RotaForm3 is the 3D graph.
It is disabled by default but can be switched on by removing the dot from the conditional define.
{.$define WantRotaForm3}
Federgraph wants RotaForm3 with Ortho.
Search in all files belonging to the project for define WantRotaForm3 and remove or add the dot. You should find it in two locations:
- in unit App\FrmMain.pas
- in unit Graph3\RiggVar.RG.Rota.pasS
If you are running without the 3D Graph, then you can remove all units in folder Graph3 from the project. I have added them to the project so that you can browse the code in the IDE.
Three improvement opportunities have been identified:
- A device capabilities check before the main form loads - it needs RSP-18853.
- Using the OnResizeEnd event for the Windows platform - it needs RSP-18851.
- Introducing the orthographic projection - it needs access to the projection matrix.
( I know that it can be achieved with 10.2 Pro. )
As I said in RG38 is a full featured version of the app.
It is expected that lighter versions will be derived by removing code.
It is easier to remove code than to add code.
For example: You could build an application with RotaForm3 as the only view and remove all code for RotaForm2 and RotaForm1.
Where should special versions be located, in permanent branches?