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Block Cache

yiwu-arbug edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 35 revisions

Blocks of block-based table are cached in memory in a sharded LRU cache. By default the highest kNumShardBits (which is 4) of hash of keys is used as shard id, so there will be 2^kNumShardBits shards. Capacity is split evenly to each of the shards. Each shard maintains its own hash table for lookup and a linked-list of cached blocks for eviction. Operations on a shard need to lock the whole shard. As a result, shards with hot blocks (such as index blocks and filter blocks) can have lock contention.

See also: Memory-usage-in-RocksDB


To use block cache, call NewLRUCache() and set the result to BlockBasedTableOptions.block_cache. Example:

BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
table_options.block_cache = NewLRUCache(capacity, num_shard_bits);
Options options;
options.table_factory.reset(new BlockBasedTableFactory(table_options));

If BlockBasedTableOptions.block_cache is null, a default 8MB cache will be used. To disable block cache, set BlockBasedTableOptions.no_block_cache to true.

Block cache stores uncompressed block contents. Optionally, you can have a second layer block cache which stores compressed block content. It can be enable via BlockBasedTableOptions.compressed_block_cache.

By default insert to block cache will success even when the cache reaches its capacity and no blocks can be evicted from it. To enforce a strict capacity, call NewLRUCache() with a third parameter equal to true:

block_cache = NewLRUCache(capacity, num_shard_bits, true/*strict_capacity_limit*/);

There are two more options to control whether to cache index blocks and filter blocks:

  • BlockBasedTableOptions.cache_index_and_filter_blocks: Cache index blocks and filter blocks in block cache. Defaults to false, where index and filter blocks will be pre-loaded by BlockBasedTableReader and stored separately from block cache.

  • BlockBasedTableOptions.pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache: For L0 block based tables, avoid index blocks and filter blocks being swap out of block cache. Instead, BlockBasedTableReader holds a reference of these blocks, and further access will not hit block cache. This option can help reduce lock contention on block cache.


A list of block cache counters can be accessed through Options.statistics if it is non-null.

// total block cache misses
//                               BLOCK_CACHE_FILTER_MISS +
//                               BLOCK_CACHE_DATA_MISS;
// total block cache hit
//                              BLOCK_CACHE_FILTER_HIT +
//                              BLOCK_CACHE_DATA_HIT;
// # of blocks added to block cache.
// # of failures when adding blocks to block cache.
// # of times cache miss when accessing index block from block cache.
// # of times cache hit when accessing index block from block cache.
// # of times cache miss when accessing filter block from block cache.
// # of times cache hit when accessing filter block from block cache.
// # of times cache miss when accessing data block from block cache.
// # of times cache hit when accessing data block from block cache.
// # of bytes read from cache.
// # of bytes written into cache.


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