King Practise Test
Search between different games and add them to your portfolio!
- Resposive design
- Unit testing with Jest & Enzyme
- Functional testing with Nightwatch
- Bundle JS - CSS (Transpile ES6 and JSX to ES5)
- Minify CSS - JS - Images
- Autoprefix styles for different browsers
- Lint JS with eslint
- Live reload for development (nodemon)
- Unit testing with Jest and Enzyme
- Sort / Filter / Pagination (only load page images) / Loading
- 404 page
All pages passed the validations without warnings
See results:
Things I would have loved to do, but I couldn't for lack of time:
- Deploy in demo server and provide public url.
- Add Redux for state handling.
- Add more functional tests.
- Handle incorrect Ids in the App.
- Generate different bundles in development (with sourcemaps, not minified, etc).
Node: v8.9.2
npm install
npm run start
npm run start:dev
npm run watch
npm run test:unit
npm run start:test
Attention: This required JAVA 8 installed with JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
npm run test:e2e
Made from Córdoba, Argentina 😃
Facundo Allemand
[email protected]