training set of tags for cfml #184
Exercise: raindropsCodecomponent {
* @returns
public string function convert( required numeric number ){
var output = "";
if( number % 3 == 0 ){
output = output & "Pling";
if( number % 5 == 0 ){
output = output & "Plang";
if( number % 7 == 0 ){
output = output & "Plong";
if( number % 3 != 0 && number % 5 != 0 && number % 7 != 0){
output = output & number.toString();
return output;
} Tags:
Exercise: difference-of-squaresCode/**
* Your implmentation of the DifferenceOfSquares exercise
component {
function squareOfSum( number ) {
var number = 0;
var sum = 0;
var result = 0;
for(i=1; i<=10; i++) {
number = number + 1;
sum = sum + number;
result = sum;
square = result * result;
return square;
function sumOfSquares( number ) {
var number = [1];
var result = 0;
for(i=1; i<10; i++) {
var sq = number * number;
result = result + sq;
number = arrayAppend(number, number+1);
return result;
function differenceOfSquares( number ) {
var number = square - result;
return number;
} Tags:
Exercise: secret-handshakeCode/**
* Your implmentation of the SecretHandshake exercise
component {
* @returns
function commands( number ) {
ans = [];
if (int(number)%2==1) arrayAppend(ans, 'wink');
if (int(number/2)%2==1) arrayAppend(ans, 'double blink');
if (int(number/4)%2==1) arrayAppend(ans, 'close your eyes');
if (int(number/8)%2==1) arrayAppend(ans, 'jump');
if (int(number/16)%2==1) {
temp = duplicate(ans);
for (i=1;i<=len(ans);i++) {
ans[i] = temp[len(temp)+1-i];
return ans;
} Tags:
Exercise: space-ageCode/**
* Your implmentation of the SpaceAge exercise
component {
* @planet planet we want to know the age on
* @seconds seconds of lifetime
* @returns age in years based on @planet and @seconds
public numeric function age( required string planet, required numeric seconds ) {
var earthAge = arguments.seconds / 31557600;
var coef = 1;
switch (lCase(arguments.planet)) {
case "mercury":
coef = 0.2408467;
case "venus":
coef = 0.61519726;
case "mars":
coef = 1.8808158;
case "jupiter":
coef = 11.862615;
case "saturn":
coef = 29.447498;
case "uranus":
coef = 84.016846;
case "neptune":
coef = 164.79132;
return numberFormat(earthAge / coef, "9.99");
} Tags:
Exercise: space-ageCodecomponent{
* @returns
public numeric function age( required string planet, required numeric seconds ) {
var secondsInYearEarth = 31557600
var planetaryValues = {
"Earth" : secondsInYearEarth,
"Mercury" : 0.2408467 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Venus" : 0.61519726 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Mars" : 1.8808158 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Jupiter" : 11.862615 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Saturn" : 29.447498 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Uranus" : 84.016846 * secondsInYearEarth,
"Neptune" : 164.79132 * secondsInYearEarth
if(structKeyExists(planetaryValues, planet)){
var age = numberFormat(seconds / planetaryValues[planet], "0.00");
return age;
} Tags:
Exercise: space-ageCode/**
* Your implmentation of the SpaceAge exercise
component {
* @returns
function age( planet, seconds ) {
var secsInEarthYear = 31557600;
var answer = ""
switch( planet ) {
case "Earth":
answer = seconds / secsInEarthYear;
case "Mercury":
answer = seconds / (0.2408467 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Venus":
answer = seconds / (0.61519726 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Mars":
answer = seconds/ (1.8808158 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Jupiter":
answer = seconds / (11.862615 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Saturn":
answer = seconds / (29.447498 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Uranus":
answer = seconds / (84.016846 * secsInEarthYear);
case "Neptune":
answer = seconds / (164.79132 * secsInEarthYear);
return -1
return round(answer, 2);
Exercise: rna-transcriptionCodecomponent {
* @returns
public string function toRNA( required string DNA ) {
var converterTable = {
"G" = "C",
"C" = "G",
"T" = "A",
"A" = "U"
var splitStrand = DNA.split("");
var RNA = "";
for(var strand in splitStrand){
if(structKeyExists(converterTable, strand)){
strand = converterTable[strand];
RNA = RNA & strand;
return RNA;
} Tags:
Exercise: rna-transcriptionCode/**
* Your implmentation of the RnaTranscription exercise
component {
* @returns
function toRNA( DNA ) {
conv = {'G':'C','C':'G','T':'A','A':'U'};
ans = ''
for (letter in listToArray(DNA,'')) {
ans &= conv[letter];
return ans;
} Tags:No tags generated |
Exercise: hammingCodecomponent {
* @returns
public numeric function distance( required string strand1, required string strand2 ) {
var hammingDistance = 0;
if( len(strand1) == len(strand2) ){
strand1 = strand1.split("");
strand2 = strand2.split("");
for( var i=1; i<=arrayLen(strand1); i++){
if( strand1[i] != strand2[i] ){
hammingDistance += 1;
return hammingDistance;
}throw("left and right strands must be of equal length")
} Tags:
Exercise: hammingCodecomponent {
public numeric function distance( required string strand1, required string strand2 ) {
var array1 = listToArray(arguments.strand1, "");
var array2 = listToArray(arguments.strand2, "");
var hammingDistance = 0;
if (ArrayLen(array1) != ArrayLen(array2)) {
throw("left and right strands must be of equal length")
for (var i = 1; i <= len(array1); i++) {
if (array1[i] != array2[i]) {
hammingDistance += 1;
return hammingDistance;
} Tags:
Exercise: gigasecondCodecomponent {
* @returns
public date function add( required date birthdate ) {
return dateAdd('s' , 10^9, birthdate);
} Tags:
Exercise: sum-of-multiplesCode/**
* Your implmentation of the SumOfMultiples exercise
component {
* @returns
function sum( array factors, limit ) {
var uniques = [];
var multiple = 0;
// add the multiples of the factors less than the limit
// and add them to the unique list.
// loop through each item in factors array
for(var i = 1; i <= factors.len();i++){
// lets get the multiples of each factor
for(var j = 1; j <= limit; j++){
multiple = j*factors[i];
if(not uniques.contains(multiple) and multiple lt limit){
return uniques.sum();
} Tags:No tags generated |
Exercise: luhnCode/**
* Your implmentation of the Luhn exercise
component {
* @returns
function valid( value ) {
// two test fail
// implmentation http://taggedwiki.zubiaga.org/new_content/c5837348dbddc2483f3fe40ffb62b46d
if (arrayLen(values)==1) {
return false;
for (d in values) {
if (isNumeric(d)){
return false;
if (0>=d && d>=9){
return false;
if (alt){
d *=2;
if (d>9){
return (_sum%10) == 0;
} Tags:
Exercise: luhnCode/**
* Your implmentation of the Luhn exercise
component {
* @returns
function valid( value ) {
// remove spaces
value = replace(value, " ", "", "ALL");
// is it valid?
if(len(value) eq 1) return false;
if(not isNumeric(value)) return false;
var doubled = [];
var digits = listToArray(lsParseNumber(value),""); // [5,9]
for(var i = digits.len(); i >= 1; i--){
var curDigit = toNumeric(digits[i]);
if(i % 2 neq 1){
arrayAppend(doubled, curDigit);
if( digits[i]*2 gt 9){
arrayAppend(doubled, curDigit*2-9);
arrayAppend(doubled, curDigit*2);
if(doubled.sum() % 10 eq 0 ){
return true;
return false;
} Tags:
Exercise: largest-series-productCode/**
* Your implmentation of the LargestSeriesProduct exercise
component {
* @returns
function largestProduct( digits, span ) {
if ((len(digits)<lsParseNumber(span))||(lsParseNumber(span)<0)) {
return -1;
if (lsParseNumber(span)==0) {
return 1;
for (i = 1; i < len(digits); i++) {
if (!i+lsParseNumber(span)>len(digits)+1) {
for (j = 1; j < arrayLen(sub)+1; j++) {
if (!isNumeric(sub[j])) {
return -1;
if (max<tmp) {
return max;
} Tags:
Exercise: nth-primeCode/**
* Your implmentation of the NthPrime exercise
component {
* @returns
function prime( number ) {
if (lsParseNumber(number)==0) {
throw('there is no zeroth prime' );
while (ctr<lsParseNumber(number)) {
if (isPrime(dvr)) {
return dvr-=1;
function isPrime( number ) {
for (i = 2; i < number; i++) {
if (number%i==0){
return false;
return true;
} Tags:
Exercise: diamondCodecomponent {
* @returns
public string function generateSpaces( required numeric number ){
var spaceString = "";
for( var i = 1; i <= number; i++ ){
spaceString = spaceString & " ";
return spaceString;
public array function rows( required string letter ) {
var values = {
"A" = 1,
"B" = 2,
"C" = 3,
"D" = 4,
"E" = 5,
"F" = 6,
"G" = 7,
"H" = 8,
"I" = 9,
"J" = 10,
"K" = 11,
"L" = 12,
"M" = 13,
"N" = 14,
"O" = 15,
"P" = 16,
"Q" = 17,
"R" = 18,
"S" = 19,
"T" = 20,
"U" = 21,
"V" = 22,
"W" = 23,
"X" = 24,
"Y" = 25,
"Z" = 26
var firstHalf = [];
var secondHalf = [];
var output = [];
var center = 1;
for( var i = 1; i <= values[letter]; i++){
var alpha = structFindValue(values, i, "one")[1].key;
var leftRight = values[letter] - i;
if( i == 1 ){
arrayAppend(firstHalf, generateSpaces( leftRight ) & alpha & generateSpaces( leftRight ) );
arrayAppend(firstHalf, generateSpaces( leftRight ) & alpha & generateSpaces(center) & alpha & generateSpaces( leftRight ) );
center += 2;
for( var i = arrayLen(firstHalf) - 1; i >= 1; i--){
arrayAppend(secondHalf, firstHalf[i]);
for( var i = 1; i <= arrayLen(firstHalf); i++){
arrayAppend(output, firstHalf[i] );
for( var i = 1; i <= arrayLen(secondHalf); i++){
arrayAppend(output, secondHalf[i]);
return output;
} Tags:
Exercise: bobCode/**
* Your implmentation of the Bob exercise
component {
* @returns
//talking forcefully failed
function response( heyBob ) {
tempLL=arrayLen(heyBob.split(' '));
if ((isEmpty(heyBob))||(len(reReplace(heyBob,"[\t\s\r]+",''))==0)){
return "Fine. Be that way!";
}else if ((right(replace(heyBob," ","","ALL"),1)=="?")&&(tempLL<=len(rereplace(heyBob,"[A-Z?]",'',"ALL")))){
return "Sure.";
}else if ((right(replace(heyBob," ","","ALL"),1)=="?")&&(tempLL==len(rereplace(heyBob,"[A-Z]",'',"ALL")))){
return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!";
}else if ((right(replace(heyBob," ","","ALL"),1)=="!")||(tempLL>=len(rereplace(heyBob,"[A-Z!]",'',"ALL")))){
return "Whoa, chill out!";
return "Whatever.";
} Tags:
Exercise: word-countCodecomponent {
* @returns
public struct function countwords( required string sentence ) {
wordStruct = {};
sentence = reReplace(sentence, "[^0-9A-Za-z' ]", "", "all");
sentence = sentence.split(" ");
for( word in sentence ){
if( word != "" ){
var quote = "'";
if(word[1] == quote && word[len(quote)] == quote){
word = replace(word, quote, "", "all");
if( !structKeyExists( wordStruct, word ) ){
wordStruct[word] = 1;
wordStruct[word] += 1;
return wordStruct;
} Tags:
Exercise: anagramCode/**
* Your implmentation of the Anagram exercise
component {
* @word word we want the map of
* @returns a map with all letters of the @word and for each letter, the count
private struct function mapWord(required string word) {
var wordMap = {};
for (var letter in listToArray(arguments.word, "")) {
if (structKeyExists(wordMap, letter)) {
wordMap[letter] += 1;
} else {
wordMap[letter] = 1;
return wordMap;
* @subject word we're looking if the @candidate is an anagrams of
* @candidate candidate of anagram of the @subject
* @returns true if @candidate is an anagram of @subject
private boolean function isAnagram(required string subject, required string candidate) {
if (lCase(arguments.subject) == lCase(arguments.candidate)) {
return false;
var subjectMap = mapWord(arguments.subject);
var candidateMap = mapWord(arguments.candidate);
for (var key in candidateMap) {
if (!structKeyExists(subjectMap, key)) {
return false;
if (subjectMap[key] != candidateMap[key]) {
return false;
return true;
* @subject word we're looking the anagrams of
* @candidates an array of candidates of anagrams of the @subject
* @returns an array of anagrams of one word from an array of candidates
public array function anagrams(required string subject, required array candidates) {
var arrayOfAnagrams = [];
for (var candidate in arguments.candidates) {
if (isAnagram(arguments.subject, candidate)) {
return arrayOfAnagrams;
} Tags:
This is an automated comment Hello 👋 Next week we're going to start using the tagging work people are doing on these. If you've already completed the work, thank you! If you've not, but intend to this week, that's great! If you're not going to get round to doing it, and you've not yet posted a comment letting us know, could you please do so, so that we can find other people to do it. Thanks! |
Hello lovely maintainers 👋
We've recently added "tags" to student's solutions. These express the constructs, paradigms and techniques that a solution uses. We are going to be using these tags for lots of things including filtering, pointing a student to alternative approaches, and much more.
In order to do this, we've built out a full AST-based tagger in C#, which has allowed us to do things like detect recursion or bit shifting. We've set things up so other tracks can do the same for their languages, but its a lot of work, and we've determined that actually it may be unnecessary. Instead we think that we can use machine learning to achieve tagging with good enough results. We've fine-tuned a model that can determine the correct tags for C# from the examples with a high success rate. It's also doing reasonably well in an untrained state for other languages. We think that with only a few examples per language, we can potentially get some quite good results, and that we can then refine things further as we go.
I released a new video on the Insiders page that talks through this in more detail.
We're going to be adding a fully-fledged UI in the coming weeks that allow maintainers and mentors to tag solutions and create training sets for the neural networks, but to start with, we're hoping you would be willing to manually tag 20 solutions for this track. In this post we'll add 20 comments, each with a student's solution, and the tags our model has generated. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to edit the tags on each issue, removing any incorrect ones, and add any that are missing. In order to build one model that performs well across languages, it's best if you stick as closely as possible to the C# tags as you can. Those are listed here. If you want to add extra tags, that's totally fine, but please don't arbitrarily reword existing tags, even if you don't like what Erik's chosen, as it'll just make it less likely that your language gets the correct tags assigned by the neural network.
To summarise - there are two paths forward for this issue:
If you tell us you're not able/wanting to help or there's no comment added, we'll automatically crowd-source this in a week or so.
Finally, if you have questions or want to discuss things, it would be best done on the forum, so the knowledge can be shared across all maintainers in all tracks.
Thanks for your help! 💙
Note: Meta discussion on the forum
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