- Install KumbiaPHP
- My first app with KumbiaPHP
- CRUD - Intro - database.ini configuration - Model - Controller - Views - CRUD test
- Controller
- View
- Sending data to the View
- Output buffer
- Template
- Partial
- Grouping in directories
- Response types
- Cache usage in views
- Helpers
- Html class
- Html::img()
- Html::link()
- Html::lists()
- Html::gravatar()
- Html::includeCss()
- Html::meta()
- Html::includeMetatags()
- Html::headLink()
- HTML::headLinkAction()
- Html::headLinkResource()
- Html::includeHeadLinks()
- Tag Class
- Tag::css()
- Tag::js()
- Including a JavaScript file to a view, partial or template
- Form Class
- Form::open()
- Form::openMultipart()
- Form::close()
- Form::input()
- Form::text()
- Form::pass()
- Form::textarea()
- Form::label()
- Form::hidden()
- Form::dbSelect()
- Form::select()
- Form::file()
- Form::button()
- Form::submitImage()
- Form::submit()
- Form::reset()
- Form::check()
- Form::radio()
- Js
- Js::link ()
- Js::linkAction ()
- Js::submit ()
- Js::submitImage ()
- Ajax
- Ajax::link()
- Ajax::linkAction()
- Html class
- Models
- ActiveRecord - Adavantages of the ActiveRecord - Create a model in Kumbia PHP Framework - Columns y Attributes - Primary keys and the use of IDs - Conventions in ActiveRecord - ActiveRecord API - Querys - distinct () - find_all_by_sql (string $sql) - find_by_sql (string $sql) - find_first (string $sql) - find () - select_one(string $select_query) - select_one(string $select_query) (static) - exists() - find_all_by() - find_by_campo() - find_all_by_campo() - Counts y summations - count() - sum() - count_by_sql() - Averages, maximum and minimum - average() - maximum() - minimum() - Create, update and detelete of records - create() - save() - update() - update_all() - delete() - delete_all() - Validations - validates_presence_of() - validates_length_of() - validates_numericality_of() - validates_email_in() - validates_uniqueness_of() - validates_date_in() - validates_format_of() - Transacctions - commit() - begin() - rollback() - Others methods
- sql - Callbacks
- before_validation - before_validation_on_create - before_validation_on_update - after_validation_on_create - after_validation_on_update - after_validation - before_save - before_update - before_create - after_update - after_create - after_save - before_delete - after_delete - Asociations
- Belongs (belongs_to) - Has one (has_one) - Has many (has_many) - It has and belongs to many (has_and_belongs_to_many) - Pagers - paginate() - paginate_by_sql() - Paging in ActiveRecord - Complete example of pager usage
- Parent classes
- Libs of KumbiaPHP
- Cache
- Logger
- Logger::warning ($msg);
- Logger::error ($msg)
- Logger::debug ($msg)
- Logger::alert ($msg)
- Logger::critical ($msg)
- Logger::notice ($msg)
- Logger::info ($msg)
- Logger::emergence ($msg)
- Logger::custom ($type='CUSTOM', $msg)
- Flash
- Flash::error($text)
- Flash::valid($text)
- Flash::info($text)
- Flash::warning($text)
- Flash::show($name, $text)
- Session
- Session::set($index, $value, $namespace='default')
- Session::get($index, $namespace='default')
- Session::delete($index, $namespace='default')
- Session::has($index, $namespace='default')
- Load
- Load::coreLib($lib)
- Load::lib($lib)
- Load::model($model)
- Auth2
- The console
- Introduction
- How to use the console
- KumbiaPHP consoles
- Cache
- Clean the cache.
- Sequential arguments:
- Named arguments:
- Example:
- php ../../core/console/kumbia.php cache clean
- Model
- Controller
- Developing your consoles
- Console::input
- Appendices
- Integration of jQuery and KumbiaPHP
- Application in production
- Partials of paging
- Auth
- Beta1 to Beta2
- Deprecated
- Methods and classes that were used in previous versions and still work
- List of changes between versions: If don't specify beta1 is that it is compatible in both cases
- Change on routes between versions:
- 0.5 => 1.0 beta1
- 1.0 beta1 => 1.0 beta2