An application that is external to ExorLive. If you are wondering about the ExorLive API, the partner application is probably YOUR application. It might be a MRM (Member Relation Management) system of a fitness center, a journal system of a clinic or a CRM system of a Personal Trainer. The main user of the partner application is a professional that has records of contacts in the application. The contacts may have their own access to the application as well.
An application for the contacts of the Partner Application. Might be a mobile app or a "My page" on the public website of the Partner Application
The main user of the Partner Application. The professional. Also the person who has a user account with the "instructor" role or "administration" role in ExorLive and who creates exercise programs etc. to his/hers contacts.
The person receiving exercise programs from the instructor and executing the workouts. Is the client, customer or patient of the instructor. The client may receive ExorLive programs and plans in one of the following ways:
A PDF printout
An email with a PDF attachment
In the client version of ExorLive called “ExorLive Go”
Some third party client app communicating with ExorLive through the API
Our main product. The instructor may browse exercises and browse and create exercise programs, workout plans etc. These exercise data may be assigned to contacts.
Our HTML5 based product tailored for running in mobile browsers. The intended user is the contact.
- - Our authentication server doing OAuth2.0 stuff.
- - Our company's main webpage.
- - ExorLive Go.
- - The main ExorLive application, for instructors.
- - The site of this documentation.