First of all definitely use typescript autocompletion while writing frida scripts. It helps a lot.
NativePointer is a pointer type of frida. You can create NativePointer with NativePointer("0x7fffabc0") or short-hand ptr("0x7fffabc0"). Most of the time function arguments/return values will be pointer and you will be using NativePointer type.
You can add/sub/and/or/xor to pointer address :
const libmb = ptr("0x7fffabc0")
let libmb_a = libmb.add(0x5) //0x7fffabc5
You can read/write from NativePointer.There are several different functions to do that and you can combine them. Most important ones:
p.readByteArray[0x10],p.readPointer(), p.readInt(), p.readFloat(), p.readCString(), p.readAnsiString()
p.writeInt(0x13), p.writeFloat(0.13), p.writeByteArray[0x13,0x37], p.writePointer(ptr("0x7fffabc0"))
Lets say you are playing with class of loginRequest and know the offsets of class members. If you got the instance of class, you can easily read structure:
let loginReqStruct = args[0]
const loginReq = {
nameptr: loginReqStruct.add(0x11).readCString(),
uid: loginReqStruct.add(0x28).readInt(),
country: loginReqStruct.add(0x61).readCString(),
isguest: loginReqStruct.add(0x48).readCString(), // "1","0"
isfacebook: loginReqStruct.add(0x78).readByteArray(1),
secret: loginReqStruct.add(0x58).readPointer().readCString(),
devicetoken: loginReqStruct.add(0x98).readPointer().readCString()
If your binary have function exports (cocos2d games) you could get function offsets by:
const tostyledstring = Module.getExportByName(libname,'_ZNK4Json5Value14toStyledStringEv')
If your binary does not have function exports (unity games) you could get function offsets by:
const libm = Process.getModuleByName("");
const libmb = libmodule.base;
const has_enough_chips = libmb.add(0x109474)
If you want to call function from library you need to create NativeFunction. First parameter is ptr to function address. Second paramater is return value type, third is array of types that function takes as argument.
If function is exported:
var login_serialize = NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName("",'_ZNK12LoginRequest9serializeERN4Json5ValueE'), 'int', ["pointer"]);
If function is not exported:
var login_serialize = NativeFunction(libil2cppb.add(0x109474), 'int', ["pointer"]);
If you want to intercept function call and change/read/write to function arguments you will be using Interceptor.
let forceSkipFnc = new NativeFunction(libil2cppb.add(0x006A8490),['void'],['pointer'])
const MeetingHudUpdate = libil2cppb.add(0x006A7AF0);
Interceptor.attach(MeetingHudUpdate, {
onEnter: function (args) {
this.p = args[0]
args[0] = 1337
args[0] = ptr("0x7fffabc0")
onLeave: function (retval) {
patch code:
var armW = new Arm64Writer(code,{pc:libil2cppb.add(0x6C5B98)})
If you want to change/read things after function returns use this
to store onEnter and change onLeave
Interceptor.attach(MeetingHudUpdate, {
onEnter: function (args) {
this.p = args[0]
onLeave: function (retval) {
Mem dump :
hexdump(address, {
offset: 0,
length: 200,
header: true,
ansi: true,
Backtrace with symbols:
console.log(Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n');
Dump cpu context (registers):
Change CpuContext (to get arm registers):
let mycntx = <Arm64CpuContext>this.context
replace function
Interceptor.replace(ptr(0x400c55), new NativeCallback(function (p,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) {
return 1
}, 'int', ['pointer','pointer','pointer','pointer','pointer','pointer','pointer']));
search memory
var ranges = Process.enumerateRanges({protection: 'r--',coalesce:true});
var range;
console.log("start scanning")
function processNext(){
range = ranges.pop();
Memory.scan(range.base, range.size, "66 72 69 65 6e 64 43 6f 75 6e 74", {
onMatch: function(address, size){
//console.log("module base ",address)
console.log('[+] Pattern found at: ' + address.toString());
console.log(hexdump(address, {
offset: 0,
length: 300,
header: true,
ansi: true
onError: function(reason){
console.log('[!] err ',reason);
onComplete: function(){