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ReZero ResNet Unofficial Pytorch Implementation.

Trained a couple of nets for (fun) comparisons, using identical hyperparams and early stopping on validation accuracy plateau schedule.
All experiments can be reproduced with the code from this repo using the default hyperparameters defined in src/

Check out the ReZero paper by the authors:
Neat idea which seems to improve ResNet convergence speed, especially at the beggining of training (see figures).

ReZero ResNet vs. ResNet on CIFAR-10:

Model # params runtime epochs Valid error (%) Test error (%)
ResNet-20 272,474 70m3s 398 7.63 7.98
ResNet-56 855,770 127m41s 281 6.04 6.44
ResNet-110 1,730,768 240m53s 313 6 6.39
ReZero ResNet-20 272,483 63m9s 327 7.44 7.94
ReZero ResNet-56 855,797 134m44s 303 6.31 6.55
ReZero ResNet-110 1,730,714 301m19s 410 5.84 5.88

Loss & Error curves:




This repo vs. original ResNet paper:

Model (paper) Test error (%) (this repo) Test error (%)
ResNet-20 8.75 7.98
ResNet-56 6.97 6.44
ResNet-110 6.43 6.39


You can launch Distributed training from src/ using:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env

This will train on a single machine (nnodes=1), assigning 1 process per GPU where nproc_per_node=2 refers to training on 2 GPUs. To train on N GPUs simply launch N processes by setting nproc_per_node=N.

The number of CPU threads to use per process is hard coded to torch.set_num_threads(1) for safety, and can be changed to your # cpu threads / nproc_per_node for better performance.

For more info on multi-node and multi-gpu distributed training refer to

To train normally using nn.DataParallel or using the CPU:

python --no_distributed