To use this API, all calls must be authenticated, i.e. a token in the header must be present. The API to do this authentication is found here: ExorLive OAuth 2.0 Authentication.
All calls should have these headers: "ExorLive-Client": "client named to be agreed upon with ExorLive AS." "Authorization": "Bearer accesstoken"
The base URL for all these methods is:
- Methods for creating an end user client.
- Look up available workouts.
- Browse this users activities, including the exercises within activities.
- Create new activities based on available workouts.
- Modify details of activities and their exercises.
- Store execution of activities and exercises.
- Look up available training plans, called "plan templates", and assign them to a users training calender.
Hence, a typical application to use this API is an application for the end user to view his/her training and to record new training sessions. Similar to the mobile application called "ExorLive Go".
The general methods are found here.
Methods for the Plan template API are found here.
A demo-application written in Javascript is found here:
To use this demo, make sure to be logged in to ExorLive in another tab/window.
Methods for creating and looking up users are found here.
Methods for downloading workouts assigned to clients/contacts. Download PDF and link of the workouts and store these in the our own system. The Workout Exporter API is documented here.
A comprehensive code sample may be downloaded here. It shows the authentication and backend methods, amoung other things. It is well commented code and has more details than found on this webpage.
The older version of our API can be found here
It's also possible to use our web-to-web solution, but this variant is deprecated and is going to be phased out eventually.